15:16:37 <Kevin_Kofler> #startmeeting KDE SIG Meeting 15:16:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 11 15:16:37 2014 UTC. The chair is Kevin_Kofler. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:16:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:16:46 <Kevin_Kofler> #meetingname kde-sig 15:16:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:16:50 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic Roll call 15:16:57 * Kevin_Kofler present, leading, who else is present? 15:17:09 * rdieter waves, hi 15:17:35 <pino|work> me 15:17:35 * ltinkl present 15:18:29 * dvratil is late 15:18:42 * dvratil or is he? 15:18:51 <Kevin_Kofler> We're all late. ;-) 15:18:55 <jgrulich> present 15:20:36 <than> present 15:21:42 <Kevin_Kofler> #chair rdieter pino|work ltinkl dvratil jgrulich than 15:21:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kevin_Kofler dvratil jgrulich ltinkl pino|work rdieter than 15:22:01 <heliocastro> me here 15:22:04 <Kevin_Kofler> #chair heliocastro 15:22:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kevin_Kofler dvratil heliocastro jgrulich ltinkl pino|work rdieter than 15:22:42 <Kevin_Kofler> #info Kevin_Kofler, rdieter, pino|work, ltinkl, dvratil, jgrulich, than, heliocastro present. 15:22:46 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic Agenda 15:23:38 <Kevin_Kofler> So I'd like to d 15:23:58 <Kevin_Kofler> I'd like to discuss plasma-oxygen (Qt 5 style) package naming and review request. 15:24:01 <rdieter> status updates for various stuff: f21 issues (PK/apper, oxyxgen-gtk), kde-4.14.3 status 15:25:41 <Kevin_Kofler> Right. 15:25:44 <heliocastro> frameworks 5 missing apps ? 15:25:48 <heliocastro> essential ones 15:26:35 <dvratil> heliocastro: you mean KDE Applications 14.12? 15:26:47 <Kevin_Kofler> I'm not sure this is worth discussing. We'll just ship the KDE 4 ones in F22, only the stuff that needs to integrate into the workspace is really essential. 15:27:02 <heliocastro> Ok, so off topic discussion 15:27:08 <Kevin_Kofler> (because for that we can't just ship the KDE 4 stuff) 15:27:24 <Kevin_Kofler> We can do it at the end if there's time, but I doubt it. ;-) Let's get started on the pressing matters. 15:27:41 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic PackageKit hif comps support (for Apper) status update 15:27:46 <Kevin_Kofler> heliocastro: Your turn. :-) 15:28:05 <heliocastro> Ok, parser done on xms files, sent to hughsie 15:28:27 <heliocastro> waiting for answer to see if i use it as an alternative inside backend 15:28:38 <heliocastro> if he not have time to implement inside libhif 15:28:59 <heliocastro> parser is fast, but get packages info will be slow 15:29:21 <heliocastro> comps.xml provides only package name, so we need to get the package name, then query for all packages 15:30:03 <heliocastro> Unless hawkey accept multiple packages query, it wil be slow 15:30:11 <heliocastro> That's current stage 15:31:16 <rdieter> thanks 15:32:32 <Kevin_Kofler> AppStream also gives us only names, doesn't it? So I can't see it being slower than AppStream operations. 15:32:42 <heliocastro> Kevin_Kofler: True 15:36:32 <heliocastro> Appstream was discarded as an alternative 15:36:35 <Kevin_Kofler> I think hy_query_filter_in is what you want to query all. 15:36:52 <heliocastro> Yep, will be something like that 15:37:01 <Kevin_Kofler> I agree, AppStream is a complement to comps, not a replacement. 