15:00:24 <rlengland> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 15:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 16 15:00:24 2021 UTC. 15:00:25 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:25 <zodbot> The chair is rlengland. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 15:00:36 <rlengland> #meetingname magazine 15:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 15:01:01 <rlengland> #topic Roll call 15:01:11 <rlengland> #chair glb rlengland theevilskeleton cverna asamalik 15:01:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna glb rlengland theevilskeleton 15:01:17 <glb> .hello glb 15:01:18 <zodbot> glb: glb 'Gregory Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 15:01:19 <rlengland> .hello2 15:01:21 <zodbot> rlengland: rlengland 'Richard England' <rlengland@gmail.com> 15:01:31 <glb> g'morning richard 15:01:38 <rlengland> 'morning 15:02:01 <glb> Are you OK with running the meeting this week? 15:02:22 <rlengland> Well, I can stumble through if you rather I did :-) 15:02:31 <glb> I saw in last week's logs that you took it only because no one else was at the meeting to volunteer. 15:02:42 <rlengland> More or less 15:02:51 <glb> It doesn't matter to me. 15:02:57 <rlengland> Some one's got to do right? 15:03:04 <glb> Ehh. 15:03:14 <rlengland> #topic Agenda 15:03:23 <rlengland> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 15:03:28 <glb> Supposedly Ben Cotton reviews them from time to time. 15:03:33 <rlengland> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 15:03:42 <rlengland> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 15:03:48 <rlengland> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 15:03:53 <rlengland> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 15:03:55 <glb> I think they are more interested in the weekly stats than anything else. 15:04:01 <rlengland> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 15:04:08 <rlengland> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- 15:04:15 <rlengland> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 15:04:39 <rlengland> Is there a secret way of dropping these # lines into the chat? 15:04:47 <rlengland> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 15:05:02 <glb> You can copy-and-paste more than one line at a time. 15:05:06 <rlengland> #info Week of September 6: 55.8K pageviews -- down a little over last week. 15:05:32 <rlengland> #info Stable over the last 3 months at around ~50k . 15:06:04 <glb> Ultimately, I'm hoping to get a bot written that might help with running the meetings. But that would require some Matrix support that doesn't exist quite yet (authentication). 15:06:08 <rlengland> Hmmm Seems to pick up the <cr> for me 15:06:23 <rlengland> That would be great 15:07:03 <rlengland> #topic 2/ In progress followup 15:07:03 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 15:07:27 <rlengland> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:08:16 <glb> Is the PowerShell article going to be run? 15:08:21 <TheEvilSkeleton> .hello theevilskeleton 15:08:22 <zodbot> TheEvilSkeleton: theevilskeleton 'Hari Rana' <theevilskeleton@riseup.net> 15:08:48 <rlengland> I'm reading to run the Gamerzilla article for tomorrow 15:09:38 <rlengland> TheEvilSkeleton: is the first PowerShell article ready to run? 15:10:00 <TheEvilSkeleton> No, the person I'm writing with isn't really active 15:10:06 <TheEvilSkeleton> We didn't do any work so far 15:11:01 <TheEvilSkeleton> Oh wait, the first one was done a while back. We agreed on finishing the second article and then releasing 15:11:39 <rlengland> So we should wait for the 2nd article before publishing? 15:11:55 <TheEvilSkeleton> Correct 15:12:24 <rlengland> Okay. Thank you. 15:12:37 <glb> I think Ben just didn't want to run an article that was only about how to install something without any real demonstration of how it was usful. 15:12:38 <rlengland> any ETA on the 2nd article? 15:13:07 <TheEvilSkeleton> So far, we haven't really worked on it 15:13:09 <rlengland> ah. Did a pretty good intro in the 1st one, I thought 15:13:28 <TheEvilSkeleton> We're both really busy. My friend is more busy than me and less active 15:13:31 <rlengland> Card #354 Bash Scripting for beginners (series) Pinged 25 Aug. Responded 26 Aug 15:13:31 <rlengland> Assiqned Subtasks to author for series articles 8 Sep 15:13:31 <rlengland> Card 365 sub task reviewed but needs terminal images converted to preformatted. 15:15:18 <rlengland> I've pinged a bunch of the "in progress" card but haven't seen much progress 15:15:34 <glb> Thanks for keeping on top of that rlengland 15:16:00 <rlengland> YW 15:16:00 <glb> It's unfortunate that we are running into a dry spell with articles again. 