20:00:24 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 20:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 23 20:00:24 2018 UTC. 20:00:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:00:24 <zodbot> The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 20:00:27 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 20:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 20:00:30 <stickster> #topic Roll call 20:00:32 <stickster> .hello pfrields 20:00:34 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 20:00:45 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 20:00:46 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 20:00:57 * stickster magically summons cverna sub_pop x3mboy 20:01:00 <ryanlerch> good morning! 20:01:09 <stickster> Hi Ryan, thanks for joining us bright and early down under :-) 20:01:18 <stickster> Boy, that week went fast 20:01:23 <ryanlerch> stickster: :) 20:01:23 <cverna> hi o/ 20:01:42 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch cverna 20:01:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna ryanlerch stickster 20:01:42 * ryanlerch gets to watch the sunrise out his window now! 20:02:43 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats 20:03:33 <stickster> #info Week of May 14: > 74.6K page views -- hardly any drop off from week before! Nice! 20:04:32 <stickster> May is on its way to being quite a good month but it will be difficult to top November 2017! 20:04:52 <stickster> If anyone has a barn-burner topic that will grab eyeballs, now is the time to pull it in :-) 20:04:58 <ryanlerch> we are averaging >10K per day atm 20:05:11 <ryanlerch> in the three weeks after the release 20:05:17 <cverna> and 8 days left in May 20:05:20 <stickster> ryanlerch: I've been very careful to check for <!-- more --> in the articles 20:05:32 <ryanlerch> 9.6K average for the year so far 20:05:37 <stickster> that's not too shabby 20:06:55 <stickster> We still have cverna Python dev article for Friday, hopefully 20:07:19 <ryanlerch> ooh cverna's python articles always do well! 20:07:20 <cverna> It is in the oven 20:07:20 <stickster> We might have had a security themed article for that new vulnerability, but it turns out to be a bit of a flabby one 20:07:22 * sub_pop appears in a puff of smoke 20:07:27 <stickster> #chair sub_pop 20:07:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 20:07:45 <stickster> cverna: excellent, be careful not to bump it so it doesn't fall 20:07:59 <stickster> (bad soufflé joke) 20:08:17 <cverna> stickster: :) 20:08:26 <stickster> OK, moving ahead... 20:10:01 <stickster> #topic Drafts to review 20:10:08 <stickster> https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 20:10:42 <stickster> I think everything here has been seen. I did realize that my email to Roni about the electronics software never went out. 20:10:47 <stickster> Fixing that now... 20:10:59 <stickster> *sigh, too many things and lost track of that. 20:11:57 <sub_pop> :( We seem to be in a bit of a drought. 20:12:36 <stickster> It happens from time to time. 20:12:41 <ryanlerch> we have the EOL message coming up soon too IIRC 20:13:13 <stickster> ryanlerch: Ah right -- that would be next Thursday 31st? 20:13:17 <stickster> release day + 30 20:13:25 <stickster> or is it June 1st, one month 20:13:43 <ryanlerch> stickster: would have to check, but we usually get it out a few days before IIRC 20:14:15 <ryanlerch> that is an easy one for a new contributor is there are any lurking :) 20:14:34 * stickster adds a shell for it 20:15:06 <stickster> #info A new contributor could probably crib a lot from https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-25-end-life/ for this -- it almost writes itself! 20:15:42 <sub_pop> Yea, I imagine. Would it make sense to even add that to the release schedule steps that we talked about a couple weeks back? 20:16:03 <stickster> *nod -- this could be written and scheduled way in advance. 20:16:18 <stickster> sub_pop: do you want to email jkurik + list about it, as I did with another topic? 20:16:32 <sub_pop> Sure. 20:16:52 <stickster> #action sub_pop email jkurik + list to suggest release schedule item for EOL article 20:17:16 <stickster> If no one else touches it, I can throw this together on Monday while I'm lazing around the house. 