15:10:05 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:10:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 28 15:10:05 2017 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:10:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:10:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:10:08 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:10:15 <rdieter> hi all, and welcome. who's present today? 15:10:16 <tosky> (hi) 15:11:07 <lupinix> hi everyone 15:11:30 <rdieter> #info rdieter tosky lupinix present 15:11:51 <jreznik> hey 15:12:13 <rdieter> #inof jreznik present 15:12:18 <rdieter> #chair tosky lupinix jreznik 15:12:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik lupinix rdieter tosky 15:13:06 <mbriza> hey 15:13:13 <rdieter> #info mbriza present 15:13:15 <rdieter> hi 15:13:17 <rdieter> #chair mbrize 15:13:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik lupinix mbrize rdieter tosky 15:14:30 <rdieter> #chair mbriza 15:14:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik lupinix mbriza mbrize rdieter tosky 15:14:31 <rdieter> even 15:14:33 <rdieter> haha 15:14:35 <heliocastro> here 15:14:41 <rdieter> #info heliocastro present 15:14:45 <rdieter> #chair heliocastro 15:14:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: heliocastro jreznik lupinix mbriza mbrize rdieter tosky 15:15:11 <rdieter> ok, let's get started 15:15:13 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:15:16 <rdieter> what to discuss today? 15:15:38 <rdieter> i've got: recent bodhi updates/status (kf5-5.31/plasma-5.8.6 in particular) 15:16:04 <lupinix> nothing special here 15:16:26 <jreznik> any update on official 5.9.x builds? 15:16:29 * heliocastro just want to know if can push 5.8 to rawhide 15:16:36 <heliocastro> Qt 5.8 15:17:58 <rdieter> ok, we can discuss both topics (added to agenda) 15:18:44 <rdieter> #topic recent bodhi updates (kf5-5.31, plasma-5.8.6) 15:19:13 <rdieter> got lots of positive feedback, on kf5/plasma in -testing so far, any objections to queue'ing stable ? 15:19:16 <rdieter> or other comments? 15:19:36 * lupinix uses it on 4 machines without issues 15:19:43 <lupinix> so i'm fine with stable 15:19:47 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-0f6aa187ff 15:19:52 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5460cc282a 15:19:58 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-4ce7411a87 15:20:02 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-c262a33752 15:20:11 <jreznik> +1 15:20:21 <lupinix> only issue i had was the still pending kf5 5.31 => got the blackscreen, but that is fixed 15:20:23 <rdieter> links ^^, kf5 and plasma kinda have to go at the same time 15:22:11 <rdieter> #agreed push kf5-5.31/plasma-5.8.6 to stable updates 15:22:17 <rdieter> (will to after meeting) 15:22:22 <rdieter> moving on... 15:22:27 <rdieter> #topic plasma-5.9.x 15:22:52 <rdieter> jreznik raised a good question, "any update on official 5.9.x builds?" 15:23:06 <rdieter> I guess now is a good time to import into rawhide 15:23:10 <rdieter> (finally) 15:23:31 <lupinix> yes, i'm using the copr on one machine, works fine so far 15:23:34 <rdieter> anyone able/interested to help work on that? (else, I probably can later this week) 15:24:07 <jreznik> 5.9.3 release is today afaik 15:24:17 * lupinix has to finish a deadline project until thursday, so maybe he can help on friday if he gets an introduction on build order etc. or any scripts 15:24:32 <jreznik> mkyral: ^^^ 15:25:18 <mkyral> jreznik: i know. I'll rebuild once it's out. 15:25:28 <tosky> but I guess not for Fedora 24...? 15:25:33 <tosky> the LTS should be enough there 15:25:37 <tosky> not sure about 25 15:25:44 <jreznik> mkyral: I mean we're looking for volunteer for official build 15:25:47 <rdieter> rawhide only first, then we can consider f25, f24... probably not 15:26:15 <rdieter> f24 is a nice lts setup :) (both Qt5/Plasma) 15:26:58 <lupinix> yes, for f24 we should stick with lts releases 15:27:46 <rdieter> mkyral: would you be interested in helping merge plasma-5.9.x into master/ branch in fedora git, and do official/koji builds? 15:28:09 <mkyral> jreznik, rdieter: not sure if i'll have the time to do the official build with all the whistles and bells around (changelog!)... :( also, i copr i have more freedom to do stuff like kicking a patch out instead of twisting it for the new release or not solving build failures in plasma-sdk and plasma-discover... 15:28:10 <rdieter> (would require granting acl's, but I'm very ok with that) 15:28:38 <rdieter> mkyral: ok, fair... when/if you change your mind and have copious amounts of free time, let us know :) 15:29:26 <rdieter> regardless, I think we're in agreement that getting this into rawhide asap is a "good thing(tm)", so any kde-sig member able/willing to work on it is welcome to do so 15:29:36 <jreznik> we talked about it with mkyral that we might be able to help with updates :) 15:29:58 <mkyral> rdieter: of course I am happy to provide all the changes I made for it to build in copr and also my little handy build script 15:30:12 <rdieter> the initial 5.9.x merge will probably be the most work, doing minor/incremental updates after that should be easier 15:30:12 <jreznik> it's a long time ago I did it the last time, is there any tooling aka script still available? 