15:37:50 <Kevin_Kofler> #chair jreznik 15:37:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kevin_Kofler dvratil heliocastro jgrulich jreznik ltinkl pino|work rdieter than 15:37:55 <heliocastro> So, basically is in the hands of hughsie the timing 15:38:24 <heliocastro> But i will not wait too much 15:38:33 <Kevin_Kofler> I hope we can get it sorted soon. Time is running short. 15:38:45 <heliocastro> Yes, he's not on today 15:38:49 <heliocastro> I tried to contact him 15:38:58 <heliocastro> But can't pass this week 15:39:49 <rdieter> move on? 15:39:58 <heliocastro> Yep 15:39:59 <Kevin_Kofler> If hughsie doesn't respond, I can push to both upstream and Fedora for libhif and PackageKit. (He gave me upstream push access and I'm a provenpackager in Fedora.) 15:40:14 <Kevin_Kofler> But I'd rather let him do the reviewing of your changes, it's his projects. 15:40:33 <rdieter> is there anyone else (upstream?) that can review it? 15:41:11 <Kevin_Kofler> There are a few people with push access, but they might not feel qualified to review this (especially because it's backend code). 15:41:22 <heliocastro> I just talked with hughsie and dantti 15:41:28 <rdieter> k 15:42:05 <Kevin_Kofler> Sending a pull request can't hurt. 15:43:26 <rdieter> as far as oxygen-gtk goes, I'll try to implement the suggestion from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1103496#c60 today 15:43:46 <Kevin_Kofler> #info comps XML parser done, waiting for feedback and integration into libhif from hughsie 15:44:03 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic oxygen-gtk status update 15:44:14 <Kevin_Kofler> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1103496#c60 15:47:17 <Kevin_Kofler> rdieter: Makes sense. 15:47:22 <rdieter> that's all as far as oxygen-gtk is concerned, can move on to other stuff (unless there are other questions or comments) 15:47:31 <Kevin_Kofler> I'd change process-working-symbolic to process-working, which is available in Oxygen. 15:48:03 <Kevin_Kofler> Otherwise, I think GTK+ will prefer process-working-symbolic from another theme (e.g. GNOME). 15:48:03 <rdieter> Kevin_Kofler: OK, I'll run it by you when I'm ready to commit 15:48:34 <Kevin_Kofler> (There's a special hack for -symbolic that makes it not follow the usual fd.o precedence rules, where it would try process-working and process in Oxygen before falling back.) 15:52:00 <Kevin_Kofler> #action rdieter will try the workaround from the link above. 15:52:19 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic KDE 4.14.3 status 15:52:26 <Kevin_Kofler> rdieter: I guess that one will be a short one? 15:52:59 <rdieter> yup, builds mostly done over the weekend, I composed bodhi updates this morning (currently pending for f20/f21) 15:53:07 <rdieter> and pushed/signed to kde-testing repos too 15:53:18 <rdieter> (though I haven't done any test upgrades yet personally) 15:53:59 <Kevin_Kofler> #info builds mostly done over the weekend, rdieter composed bodhi updates this morning (currently pending for f20/f21) and pushed/signed to kde-testing repos 15:54:07 <Kevin_Kofler> Thanks! 15:54:25 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic plasma-oxygen Qt 5 style packaging 15:54:41 <Kevin_Kofler> dvratil: So we need to agree on the package naming and on how to process with the review. 15:55:01 <rdieter> is there a review already? what bug #? 15:55:05 <Kevin_Kofler> I'd really like a version for Qt 5 apps in a KDE 4 environments (my plasma-oxygen 5.0.2 package) in F20 and F21 ASAP. 15:55:20 <Kevin_Kofler> There isn't one, because 15:55:25 <rdieter> ok 15:55:30 <Kevin_Kofler> a. I don't know what name to put on it and 15:55:41 <dvratil> I thought about the name 15:55:44 <rdieter> any proposals? 