15:16:27 <rlengland> #381 beta release should be coming up soon, no? 15:16:54 <glb> I'm quite swamped with things to do for the next several days, so I won't be able to contribute anytime soon. 15:17:10 <glb> I think the beta release has been pushed back to the 28th. 15:17:16 <TheEvilSkeleton> Ouch 15:17:22 <glb> But yes, that is something to keep an eye on. 15:17:24 <rlengland> Beginning or new year gottcha down :-) 15:17:34 <rlengland> *of 15:18:20 <glb> I'm going to be spending a few weeks with my family starting Sunday. 15:18:37 <rlengland> Ah, well that's better. Good for you. 15:18:45 <glb> I'm busy getting last minute things taken care of for work and planning and packing. 15:19:00 <rlengland> Moving on... 15:19:09 <rlengland> #info Are there any upcoming test days? 15:19:09 <rlengland> #link https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/QA/ 15:19:29 <rlengland> #info Yes The article on Card #379 was published already. We are in the test period now. Nothing more scheduled at this time 15:19:43 <glb> About the test day article. 15:20:06 <glb> I wonder if we should have a policy to flag when an article should be "unpinned"? 15:20:55 <rlengland> I was wondering about that. 15:21:03 <rlengland> This one ends on the 19th 15:21:23 <rlengland> so I was considering that or the day before as a cut off 15:21:40 <glb> Yeah, so maybe a color-coded tag that shows up on the main screen like the "needs image" tag? 15:21:59 <rlengland> As a reminder to check? 15:22:12 <glb> Yeah. 15:22:38 <glb> Maybe even change the due date to represent when the needed action should be done? 15:23:14 <glb> I guess if it is in the queue/published column, then it would be obvious that the due date wasn't for when it should be published? 15:23:40 <glb> Anyway, another part of the workflow to figure out at some point. 15:24:15 <rlengland> now where was I... 15:24:33 <glb> I guess I'd unpin the test day article Sunday evening or even Monday morning since reports will still be acceped. 15:24:51 <rlengland> okay 15:25:06 <rlengland> #info Review release schedule 15:25:31 <rlengland> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-35/f-35-magazine-tasks.html 15:25:45 <glb> Let's see how many things it takes to overload rlengland's brain! :b 15:25:46 <rlengland> #info Beta release announcement Tue 2021-09-21 Card # 381 in place assigned to @mattdm Matthew Miller 15:25:57 <rlengland> (thanks a lot) 15:26:16 <rlengland> #info Final release announcement Tue 2021-10-19 15:26:16 <rlengland> #info What's new in F35 Workstation announcement Tue 2021-10-19 15:26:43 <rlengland> Are the folks that need to do the release and announcement going to remember or do we need to prompt them? 15:26:59 <rlengland> 'cause I don't know who they might be 15:27:17 <glb> I expect that Matthew will remember, but it wouldn't hurt to ping him. 15:27:33 <glb> Also, the release announcement has been pushed back to the 28th. 15:27:44 <rlengland> ...another thing to remember...(where's that smoking coming from 15:28:31 <glb> uh oh ... that burnt toast smell again ... '=D 15:29:13 <rlengland> #info UPDATE Final release announcement Tue 2021-10-28 15:30:57 <glb> The final (not the beta) release announcement should go out on 2021-10-19 15:31:22 <glb> The beta is currently scheduled for 2021-09-28 15:32:05 <glb> tip -- use the #undo command. :] 15:32:05 <rlengland> ahh...sorry. Thanks for the correction 15:32:23 <rlengland> (another thing I didn't know about.) 15:32:48 <rlengland> #undo 15:32:48 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by rlengland at 15:29:13 : UPDATE Final release announcement Tue 2021-10-28 15:34:28 <rlengland> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 15:34:28 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 15:34:28 <rlengland> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:35:05 <glb> It doesn't look good for the upcoming week. =( 15:36:06 <rlengland> no it doesn't Should I hold the Gamerzilla article for Monday just so we have something next week? 15:36:15 <glb> I'm going to be quite busy for the next few days and I expect that my internet connection will be spotty, but I *might* be able to whip something up for publication for Wednesday. 15:36:57 <glb> I'd go ahead an publish the Gamerzilla aricle on Friday. 15:37:52 <rlengland> Okay. I could bodger up the correct terminal text for the Bash script article if the author doesn't do it Thats #354 subtask 365 15:38:11 <glb> It'll probably be some trivial unix command like tar or something, but I should be able to get *something* written for publication by Wednesday. 15:39:02 <rlengland> I hate to take time away from you. #354 is only a mess of typing. I'll work on that. 15:39:14 <glb> Hmm. Maybe make sure he is OK with that. I don't want to discourage him. 15:39:23 <rlengland> If you really want to see you name in lights then anything you do would be great 15:39:45 <rlengland> So far he's not responded. I'll do it off line and give him another ping 15:41:00 <rlengland> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 15:41:00 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 15:41:00 <rlengland> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:42:00 <rlengland> I'm ready to schedule #318 Open Source Game Achievement author made updates 15:42:07 <rlengland> editing is done 15:42:14 <glb> LGTM 15:44:28 <rlengland> I guess that's all we have at this time. 15:44:39 <glb> Yeah, unfortunately. 