13:05:24 <jcapik> #startmeeting Java SIG -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Java 13:05:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 21 13:05:24 2011 UTC. The chair is jcapik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:05:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:05:34 <jcapik> #meetingname java-sig 13:05:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'java-sig' 13:05:44 <jcapik> .fas jcapik 13:05:46 <pingou> .fas pingou 13:05:48 <zodbot> jcapik: jcapik 'Jaromír Cápík' <jcapik@redhat.com> 13:05:52 <zodbot> pingou: pingou 'Pierre-YvesChibon' <pingou@pingoured.fr> 13:06:02 <sochotni> well..would have been nice to have #topic first but OK :-) 13:06:05 <sochotni> .fas sochotni 13:06:05 <zodbot> sochotni: sochotni 'Stanislav Ochotnicky' <sochotni@redhat.com> 13:06:12 * mgoldmann is here! 13:06:18 <akurtakov_> .fas akurtakov 13:06:18 <zodbot> akurtakov_: akurtakov 'Alexander Kurtakov' <akurtako@redhat.com> 13:06:30 <tradej> .fas tradej 13:06:31 <zodbot> tradej: tradej 'Tomas Radej' <tradej@redhat.com> 13:06:39 <mefoster> .fas mef 13:06:40 <zodbot> mefoster: mef '' <mefoster@gmail.com> - mfrisch 'Mike Frisch' <mfrisch@rogers.com> 13:06:53 <sochotni> mefoster: cool, welcome! 13:07:15 <mefoster> Hi guys ... just sitting in for now, want to get back into the Fedora/Java world 13:07:35 <jcapik> ok ... let's consider the list complete 13:07:38 <sochotni> mefoster: sure thing, I am happy anyone actually being a bit interested :-) 13:07:42 <jcapik> #info jcapik pingou sochotni mgoldmann akurtakov tradej mef present 13:07:53 <sochotni> jcapik: mefoster actually :-) 13:08:13 <jcapik> mefoster: sorry :D 13:08:13 <sochotni> or...ah, fas accout is mef? 13:08:20 <mefoster> sochotni: Yup 13:08:20 <mull> .fas arg 13:08:21 <zodbot> mull: ricardo 'Ricardo Arguello' <ricardo.arguello@gmail.com> - smriti 'Smriti Garg' <smritigarg87@gmail.com> - h12345 'Zak Hargreaves' <dj_zak@hotmail.co.uk> - laudares 'Fernando Laudares Camargos' <fernando.laudares.camargos@gmail.com> - malhargan 'Mohammad alhargan' <malham1@hotmail.com> - prarit 'Prarit Bhargava' <prarit@redhat.com> - jaswanthbhargav 'Jaswanth Bhargav' <jaswanth457@gmail.com> - jhargrave 'Jordan (4 more messages) 13:08:27 <sochotni> mull: :-) 13:08:34 <sochotni> split personality 13:08:39 <mull> ummmm 13:08:50 <mull> ? 13:08:53 <jcapik> #info mull present too 13:09:27 <sochotni> jcapik: ok, bndlib I guess.. 13:09:32 <jcapik> #topic aqute-bndlib update (0.0.363 -> 1.43.0) 13:10:26 <jcapik> Ok guys .... we have a small issue here 13:10:26 <jcapik> We suddenly need to have two different/incompatible versions of aqute-bnd(lib) in the repository. 13:10:37 <jcapik> aqute-bndlib 1.43.0 is needed for the maven-plugin-bundle update (2.0.0 -> 2.3.5) 13:10:37 <jcapik> aqute-bnd(lib) 0.0.363 is needed for critical packages like maven-shared 13:10:55 <jcapik> Here's a problem overview listing groups of classes in the mentioned versions 13:10:56 <jcapik> #link http://jcapik.fedorapeople.org/files/aqute-bndlib/aqute-mess.txt 13:11:02 <akurtakov_> how much is it used in maven-shared ? 13:11:20 <akurtakov_> any possibility to port maven-shared to the new one 13:11:41 <jcapik> akurtakov_: good question .... it's in the action list at the bottom 13:11:50 <jcapik> akurtakov_: number 4 13:12:13 <jcapik> Please read it ... 13:12:13 <jcapik> Since I'm not 100% confident with the proposed approach, any comments are welcome. 13:12:14 <akurtakov_> ah, ok 13:12:22 <sochotni> jcapik: I am wondering if the classpaths (package names) are the same for both 13:12:55 <sochotni> seems new bndlib contains more things, perhaps with few things removed 13:13:15 <sochotni> jcapik: you had the API compatibility report somewhere right? 