05:30:23 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 05:30:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 13 05:30:23 2022 UTC. 05:30:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:30:23 <zodbot> The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 05:30:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:30:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:23 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 05:30:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:23 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 05:30:23 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2022-06-13 05:31:04 <suanand> hello 05:31:09 <pwu> hi 05:32:11 <JensPetersen[m]> hi 05:32:19 <mfabian__> ☺ 05:32:54 <priyam_> hi 05:32:54 <paragan> #chair suanand pwu JensPetersen[m] mfabian__ 05:32:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: JensPetersen[m] mfabian__ paragan pwu suanand 05:33:56 <paragan> #chair priyam_ 05:33:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: JensPetersen[m] mfabian__ paragan priyam_ pwu suanand 05:34:09 <paragan> Let's start this meeting 05:34:15 <JensPetersen[m]> #chair sshil 05:34:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: JensPetersen[m] mfabian__ paragan priyam_ pwu sshil suanand 05:34:49 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:35:07 <paragan> #info 2022-06-22 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Changes requiring infrastructure changes) 05:35:07 <paragan> #info 2022-06-28 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Changes requiring mass rebuild) 05:35:08 <paragan> #info 2022-06-28 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 05:35:41 <paragan> Change proposal deadlines for System Wide Change is by this month end 05:35:58 <JensPetersen[m]> Only 2 weeks left for that 05:36:13 <paragan> if anyone want to submit please do so now 05:37:17 <paragan> anything to discuss here? 05:37:17 <JensPetersen[m]> Do we have a separate topic about Changes? 05:37:24 <paragan> we do 05:37:32 <JensPetersen[m]> ah yes thanks 05:37:38 <JensPetersen[m]> at the end 05:37:53 <paragan> yes 05:38:13 <paragan> moving to our issues discussion 05:38:27 <paragan> #topic Issues 05:38:38 <paragan> #info #158: State of i18n and l10n in Workstation (petersen) 05:38:38 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/158 05:39:09 <paragan> Can this be closed? 05:40:02 <JensPetersen[m]> Hmm that is one option - I was about to ask what should we do with this ticket 05:40:23 <JensPetersen[m]> Maybe some of it should be broken down into smaller tickets somewhere 05:41:01 <paragan> yes we can have new tickets from that discussion 05:41:05 <JensPetersen[m]> (Maybe we should have some meeting or "notmeeting" tag too?) 05:41:38 <JensPetersen[m]> We need some time to break it down though - maybe a separate meeting 05:41:50 <paragan> Ok. Will check with Akira if its implemented in our meeting agenda script 05:41:59 <paragan> nod 05:43:22 <paragan> we will set separate meeting and have discussion 05:43:26 <suanand> hi sshil 05:43:29 <paragan> anything else to discuss for this ticket? 05:44:30 <paragan> moving to next issue 05:44:39 <paragan> #info #159: use weak deps to install ibus immodules etc (petersen) 05:44:40 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/159 05:44:45 <sshil> Hello 05:45:00 <paragan> sshil, Hi 05:45:41 <paragan> I guess no update here 05:46:09 <JensPetersen[m]> Right also #nomeeting :) 05:46:23 <JensPetersen[m]> Haven't moved it any further 05:46:27 <paragan> Ok there is no PR against gtk3 05:46:47 <JensPetersen[m]> Not yet right - let me try before next meeting 05:47:11 <JensPetersen[m]> But gtk3 is less serious until gtk4 is default/only gtk 05:47:39 <paragan> Okay 05:47:42 <JensPetersen[m]> Might still be more meaningful for some other desktops perhaps 05:48:23 <JensPetersen[m]> * more meaningful now for some 05:50:32 <tagoh[m]> Hi 05:50:42 <JensPetersen[m]> Let's move on 05:51:24 <paragan> Ok 05:51:54 <paragan> #info #161: add QA testcase for OS upgrade testing (pnemade) 05:51:54 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/161 05:52:02 <paragan> there is no update on this yet 05:52:47 <paragan> moving to next issue 05:52:55 <paragan> #info #162: track Fonts component bugs (petersen) 05:52:56 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/162 05:53:04 <paragan> checking if we have any new bug to discuss here 05:54:05 <paragan> ok there is nothing to discuss here as well 05:54:10 <paragan> moving to next issue 05:54:18 <paragan> #info #163: create a wiki page table of Emoji input support across desktop/toolkits (petersen) 05:54:18 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/163 05:54:32 <JensPetersen[m]> Wait can we help to files bugs for the second Fonts bug? 05:55:58 <JensPetersen[m]> Well a comment to that effect in the Fonts ticket 05:56:32 <JensPetersen[m]> #163 has no progress I am afraid - hopefully to start our work on it soon 05:56:57 <JensPetersen[m]> s/a/added/ 05:57:30 <tagoh[m]> firefox one? 05:57:41 <JensPetersen[m]> Right 05:58:13 <JensPetersen[m]> Maybe addressing Droid comes first 05:59:57 <tagoh[m]> let's clone it and reassign one to droid and another one to urw-base35-fonts. 