15:30:47 <rdieter> jreznik: I used a hybrid of scripts. one to do git updates, and another for chain-build 15:31:28 <rdieter> the latter, https://github.com/FedoraKDE/fedora-kde-frameworks/tree/master/scripts 15:31:30 <rdieter> build.py from there 15:31:31 <mkyral> rdieter: you're right. apart from the kf5-5.31 issue with plasma-workspace, the only work needed was changing a version in the spec... 15:31:46 <rdieter> i've used update.py too, but I prefer my own for that 15:32:33 <rdieter> https://fedorahosted.org/kde-settings/browser/scripts 15:32:56 <rdieter> build-it.sh can to .spec updates and build (I often comment out the actual build part, when using the build.py above) 15:33:04 <rdieter> s/can to/can do/ 15:33:44 <rdieter> anything else on plasma-5.9.x topic ? 15:34:43 <than> present 15:37:45 <lupinix> nothing else 15:45:24 <rdieter> sorry, got pulled away 15:45:29 <rdieter> #topic Qt updates 15:45:36 <rdieter> heliocastro asked about Qt 5.8 15:46:10 <rdieter> I *think* based on previous conversations in #fedora-kde and queries to kde plasma devs, we wanted to hold off importing Qt 5.8 at the present time 15:46:49 <rdieter> I propose waiting at least for f26 branching, and then consider doing it then (and only for rawhide/f27 initially) 15:47:24 <rdieter> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/26/Schedule 15:47:31 <rdieter> heh, according to that, branching is *today* 15:47:44 <lupinix> yes 15:47:59 <lupinix> already recognized some prparations for that 15:48:03 <lupinix> *preparations 15:48:08 <rdieter> dang, was hoping to get plasma-5.9 in before the branch, *shrug* 15:48:27 <rdieter> #info than present 15:48:29 <rdieter> #chair than 15:48:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: heliocastro jreznik lupinix mbriza mbrize rdieter than tosky 15:49:09 <rdieter> heliocastro: does that mean Qt 5.8 is ready, and you can import it ? 15:50:03 <heliocastro> ok 15:50:23 <heliocastro> I need to finish webengine 15:50:30 <heliocastro> But is a matter to fix kevins patches 15:50:33 <heliocastro> is already building 15:50:41 <heliocastro> the other parts already ok in copr 15:50:53 <rdieter> sure, I think he (kevin) is anxious to help 15:51:07 <heliocastro> And i'm using at home with the webengine with no patches 15:51:25 <heliocastro> If Kevin wants to help, i just upload to copr and he fix from there 15:51:35 <rdieter> heliocastro: agreed 15:51:53 <heliocastro> I think he is more suited to that because the magic of the proprietary package 15:52:01 <tosky> I tried to ask for exact issues about Qt 5.8 from Plasma devs, I couldn't get specific issues, but I've seen frequent "oh, another issue from Qt 5.8" 15:52:15 <rdieter> tosky: +1 15:52:26 <tosky> on the other side, webengine bugs are only fixed there :/ 15:52:46 <heliocastro> I think the main problem is that Martin left for a new company and loose time to actively make wayland work 15:52:47 * lupinix also got some confuse qt 5.8 complains from lxqt developers… 15:52:57 <tosky> heliocastro: it's not that 15:53:02 <rdieter> I know of 2: 1 concrete wayland regression (not a big deal for us probably), 2 there's at least 1 (or more) qml crash regressions too 15:53:12 <tosky> this is upstream Qt too, and not only wayland 15:53:16 <heliocastro> humm 15:53:22 <tosky> also, Martin is still committed on Wayland, from what I've seen on #plasma 15:53:43 <heliocastro> Yes, i know, it'sa just he had less time now 15:54:09 <heliocastro> I have mixed feeling now with 5.8 considering that already we have 5.9 alpha 15:54:12 <tosky> the problem is on Qt side (one *possible* future scenario -nothing written, if you are reading this, phoronix - is a Wayland QPA by KDE) 15:54:58 <lupinix> https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/issues/1257 one of thhem @lxqt 15:55:43 <lupinix> some other issues are already fixed by workarounds, but i have to backport the fixes 15:55:46 <lupinix> @lxqt 15:56:42 <rdieter> extra fun is that since 5.8.0 landed late, 5.8.1 will be skipped 15:57:04 <lupinix> so for now i'd like to stick with 5.7 @f26 branched and 5.8 only in f27/rawhide until things are sorted out 15:57:10 <rdieter> and upstream will only focus on 5.9 releases moving forward 15:57:22 <rdieter> lupinix: +1, agreed 15:57:40 <rdieter> any objection to the "wait for f26 branching, and import into master/rawhide" plan ? 15:58:13 <heliocastro> Agreed 15:58:19 <tosky> yep 15:58:31 <tosky> and probably f27 will end up with 5.9 anyway 15:58:56 <heliocastro> So i will keep 5.8 on copr for now 15:59:12 <heliocastro> And maybe start to pack 5.9 already even on alpha statge 15:59:14 <rdieter> #agreed wait for f26 branching, import Qt 5.8 into master(f27) branch then 15:59:25 <rdieter> heliocastro: agreed 15:59:59 <rdieter> anything else on the topic ? 16:00:28 <lupinix> nothing else here 16:00:39 <rdieter> moving on... 16:00:43 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 16:00:48 <rdieter> anything else to discuss today? 16:01:28 <lupinix> i'll investigate whether it is easily possible to backport qtwebengine security fixes to 5.7 16:01:40 <lupinix> i'm really unhappy with that situation 16:03:15 <lupinix> is 5.6 getting fixes as it is lts? 16:03:43 <rdieter> lupinix: good question, one would hope so 16:05:14 <Kevin_Kofler> I'm for just pushing 5.8 and seeing what breaks. 16:05:42 <Kevin_Kofler> But it needs to get into Rawhide first, obviously. 16:05:57 <tosky> but it already broke something 16:06:19 <Kevin_Kofler> Stuff will require 5.8 soon. QupZilla master (future 2.2) already does. 16:07:45 <rdieter> ok, we're out of time... so thanks everyone for coming 16:07:49 <rdieter> #endmeeting