15:24:33 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:24:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 24 15:24:33 2017 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:24:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:24:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:24:41 <rdieter> #meetingname kde-sig 15:24:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:24:44 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:24:55 <rdieter> hi all, friendly (and slightly late) kde-sig meeting, who's present today? 15:25:19 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 15:25:20 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix.fedora@gmail.com> 15:26:53 <rdieter> may be a fast meeting 15:27:09 <rdieter> #info lupinix, rdieter present 15:27:10 <rdieter> #chair lupinix 15:27:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: lupinix rdieter 15:27:13 <lupinix> seems so 15:28:12 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:28:19 <rdieter> anything to discuss today? 15:28:35 <rdieter> lupinix: update on qtwebkit bugs maybe? 15:28:40 <lupinix> qt 5.9.2 update status, as i have to coordinate the qtwebkit with that 15:28:46 <lupinix> yes 15:29:07 <rdieter> anything else? 15:29:12 <lupinix> nothing else here 15:29:15 <rdieter> k 15:29:24 <rdieter> #topic qt-5.9.2 status, qt5-qtwebkit 15:29:54 <rdieter> latest related developments include: qtbase fix to use %optflags 15:30:29 <rdieter> lupinix: for qtwebkit, kick off some builds in f27-kde and f26-kde koji targets 15:30:35 <lupinix> so i have a fix for https://github.com/annulen/webkit/issues/511 now, applied to qt5-qtwebkit in rawhide, trojita dev confirmed trojita issue fixed 15:30:56 <lupinix> yes, but how to handle updates in bodhi? 15:31:10 <lupinix> shall i edit the qt5 5.9.2 update or wait until that reached stable 15:31:14 <rdieter> we'll add the new builds to qt-5.9.2 batch 15:31:27 <lupinix> ok, that is all info i need 15:32:55 <rdieter> I think that's all we have then 15:32:58 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:33:24 <rdieter> for fun, I installed f27-beta on my laptop this morning, all happy so far 15:33:45 <lupinix> i migrated most of my machines to 27 now 15:33:47 <rdieter> still working on setup of development/packager environment 15:34:18 <rdieter> lupinix: already? :) excellent 15:34:22 <lupinix> yes 15:34:30 <lupinix> works very good for me 15:35:06 <lupinix> btw have one new package: https://community.kde.org/ISOImageWriter 15:35:17 <lupinix> already reviewed and imported 15:35:35 <lupinix> gave @kde-sig admin access there 15:36:06 <lupinix> one thing i have to implement with upstream: signature verification for fedora isos (they have that for neon and arch) 15:36:41 <rdieter> excellent, we already are considering removing k3b from spin, maybe adding this make sense 15:37:59 <lupinix> well we have fedora mediawriter on spin, i'm just not happy it (personally) 15:38:08 <lupinix> as it promotes f workstation @first level 15:38:59 <rdieter> ah ,true, we definitely don't need both of those 15:40:54 <lupinix> another reason for packaging: i'd like to create some custom fedora remix (with stuff that cannot be part of fedora for licensing reasons, nonfree blobs…) and i don't want to run in trademark issues and f mediawriter is branded 15:41:23 * satellit all you need is "custom" to install previous d/l if ,iso and img files in mediawriter 15:41:34 * satellit *of 15:41:59 <lupinix> satellit: ? 15:42:25 <lupinix> already the .desktop file of mediawriter includes the fedora logo 15:42:58 <satellit> fedora mediawriter works for rpi3 and isos very well from previous downloaded .iso's and .img files here 15:43:06 <rdieter> satellit: we know 15:43:11 <satellit> k 15:43:13 <lupinix> i know, that's not the issue 15:44:20 <rdieter> anything else before closing meeting? 15:44:26 <lupinix> nothing else here 15:44:39 <rdieter> k, thanks 15:44:41 <rdieter> #endmeeting