20:55:00 <jflory7> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-05-11) 20:55:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 11 20:55:00 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:55:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:55:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_meeting_(2016-05-11)' 20:55:04 <jflory7> #meetingname marketing 20:55:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'marketing' 20:55:14 <jflory7> #topic Roll Call 20:55:16 <jflory7> #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas 20:55:52 <jflory7> #info Justin W. Flory; UTC-4; Marketing / Magazine, CommOps, Ambassadors, Join, and more 20:57:24 <stickster> <-- lurking 20:57:27 <jflory7> o/ 20:57:31 <jflory7> #chair stickster 20:57:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 stickster 20:57:57 <stickster> I hope it's not just us or it's going to be a very short meeting :-) 20:58:07 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:58:08 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:58:15 <jflory7> Hahah, yeah, no kidding. I think decause is probably floating around somewhere too, probably a few more. 20:58:17 <jflory7> Hiya ardian! 20:58:20 <jflory7> #chair ardian 20:58:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian jflory7 stickster 20:58:21 <jbishop> #info James Bishop; UTC-3 20:58:27 <jflory7> #chair jbishop 20:58:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian jbishop jflory7 stickster 20:59:12 <nb> .hello nb 20:59:13 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 21:00:24 <decause> .hello decause 21:00:25 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 21:00:28 <jflory7> #chair nb decause 21:00:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian decause jbishop jflory7 nb stickster 21:01:09 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 21:01:10 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 21:01:27 <jflory7> #chair linuxmodder 21:01:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian decause jbishop jflory7 linuxmodder nb stickster 21:01:31 <bkp> .hello bproffit 21:01:31 * decause has lots of excellent marketing materials to show off today, thanks to mizmo 21:01:32 <zodbot> bkp: bproffit 'Brian Proffitt' <brian@proffitt.org> 21:01:42 <jflory7> #chair bkp 21:01:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian bkp decause jbishop jflory7 linuxmodder nb stickster 21:02:00 <jflory7> Looks like we'll have a strong showing for today :) 21:02:54 <decause> #info decause; UTC-4; CommOps, Council, Budget, GSoC, * 21:03:30 <jflory7> Oh yeah, feel free to do an intro in this format for Meetbot: #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas 21:03:37 <jflory7> We'll get started in another two minutes. 21:04:18 <ardian> #info ardian; CEST; Ambassadors 21:05:00 <jflory7> Alrighty. Let's go ahead and hit announcements. 21:05:10 <jflory7> #topic Announcements 21:05:16 <jflory7> #info === "Fedora 24 Beta released!" === 21:05:21 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-beta-released/ 21:05:42 <jflory7> #info This is the week! Wait no more! F24 Beta is rolling out to mirrors near! The F24 Beta is out. Thanks to all who helped contribute to the release announcement! 21:05:48 <jflory7> #info === "Fedora's Love For Python Continues" === 21:05:53 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedoras-love-python-continues/ 21:05:59 <jflory7> #info New brochures about Python in Fedora are available for Ambassadors and other interested groups. Feel free to take them and print some of your own! mizmo++ bkp++ pythonSIG++ 21:06:04 <jflory7> #info === Fedora Diversity team meetings === 21:06:10 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Diversity_Adviser 21:06:16 <jflory7> #info The Fedora Diversity team, led by tatica, meets every other Tuesday at 12:30 UTC. The next meeting will be May 24 2016, 12:30 UTC. If you are interested in contributing or learning more, join #fedora-diversity and join the mailing list. 21:06:20 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/diversity.lists.fedoraproject.org/ 21:06:21 <jflory7> eof 21:06:25 <jflory7> Anyone else have anything they want to add? 21:07:42 <jflory7> Going once... 21:07:46 <jflory7> Going twice... 21:07:56 <jflory7> Going thrice... 