20:03:18 <pcalarco> #startmeeting Fedora Insight 20:03:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 6 20:03:18 2011 UTC. The chair is pcalarco. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:03:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:03:30 <pcalarco> #chair asrob 20:03:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob pcalarco 20:03:55 <pcalarco> #topic Fedora Insight: rollcall 20:04:29 <pcalarco> #meetingname Insight 20:04:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'insight' 20:04:58 <pcalarco> is here 20:05:39 * asrob is here as well 20:05:48 <pcalarco> I see stickster in the room, but he may be busy 20:05:57 * stickster here! 20:06:09 <stickster> sorry, was replying to an urgent $DAYJOB thingie 20:06:10 <pcalarco> stickster: Hi! 20:06:19 <stickster> Hi pcalarco, asrob :-) 20:06:20 <pcalarco> yep, no problem 20:06:27 <pcalarco> #chair stickster 20:06:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob pcalarco stickster 20:06:27 <asrob> stickster, hi :) 20:06:53 <pcalarco> nirik is in the room too, he may join us as he is able 20:07:08 <pcalarco> so, review of last week's items 20:07:08 <stickster> Great 20:07:11 * nirik is around, but as usually busy. ;) 20:07:19 <stickster> Always busy! 20:07:20 <pcalarco> #topic Review last week's action items 20:07:32 <stickster> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-08-30/insight.2011-08-30-20.00.html 20:07:45 <pcalarco> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-08-30/insight.2011-08-30-20.00.html 20:07:49 <stickster> Heh 20:07:51 <pcalarco> whoops :0 20:07:54 <stickster> #undo 20:07:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x17ad8c8c> 20:08:04 <stickster> No worries, I skunked you silently pcalarco :-) 20:08:16 <pcalarco> ty :) 20:08:17 * stickster has done a fairly successful D7 port of the authfas module 20:08:20 <stickster> oops 20:08:25 <stickster> #info stickster has done a fairly successful D7 port of the authfas module 20:09:14 <stickster> A couple remaining issues: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=drupal6-authfas.git;a=blob;f=TODO.txt;h=df523fa72bf725b0312b017d09884f2f1599a054;hb=d7work 20:09:45 <pcalarco> great, thanks for that link 20:10:03 <pcalarco> anything to report on Finish setting up pull of fedora-insight-features on stg and prod hosts 20:10:05 <stickster> #info stickster still needs to set up feature pulls, only reason he hasn't is because he ran into a local issue on his system during his appointed time 20:10:14 <stickster> #action stickster Finish setting up pull of fedora-insight-features on stg and prod hosts (30 min for stg, 4 hrs for prod) 20:10:45 <stickster> And we can take up the issue with the D7 exemplar after this #topic if you guys like 20:10:45 <pcalarco> great, ok 20:10:51 * asrob will help stickster in porting 20:11:35 <pcalarco> any other items to update on before we hit D7 exemplar? 20:11:58 <asrob> nothing 20:11:59 <stickster> - 20:12:06 <pcalarco> #topic Drupal 7 exemplars 20:12:36 <stickster> So asrob was looking to get a D7 host running so he could test migration and see if it's possible for us to move without significant pain to D7 20:13:10 <stickster> asrob: I posted to the list earlier about this. Having D7 and D6 live on the same host, as you know, isn't impossible. But it's a little more difficult for us given the way we set up D6 in puppet. 20:13:20 <asrob> yep, I read it 20:13:48 <stickster> So it would be best if we could get smooge or nirik or someone to set up an insight02.dev box for us. I would assume that starts with us filing a request ticket in the fedora-infrastructure Trac. 20:14:15 <nirik> we could... might take some shuffling as the site we usually make the dev machines is pretty full... 20:14:21 <nirik> but yeah, a ticket would be good. 20:15:07 <stickster> asrob: OK, since you're the guy who knows the most about this migration effort, can you take the action of filing the ticket and following up with the Infra team as it goes? 20:15:55 <asrob> stickster, you mean, we migrate our d6 instance to d7? 20:16:26 <stickster> asrob: The ticket is only to request an insight02.dev.fp.o host so we can install D7 there for you to work with 20:16:55 <asrob> ah, yes, okay 20:16:56 <stickster> asrob: In actuality most of the testing you should be able to do locally, since we already have backup_migrate for the data and you can simply test on a local sandbox 20:17:07 <asrob> ++ 20:17:40 <asrob> can I use action command? 20:17:47 <stickster> asrob: Of course! 20:17:49 <stickster> :-) 20:18:01 <pcalarco> :) 20:18:08 <stickster> The insight02.dev host gives us a way to make sure our puppetization works properly, and allows us to fiddle with the theme and so forth as we tweak 20:18:54 <asrob> #action asrob will be filling an item for migrating, requesting an insight02.dev.fp.o host 20:19:25 <jsmith> stickster: Mind if I chime in with a D7 topic? 