15:07:43 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:07:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 14 15:07:43 2017 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:07:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:07:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:07:46 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:07:50 <tosky> hi 15:07:51 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 15:07:52 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 15:07:54 <rdieter> hi all, friendly kde-sig meeting, who's present today? 15:08:33 <pino|work> o/ 15:10:52 <jwf> rdieter: Oops, sorry – didn't realize there was a meeting time directly after us. Will be more mindful of this next time! 15:11:33 <rdieter> jwf: no worries, it wasn't long :) 15:11:41 * jgrulich is present 15:11:41 <rdieter> #info tosky lupinix pino|work rdieter present 15:11:49 <rdieter> #info jgrulich present 15:11:56 <rdieter> #chair lupinix pino|work rdieter tosky jgrulich 15:11:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: jgrulich lupinix pino|work rdieter tosky 15:12:33 * heliocastro here in reduced capacity 15:13:03 <rdieter> #info heliocastro 15:13:07 <rdieter> #info heliocastro present 15:13:41 <rdieter> #chair heliocastro 15:13:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: heliocastro jgrulich lupinix pino|work rdieter tosky 15:13:45 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:13:51 <rdieter> ok, what to discuss today? 15:14:05 <rdieter> I can give updates on what I've been working on (kde-apps mostly) 15:14:06 <heliocastro> I read some of the bugs that appeared on bugzilla lately 15:14:06 <tosky> status of the updates? I lost track of what should be tested 15:14:43 <heliocastro> I think if we can schedule a special day and announce users to track fedora kde bugs, and help to fix or show upstream 15:14:56 <heliocastro> Liek Fedora KDE bug hunting day 15:15:15 <heliocastro> I was really curious on the one of plasmarc 15:15:47 <rdieter> ok, added to agenda 15:15:51 <than> present 15:16:08 <rdieter> #info than present 15:16:10 <rdieter> #chair than 15:16:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: heliocastro jgrulich lupinix pino|work rdieter than tosky 15:17:08 <rdieter> #topic updates/status 15:17:32 <rdieter> alright, I've been working on kde-apps-16.12.x over the past week or so, 16.12.2 is submitted to f25 -testing 15:17:53 <rdieter> f24 16.12.2 builds are finishing up mostly, pim-stack is pending on a gpgme-1.8.0 update 15:18:07 <rdieter> which I will try to tackle soon (maybe starting tomorrow) 15:18:38 <rdieter> kf5 5.31 is in rawhide, once kde-apps is out, I'll get to work on release builds for kf5 too 15:19:11 <rdieter> there's also plasma-5.9.x to consider (for rawhide at least), haven't had any time to consider looking at that yet 15:19:26 <rdieter> I vaguely recall someone made a copr, but I forget who (sorry) 15:19:45 <dvratil> that was probably mkyral 15:19:55 <rdieter> that sounds right, yes 15:20:12 <dvratil> he also recently asked about the KF5/Plasma update scripts, you should poke him to help you with the updates for Fedora :) 15:20:26 <dvratil> instead of playing in his copr sandbox :D 15:20:31 <rdieter> <nod> 15:21:28 <rdieter> 2 wrinkles I heard: one was a crasher, apparently a kf5-kpackage issue/regression (only rh bug tracking it so far, I asked it to get upstreamed), and theming changes 15:21:51 <rdieter> .bug 1421167 15:21:51 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1421167 – plasma-workspace crash after logging. - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1421167 15:21:53 <rdieter> that ^^ 15:21:55 <tosky> Plasma 5.9 can wait one or two further releases (5.9.2 is going out today, 5.9.3 in one or two weeks) 15:22:09 <rdieter> tosky: i agree, there's no rush 15:22:53 <rdieter> (though I won't object if someone wanted to work to get it in earlier) 15:23:49 <rdieter> anyone else working on stuff they want to talk about? 