21:08:04 <linuxmodder> doin't we have two articles to push out today 21:08:11 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Hmmm? 21:08:39 <linuxmodder> HDYF (jdulaney 's ) and the dude that has a talk Friday 21:09:17 <jflory7> I'm going to try to push jdulaney's soon, I slipped on it this week because of final exams. Going to try to get a few things done between CommBlog and Magazine soon 21:09:19 <jflory7> #topic Action items from last meetings 21:09:25 <jflory7> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-05-04/marketing.2016-05-04-20.57.html 21:09:30 <jflory7> #info === decause follow-up with jmad about printing python brochures === 21:09:34 <jflory7> #info === decause / bkp Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping with social media === 21:09:45 <jflory7> Whoops, one at a time 21:09:46 <jflory7> #undo 21:09:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jflory7 at 21:09:34 : === decause / bkp Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping with social media === 21:09:56 <jflory7> decause: Any news / word back from jmad? 21:10:14 <decause> jflory7: complete. Put in the request with drive media after meeting with jmad on Monday :) 21:10:18 <decause> quotes to come 21:10:33 <decause> #info PyCon Swag order will go out by Friday 5/13 21:10:47 <jflory7> decause++ 21:10:50 <jflory7> Perfect. 21:10:58 <jflory7> #info === decause / bkp Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping with social media === 21:11:03 <jflory7> Any updates on this one? 21:11:12 <decause> jflory7: talked with jzb at the Docs FAD this weekend 21:11:13 <bkp> jflory7: Not at this time. 21:11:20 <bkp> (From me) 21:11:33 <decause> there is a tool we use in OSAS, but I need to talk to Fedora infra and see if they have experience with it 21:11:44 <jflory7> What's the tool? 21:11:50 <decause> also talked with lmacken about these new fangled Yubikey2.0 devices 21:12:13 <jflory7> This reminds me, *I* actually need an action item related to this 21:12:32 <linuxmodder> someone on reddit needs to step the heck up too much trollish crap starting to brew 21:12:42 <bkp> jflory7: RatticDB 21:12:44 <decause> linuxmodder: links? 21:12:49 <decause> bkp: that's the one! 21:12:53 <linuxmodder> links to ? 21:13:01 <decause> linuxmodder: reddit trollishness 21:13:07 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Open discussion on Marketing mailing list about needs for password storage and distribution to pass on to Infrastructure team based on feedback from Infra team about what we need 21:13:22 <ardian> I can help with reddit 21:13:24 <linuxmodder> decause, nearly every thread topic I've commented on in last week 21:13:32 <jflory7> bkp / decause: Okay, so this fits into the above action item. I need to drop a note to the Marketing list. 21:13:43 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Drop the links in #fedora-reddit please, I'll take care of it 21:13:43 <linuxmodder> imo being a mod on a media outlet means policing it 21:14:08 <decause> linuxmodder: do you think this is due to our increased diversity activity, or just organic? 21:14:20 <decause> s/due to/related to/g 21:14:25 <linuxmodder> jflory7, sorry not dropping links -- you should be doing that already or consider shifting 'sdo' duties weekly to allow proper moderation 21:14:41 <jflory7> linuxmodder: That's not really helpful to the issue... 21:15:06 <decause> linuxmodder: we are asking to help, pointing us to the places helps us help 21:15:16 <linuxmodder> decause, that is another thing that nick tatica talked to you about decause needs to be KEPT OUT OF FAS and the project totally ( reference irc upport sif ticket 189) 21:15:43 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I think these are important things to talk about but I don't think this meeting is the appropriate place to discuss this 21:15:44 <decause> linuxmodder: we should talk about this offline, and to assume that this has not been on my radar or under active pursuit is a mistake 21:15:45 <linuxmodder> decause, easy ANY post in last week I've been harsh responding to 21:16:00 <decause> linuxmodder: thank you for helping to combat the trolls 21:16:11 <decause> we need to all support eachother 21:16:11 <jflory7> Problems with specific users should probably be directed to #fedora-council too if it's project-wide issue 21:16:32 <decause> because the trolls are emotionally taxing not just to their targets, but to us as a group, and we need to stick together 21:16:40 <linuxmodder> jflory7, social media adminship is the overriding issue this is with the topic but whatever off line as is becoming usual 21:17:22 <linuxmodder> decause, offline kills the project imo but I only live here as the saying goes onward ...... 