20:19:55 <pcalarco> #chair jsmith nirik 20:19:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob jsmith nirik pcalarco stickster 20:20:05 <stickster> jsmith: go for it 20:20:36 <jsmith> So, I've been running Drupal 7 packages on my own servers, and noticed a lot of apache threads exiting unexpectedly 20:21:03 <jsmith> I haven't tracked down the cause yet, but there seems to be something "wonky" in the php53 packages (which drupal7 depends on) 20:21:16 <jsmith> Just thought I'd give you a heads up, in case you see the same thing 20:21:21 <jsmith> eof 20:21:21 <stickster> jsmith: Those are EPEL 5 running hosts? 20:21:34 <jsmith> stickster: Yes, that's correct. 20:21:59 <jsmith> stickster: EPEL 5 + php53-* + drupal7 + postgresql 20:22:00 <stickster> jsmith: I think we're running on RHEL 6 so we're using a newer htpd 20:22:02 <asrob> jsmith, you can use php 5.2.6 or later as well, see drupal 7 minimum requirements, but thank you for the notice ;) 20:22:03 <stickster> oops, httpd 20:22:15 <jsmith> Ah, you're on EPEL 6... if only I were so lucky :-p 20:22:32 <jsmith> Hopefully you don't have any problems then :-) 20:22:53 <stickster> I'd have to ask nirik or someone more Apache-savvy how we would monitor for any such problems 20:23:10 <jsmith> The dead threads show up in the apache error log 20:23:32 <stickster> jsmith: OK, interesting. 20:23:41 <nirik> yeah, we do have monitoring, but not of dev instances usually. 20:23:51 <nirik> and we dont have drupal7 anywhere yet. ;) 20:24:09 <jsmith> [Fri Aug 26 16:54:55 2011] [notice] child pid 10523 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) 20:24:14 <jsmith> That's what I'm seeing :-) 20:24:20 <stickster> nirik: Fair enough -- but asrob and I have shell access on insight01.dev and could check on this. 20:24:53 <jsmith> Grepping for "child pid \d+ exit signal" should be enough to find it, if it's happening 20:24:58 <stickster> Yup 20:26:35 <stickster> Anything else on D7? 20:26:44 <stickster> Oh wait, I remember, I have something else 20:26:51 <stickster> I heard from someone else at Red Hat who' 20:26:55 <stickster> oops 20:27:28 <stickster> I heard from someone else at Red Hat who's working on a Drupal project and may want to get modules packaged for Drupal 7. I've asked him if we can maybe team up so that we'll have other people helping with that module packaging. 20:27:52 <pcalarco> that's great 20:27:57 <asrob> cool :) 20:28:05 <stickster> jsmith: Also, I think you have a couple bugs open where rpmlint got hung up on some errors in those packages you posted, I set them NEEDINFO -> you 20:28:37 <stickster> pcalarco: asrob: A bunch of the packages he needs are the same ones we'd be using too, backup_migrate, cck, ctools, date, devel, features, etc. 20:28:37 <jsmith> stickster: Aye, I'll be working on those this weekend at OLF :-) 20:28:51 <stickster> Guess I'll see you there! 20:29:08 <jsmith> stickster: If I get some free time (yeah right!) before then, I'll take a stab at fixing them up 20:29:28 <jsmith> Unfortunately, Drupal stuff is strictly personal for me -- can't justify doing it on work hours 20:29:58 <stickster> Yup 20:30:41 <pcalarco> okay, any more D7 items on this topic? 20:30:50 <stickster> That was it for me, f'real, thanks pcalarco :-) 20:31:17 * jsmith has to leave early... later! 20:31:42 <pcalarco> do we have any of the critical path items documented yet, or is it early days for that a bit? 20:31:58 <pcalarco> as regards D7 20:32:58 <stickster> pcalarco: Do you mean, critical path to migrate to D7? 20:33:26 <pcalarco> yes -- IDEA: Continue to look at D7 migration, but base decision on critical path needs, followed by "nice to have" things 20:33:27 <asrob> pcalarco, well, I don't know what is the best for us now, but what do you think whether we can create a D7 feature set and can we "migrate"(copy & paste) from old contents into new site? 20:35:24 <pcalarco> I'm thinking like: here are the D7 modules we need, here is what is packaged, and a testing workflow to ensure D6 and D7 modules work nominally? 20:35:38 <stickster> asrob: Have you tried a migration already, including data? Do you feel good that this will be fairly easy and painless to do? 20:35:52 * stickster wasn't sure we had answered that completely yet 20:36:58 <asrob> stickster, yeah, I have, so-so, I think it was better as well 20:37:39 <stickster> asrob: Sorry, not sure I understood that part correctly -- my fault. When you say "so-so," do you mean it was somewhat difficult? 20:38:10 * stickster is trying to figure out how much this affects our ability to do other things like the calendar ideas. 