15:55:53 <dvratil> but I don't know if kde-style-* is the right name, as it's not a KDE style 15:55:59 <dvratil> it's Plasma style :) 15:56:27 <Kevin_Kofler> b. I still don't know whether the plan is to review 5.0.2 now and import the current version for Plasma 5, including the Qt 4 style, later, or import the latest version and then just get the 5.0.2 package into the branches. 15:57:15 <Kevin_Kofler> dvratil: I think kde-style-oxygen can stay for the Qt 4 version (also when we'll build it from the new tarballs shipped with Plasma 5). 15:57:42 <Kevin_Kofler> By the way, it should be built as a %package -n kde-style-oxygen from the same SRPM, not as a separate SRPM. 15:58:12 <Kevin_Kofler> But we need a decent package split with decent names for the new stuff. 15:58:22 <rdieter> dvratil: what's the tarball name? 15:58:27 <dvratil> yep for Qt 4, not sure for Qt 5. I would actually be happy to see "kde-" prefix go from the Plasma 5 packaging, unless it's an upstream name, but that's different topic I guess 15:58:32 <rdieter> (not that it matters much) 15:58:32 <dvratil> rdieter: oxygen-x.y.z.tar.gz 15:58:39 <rdieter> qt5-style-oxygen ? 15:58:47 <rdieter> or qt5-oxygen 15:58:55 <heliocastro> like this one 15:58:56 <Kevin_Kofler> I propose, for Plasma 5 environments: 15:59:09 <rdieter> or heck, we could just call it 'oxygen' too, but that's a bit generic/ambiguous 15:59:15 <Kevin_Kofler> Qt 4 style → kde-style-oxygen (as before) or qt4-style-oxygen (with Obsoletes/Provides) 15:59:23 <Kevin_Kofler> KWin 4 style → don't build / delete 15:59:33 <Kevin_Kofler> Qt 5 style → qt5-style-oxygen 15:59:34 <dvratil> rdieter: yep, feels bit too generic, that's why I added the plasma- prefix 15:59:43 <Kevin_Kofler> KWin 5 style → kwin-style-oxygen 16:00:07 <Kevin_Kofler> Cursor themes → oxygen-cursor-themes (replacing the KDE 4 ones with the same name) 16:00:29 <Kevin_Kofler> Sound theme → oxygen-sound-theme (does not conflict with the KDE 4 version from kde-runtime, which uses different file names) 16:01:02 <Kevin_Kofler> plasma-oxygen for the SRPM and for a metapackage can stay, I guess. 16:01:09 * rdieter cares less about kwin, it can leave out -style as far as I'm concerned, that doesn't need multilib'ing (does it?) 16:01:55 <dvratil> rdieter: no, but it's nice to have it split - drags in less stuff if you use KWin on LxQt for instance 16:02:04 <Kevin_Kofler> For Plasma 4 environments (F20 and F21 without the plasma-5 Copr), I'd only build qt5-style-oxygen, and from the 5.0.2 version (because 5.1+ change the look&feel). 16:02:20 <rdieter> dvratil: I agree it should be split, I just meant I'm ok with kwin-oxygen name without -style in there 16:02:37 <Kevin_Kofler> And more importantly, the Qt style shouldn't drag in KWin. 16:02:40 <rdieter> but don't object to -style either 16:02:45 <Kevin_Kofler> (not even KWin libs) 16:03:07 <Kevin_Kofler> We can do kwin-oxygen, yes. 16:03:41 <Kevin_Kofler> If we want to be verbose, I guess kwin-decoration-oxygen would be more accurate than -style-. 16:03:56 <heliocastro> No no 16:04:05 <heliocastro> kwin-oxygen is good enough 16:05:01 <dvratil> Kevin_Kofler: +1 to everything from me, sounds reasonable. So qt5-style-oxygen for F20 and F21 would be a new package with oxygen-5.0.2, and would be retired in F22, where a subpackage from plasma-oxygen would provide the up-to-date 5.x version? And it would be automatically updated to latest when people add my Copr to F20/21 16:05:23 <Kevin_Kofler> I can just call it plasma-oxygen.spec too and build only the %package -n subpackage. 