05:30:03 <vishal_vvr> #startmeeting i18n 05:30:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 12 05:30:03 2021 UTC. 05:30:03 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:30:03 <zodbot> The chair is vishal_vvr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:30:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:30:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:11 <vishal_vvr> #meetingname i18n 05:30:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:17 <vishal_vvr> #topic agenda and roll call 05:30:25 <vishal_vvr> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2021-01-12 05:30:25 <mfabian__> ☺ 05:30:26 <copperi> .hello 05:30:26 <zodbot> copperi: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 05:30:32 <suanand> hi .. 05:30:45 <petersen> .hello2 05:30:46 <zodbot> petersen: petersen 'Jens Petersen' <petersen@redhat.com> 05:30:56 <copperi> .hello2 05:30:57 <zodbot> copperi: copperi 'Jan Kuparinen' <copper_fin@hotmail.com> 05:31:26 <vishal_vvr> #chair mfabian__ suanand petersen copperi 05:31:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: copperi mfabian__ petersen suanand vishal_vvr 05:31:28 <epico> hi 05:32:33 <x3mboy> .hello2 05:32:34 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 05:32:46 <paragan> hi 05:32:55 <x3mboy> Hi o/ 05:33:03 <vishal_vvr> #chair epico paragan x3mboy 05:33:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: copperi epico mfabian__ paragan petersen suanand vishal_vvr x3mboy 05:33:08 <priyam> Hi 05:33:16 <vishal_vvr> #chair priyam 05:33:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: copperi epico mfabian__ paragan petersen priyam suanand vishal_vvr x3mboy 05:33:27 <vishal_vvr> Happy New Year Everyone and Welcome to our first meeting in 2021 :) 05:33:52 <petersen> Happy New Year 05:34:02 <priyam> Happy New Year :) 05:34:07 <epico> Happy New Year 05:34:21 <vishal_vvr> Okay then lets start with today's meeting 05:34:48 <vishal_vvr> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:34:56 <vishal_vvr> #info 2021-01-19 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Self Contained Changes) 05:35:08 <vishal_vvr> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-34/f-34-key-tasks.html 05:35:40 <vishal_vvr> anyone has any upcoming schedule to be mentioned here? 05:36:05 <petersen> Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) Tue 2021-02-09 05:37:43 <vishal_vvr> okay, let's move onto the next topic in the agenda 05:38:01 <vishal_vvr> #topic issues 05:38:11 <vishal_vvr> #info #128: Fedora 34 i18n test day 05:38:16 <vishal_vvr> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/128 05:38:45 <paragan> 23rd Feb 2021 is Beta Freeze date 05:38:46 <paragan> 16th Mar 2021 is Beta release date 05:38:46 <paragan> Proposing 9th March as i18n test day 05:39:05 <x3mboy> Agreed 05:39:17 <x3mboy> I agree, I mean 05:39:30 <vishal_vvr> paragan +1 05:39:32 <petersen> Yeah sounds good to me 05:39:42 <priyam> paragan +1 05:40:25 <paragan> Okay, lets mark 9th March as i18n test day 05:41:08 <vishal_vvr> Thank you all for confirming the date for i18n test day 05:41:40 <vishal_vvr> let's move onto the next ticket 05:41:54 <vishal_vvr> #info #125: fix/backport xorg-x11-font-utils fonttosfnt for OpenType Bitmap fixes 05:42:00 <vishal_vvr> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/125 05:42:41 <vishal_vvr> epico, would you like to share any update on this ? 05:43:25 <epico> only terminus-fonts rebuild is remained. 05:43:48 <epico> already create pull request for terminus-fonts. 05:44:47 <vishal_vvr> Thanks epico for the update 05:44:56 <petersen> Thanks 05:45:06 <epico> Welcome 05:45:25 <vishal_vvr> moving onto next ticket 05:45:32 <vishal_vvr> #info #127: Fedora 32 Bug triaging 05:45:38 <vishal_vvr> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/127 05:45:59 <vishal_vvr> We have 43 active bug reported against fedora 32 for our i18n components. 05:46:15 <vishal_vvr> Please keep working on the bug fixes and keep triaging them. 05:46:25 <priyam> I have created slots for bug triage.Anyone can choose their slot if they want to triage bug for fedora 32. 05:46:26 <priyam> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/F32_I18N_Bug_Triage 05:48:34 <petersen> I just want to suggest please also try to triage your own bugs first 05:49:02 <vishal_vvr> petersen +1 05:50:55 <vishal_vvr> thanks priyam for create the wiki page 05:51:32 <vishal_vvr> moving onto next ticket 05:51:45 <vishal_vvr> #info #126: Tracker for Fedora 34 Changes 05:51:51 <vishal_vvr> link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/126 05:51:58 <vishal_vvr> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/126 05:52:45 <vishal_vvr> until now 2 changes have proposed 05:53:18 <petersen> mfabian__: can you add your Changes to the tracker, please? 05:54:23 <mfabian__> petersen: Adding ... 05:54:30 <petersen> Thank you 05:54:47 <vishal_vvr> Anything else to be discussed in this ticket? 05:56:04 <vishal_vvr> Thank you mfabian__ and petersen for the input 05:57:06 <vishal_vvr> we have completed all the tickets from the agenda items, so let's move onto open floor discussion 05:57:15 <vishal_vvr> #topic Open Floor 06:00:07 <petersen> Ah I had one topic: I was wondering if we could consider moving this meeting to Mondays instead? 06:00:28 <vishal_vvr> Let's close the meeting if nothing more to discuss 06:00:50 <vishal_vvr> sorry petersen, go ahead 06:00:55 <mfabian__> Monday is fine with me. 06:01:07 <copperi> Monday is fine 06:01:25 <epico> Monday is fine with me. 06:01:32 <petersen> Cool, anyone not like Monday? 06:02:07 <vishal_vvr> Monday is fine 06:02:11 <petersen> Should I create a ticket just to cover this? I had forgotten to 06:02:28 <petersen> Anyway I guess the main action would be to update the Fedora calendar 06:02:36 <petersen> And wiki 06:03:11 <paragan> I will update the calender 06:03:18 <petersen> Thank you! 06:03:33 <petersen> I can update the wiki once that's done 06:03:35 <paragan> next meeting will be on 25th Jan 06:04:03 <petersen> Thanks! 06:04:43 <vishal_vvr> Thanks paragan and petersen :) 06:07:03 <vishal_vvr> Let's close the meeting if nothing more to discuss 06:07:17 <vishal_vvr> Thank you all for joining this meeting 06:07:24 <petersen> Thanks vishal_vvr 06:07:24 <vishal_vvr> #endmeeting