15:45:04 <glb> The beta announcement should make up for it though. 15:45:22 <rlengland> True 15:45:27 <rlengland> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 15:45:27 <rlengland> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period. 15:45:27 <rlengland> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content. 15:45:38 <rlengland> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:46:04 <glb> I was just looking at those. 15:46:22 <glb> Most of them look too involved to whip up on short notice. 15:47:09 <glb> I think if we are desperate, just writing a short article about some unix command that hasn't been covered before would be OK. 15:47:36 <rlengland> okay 15:48:40 <rlengland> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 17 Sep 2021: #318 Open Source Game Achievements (image: DONE, edit: @rlengland) -- Tue 28 Sep 2021: #381 Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 35 Beta (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Fri 01 Oct 2021: #359 MAKE more with Inkscape - Stroke Fonts (image: DONE, edit: @glb) -- Fri 22 Oct 2021: #378 MAKE MORE with Inkscape – Papercraft (image: DONE, edit: @glb) 15:49:29 <glb> +1 15:49:51 <rlengland> Do I need a +1 for what I just entered ?? :-) 15:50:03 <rlengland> +1 15:50:16 <rlengland> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 17 Sep 2021: #318 Open Source Game Achievements (image: DONE, edit: @rlengland) -- Tue 28 Sep 2021: #381 Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 35 Beta (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Fri 01 Oct 2021: #359 MAKE more with Inkscape - Stroke Fonts (image: DONE, edit: @glb) -- Fri 22 Oct 2021: #378 MAKE MORE with Inkscape – Papercraft (image: DONE, edit: @glb) 15:50:28 <rlengland> #undo 15:50:28 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f6317ab1048> 15:50:38 <rlengland> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 17 Sep 2021: #318 Open Source Game Achievements (image: DONE, edit: @rlengland) -- Tue 28 Sep 2021: #381 Announcing the release of Fedora Linux 35 Beta (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Fri 01 Oct 2021: #359 MAKE more with Inkscape - Stroke Fonts (image: DONE, edit: @glb) -- Fri 22 Oct 2021: #378 MAKE MORE with Inkscape – Papercraft (image: DONE, edit: @glb) 15:50:56 <rlengland> #topic 6/ Editor of the Week 15:51:30 <rlengland> #info rlengland will be EOW next week and the one after that ? 15:52:03 <glb> I guess it is assumed that the person who posts the plan agrees with it ... disagreeing with yourself might be a sign of some uh ... instability ... :b 15:52:18 <rlengland> ....hhhmmmm...welll.... 15:52:32 <rlengland> #topic 7/ Open floor 15:52:39 <glb> Sorry, but if you aren't able to do it then I don't think anyone will be. 15:53:01 <rlengland> :-) understood. They may be short meetings 15:53:06 <glb> Meetings have been skipped before though. So it isn't the end of the world or anything. 15:53:22 <rlengland> Things to think about while on vacation... 15:53:32 <rlengland> Not certain using subtasks for serial articles is going to work. I haven’t found a good way to make the status (In Progress, Review, To Edit) visible on the KanBan dashboard. You need to look at each card with sub-tasks to see what their status is. 15:53:32 <rlengland> Also it is possible to assign an editor to the main task as well as to the sub task. This might be handled by documentation but is also a bit confusing. (I fear we are starting to bend a tool to a task for which it was not designed and there could be a breaking point where there is more confusion than benefit. :-/ ) 15:54:38 <glb> OK. No problem. I'll stop using sub tasks for article series. :] 15:54:54 <rlengland> I'm not certain that we need to stop. 15:55:05 <rlengland> there is a certain convenience. 15:55:15 <rlengland> we just need to "think about it" a bit more. 15:55:24 <glb> OK. 15:55:49 <glb> It's really just us at the moment that are using the tool, so whatever seem to work 15:56:40 <rlengland> I'm thinking of onboarding new folks as well. As I said at the beginning of my tour, there's a lot of bells and whistles 15:56:41 <glb> Things might change a bit when we switch to Matrix if I can get a bot running that can work with the Taiga cards. 15:57:00 <glb> That would be awesome! 15:57:04 <rlengland> That might help a lot. 15:57:31 <rlengland> We are approaching pumpkin time. anything more ? 15:57:39 <glb> Nothing from me. 15:57:58 <rlengland> TheEvilSkeleton: ? 15:58:04 <glb> Thanks for stepping up to run the meetings rlengland! 15:58:16 <rlengland> YW 15:59:01 <rlengland> Okay, going once... 15:59:12 <rlengland> twice... 15:59:28 <rlengland> #endmeeting