16:06:00 <dvratil> makes sense 16:06:16 <dvratil> so should I put up the full plasma-oxygen.spec for review? 16:06:23 <heliocastro> +1 16:06:41 <rdieter> dvratil: yes, +1 16:06:49 <Kevin_Kofler> So, for dvratil's package: keep plasma-oxygen.spec name, add %package -n subpackages as follows: qt4-style-oxygen (Obsoletes/Provides: kde-style-oxygen and plasma-oxygen-kde4 or how it's called now, don't build the KWin 4 style at all), qt5-style-oxygen, kwin-oxygen, oxygen-cursor-themes, oxygen-sound-theme, make the main package a metapackage that Requires everything. 16:06:55 <Kevin_Kofler> Is that right? 16:07:20 <rdieter> and call the main pkg/module plasma-oxygen from the start, can avoid the need for renaming/retiring later 16:07:54 <dvratil> yep 16:08:04 <Kevin_Kofler> For my package, I use plasma-oxygen.spec, but with only %package -n qt5-style-oxygen and no main package. 16:08:20 <heliocastro> Good enough 16:09:17 <Kevin_Kofler> So we send dvratil's stuff to review for Rawhide and request F20 and F21 branches, but we don't build the new stuff there, but I import my spec instead. 16:09:49 <Kevin_Kofler> Only question: does plasma-oxygen from plasma-5 build in Rawhide right now or do we have to send other stuff (like kwin) through review first? 16:10:02 <dvratil> we need KWin first to get KWin style 16:10:05 <Kevin_Kofler> I guess we could build without the kwin-oxygen subpackage for now, but that's extra work. 16:10:37 <dvratil> I can submit KWin too, though. It does not depend on anything, and we'll need it sooner or later :) 16:10:51 <dvratil> *does not depend on anything else from Plasma 5 releases 16:10:57 <Kevin_Kofler> That probably makes more sense, yes. 16:11:26 <Kevin_Kofler> It'll just have file conflicts with kde-workspace until the full migration is done. 16:11:46 <dvratil> and kwin is split out of kde-workspace already, so it will even go as smooth upgrade 16:11:49 <rdieter> dvratil: will we be able to retire kde-workspace-4.x then? or will we need to keep some bits? 16:12:01 <Kevin_Kofler> Ah, right, so not even file conflicts. 16:12:09 <dvratil> rdieter: we might need to keep some libs 16:12:12 <rdieter> I know lots of stuff depends on libworkspace for example 16:12:18 <rdieter> k 16:12:18 <dvratil> yep 16:12:25 <rdieter> we'll cross that bridge when we come to it 16:12:43 <Kevin_Kofler> Some stuff, we'll be able to just kill, i.e., it doesn't make sense to ship the old libkdecoration if we don't ship the matching version of KWin. 16:13:06 <Kevin_Kofler> But other stuff may still be needed. 16:13:24 <Kevin_Kofler> In theory, nothing from kde-workspace should be needed, but… :-( 16:14:35 <dvratil> I would like to split some more applications from kde-workspace and kde-runtime to %package -n now, so that we have smooth upgrade later on (and don't have to fight with Provides/Obsoletes/Conflicts and what not 16:14:39 <Kevin_Kofler> There used to be a lot of kde-workspace-devel BRs, some got fixed when libplasma moved to kdelibs (that said, stuff using libplasma is also suspicious – it works if they were only using libplasma as a canvas, but not if they're plasmoids for the desktop), but I think there are still kde-workspace-devel BRs left. 16:14:58 <rdieter> dvratil: +1, when/if you have ideas on new splits, I'll be happy to help make it happen 16:15:47 <dvratil> great. I'll write up some wiki/document to sum up what's needed 16:16:57 <Kevin_Kofler> #agreed for dvratil's package (Plasma 5 environment): keep plasma-oxygen.spec name, add %package -n subpackages as