13:13:25 <jcapik> sochotni: the link is in the TXT 13:13:31 <sochotni> ah, yeah 13:13:38 <sochotni> #link http://jcapik.fedorapeople.org/files/aqute-bndlib/0.0.363_to_1.43.0/compat_report.html 13:13:39 <jcapik> #link http://jcapik.fedorapeople.org/files/aqute-bndlib/0.0.363_to_1.43.0/compat_report.html 13:13:41 <sochotni> :-) 13:13:43 <jcapik> :D :D 13:14:43 <akurtakov_> jcapik: so the idea is to get bnd in, and rebuild bndlib against it 13:14:47 <akurtakov_> or vise-versa 13:15:24 <jcapik> akurtakov_: I'm unsure if I understood You correctly 13:15:54 <jcapik> akurtakov_: the idea is to "rename" current aqute-bndlib to aqute-bnd and keep it for the current packages 13:15:57 <akurtakov_> jcapik: point 3 from your list 13:16:30 <akurtakov_> I thought that one of them embeds the other, am I wrong ? 13:16:35 <jcapik> akurtakov_: oh yes .... I'd like to replace it with 1.43 13:16:49 <sochotni> akurtakov_: I think that's a mistranslation. It was supposed to be "rebuild packages depending on current aqute-bndlib with aqute-bnd" 13:17:05 <sochotni> or no, that's v2 13:17:15 <jcapik> akurtakov_: well .... new bndlib partially embeds former bnd and bndlib 13:17:39 <jcapik> akurtakov_: but the compatibility report shows, that both versions are incompatible 13:17:51 <jcapik> akurtakov_: and the TRUNK version is a total mess 13:18:08 <akurtakov_> jcapik: at least there is trunk nowadays :) 13:18:13 <jcapik> akurtakov_: particular grups of classes were moved .... base64 to libg, etc. 13:18:39 <jcapik> akurtakov_: and that seems to be absolutely incompatible with neither of the former versions 13:18:50 <akurtakov_> jcapik: ok, what are the showstoppers for your plan? 13:19:11 <jcapik> akurtakov_: I'm not aware of any yet 13:19:36 <sochotni> snice the maven gid:aid is different I don't think it's gonna cause problems similar to plexus-container-default 13:19:44 <sochotni> so I'd say your plan is OK 13:19:53 <akurtakov_> yup, I think so too 13:20:22 <jcapik> Any other ideas? 13:20:26 <sochotni> create a new package aqute-bnd, rebuild those few packages that depend on it with new BR/R and then update 13:20:26 <akurtakov_> jcapik: but if you have cleaning ideas, please talk to upstream 13:20:42 <akurtakov_> jcapik: it would be good to prevent further mess 13:20:46 <sochotni> well ideally we would be able to move packager from older version 13:20:48 <jcapik> sochotni: akurtakov_: sure .... 13:20:55 <sochotni> *packages 13:21:27 <jcapik> If upstream guys still use the old version, then I'd like to cooperate with them in order to convince them for update 13:21:57 <sochotni> jcapik: usually when you can compile with new version of a dep they will accept patches 13:22:18 <jcapik> Ok ... 13:23:01 <jcapik> so .... anything else regarding this topic? 13:23:21 <jcapik> nope 13:23:23 <sochotni> I'd say #action & #agreed 13:24:16 <sochotni> jcapik: I think 2-3 of packages needing rebuilds are mine, it would be good to let other owners know why we are changing this 13:24:48 <jcapik> #agreed Actions mentioned in http://jcapik.fedorapeople.org/files/aqute-bndlib/aqute-mess.txt will be performed by jcapik, ... 13:25:27 <jcapik> #topic Maven 2 vs. 3 status and explanation (if this is needed) 13:25:37 <sochotni> this is mine... 13:25:38 <sochotni> so.. 13:25:45 <jcapik> #chair sochotni 13:25:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcapik sochotni 13:26:03 <vanaltj> as noob, I would love status and explanation 13:26:19 <tradej> so would I 13:26:49 <sochotni> ok so...We used to have only maven2 package, then some time ago we added maven package (maven-3.0.3) 13:26:59 <jcapik> jcapik: me 2 13:27:21 <sochotni> since we want to get rid of maven2 (upstream is basically unmaintained now)... 