20:00:25 <stickster> #startmeeting Insight -- agenda: http://tinyurl.com/insight-agenda 20:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 13 20:00:25 2011 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:36 <stickster> #meetingname Insight 20:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'insight' 20:00:38 <stickster> #topic Roll call 20:01:15 <asrob> I'm here 20:01:17 <asrob> hi 20:01:23 <stickster> Hiya Peter! 20:02:05 * stickster waits a minute or two for anyone else 20:02:12 * nirik is lurking. 20:02:19 <stickster> i$c 20:02:23 <stickster> oops, wrong window :-D 20:02:27 <asrob> :) 20:02:31 <asrob> hi nirik 20:03:45 <stickster> OK, let's hit it -- asrob, if it's mainly just us, I'd rather spend this time working since last week was a bust for me 20:03:52 <stickster> er, working on Insight I mean :-) 20:04:04 <stickster> #topic Last week's action items 20:04:15 <stickster> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-09-06/insight.2011-09-06-20.03.html 20:04:45 <stickster> OK, in particular, I didn't yet set up the pull, but that's because I'm cowardly and was worried about screwing something up. Today I'm going to do it for real, at least for staging. 20:04:54 <stickster> #action stickster Finish setting up pull of fedora-insight-features on stg and prod hosts (30 min for stg, 4 hrs for prod) 20:04:59 <asrob> okay 20:05:15 <stickster> #info asrob got the insight02.dev.fp.o host, with huge kudos & thanks to nirik 20:05:33 <stickster> #action pcalarco start documenting what critical path items we have for D7 migration on Insight wiki 20:05:46 <nirik> no problem. I added it with drupal7 stuff, but I might comment that out until you guys have a chance to work on it. it's spewing puppet errors out. ;( 20:06:23 <stickster> nirik: I should be able to SSH there and do a puppet run manually, and find/fix the problem today. 20:06:32 <nirik> cool. thanks. 20:06:36 <stickster> nirik: no worries, thank you 20:06:50 <stickster> #info stickster talked to sdodson, the Red Hat guy who wants to package more D7 modules -- his first is already in a BZ 20:07:03 <asrob> \o/ 20:07:10 <stickster> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=737694 <-- sdodson's first package, up for review 20:07:37 <stickster> #actiom stickster finish reivew on BZ 737694 20:07:40 <stickster> :-D 20:07:43 <stickster> #action stickster finish reivew on BZ 737694 20:07:56 <stickster> OK, anything else on status stuff? 20:08:23 <asrob> - 20:09:21 <stickster> All righty then 20:09:39 <stickster> #topic Getting Things Done 20:10:15 <stickster> asrob: Since it's just you + me here, and we need to get some things fixed on the new host, shall we work on that instead of doing a bunch of repeats of list traffic? 20:10:27 * stickster doubts he will have a lot of extra time this week otherwise 20:10:41 <asrob> stickster, sure ;) 20:10:52 <stickster> asrob: Let's defect back to #fedora-mktg then, I guess 20:10:58 <asrob> okay 20:11:20 <stickster> #agreed We moved the balance of our time to #fedora-mktg to work on the D7 Insight host and to follow up on other work 20:12:05 <stickster> asrob: OK, I'll close meeting then 20:12:16 <stickster> In ~30 sec 20:12:16 <asrob> I got it 20:12:34 <stickster> #endmeeting