follows: qt4-style-oxygen (Obsoletes/Provides: kde-style-oxygen and plasma-oxygen-kde4 or how it's called now, don't build the KWin 4 style at all), qt5-style-oxygen, kwin-oxygen, oxygen-cursor-themes, oxygen-sound-theme, make the main package a metapackage that Requires everything 16:17:39 <Kevin_Kofler> #agreed for KDE 4 environments, use my 5.0.2 package, use plasma-oxygen.spec, but with only %package -n qt5-style-oxygen and no main package 16:17:53 <Kevin_Kofler> Or should I already put the metapackage there with only Requires: qt5-style-oxygen? 16:18:12 <Kevin_Kofler> IMHO, it's not really useful to do that, is it? 16:18:35 <dvratil> for easier maintenance, we could just have a full spec everywhere, and use if (fedoraVersion >= 22) ... ? 16:18:57 <Kevin_Kofler> No. We're going to use different Source0. 16:18:57 <dvratil> and keep the F20/21 version at 5.0.2 16:19:27 <Kevin_Kofler> So it doesn't make sense to %if 0%{?fedora} the specfile. 16:19:36 <dvratil> ok 16:19:38 <Kevin_Kofler> It'll just make a mess and we need to have different SRPMs anyway. 16:20:24 <Kevin_Kofler> 5.0.2 is also different in that it did not support building for Qt 4. That was only introduced for 5.1 so that the new look&feel can be backported to Qt 4 apps. 16:20:35 <dvratil> right, so build is different too 16:22:52 <Kevin_Kofler> #topic Applications not ported to Frameworks 5 yet 16:23:06 <Kevin_Kofler> heliocastro: So, do we want to say anything for that? 16:23:37 <heliocastro> Yep. We can try start tracking down what apps are missing that we're consider essentials 16:23:38 <Kevin_Kofler> IMHO, the plan is clear: Identify the stuff that MUST be ported (plasmoids, KWin decorations, etc.), get those ported or retired from Rawhide. 16:23:51 <Kevin_Kofler> Applications will work just fine if they keep using Qt 4. 16:23:56 <Kevin_Kofler> So we'll just ship them as Qt 4. 16:24:26 <heliocastro> But we need the list anyway 16:24:29 <dvratil> yep, it will be a step-by-step migration, as more applications are ported to Qt 5, we just update our packages 16:25:03 <Kevin_Kofler> We shipped Fedora 9 with KDE 3 versions of kdepim, kdewebdev (which is still KDE 3 because nobody successfully ported Quanta Plus), kdevelop and all the third-party apps (Amarok, Digikam, Krusader etc.). 16:25:09 <heliocastro> dvratil: As i said before, we can use this in our favor helping to port pushing fedora name on this effort 16:25:24 <Kevin_Kofler> Some of that stuff was on the spin, some in the repos. 16:25:30 <dvratil> and who is going to help with the porting? :) 16:26:20 <Kevin_Kofler> And I'd rather ship a stable KDE 4 version of an application that works than a buggy pre-alpha KF5 port. 16:26:27 <dvratil> +1 ^^ 16:26:31 <heliocastro> Agreed 16:26:49 <Kevin_Kofler> We can ship beta ports if they work properly and have all the features, but not broken ports just to claim we ship everything KF5. 16:26:58 <jgrulich> most users won't notice that they are still using KDE 4 version of some apps anyway 16:27:12 <Kevin_Kofler> jgrulich: If we get the theming right, yes. :-) 16:27:50 <Kevin_Kofler> Some users might also notice the different settings directories, which affects shared components like the KatePart that no longer share settings (but then again a lot of those settings ended up in the per-app config anyway). 16:28:12 <Kevin_Kofler> But most will just notice that it's all Breeze or all Oxygen. 