13:27:35 <sochotni> and we don't want to support two versions unless we have to 13:27:53 <sochotni> we basically got rid of all BR/R on maven2 in rawhide 13:28:06 <sochotni> and f16 as well if I am not mistaken 13:28:09 <sochotni> but.. 13:28:25 <sochotni> maven2 contained around 15 jar files, not just the main maven 13:28:42 <sochotni> some of those jars are needed by maven plugins that are currently being used 13:28:53 <sochotni> especially during build time 13:29:12 <sochotni> so we split monolithic maven2 package into several sub-packages 13:29:40 <sochotni> current list is: maven-artifact-manager, maven-error-diagnostics, maven-model, maven-monitor, maven-plugin-repository, maven-profile, maven-project, maven-toolchain 13:29:54 <sochotni> these are packages that are not provided by maven-3.x 13:29:57 <tradej> what about maven-core and maven-compat? 13:30:06 <sochotni> that's and interesting thing 13:30:41 <sochotni> since we no longer get maven-core and other jars from maven2 some packages might complain about missing packages etc 13:30:54 <tradej> comment: they do 13:31:11 <sochotni> this problem can usually be solved by modifying pom.xml and adding maven-core and/or maven-compat to dependencies 13:31:31 <sochotni> this is because maven-3.x moved some classes around in jars 13:32:31 <sochotni> proper fixes for this should be upstreamable I believe 13:32:49 <tradej> so if I understood you correctly yesterday (we talked with sochotni about the matter), we should test building the package with maven3 and convince upstream to move to maven3 as well 13:32:51 <sochotni> in any case: avoid BR/R: maven2 13:33:29 <sochotni> yes, it usually involves chainging mavenVersion property in pom and adding/changing dependencies a bit 13:33:39 <tradej> good, thanks 13:33:39 <sochotni> bah, changing 13:34:17 <akurtakov_> note that some upstreams might not be willing to accept such patches 13:34:33 <tradej> akurtakov_: i can imagine that 13:34:43 <akurtakov_> e.g. maven-site-plugin went through few iterations before being able to work under maven2 with maven 3.x deps 13:35:39 <tradej> akurtakov_: wait a sec, you adapted its pom.xml to maven3 and made it compile with maven2? 13:35:42 <sochotni> mefoster: you might want to have a look at packaging guidelines again btw, there were quite a few changes since your hiatus 13:36:11 <tradej> akurtakov_: i don't quite understand 13:36:12 <sochotni> tradej: upstream, not us. The plugin usually has to work with both maven2 and maven3 13:36:14 <mefoster> sochotni: I can imagine! It's all on/linked from the SIG wiki page? 13:36:22 <akurtakov_> tradej: it's not me, but it is compiling with maven 3.x but verified that all the deps are resolvable and it works under maven2 13:36:26 <sochotni> mefoster: should be 13:36:35 <tradej> sochotni: akurtakov_: ah 13:36:50 <tradej> heavy magic 13:36:50 <sochotni> mefoster: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Java 13:37:15 <sochotni> also https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Java_review_template might be a shorter version to get idea 13:37:20 <mefoster> sochotni: Thanks, will read. I also need to get up to speed on the new git-based process ... 13:37:28 <sochotni> oh, for sure 13:37:43 <sochotni> I am sure we can help with any problems so just ask.. 13:37:54 <sochotni> ok, I don't know what else to add to maven2->3 topic 13:38:01 <pingou> sochotni: I like the review template :) 13:38:08 <sochotni> it's gone easier than I imagined really 13:38:19 <tradej> my questions feel answered 13:38:52 <sochotni> just keep that transition in mind in case you encounter some weird build failure with missing maven class 13:39:13 <vanaltj> the situation is much clearer to me now, thanks. 