15:24:01 <rdieter> (packaging/updates related anyway) 15:25:26 <lupinix> i pushed kstars 16.12.1 to stable for f24/f25 15:25:42 <lupinix> including all libindi stuff 15:26:25 <lupinix> rdieter: haven't looked at it yet, is kstars included in your 16.12.2 builds? 15:26:30 <tosky> what is the link of the build under review? 15:26:31 <rdieter> thanks, that made doing 16.12.2 easier :) 15:26:34 <rdieter> lupinix: yes 15:26:38 <lupinix> fine, thanks 15:26:38 <tosky> bodhi link 15:27:24 <rdieter> tosky: lots, split up kde-apps by category (core, accessibility, admin, edu, games, etc...) to keep update size manageable 15:27:34 * rdieter gets links 15:27:46 <rdieter> core https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5b29eb5cbc 15:28:01 <rdieter> accessibility https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5305f509dc 15:28:12 <rdieter> admin https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-fa77f9a7ea 15:28:19 <rdieter> bindings https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-8c6abced3d 15:28:26 <rdieter> edu https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5c4eb771ab 15:28:34 <rdieter> games https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-1650f0402f 15:28:42 <rdieter> graphics https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-2773b5b885 15:28:51 <rdieter> multimedia https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9fb9fe7621 15:28:57 <rdieter> network https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-7f7f4abade 15:29:04 <rdieter> pim https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-1d08b7be85 15:29:10 <rdieter> sdk https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9fb1ece6f0 15:29:17 <rdieter> utils https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-1599c981dd 15:29:40 <rdieter> just started submitting f24 prior to meeting 15:29:54 <rdieter> (but nothing to show for it yet) 15:30:06 <tosky> so no okular and/or konqueror? 15:30:27 <rdieter> tosky: no, since those would be big changes 15:30:36 <rdieter> both were kde4 -> kf5 ports 15:30:40 <tosky> but few edu applications have been ported iirc 15:30:57 <rdieter> sure, those are safer imo 15:31:12 <rdieter> edu/games are arguably less critical in that regard 15:31:39 <tosky> ok 15:31:51 <rdieter> do you think we should consider updating those? 15:32:29 <rdieter> konqueror in particular, iirc, lacks some features the kde4 version had 15:32:47 <rdieter> Kevin_Kofler was tracking that, and filed a few bugs (upstream) 15:34:02 <Kevin_Kofler> Settings compatibility is also an issue. 15:34:12 <Kevin_Kofler> I'd rather not file KDE 4 → 5 ports as updates, to be honest. 15:34:34 <rdieter> I don't think any of these include setting migration (yet) 15:34:43 <Kevin_Kofler> (please direct all the "there is no KDE 5" pendantries to /dev/null ;-) ) 15:35:18 <rdieter> tosky: I can probably provide those via copr somewhere, if there's interest 15:35:25 <rdieter> (actually, I was thinking of doing it anyway) 15:36:01 <tosky> well, not so urgent, F26 is not far away 15:36:16 <rdieter> copr would help folks test things in advance of f26 too 15:36:24 <rdieter> ok, moving on... 15:36:33 <rdieter> #topic kde bug hunting/triage day 15:36:46 <rdieter> heliocastro: ? this was your idea :) 15:38:59 <rdieter> oh, we may have lost him 15:39:20 <rdieter> "I think if we can schedule a special day and announce users to track fedora kde bugs, and help to fix or show upstream" 15:39:22 <rdieter> from before 15:39:45 * lupinix has to leave now, he'll read the logs later 15:39:46 <rdieter> which sounds like not a bad idea, but would require at least 1 or 2 people to help lead the effort 15:39:51 <rdieter> lupinix: thanks 15:40:02 <lupinix> cya 15:41:02 <rdieter> maybe worth discussing that out of meeting and/or onlist later? 15:44:46 <rdieter> ok, let's do that 15:44:50 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:44:55 <rdieter> anything else to discuss today? 15:47:32 <tosky> uhm, not on my side 15:47:36 <tosky> there is enough to test 15:47:57 <rdieter> alright, thanks everyone 15:48:03 <rdieter> #endmeeting