21:17:25 <decause> linuxmodder: this is a publicly logged meeting, and if you would like me to give you the details on *this* particular issue, it makes them public and logged for anyone (including bad-actors) 21:17:34 <decause> linuxmodder: I agree, we default to open 21:17:36 <decause> always 21:17:48 <linuxmodder> decause, you ggp ? 21:17:52 <decause> I'm not shying away from that, unless it is a CVE, or a combatting trolls, or threat response 21:18:18 <linuxmodder> I can email you the details I was sent this morning on that bad actor 21:18:20 <decause> linuxmodder: again, I think that we need to not lose our culture in dealing with this new found attention to our project 21:18:39 <decause> linuxmodder: yes, please do, and I will follow up with the council 21:18:44 <linuxmodder> lol ...not touching that one 21:19:20 <linuxmodder> as I'll explain in that email actors CAN NOT be allowed access to FAS resources 21:19:22 <decause> going back to the original issue at hand, our best way to moderate and deal with this, is to have more people actively engaged 21:19:38 <bkp> decause: +1 21:19:48 <jflory7> +1 as well 21:19:53 <linuxmodder> actively involved imo does not mean they have to have admin rights 21:19:56 <ardian> Can we write a bot, that helps with offensive words in reddit ? 21:19:58 <linuxmodder> but 21:20:06 <linuxmodder> i agree more eyes are needed 21:20:20 <linuxmodder> ardian, that is nto the issue atm but good idea 21:20:35 <decause> I think it's a good idea for us to add more reddit mods at the very least if there is an increase in spam/trolling 21:20:49 <linuxmodder> it's more a farming issue ( connect the dots) 21:21:08 <jflory7> I agree, but I am also concerned about the lack of any internal "guides" or rules for moderators, which also extends to the larger social media discussion we've been having 21:21:14 <decause> linuxmodder: lay it out for me, I need your expertise 21:21:18 <linuxmodder> if that's the case I'll gladly volunteer for minimaladmin 21:21:18 <decause> in the email 21:21:59 <decause> we're going to look into solutions for sharing the administrative burden in the meantime as well 21:22:12 <jflory7> For Reddit specifically, I would want to pull ianweller into the loop as well 21:22:42 <linuxmodder> but as a heads If I get a bit harsh in a reply its for a reason ON any social media outlet fyi 21:22:48 <bkp> I think its key to build this policy out in the open, so we can start it off right. 21:22:52 <decause> jflory7: ianweller was our mod for a long time, but he's since passed the torch. He may have some insight for sure, but I can't promise he'll have more cycles. 21:23:05 <decause> bkp: agreed. POlicy open. incident response private. 21:23:14 <bkp> decause: That 21:23:20 <jflory7> I think we should revisit this though, we're nearing halfway point and I think there's some things we should definitely have time to hit tonight for tickets 21:23:30 <linuxmodder> the ones I'd be willing to help directly on are reddit / diaspora / fb I barely mess with the others to be useful 21:23:37 <decause> linuxmodder++ 21:23:44 * decause is working on IRC 21:23:52 <linuxmodder> I know the platforms but not the users 21:23:58 <decause> and diaspora (signed up for an account last week) 21:24:18 <linuxmodder> case and point: fb account had a fedy remark we had to head off fast last week 21:24:22 <linuxmodder> eof onward.... 21:24:30 <jflory7> Alrighty, let's go ahead and press on 21:24:30 <linuxmodder> I saw that 21:24:36 <jflory7> #info === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to the getfedora.org for whatcanidoforfedora.org and fp.o/easyfix === 21:24:38 <jflory7> #action jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to the getfedora.org for whatcanidoforfedora.org and fp.o/easyfix === 21:24:43 <jflory7> #info === [COMPLETE] decause make sure to loop in bkp on draft F24 Beta Announcements: https://pagure.io/fedora-mktg === 21:24:48 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/WSW6ORQXRXZXDYCJQ6I6RX5PISCROYC4/ 21:24:55 <jflory7> #info === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Announce current F24 Talking Points to the Ambassadors list with the Beta just around the corner === 21:25:00 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/DM3TGGDVWEAL423O44YB4P2SVLAFVAZI/ 21:25:01 <decause> jflory7: nice post, saw that 21:25:08 <linuxmodder> decause, did pingou get the fedora-mktg fixed yet? 21:25:09 <jflory7> #info === jbishop post to the ambassador list and council-discuss list, introducing Affiliate program concept and asking for input === 21:25:19 <decause> linuxmodder: yes, we got it fixed today 21:25:34 <jflory7> jbishop: Any updates on this one or would you like it to be re-actioned? 