13:39:43 <jcapik> thx 13:39:50 <jcapik> anything else? 13:39:59 <tradej> thx 13:40:05 <sochotni> #topic SIG tracking bug 13:40:41 <sochotni> I am slowly losing track because of all the review bugs :-) 13:40:53 <akurtakov_> ok, I'll join on this one :) 13:41:03 <akurtakov_> I have gone through all the bugs yesterday 13:41:11 <jcapik> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=652183 tracker bug 13:41:12 * mgoldmann noticed that 13:41:20 <akurtakov_> there are a number of started almost done bugs 13:41:30 <akurtakov_> or blocked 13:41:52 <akurtakov_> there is nothing major according to me 13:41:54 <mgoldmann> that's true - I'll make sure today I'll move forward everything 13:42:17 <sochotni> akurtakov_: we were planning to do a "Review day" 13:42:30 <sochotni> maybe we can do it during FUDcon? :-) 13:42:35 <pingou> +1 13:42:44 <akurtakov_> if you think it's a good idea 13:42:48 <mgoldmann> how should it look like? 13:43:06 <jcapik> +1 13:43:13 <sochotni> mgoldmann: review day? We sit down next to each other and start reviewing like crazy :-) 13:43:17 <akurtakov_> mgoldmann: you sit in the middle and a number of guys around you send you review requests :) 13:43:21 <mgoldmann> lol 13:43:21 <mefoster> I can try to do some reviews maybe ... 13:43:27 <mgoldmann> sounds good! 13:43:30 <mgoldmann> I'm in 13:43:59 <jcapik> akurtakov_: +1 13:43:59 * pingou votes that mgoldmann does as many reviews as he submits :p 13:44:07 <sochotni> #agreed Review day - most probably during FUDCon Milan 13:44:14 <tradej> and then richard fontana comes around and everything gets blocked on licensing :] 13:44:17 <pingou> are we all going there ? 13:44:26 * mgoldmann will be there 13:44:32 * sochotni as well 13:44:33 * akurtakov_ too 13:44:35 <pingou> tradej: I'm not too bad at that as well ;) 13:44:49 * tradej will not be there afaik 13:44:52 <sochotni> so at least 4 of us 13:44:57 <jcapik> pingou: that would work if he submits less than a half of them 13:45:03 * vanaltj guesses you all are talking about Milan coming up soon, and will not be there. 13:45:12 <pingou> jcapik: Milan ? 13:46:18 <jcapik> pingou: that was just a stupid comment to Your previous proposal : "***pingou votes that mgoldmann does as many reviews as he submits " 13:46:18 <sochotni> vanaltj: yeah https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Milan_2011 13:46:40 <pingou> jcapik: will you be in Milan with us ? 13:46:40 <jcapik> pingou: :D 13:46:59 <jcapik> pingou: should I :] 13:47:17 <pingou> sochotni: so at least 5 of us :) 13:47:24 <jcapik> pingou: don't know 13:47:34 * mull wishes he could be there 13:47:40 <pingou> jcapik: you will be in Milan with us! 13:47:44 <sochotni> even I'll be in Milan just thanks to me being a substitute so... 13:47:44 <mgoldmann> nice crowd I think 13:48:15 <jcapik> pingou: just listening? 13:48:45 <pingou> jcapik: no no, you can do some reviews too ;) 13:49:15 <sochotni> ok, so... 13:49:20 <jcapik> pingou: ok ... I can do reviews, but no public talks 13:49:29 <sochotni> I tried to book a room for SIG meeting 13:49:36 <sochotni> during FUDCon 13:49:52 <sochotni> so if we get it we can do some hackfest in there 13:50:06 <mgoldmann> I'm pretty sure there will be some free rooms 13:50:17 <mgoldmann> in Tempe - we had a lot 13:50:24 <LinuxCode> Milan ? 13:50:35 <mgoldmann> LinuxCode: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Milan_2011 13:51:14 <sochotni> mgoldmann: jboss as update? 13:51:26 <mgoldmann> sure 13:51:28 <sochotni> #topic JBoss AS in Fedora update 13:51:56 <mgoldmann> so, as you know - I'm in the process of pushing AS 7 into Fedora 13:51:58 <mgoldmann> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JBossAS7 13:52:07 <mgoldmann> I think I can add links, right? 