15:01:01 <stoney> #startmeeting IRC 2 15:01:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 24 15:01:01 2016 UTC. The chair is stoney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc_2' 15:01:15 <stoney> #topic rollcall 15:01:34 <stewart___> Hello everyone 15:01:37 <stoney> Please give a quick shout out if you are present, with your name :) 15:01:44 <stoney> #info stoney here 15:01:52 <germinalisern> Hi everyone 15:01:52 <stoney> like that 15:02:01 <mss> Michael Skalak 15:02:04 <stewart___> #info Stewart here 15:02:08 <heidi> #info Heidi Ellis here. 15:02:09 <43UAAJM1R> #info Grant Braught here 15:02:12 <mss> #info Michael Skalak 15:02:18 <germinalisern> #info Germinal Isern here 15:02:20 <ghislop> #info Greg here... but have to leave shortly.... just wanted to say "hi"... 15:02:28 <stoney> you all are good :) 15:03:13 <stoney> hi RonM , we are doing rollcall, please give a quick: #info <your_name> here 15:03:37 <stoney> braughtg that's much better than 43UAAJM1R :) 15:03:51 <braughtg> yes... client seemed to come up with that one on its own. 15:03:57 <RonM> #info Ron McCleary here 15:04:08 <stoney> Awesome RonM , thanks :) 15:04:12 <stoney> anyone else? 15:04:20 <heidi> chelociraptor, are you with us? 15:04:35 <heidi> dzho, Would you like to introduce yourself? 15:05:29 <stoney> hm... maybe grabbing some coffee :) 15:05:31 <chelociraptor> Chelsea Lobdell! 15:05:39 <stoney> aha! welcome! 15:06:25 <stoney> ok... dzho if you come in late, please info up your name: #info <your_name> here 15:06:38 <heidi> Welcome chelociraptor 15:06:39 <heidi> ! 15:06:43 <stoney> #link Agenda http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities#Part_C:_Third_Two_Weeks 15:06:49 <chelociraptor> Thanks :) 15:06:51 <stoney> That's our agenda for today 15:07:00 <stoney> and that's where you can find our minutes later 15:07:13 <heidi> Hi poritzj 15:07:14 <stoney> oopps 15:07:18 <heidi> We're just doing intros 15:07:19 <stoney> no it's not 15:07:34 <stoney> #link Agenda REAL: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 15:07:45 <stoney> there is the real agenda 15:07:47 <heidi> poritzj, using the #info tag :-) 15:08:13 <poritzj> #info sorry, running late, this is Jonathan Poritz, from Colorado State University - Pueblo 15:08:23 <stoney> Awesome, welcome poritzj ! 15:08:50 <stoney> so we know everyone but dzho, yes? 15:09:15 <stoney> #topic POSSE Stage 1 updates 15:09:27 <heidi> How are folks coming on the Stage 1 exercises? 15:09:56 <germinalisern> So far so good, Part A done, Part B 50% 15:10:00 * heidi notes that kevin-brown is a student and long-time member of the foss2serve community. 15:10:03 <braughtg> Moving along... just started the Project Evaluation this morning. 15:10:05 <heidi> Good! 15:10:13 <heidi> Ah, a note about Project Evaluation. 15:10:26 <heidi> You can spend a *lot* of time on that activity. 15:10:41 <braughtg> I'll try to keep it under control :) 15:10:44 <heidi> We don't expect you to be able to find everything. So timebox your work there. 15:10:55 <heidi> Of course we would never restrict learning! ;-) 15:10:57 <stewart___> Tell me about it! I found the time estimates were underestimates. 15:11:03 <heidi> But don't spend more than an hour on that. 15:11:06 <germinalisern> OK good to know.... 15:11:09 <heidi> Yes. 15:11:15 <chelociraptor> I spent a good deal of time during the Project Evaluation trying to find good search terms that would help me better answer the rest of the questions 15:11:23 <heidi> And the estimates are there to give you an idea of how long you should spend. 15:11:42 <heidi> All of the activities may take more time, depending on the depth in which you go. 15:11:58 <stewart___> I did learn quite a bit doing the project evaluation, so it was time well spent. 15:11:59 <stoney> right, so reign in the perfectionist :) 15:12:04 <heidi> The idea is to get an understanding of the topic before the Stage 2 meeting, not to become expert. 15:12:14 <heidi> Yes, right. :-) 15:12:15 <stoney> awesome stewart___ ! 15:12:52 <stewart___> I have finished all but the FOSS in Course Planning and posting to my blog, which I created. 15:12:58 <heidi> Did anyone have any questions an any particular activity? 15:13:05 <heidi> Super stewart___ ! 15:13:11 <stoney> very cool! 15:13:51 <germinalisern> Not now, maybe later during the week... 15:14:00 <poritzj> hmm, no direct Qs, finding lots of rabbit holes to go down in the project evaluation 15:14:13 <braughtg> Are the videos for the project evaluation something anyone has used with students? Or is there another intro that they might use? 15:14:44 <stewart___> I did. There was one question to compute the 12-month average of commits. I was a bit confused - average meaning commits per month, or commits per person? I think per month makes more sense, right? 