15:06:13 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:06:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 3 15:06:13 2012 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:06:17 <rdieter> #meetingname kde-sig 15:06:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:06:26 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:06:32 <rdieter> who's all here today? 15:06:39 * rnovacek is here 15:06:59 <rdieter> ping ltinkl than Kevin_Kofler kde*foo 15:07:04 * ltinkl is here 15:07:17 <than> present 15:07:29 <rdieter> jreznik sends regards, was going to the store (or something, may pop in with phone) 15:08:42 <Kevin_Kofler> Present. 15:08:50 <rdieter> #info rdieter rnovacek ltinkl than Kevin_Kofler present 15:08:56 <rdieter> #chair rnovacek ltinkl than Kevin_Kofler 15:08:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kevin_Kofler ltinkl rdieter rnovacek than 15:08:59 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:09:16 <rdieter> didn't have much change to whip up a meeting page or agenda, so what to discuss today? 15:09:23 <rdieter> s/change/chance/ 15:09:47 <rdieter> jreznik init'd http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE49 15:11:44 <rdieter> ok, may be a short meeting (yay) 15:11:56 <rdieter> #topic http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE49 15:12:18 <rdieter> so, like I said jreznik set out some initial ideas for a kde49 feature for f18 15:12:56 <ltinkl> I added couple of points 15:13:37 <Kevin_Kofler> The feature page makes sense, but "As main components of 4.9 release are already devel-frozen due to development of version 5" is not really accurate, only one component is frozen: kdelibs. 15:14:29 <rdieter> ok, feel free to correct/clarify that, but the intent should be clear, no? 15:15:21 <rdieter> I mean, folks reading the feature page, won't be privy to the details of upstream kde development, so keeping it relatively simple here is a plus 15:16:02 <rdieter> maybe instead of saying "main components" use the term "kde development platform" 15:16:20 <rdieter> even that isn't entirely accurate... 15:17:41 <rdieter> or heck, just say, "As kdelibs component of 4.9 is ... devel-frozen..." agreed? 15:18:19 <Kevin_Kofler> I think the grammar of the sentence could also use improvement. ;-) 15:19:00 <Kevin_Kofler> Articles are needed, "devel-frozen" is not very English either. 15:20:10 <rdieter> is under feature freeze is perhaps a better phrase 15:21:18 <rdieter> i'll have to think about it a bit, like I said, if anyone can come up with something better, be bold and just fix the wiki 15:21:51 <rdieter> wrt increased size, probably best to wait to see how much minidebuginfo adds before doing too much there. 15:22:11 <Kevin_Kofler> "As version 4.x of the KDE libraries (kdelibs) has been under a permanent feature freeze since 4.7 due to the development of KDE Frameworks 5, …" 15:22:16 <rdieter> we can start making a prioritized wishlist of things to add though 15:22:24 <Kevin_Kofler> ↑ my proposed wording 15:22:26 * jreznik_n9 is here from the mobile.. 15:22:32 <rdieter> jreznik_n9: hi! 15:23:06 <rdieter> Kevin_Kofler: ok with me 15:23:25 <rdieter> though, slight preference for s/permanent// 15:24:08 <Kevin_Kofler> OK, I think "has been under a feature freeze since 4.7" is sufficient. 15:24:17 <Kevin_Kofler> Though upstream has no plans to reopen it ever again. 15:24:17 <jreznik_n9> ok 15:24:27 <Kevin_Kofler> (which is why I was going to write "permanent") 15:24:28 <rdieter> wrt additional items to add, I'll start a thread onlist, with some initial ideas 15:24:55 <jreznik_n9> good idea 15:24:56 <rdieter> Kevin_Kofler: that's a detail not necessary for the feature page though, imo 15:25:19 <jreznik_n9> we have to finish it this week 15:26:10 <rdieter> One small mini-feature I have worked on a bit, was a minor improvement to installdbgsymbols.sh to use pkexec instead of su 15:26:47 <rdieter> (and add a few delays so users have a chance to see errors before the spawned debuginfo-install window closes) 15:28:07 <rdieter> anything else kde49 feature-wise? 15:28:36 <ltinkl> rdieter: I added the udisks2 blurb 15:28:45 <rdieter> I saw, good 15:30:02 <ltinkl> perhaps we could expand the list of split packages a bit... so that people know what they can install separately 15:30:08 <than> ltinkl: this feature is very importent :) 15:30:34 <rdieter> ltinkl: you mean explicitly list them all on the feature page? 15:30:45 <ltinkl> rdieter: maybe a subpage, dunno 15:30:47 * Kevin_Kofler clarified the kdelibs freeze sentence and added 2 missing articles to the next one about the CD size. 15:31:18 <rdieter> ltinkl: I'm ok listing them all, just wondered if that's what you had in mind 15:31:26 <ltinkl> rdieter: ye 15:31:56 <rdieter> Kevin_Kofler: thanks 15:32:28 <Kevin_Kofler> Hmmm, the kdemultimedia split packaging is mostly an implementation detail, it was already split into subpackages, now they're also built separately. 15:32:44 <Kevin_Kofler> For the user, only the "kdemultimedia-" prefix was dropped. 15:33:48 <rdieter> bah, details and facts getting in the way of a good story. 15:34:54 <rdieter> :) 15:34:59 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:35:04 <rdieter> so, anything else for today? 15:35:51 <kalev> are there any plans to package up Qt 5 pre-releases? 15:35:57 <rdieter> hmm... if anyone has an opinion on the zeitgeist thread on kde@fpo, please chime in. (backstory: a user isn't happy with zeitgeist being a hard dependency from phonon->libqzeitgeist) 15:36:47 <rdieter> kalev: work is underway, but we're waiting for the next (official) pre-release before doing too much more work 15:37:05 <kalev> ah, alright, thanks 15:37:14 <rdieter> jreznik was doing that, but he's not here to give a proper status update 15:38:12 <rdieter> kalev: I'll ask jreznik to give an update on devel@fpo list when he gets around to it 15:38:24 <kalev> that would be great, thanks again 15:38:28 <rdieter> (or I will, once i get the details) 15:38:58 <ltinkl> which reminds me, will there be a Qt5 feature for F18? 15:40:56 <rdieter> I don't think so, it's far from ready 15:41:04 <rdieter> maybe f19 15:41:29 <rdieter> remember feature submission deadline is ~2 weeks or so 15:41:58 <rdieter> (baring some miracle) 15:42:21 <Kevin_Kofler> A Beefy one? ;-) We already had that. ^^ 15:44:13 <rdieter> alright, looks like we're about done here, I'll close meeting here shortly if there's nothing else? 15:45:12 <jreznik_n9> ok 15:47:18 <Kevin_Kofler> OK 15:48:04 <rdieter> #endmeeting