13:52:18 <sochotni> mgoldmann: yes 13:52:21 <mgoldmann> perfect 13:52:31 <mgoldmann> so, I prepared exactly 40 packages so far 13:52:45 <mgoldmann> which isn't very big amount if you look at the AS7 dependency 13:52:53 <mgoldmann> tree* 13:53:28 <mgoldmann> 14 packages are already in Rawhide thanks to hard work on reviewing people like akurtakov_ sochotni tradej and others! 13:53:46 <tradej> mgoldmann: you're too kind :) 13:53:48 <potty_> ok 13:53:54 <mgoldmann> many reviews are blocked because it's a dependency chain 13:54:20 <sochotni> mgoldmann: I think it might make sense maybe to paralellize your side a bit.. 13:54:21 <mull> mgoldmann, I will try to take a few of them this week 13:54:26 <mgoldmann> I'm trying to do my best to do the fixes as fast as I can, but sometimes it takes some time 13:54:47 <sochotni> so that: you prepare first version of the package and someone else posts it for review, while adding you as primary maintainer in the end 13:54:57 <mgoldmann> you need to bear in mind, that I'm a lead of a project completely not related to AS7 :) 13:55:20 <mgoldmann> sochotni: that was my idea 13:55:24 <mefoster> are all of the reviews linked to the SIG tracker bug? 13:55:28 <mgoldmann> sochotni: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JBossAS7#Cleanup_queue 13:55:36 <akurtakov_> mefoster: yes 13:55:42 <sochotni> I think some people might scream "Murder" 13:56:08 <mgoldmann> but I was thinking about doing the initial, crappy package because I know what'e needed now 13:56:38 <mgoldmann> I cleaned the cleanup queue a month ago and since then no new package were added 13:56:55 <sochotni> mgoldmann: I meant even really packages you think are OK to go in... 13:56:57 <akurtakov_> mgoldmann: so you're getting no help on the packaging side ? 13:57:09 <sochotni> as you've seen reviews usually uncover some small issues 13:57:12 <mgoldmann> but Im now in the state that I *can* build a very slimmed down verison of AS7 based *only* on Fedora rawhide deps 13:57:30 <mgoldmann> akurtakov_: more or less correct 13:57:46 <mgoldmann> akurtakov_: I have support from the mageia guy = gil 13:57:59 <mgoldmann> I took some specs from his work 13:58:12 <sochotni> mull: you also have some common deps with jboss right? 13:58:19 <sochotni> meaning eucalyptus 13:58:24 <mgoldmann> some people asked how they can help, but it's pretty hard, so nobody really have done some work for me :) 13:58:43 <mull> sochotni, yes, hibernate especially 13:59:10 <akurtakov_> mgoldmann: having a list of first level deps ? 13:59:15 <mull> but also jboss-logging, jboss-marshalling, etc. (which I am reviewing for mgoldmann ) 13:59:26 <mgoldmann> akurtakov_: not really now 13:59:47 <akurtakov_> I think that this is the only way to get others involved 13:59:53 <mull> I noticed the wiki does not always properly put a strike through closed bugs, mgoldmann 14:00:05 <mull> so when you know they are done, you may want to update the wiki page manually 14:00:13 <akurtakov_> or some kind of idenitified missing deps - even if it's 5-6 packages or a chain of htem 14:01:01 <mgoldmann> mull: this is manual work :) 14:01:23 <mgoldmann> so, this is more or less what I have to say about AS7 14:01:38 <mgoldmann> I really appreciate the help from you guys 14:01:48 <mgoldmann> you have any questions? 