21:25:35 <decause> linuxmodder: not sure what happend there, we think it got deleted/restored or something 21:25:38 <stickster> decause: was there any RCA? 21:25:45 <linuxmodder> okay I'll do the git remote changes and push stuff I did last two days locally 21:25:45 <stickster> decause: RCA = root cause analysis 21:25:55 <jbishop> Haven't been able to get to this. Joined the council list, waiting for approval from the ambassador list. 21:26:02 <linuxmodder> stickster, rca? 21:26:06 <linuxmodder> ah 21:26:09 <jflory7> jbishop: Ahhh, I forgot about the Ambassador list approval 21:26:19 <decause> stickster: we had a lot of cooks, and it is an unknown behavior to pingou. I can follow up again, but it was mostly a "we had lots of people doing stuff to that repo" conclusion 21:26:44 <jflory7> jbishop: That list has some extra steps in order to be approved. We might be able to ping a list admin to accept you or have one of us already subscribed pass it for you. 21:26:59 <stickster> decause: OK. In future it may be important to have everyone either (1) agree on a protocol for pushing, or (2) only use PRs and shut off access to the main repo to all but one or two people 21:27:05 <linuxmodder> decause, limit force push to sysadmin group for one 21:27:20 <linuxmodder> seems to be what puiterwijk's working theory was at first 21:27:32 <jflory7> jbishop: I'll share that action with you so we can follow up on pushing it. If you give me an email to send too, I can just send it over to the Ambassadors list and request further discussion to be on the Marketing list. 21:27:41 <linuxmodder> and consider enforcign signed commits ( with the push to due gpg keys uploads) 21:27:44 <stickster> linuxmodder: I'm guessing same. It's a terrible thing to do and no one should ever do it without group consensus. 21:27:50 <jbishop> Okay. So how about I write something up, post it to the marketing list, and have someone pass it along? 21:28:05 <puiterwijk> Is my input needed? 21:28:13 <stickster> see, now you woke up patrickbot 21:28:16 <jflory7> jbishop: +1 from me! 21:28:16 <stickster> nice work 21:28:18 <linuxmodder> ALL my gh / pagure repos are force push only over ssh and with my key ONLY :) 21:28:21 <jflory7> #action jbishop / jflory7 Post to the Ambassador list (with jflory7 if needed) and council-discuss list introducing Affiliate program concept and asking for input / feedback 21:28:37 <jflory7> #info === [COMPLETE] jbishop pitch "How to Join the Fedora Pod" to Fedora Magazine === 21:28:42 <jflory7> #info jbishop has a draft in the Magazine, more to come soon! 21:28:45 <jflory7> jbishop++ 21:28:45 * stickster has to drop for appt 21:28:50 <decause> puiterwijk: we're just trying to figure out how we broke the fedora-mktg repo (we assume with a force push from someone) 21:28:51 <linuxmodder> puiterwijk, nah was merely mentioning your workign theory on the fedora-mktg snafu at first being a force push by something 21:29:04 <decause> or multiple people 21:29:04 <jflory7> Okay, that's all the action items, we'll move on to Tickets. 21:29:06 <jzb> decause: I didn't know you could break a repo 21:29:15 <jbishop> Draft at https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=12844&preview_id=12844 21:29:17 <decause> going forward, no force pushing, approved groups, PR's from forks otherwise 21:29:23 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=12844&preview_id=12844 21:29:28 <jflory7> jbishop++ 21:29:32 <puiterwijk> jzb: well, if you push an empty repo that quite "breaks" it.. 21:29:32 <jflory7> #topic Tickets 21:29:34 <linuxmodder> jflory7, decause on that note a blog / mag article on git pushing / contrib maybe? 