20:38:13 <asrob> stickster, correct, I updated a locelized site from 6 to 7 20:38:20 <asrob> localized 20:38:37 <stickster> asrob: On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is "very easy" and 10 is "very difficult," how difficult would you say it was? 20:39:12 <asrob> hm, it was easy, so 3 or 4 20:39:17 <stickster> OK, not bad 20:39:27 <stickster> asrob: Was that a local copy of our site, with our data? 20:40:00 <asrob> stickster, no, it was a hungarian sysadmin site, http://sys-admin.hu 20:40:21 <stickster> OK, cool 20:40:44 <stickster> So, pcalarco had a good idea which was to make a list of critical path tasks needed to do a migration 20:41:25 <asrob> but we decided that we re-create that site, because the translation ratio is bad for example 20:41:34 <asrob> stickster, okay, I got it 20:41:37 <stickster> Ah 20:42:03 <stickster> What would we list in the critical path? It seems to me that would include: 20:42:20 <stickster> (1) Figure out all modules needed, and get them all packaged (set a date deadline) 20:42:26 <stickster> (2) Recreate all views and menus 20:42:35 <stickster> (3) Migrate the theme 20:43:17 <stickster> (4) Finish AuthFAS migration (we're at ~90%) 20:43:17 <pcalarco> Test critical functionality 20:43:25 <stickster> (5) Test, test, test! (right on pcalarco) 20:43:45 <stickster> What else did I miss? 20:43:54 <asrob> (4a) Mediawiki_api migration ;) 20:43:55 <stickster> oh yeah 20:44:09 <stickster> (2.5) Recreate all features and deploy in a D7 branch 20:44:14 <pcalarco> 6) document 20:44:19 <stickster> pcalarco: +1 20:45:13 <stickster> Well... I guess I was not going to be a big fan of moving to D7 because it seems like something we are doing instead of other development. But on the other hand, having used D6 & D7 now for a bit, I see D7 is a BIG improvement in administration and it buys us several extra years in lifetime 20:45:32 <pcalarco> Since you guys are doing the heavy lifting, I'll take documenting this on the Insight wiki for us 20:45:47 <stickster> pcalarco: That would be awesome 20:46:07 <pcalarco> #action pcalarco start documenting what critical path items we have for D7 migration on Insight wiki 20:46:19 <stickster> Since the nirik and the Infra team have agreed to keep us on the "value add" (?) list, it means we don't have to wait for freeze periods, so we could conceivably start working on this right away 20:46:32 <stickster> with the idea being we would start on calendar stuff right afterward 20:47:13 <pcalarco> sounds fine to me, and we may even gain some functionality we're looking for with the calendar uses 20:47:24 <stickster> pcalarco: True 20:48:18 <asrob> understood 20:49:01 <stickster> So pcalarco is going to draw up that critpath list, can you send that to the list? 20:49:14 <stickster> er, send the critpath list to the mailing list, that is. :-) 20:49:15 <pcalarco> sure, absolutely, to logistics 20:49:20 <stickster> superb! 20:50:33 <stickster> So are we agreed that this is going to be our focus for the next few weeks? 20:50:48 <asrob> yep 20:50:49 <pcalarco> +1 20:50:57 * stickster just trying to plan what he's going to do with his few hours of Insight time in the next week 20:51:27 <stickster> #action stickster continue conversation with internal Red Hat guy who might want to help package stuff, will report more next week 20:52:44 <pcalarco> ready to move on to Puppetizing? 20:53:04 <asrob> I'm ready 20:53:19 <pcalarco> #topic Puppetizing 20:53:24 <pcalarco> IDEA: stickster would like to start by puppetizing the Features stuff on staging next. The dev host is done already 20:53:59 <stickster> Yeah, this was the #action I set for myself earlier 20:54:32 <pcalarco> ah, ok, so we're covered, perfect 20:54:36 <stickster> Part of deploying this is being able to fix or yell for help if it breaks when I try it on staging. And the only time I had available was yesterday when a lot of people were gone for Labor Day in the USA 20:55:04 <stickster> I know what needs to be done though -- just need to find some more amenable day time to do it -- Ohio LF may give me that opportunity :-) 20:55:11 <asrob> :)) 20:55:20 <pcalarco> that is last week's items, anything new to add? 20:55:23 <pcalarco> :) 20:55:24 <stickster> - 20:55:34 <asrob> - 20:56:13 <pcalarco> I tweaked the calendar use cases page a bit, adding in the zodbot automation we'd like to see in the longer time frame 20:56:38 <pcalarco> that's about it, so we can finish a couple minutes early! :) 20:57:01 <pcalarco> #info pcalarco tweaked the calendar use cases page a bit, adding in the zodbot automation we'd like to see in the longer time frame 20:57:09 <stickster> Thanks for doing that pcalarco 20:57:13 <pcalarco> ending in 5 20:57:15 <pcalarco> 4 20:57:17 <pcalarco> 3 20:57:19 <asrob> ok, thank you guys 20:57:19 <pcalarco> 2 20:57:21 <pcalarco> 1 20:57:27 <pcalarco> #endmeeting