#fedora-classroom: Introduction to crontab
Meeting started by ardchoille at 01:00:06 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Introduction (ardchoille, 01:00:30)
- What is crontab? (ardchoille, 01:01:26)
- What is cron? (ardchoille, 01:05:39)
- Who can use crontab? (ardchoille, 01:12:18)
- Crontab and its options (ardchoille, 01:14:48)
- How it works (ardchoille, 01:20:49)
- The crontab file (ardchoille, 01:23:11)
- http://ardchoille42.fedorapeople.org/Classroom/crontab-layout.png
- Examples (ardchoille, 01:26:58)
- Setting up a cronjob (ardchoille, 01:35:26)
- Crontab error handling (ardchoille, 01:43:19)
- Related reading (ardchoille, 01:49:42)
- Q and A (ardchoille, 01:50:49)
Meeting ended at 01:58:29 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- ardchoille (128)
- nirik (3)
- p3nguin (3)
- nb (3)
- zodbot (3)
- evilfix (3)
- N3LRX (1)
- Spencer_tt (1)
- seemant (1)
- bapa (1)
- kc8hfi (1)
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