06:00:23 <JensPetersen[m]> That sounds good, thanks! 06:00:58 <JensPetersen[m]> Will you? :) 06:01:05 <tagoh[m]> Sure 06:01:52 <paragan> thanks let's move to next issue 06:03:00 <paragan> #info #164: document our default and optional fonts choices (tagoh) 06:03:00 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/164 06:03:35 <paragan> any update here? 06:03:56 <JensPetersen[m]> Probably the next ticket :) 06:04:29 <paragan> Ok Sure 06:04:40 <tagoh[m]> yes, please. 06:04:59 <paragan> next issue 06:05:00 <paragan> #info #166: Review new fonts table (tagoh) 06:05:00 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/166 06:06:00 <paragan> A review has been requested on this generated output https://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/status/36-diff.html 06:06:13 <paragan> do review it and if needed fix the required things 06:06:16 <JensPetersen[m]> (Maybe better to revisit #164 nearer F37 now?) 06:06:25 <tagoh[m]> Yep, I created tables as you can see them on the ticket. we need to review them if we want to use it as a reference because it is just reflected the actual current result on f36. 06:07:08 <tagoh[m]> which would not necessarily means the ideal result for us. 06:07:44 <JensPetersen[m]> I think the diff is between all langpacks fonts and all Fedora fonts installed? 06:07:54 <tagoh[m]> Yes 06:08:30 <JensPetersen[m]> Again the Droid font stands out badly 06:09:01 <JensPetersen[m]> I think it would be useful to also have results for Workstation default fonts 06:10:01 <tagoh[m]> Aha 06:12:17 <paragan> anything else here to discuss? 06:12:27 <JensPetersen[m]> All fedora fonts is probably a bit extreme :) 06:13:12 <JensPetersen[m]> tagoh: good to mention your fontquery tool here? 06:14:52 <tagoh[m]> Well, there are small text as the credit in those html though, those table was generated from small tool, fontquery right. https://github.com/fedora-i18n/fontquery 06:15:02 <JensPetersen[m]> Nice 06:16:20 <paragan> 👍 06:17:33 <tagoh[m]> just created a comparison table between langpacks and comps too: https://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/status/36-diff-langpacks-comps.html 06:18:16 <JensPetersen[m]> Great 06:18:45 <paragan> Good 06:19:17 <tagoh[m]> I think some results may be expected thing because we intentionally dropped serif fonts for some languages. but others may not. 06:21:39 <tagoh[m]> Anyway, if you can have time to take a look at it a little and put a comment on the ticket as a feedback, that would be appreciated. 06:21:45 <paragan> we need to sync all these 3 places 06:22:47 <tagoh[m]> Eventually, yes. 06:24:09 <paragan> Ok anything else? 06:24:17 <tagoh[m]> there may be more fonts we may need to fix because more fonts packages might be behind font packages appears at the comparison table between langpacks and all. 06:25:12 <tagoh[m]> We may need to revisit updating table some time perhaps. 06:25:27 <paragan> right 06:25:58 <tagoh[m]> That's it so far. thanks! 06:26:11 <paragan> tagoh[m], thank you for this update 06:26:15 <paragan> tagoh++ 06:26:33 <paragan> next issue 06:26:41 <paragan> #info #167: Tracker for Fedora 37 Changes (pnemade) 06:26:41 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/167 06:27:56 <paragan> as noted in this issue description, let's collect Changes information in this issue and then close this and create new per Change issues 06:28:15 <JensPetersen[m]> Let's discuss potential System Wide Changes 06:28:34 <paragan> anyone already submitted or will be submitting Change for F37, add your Change link in this issue 06:29:37 <JensPetersen[m]> suanand: I think the gettext-runtime Change is (almost) ready? 06:29:57 <JensPetersen[m]> I have a number of ideas though time is getting short... 06:30:16 <JensPetersen[m]> - put langpacks-something in @fonts, etc 06:30:42 <JensPetersen[m]> - test Noto for Indic in Rawhide with an early Test Day 06:31:11 <JensPetersen[m]> What else is possible? 06:31:24 <JensPetersen[m]> - Adding more Noto default coverage 06:32:48 <paragan> anyone else have any plans for Change submission? 06:32:49 <JensPetersen[m]> Also any Self-Contained Changes? 06:33:18 <JensPetersen[m]> pwu: ibus-libpinyin? 06:33:33 <pwu> JensPetersen[m]: Yes 06:33:44 <pwu> I think I can write one change page for ibus-libpinyin. 06:33:56 <JensPetersen[m]> Good 06:35:16 <mfabian> Should I add one for “improvements in ibus-typing-booster”? 06:36:08 <JensPetersen[m]> mfabian: maybe a version number if it is not specific feature ? 06:36:54 <mfabian> Good idea maybe, I don’t have anything big, just many small improvements ... 06:39:53 <paragan> anything more to discuss here? 06:41:06 <paragan> let's move to next issue 06:41:14 <paragan> #info #168: Fedora 35 Bug triaging (pnemade) 06:41:14 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/168 06:42:01 <paragan> we got some bugs against F35 that we should triage and if needed fix in F35 06:42:10 <paragan> do have a look at it 06:42:20 <paragan> and triage accordingly 06:43:44 <paragan> moving to next topic 06:43:51 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 06:43:56 <paragan> anything to discuss here? 06:45:05 <paragan> if not then we can stop here :) 06:45:23 <paragan> thank you all who joined this meeting 06:45:27 <paragan> #endmeeting