15:14:45 <stoney> yes, rabbit holes aplenty 15:15:14 <heidi> braughtg, project evaluation is difficult 15:15:44 <heidi> There is an activity on foss2serve that provides students with a higher-level overview 15:15:46 * heidi looks 15:16:56 <heidi> braughtg, I do this one with students to get them started: 15:17:00 <heidi> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/FOSS_Field_Trip_Activity 15:17:02 <stoney> stewart___ Yes, commits per mont sounds right 15:17:07 <braughtg> heidi, yes, but also seems critical. 15:17:34 <heidi> jmac, and Tony_Sena Welcome! Would you like to introduce yourselves? 15:17:37 <stoney> stewart___the goal is probably to get a sense for how much activity is going on in a project 15:17:49 <heidi> braughtg, Not sure what you mean by "critical"? 15:18:16 <braughtg> heidi, critical to the students' experiences 15:18:16 <stewart___> stoney, thanks. That's what seemed to make sense to me. 15:18:18 <jmac> hi folks, sorry to join late -- travelling in UK at present -- just returned from visiting a potential school for the kids 15:18:34 <heidi> jmac, Oh, what an adventure! 15:19:59 <Tony_Sena> Hi, I'm Tony Sena from MassBay Comunity College. Sorry for being late but my IRC client was not working. I could not see anybody and i have to restart it 15:20:17 <stoney> hi Tony_Sena ! 15:20:22 <heidi> Welcome Tony_Sena ! 15:20:54 <stoney> jmac and Tony_Sena, how have you been doing on stage 1 activities? Any questions? 15:22:38 <jmac> I completed the activities fine. I chose the sugar labs project. One important distinction there is choosing between students designing new sugar labs activities, and actually working on the infrastructure. 15:23:03 <stoney> good stuff! 15:23:10 <stewart___> I do have one more question. At the bottom of http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Project_Evaluation_Activity it says under Deliverables, "Wiki posting of evaluation of a project from the list of HFOSS projects". Do we also have to evaluate another project besides OpenMRS? 15:23:24 <Tony_Sena> For far so good. I'm done with Part B (1. FOSS Field trip) and working on 2 and 3. 15:23:30 <jmac> The RIT course provides useful approaches for some of the sugar labs stuff. 15:23:34 * heidi looks at stewart___ 's question. 15:24:23 <stoney> Tony_Sena: Great! 15:24:56 <stoney> jmac I'm not as familiar with sugar labs, sounds interesting though! 15:25:24 <heidi> Hmmm, the original intent of the Project Evaluation activity was to practice on OpenMRS and then try it on your own. 15:25:30 <heidi> But that would take a long time. 15:25:46 <heidi> Why don't you just summarize your experience in evaluating OpenMRS if that is easier. 15:26:46 <stewart___> OK. If there is time, I will try another, but for now I will just post the OpenMRS summary to the blog, as indicated. 15:26:46 <stoney> OK... are we ready for the next agenda item, stage 2? 15:27:16 <stoney> #topic Stage 2 15:27:19 <stewart___> stoney, yes. 15:27:28 <stoney> :) 15:28:35 <stoney> Are there any questions about Stage 2? 15:28:47 <stoney> heidi are there any announcements we need to make? 15:29:09 <heidi> stoney, I don't think so. Everyone should have made their travel arrangements. 15:29:14 <heidi> And we have made hotel arrangements. 15:29:31 <stoney> what's the dress for stage 2? 15:30:09 <poritzj> (everyone must come dressed either as Tux or GNU..?) 15:30:23 <stoney> poritzj love it! 15:30:36 <stoney> I want yack horns 15:30:54 <stewart___> yacc horns 15:31:10 <stoney> right... I didn't spell it right, either way :) 15:31:24 <poritzj> (ok, I want emacs horns....) 15:31:25 <stoney> lex horns? 15:31:41 <stoney> antlr :) 15:31:49 <stoney> ok... enough of the parser jokes :) 15:32:03 <stoney> I'm pretty sure we're casual 15:32:14 <stoney> ... for dress that is 15:33:10 <poritzj> ... actually, I assume we would all do this anyway, but we should make sure we bring a laptop with our favorite environment for on-site work, yes? 15:33:25 <stoney> yes, do bring laptops 15:33:30 <stewart___> poritz, my thoughts too. 15:34:35 <stewart___> Will there be sufficient power outlets for running on AC for everyone in the 014 room? 15:34:45 <chelociraptor> Has anyone planned for some post POSSE social activities? 15:35:48 <mss> lan party? 15:35:51 <poritzj> stewart__, also enough wifi bandwidth? 15:35:54 <heidi> chelociraptor, We usually have an informal get together at least one of the evenings. 