14:01:59 <tradej> nope, just glad to help 14:02:16 <sochotni> I think it would make sense if we split into packager-reviewer teams there, but we can talk about that later 14:02:21 <sochotni> or during FUDCon 14:02:32 <mgoldmann> during FUDCon makes sense 14:02:49 <mgoldmann> I'll have no time to package new things in the next 2 weeks I think 14:02:49 <pingou> mgoldmann: one thing for fudcon that would be nice is having the dependencie chain 14:03:02 <pingou> so that we could eventually split the chains in pieces 14:03:05 <mgoldmann> but I'll be still available for fixing reviews of course 14:03:07 <akurtakov_> so we can clean the queue by then :) 14:03:11 <pingou> each team takes a bit of it 14:03:20 <mgoldmann> pingou: I'll work on it 14:03:23 <pingou> mgoldmann: cool :) 14:03:27 <mgoldmann> but it'll be scary 14:03:28 <sochotni> mgoldmann: mvn-local might be of use for identifying what gids:aids are still missing 14:03:53 <sochotni> ok, so... 14:04:02 <sochotni> mull: have anything about eucalyptus? 14:04:12 <sochotni> or we move directly to open floor? 14:04:20 <mull> sochotni, not much to update right now 14:04:29 <mull> next goal is to build gwt and get it reviewed 14:04:37 <akurtakov_> tough goal 14:04:51 <mull> the debian packaging that's been done is helping 14:05:04 <akurtakov_> mull: java 7 might be the selling point 14:05:13 <akurtakov_> to convince upstream to move to jdt 3.7.1 14:05:19 <akurtakov_> which adds support for it 14:05:49 <akurtakov_> mull: anyway let me know when you get to the jdt issue 14:06:08 * mgoldmann is attending two meeting at the same time, fun 14:06:12 <mull> ok. that's all I have for now. thanks for your reviews, btw 14:06:13 <sochotni> mgoldmann: :-) 14:06:23 <sochotni> #topic open floor 14:06:43 <pingou> do we have/want a mvn2spec tool ? 14:06:50 <pingou> or pom2spec 14:07:02 <akurtakov_> pingou: rpmstubby 14:07:12 <akurtakov_> but I didn't cared to make it runnable from the console 14:07:18 <sochotni> akurtakov_: exactly :-) 14:07:20 <akurtakov_> as I don't use it that way 14:07:31 <pingou> akurtakov_: yum doesn't find it :) 14:07:41 <akurtakov_> though it should be doable in a day 14:07:48 <akurtakov_> pingou: yum install eclipse-rpmstubby 14:08:13 <pingou> does it follow our current guidelines ? 14:08:27 <akurtakov_> pingou: as much as I have identified 14:08:32 <pingou> cool :) 14:08:40 <akurtakov_> note that I haven't packaged new maven thing for more than a month 14:09:25 <pingou> that's likely going to be useful @fudcon if we do some packaging next to the reviews 14:10:02 <sochotni> I almost forgot...there is a rather big change to how we do JNI in Fedora now, but I haven't prepared any materials to explain except read one rather long bug thread... 14:10:05 <akurtakov_> so all of you guys refuse to use it from inside Eclipse and want me to make it a console app 14:10:52 * pingou notes: "install eclipse" 14:11:17 <sochotni> akurtakov_: it's not so much a case of "refusing" to me... 14:11:22 <sochotni> but a matter of convinience 14:11:43 <sochotni> I'd have to run eclipse, emacs, 2 VMs, firefox, freemind...I don't have 16GB of RAM 14:11:44 <akurtakov_> well,even if I change it I'll add a wrapper to run the same code on the console 14:11:49 <jcapik> akurtakov_: CLI CLI CLI CLI CLI :D 14:12:12 <sochotni> unfortunately I might add... 14:12:17 <tradej> yeah. i mean eclipse is awesome, but occasionally i want to do a wild crazy search grep pipe thing, and these are really hard in eclipse 14:12:23 <pingou> sochotni: I do on my server and one apps nicely uses more than half of it :) 14:13:05 <sochotni> if I was buying a desktop now...with the prices of RAM... 14:13:07 <sochotni> oh well.. 14:13:25 <sochotni> akurtakov_: anyway...would be nice to have, but I bet you have more pressing matters... 14:13:32 <pingou> +1 14:13:52 <akurtakov_> I want to ask jcapik about plexus-maven-plugin - are all patches applied and send to upstream? 14:14:28 <jcapik> akurtakov_: gonna check .... but I believe ..... yes 14:16:02 <akurtakov_> so we can end ? 14:16:16 <sochotni> I guess 14:16:16 <mgoldmann> I'm cool 14:16:21 <pingou> agreed 14:16:24 <jcapik> yep 14:16:26 <sochotni> jcapik: you can do the honours :-) 14:16:41 <jcapik> #endmeeting