20:17:25 <stickster> #action stickster pick up F26 EOL article if no one else does 20:17:50 * stickster notes, Monday is a USA holiday and it would be awesome if we could schedule something in advance for that day 20:17:54 <ryanlerch> #action ryanlerch to email magazine list with a CTA on the EOL article 20:18:17 <stickster> ryanlerch: nice. We could publish that notice as soon as we want, including Monday. Doesn't have to go out the day F26 dies 20:18:47 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah -- i can handle this one since you have a holiday! 20:18:50 <stickster> "And we were singing bye bye..." 20:19:04 <ryanlerch> either way, i will do the featured image for it 20:19:06 <sub_pop> haha that went into my head too 20:19:18 <stickster> ryanlerch: Actually, I'll still pull it together... it's not a big job 20:19:22 <ryanlerch> #action ryanlerch to do the featured image for 26 EOL article 20:19:40 <stickster> ryanlerch: then we can plan to push it Monday, if you could see your way clear to do the socials for it, would help 20:20:03 <stickster> assuming no one else does... again, I'll yield to a new contributor here :-) 20:20:26 <stickster> sub_pop: How is your color calibration article coming? 20:21:24 <sub_pop> It's gonna be a slow one. hughsie is interested in helping and feeding me info, but he's (in his own words) running around like a crazy man the next couple weeks. So it'll be on hold for a bit. 20:21:59 <stickster> OK, gotcha 20:22:13 <sub_pop> Maybe I can crank out something on the new Boxes Download-and-install an OS feature. 20:22:15 <stickster> #info hughsie helping sub_pop with color calibration article, may take a few weeks still. 20:22:34 <stickster> sub_pop: OH! That would be AMAZING. I'm not sure I even remembered that was a thing until now. 20:22:48 <ryanlerch> sub_pop: +1 that sounds awesome 20:22:49 <sub_pop> That's my kind of article too. 20:22:57 <stickster> Have we even told people they can get a free RHEL developer subscription and install it there? 20:23:10 <ryanlerch> even just a quick artile on that would be awesome! 20:23:17 <sub_pop> I'll cover that one, plus the other stuff that's in osinfo 20:23:34 <sub_pop> Can you get a *subscription* or just an image? 20:23:56 <stickster> It lets you sign up right there in the UI, sub_pop! 20:24:00 <stickster> pretty amazing 20:24:19 <stickster> OMG, I'm trying these other download options. This is SICK 20:24:40 <sub_pop> I know you can get RHEL installs, but I didn't see anything about it enabling a subscription in subscription-manager. 20:25:21 <stickster> I think once you have an account, you use that info to enable the guest. 20:25:29 <stickster> Anyway, worth discovering :-) 20:25:40 * stickster is downloading Endless right now to check it out 20:26:23 <stickster> #action sub_pop pull together article on downloading images straight into Boxes 20:26:56 <stickster> HEY! I have good news too. Remember how I couldn't do my next article on CD burning because python-eyed3 wasn't built for py3? Well it is now! So I can start on that. 20:27:58 <sub_pop> haha CD burning. How retro :) 20:27:58 <ryanlerch> stickster awesome! 20:28:51 <stickster> sub_pop: I know, old folks still buy these (or have a lot of them) 20:29:20 * sub_pop raises his hand 20:29:37 <stickster> #action stickster start working on next CD burning script article 20:31:28 <stickster> #topic Pitches to review 20:31:39 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type=post 20:31:51 <stickster> Unfortunately nothing new here, either :-( but... 20:32:18 <stickster> #info --- list idea: TermySequence --- 20:32:56 <sub_pop> Yea, I like that idea. 20:33:42 <stickster> Seems pretty cool to me. His blog posts are fairly dense, but he writes well and I think the topic would be cool 20:33:49 <stickster> did I mention cool?!? 20:34:18 <sub_pop> Yep for sure. 20:34:45 <ryanlerch> yeah, this would do well i think! 20:35:06 <cverna> +1 too :) 20:35:07 <stickster> #agreed TermySequence pitch approved 20:35:24 <stickster> OK... I responded on list but will send another email that this was officially approved and ask him for a draft 20:36:29 <stickster> #action stickster notify TermySequence author of pitch approval and ask for draft 20:37:02 <stickster> So it seems like we have... Fri: Python dev, Mon: F26 EOL. Ryan, how about your Fractal article? 