15:35:54 <stoney> chelociraptor I believe there are some social events 15:36:01 <stoney> there we go :) 15:36:21 <heidi> And we have one dinner in a restaurant. 15:36:44 <chelociraptor> Great! I'm a Philly native so let me know if you need any suggestions 15:36:53 <braughtg> sounds good... looking forward to some local philly flavor 15:37:13 <stoney> We should have plenty of power and wifi; but that would be a question for ghislop 15:38:14 <ghislop> wifi is generally OK in the room where we'll be. Power is limited but we'll run some power strips... 15:38:25 <poritzj> how about a key-signing party, as a post-POSSE social activity? 15:38:36 <stewart___> ghislop, thanks 15:39:04 <poritzj> (I'm thinking of requiring all of my students to send encrypted and/or signed email in the future, just as a way to make them learn how) 15:39:08 <tomnaps> Tom Naps joining from UW oshkosh -- sorry to be late, got confused on times. 15:39:15 <stoney> poritzj that would rock... I've never done key signing... but always wanted to 15:39:32 <stoney> tomnaps welcome! 15:40:28 <stoney> tomnaps folks have given a quick report on their progress through stage 1, and have asked various questions about stage 1. These will be in the minutes. We are now discussing Stage 2. 15:40:55 <tomnaps> OK, will listen and try to catch up as best as I can 15:41:32 <stoney> heidi: do you want to say a bit about "inform participants about signing up for stage 2 groups" 15:41:33 <stoney> ? 15:42:02 <heidi> Ummm, sure? 15:42:17 <stoney> Or did I just handle that? :) 15:42:55 <heidi> Possibly? The idea is that we'd like folks to decide on a project. Not for life, but to commit as far as to investigate it. 15:43:16 <chelociraptor> Where do we go to sign up for groups? 15:43:20 <heidi> And you may change projects, but the idea is for a group of faculty members to work jointly on a project to provide a community of peers. 15:43:25 * heidi looks 15:44:33 <heidi> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Communities 15:44:37 <stewart___> So committing to a Stage 2 project group does not imply that we would need to follow through with that project in Stage 3? 15:44:42 <heidi> Nope. 15:44:55 <heidi> stewart___, We have found that folks change projects during stage 2. 15:45:10 <heidi> Due to project direction, collaborators, and other factors. 15:45:17 <chelociraptor> Thanks! 15:46:14 <stewart___> heidi, the link you just sent is different from the link in http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups. E.g., Sahana is in the communities page but not in the Stage 2 page. Which list should we follow? 15:46:44 <heidi> Whoops! stewart___ has the right link. 15:47:03 <heidi> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 15:47:08 <stewart___> Oh, ok. 15:50:16 <stoney> so it looks like we are at the end of our agenda 15:50:26 <stoney> #topic open discussion 15:50:47 <stoney> Is there anything else anyone would like to ask or talk about ? 15:50:59 <poritzj> nope, all good -- looking forward to Philly! 15:51:12 <heidi> We are too! 15:51:20 <stoney> absoluetly! 15:51:23 <germinalisern> No, see you soon 15:51:26 <chelociraptor> Thanks for all the info today. Looking forward to POSSE! 15:51:31 <heidi> It is always fun to get to meet everyone face-to-face and see what they've been doing! 15:51:34 <RonM> Nothing for me at the moment. 15:51:46 <Tony_Sena> I'm ok. Thanks 15:51:55 <mss> i'm good, just got to finish the stuff 15:52:07 <tomnaps> I'll read the minutes to catch up and will sign up for OpenMRS in Stage 2 -- that's a project I just finished using in my Software Engineering course 15:52:07 <stoney> OK... then I'll take those as a motion and vote to adjourn :) 15:52:07 <stewart___> I still am a bit confused about the Communites page versus the Stage 2 page. People have signed up for the different projects in the communities page, independent of the Stage 2 page. What does that mean? 15:52:16 <stoney> oh wait 15:52:29 <heidi> stewart___, It means that we've got duplicate pages :-) 15:52:48 <heidi> In true wiki fashion, we started with the "HFOSS Communities" page and then migrated to the other one. 15:53:11 <stewart___> So if people signed up for Sahana for example, do they have to remove themselves and pick a project on Stage 2? 15:53:12 <heidi> We wanted the ability to organize teams based not only on project, but also teaching focus. 15:53:16 <heidi> Nope. 15:53:30 <heidi> We will sort this all out when we meet for stage 2 15:53:39 <stewart___> OK 15:54:16 <stoney> awesome question 15:54:42 <stoney> #endmeeting