16:28:34 <heliocastro> Ok, but at least we can flip priority over qt5 apps 16:28:49 <heliocastro> Meaning, if an app has qt4 and qt5, we can choose qt5 16:29:01 <heliocastro> And avoid the hell of having both 16:29:11 <heliocastro> Considering stable 16:29:32 <dvratil> I would do that only if the applications is oficially released with double-qt support 16:29:41 <Kevin_Kofler> As an example of an unreleased port, I think Kompare from frameworks is probably shippable right now, it'll definitely be shippable from the first 15.04 prereleases. That said, it's also fine as a KDE 4 app. In any case, we should ship matching Kompare and KDevelop so we don't need 2 versions of libkomparediff2. 16:29:47 <heliocastro> dvratil: Yep, this 16:30:25 <dvratil> Kevin_Kofler: is libkomparediff for Qt 4 and 5 coinstallable? 16:30:43 <Kevin_Kofler> dvratil: In that case, we'll want it built against Qt 4 on F20 and F21 (and F19 if we really want to update it there) and against Qt 5 on F22. 16:30:45 <heliocastro> kdevelop is not usable yet 16:31:03 <Kevin_Kofler> dvratil: Should be, and I can fix it if not. :-) 16:31:08 <dvratil> ok :) 16:31:42 <Kevin_Kofler> But I think we'll just ship matching Kompare and KDevelop. 16:31:50 <Kevin_Kofler> Kompare in 14.12 will be KDE 4. 16:32:03 <Kevin_Kofler> And KDevelop is also still KDE 4, the KF5 port is not ready yet. 16:32:31 <Kevin_Kofler> (Kompare theoretically is, but it was ported days before the feature freeze and KDevelop is also not yet releasing, so I decided to punt until 15.04.) 16:33:31 <Kevin_Kofler> That reminds me that I should merge frameworks into master now that 14.12 was branched. 16:33:55 <Kevin_Kofler> (Otherwise, I'd have to come up with a really good excuse for why I'm not shipping the port in 15.04. ;-) ) 16:36:08 <heliocastro> Maybe i go back to my first app Ark to port it 16:36:11 <Kevin_Kofler> A related question is, what do we do with the apps that are already ported (in 14.12) on F20 and F21? 16:36:31 <Kevin_Kofler> Are we going to push 14.12 to F21? To F20? (Surely not to F19. :-) ) 16:36:46 <Kevin_Kofler> And are we going to push it all or only the apps that are still KDE 4? 16:37:32 <Kevin_Kofler> In principle, shipping KF5 apps should be possible, if we make sure qt5-style-oxygen gets dragged in by something. 16:37:52 <Kevin_Kofler> (It'll still mess up things for people using custom widget styles, but…) 16:39:40 <Kevin_Kofler> We did get some complaints about the KDE 4 Dolphin that we shipped as an update to F8 and even F7, integration was not as perfect as we would have hoped. (There were also some bugs that I had to fix, like not picking up the double-click vs. single-click preference.) 16:40:15 <Kevin_Kofler> Hmmm, are people still reading or should we just defer this to next week? :-) 16:40:19 <Kevin_Kofler> We're WAY over time. 16:40:32 <rdieter> <nod>, defer/take-to-mailing list 16:40:50 <rdieter> or back to #fedora-kde :) 16:41:36 <heliocastro> I'm still reading :-) 16:42:10 <Kevin_Kofler> heliocastro: So, speaking of Ark, that app could really use some love. :-) A lot of the features from the KDE 3 Ark are still missing in the KDE 4 version. :-( 16:42:18 <Kevin_Kofler> For example, there's not even a right-click, Open with… 16:42:19 <dvratil> IIRC ltinkl is taking care of Ark 16:42:25 <heliocastro> Ohhh 16:42:29 <ltinkl> ye sort of :) 16:42:37 <heliocastro> We have a suicidal..errr...new developer 16:43:07 <Kevin_Kofler> But I think we can move that to #fedora-kde, too. :-) 16:43:09 <heliocastro> Two guys tried to jump on the new ark design, one german and another brazilian 16:43:18 <heliocastro> Ok, moving 16:43:24 <Kevin_Kofler> Thanks all for coming! 16:43:28 <Kevin_Kofler> #endmeeting