20:37:09 <stickster> oops ryanlerch ^ 20:37:53 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah i can get it done! 20:38:10 <ryanlerch> does anyone know much about riot/matrix? 20:38:18 <stickster> ryanlerch: I don't -- but I think mizmo does 20:38:25 <ryanlerch> i kinda understand it, but not really 20:38:37 * stickster not even using it -- but sub_pop[m] apparently is! 20:38:44 <ryanlerch> so someone to fact-check that part would be good 20:38:57 <ryanlerch> but other than that, i can get it done for wednesday 20:39:00 <sub_pop> I use it, yea. But I don't run an instance or anything. 20:39:07 <cverna> I used it for a while before coming back to plain irc :) 20:39:34 <sub_pop> I like it because it connects my non-FOSS-friendly smartphone to "IRC" 20:39:58 <ryanlerch> yeah, its mailiny what the difference between matrix and riot 20:40:10 <ryanlerch> anyhoo, i can get it done 20:40:18 <cverna> matrix is the protocol I think 20:40:31 <sub_pop> Oh, Matrix is the protocol, Riot is a client that connects to a server implementing the Matrix Protocol. 20:40:38 <sub_pop> Fractal is a client, too. 20:40:40 <stickster> Yeah, that ^ 20:40:54 <sub_pop> Synapse is the reference implementation of Matrix, IIRC. 20:40:56 <stickster> Like the diff between IRC and Hexchat 20:40:58 <ryanlerch> see! i'll get you two to fact check my claims :) 20:41:25 <sub_pop> Much like D-Bus <-> dbus-daemon <-> uh, gdbus 20:41:44 <stickster> sub_pop: Do you think you can pull together the Boxes article by next Wednesday? Then I could edit that for publishing Friday 20:41:57 <sub_pop> Yea, that seems fairly reasonable. 20:42:00 <stickster> cool! 20:42:14 <stickster> #action ryanlerch Finish Fractal article for publishing Wed May 30 20:42:23 * sub_pop has Monday off too, but with 3 little kids at home, so zero free time ^_^ 20:42:24 <stickster> #action sub_pop Finish Boxes article for publishing Fri Jun 01 20:42:29 <stickster> yeah, I hear you 20:42:49 <stickster> So that means: 20:42:55 <stickster> #topic Publishing schedule 20:43:57 <stickster> #proposed #agreed Fri May 25: Python debugger (cverna) -- Mon May 28: F26 EOL (pfrields/TBA) -- Wed May 30: Fractal (ryanlerch) -- Fri Jun 01: Boxes (sub_pop) 20:44:13 <cverna> works for me 20:44:14 <sub_pop> 👍 20:44:35 <ryanlerch> sounds good! 20:44:39 <stickster> #agreed Fri May 25: Python debugger (cverna) -- Mon May 28: F26 EOL (pfrields/TBA) -- Wed May 30: Fractal (ryanlerch) -- Fri Jun 01: Boxes (sub_pop) 20:44:48 <stickster> #topic All other business (open floor) 20:44:55 <stickster> That leaves us with open floor time! 20:45:12 * ryanlerch tries to dance 20:45:31 <cverna> dance floor or open floor ? 20:45:39 <sub_pop> A bit of anecdotal feedback on the Magazine. I was called "the Fedora dude" in a Telegram group for an podcast I listen to. 20:45:44 <stickster> 🕺 20:45:57 <stickster> Ha, nice! 20:46:29 * ryanlerch has nothing elese 20:46:32 <sub_pop> He said he read my articles and was motivated to try Fedora. Woo hoo! 20:46:42 <stickster> Even better! Maybe he'll come by the Magazine :-) 20:46:53 <sub_pop> hah yea. 20:46:57 * stickster has nothing else either 20:47:38 <stickster> Everybody try to grab one person in the next week, and get them to write for us :-) 20:48:01 <sub_pop> Oh yea, author outreach is a good idea. 20:48:07 <ryanlerch> and keep an eye out for newsy posts! 20:48:18 <ryanlerch> anything and everything! 20:49:08 <stickster> indeed 20:49:30 <stickster> I feel like the security one the other day was a bit flabby so I didn't charge after it 20:50:13 <stickster> Plus we still should be getting a modularity post from sgallagh &co 20:50:25 <sub_pop> Yes, that will be great 20:51:13 <stickster> OK then, I guess we're done. Thanks for coming, everyone! 20:51:24 <cverna> thanks everyone 20:51:25 <sgallagh> stickster: we got delayed a little bit. Should have a pitch and first draft on Friday, I hope. 20:51:29 <cverna> thanks stickster 20:51:35 <stickster> sgallagh: that's awesome, thanks 20:51:46 <stickster> #endmeeting