21:29:41 <linuxmodder> I could co-author /edit it 21:29:47 <puiterwijk> Or if you push delete for the HEAD branch at least 21:29:53 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/report/12 21:29:58 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #219 === 21:30:02 <decause> linuxmodder: it's def not mag, could be commblog though 21:30:03 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219 21:30:11 <jflory7> #info "Create Python talking points for Ambassadors" 21:30:14 <jflory7> There is some feedback from other Python SIG members in the ticket. jflory7 replied with some suggestions for quick changes to make to the brochure. We need to check in with mizmo about any deadlines for printing these (PyCon is just around the corner and we need time to print and ship them). How do we want to proceed with the brochure? 21:30:32 <linuxmodder> puiterwijk, delete HEAD would help how? 21:30:32 <jflory7> mizmo replied to me in #fedora-design and said it would be tight, but deadline would be Friday 21:30:41 <linuxmodder> a rebase ; force push ? 21:30:43 <jflory7> I know decause might have some updates on this too in regards to talking with jmad? 21:30:48 <decause> jflory7: the brochures are going to print on Friday, I think the talking points are sort of a separate thing from those 21:30:49 <puiterwijk> linuxmodder: no, that would break it 21:31:02 <puiterwijk> I was answering to jzb how you can break a repo 21:31:05 <linuxmodder> that was what i thought 21:31:06 <jflory7> decause: The feedback in the ticket was for the brochure. 21:31:06 <bkp> jflory7: If the deadline is Friday, I can make the changes tonight/tomorrow am 21:31:12 <linuxmodder> ah 21:31:22 <jflory7> bkp: That might be a good idea. I have a bullet point list in the ticket right now with three things. 21:31:30 <jflory7> I think they should be "easy" changes 21:31:37 <bkp> jflory7: It shall be done. 21:31:41 <jzb> bkp: dumb question 21:31:43 <jflory7> I also put a note in the ticket about the urgency for getting feedback in. 21:31:52 <jflory7> bkp++ Awesome, you rock! 21:31:52 <bkp> jzb: I expect nothing less. :) 21:31:52 <linuxmodder> also noticed we have all members with settings access bad idea imo 21:31:53 <jzb> bkp: do we have any hard-core pythonistas on the review list for that? 21:32:05 <bkp> jzb: We did and we do. 21:32:21 <jzb> groovy 21:32:29 <bkp> jzb: We invited feedback from as many experts as we could. 21:32:31 <jflory7> kushal, churchyard, and a few others have all chimed in on there. :) 21:32:35 <bkp> And we got a lot. 21:32:39 <decause> jzb: not a bad idea to ask one more time. I'll send a link to Fedora-infra. 21:32:42 <linuxmodder> jflory7, were you able to export the py brochure for Southern ? 21:32:48 <bkp> decause: Wait 21:32:48 <decause> well, if kushal chimed in, I feel safe 21:32:59 <decause> bkp: waiting 21:33:17 <bkp> decause: I do not feel another feedback pass is warranted 21:33:26 <jflory7> linuxmodder: He was asking for a Magazine article, I wasn't able to get it converted to a PDF. :( Will need to give it a go another time, it will probably have to wait until after May 23rd when I have the time to really tackle it 21:33:38 <decause> bkp: agreed, after seeing jflory7's comment about churchyard/kushal 21:33:46 <jzb> if we got expert feedback and there's not huge changes, I agree with bkp 21:33:53 <decause> bkp++ 21:33:55 <decause> nod nod 21:33:57 <bkp> OKay, sorry, just making sure. 21:34:06 <linuxmodder> if you or another contrib can get it to work in LO we can do the rest 21:34:20 <linuxmodder> we are hoping to have it for SELF at the table 21:34:24 <decause> the ticket has the latest version: 21:34:26 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I can pass the raw HTML on to someone if they want to give it a shot. 21:34:27 <bkp> I will implement the changes jflory7 has indicated and ping mizdebsk 21:34:34 <linuxmodder> bkp, I can help if you need any on that 21:34:38 <jflory7> I would love to see it printed for SELF, linuxmodder! It's a *really* good article too 21:34:44 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/434/python-fedora.pdf 21:34:58 <jflory7> decause++ Was just looking for that link 21:35:01 <linuxmodder> decause, that the coverted pdf ? 21:35:06 <bkp> linuxmodder: Thank you, I should be fine. But if InkScape gives my issues, I will scream. 21:35:38 <decause> linuxmodder: yes, print-ready cymk with bleeds 21:35:44 <decause> mizmo++ 21:35:48 <linuxmodder> with bleeds? 21:35:51 <jflory7> So, I think going forward on this ticket, I see two actions? bkp adding the final pass of feedback to the brochure, decause taking that and sending it on for final printing Friday? 21:35:53 <decause> linuxmodder: nod nod 21:35:58 <jflory7> Does that cover everything? 21:36:02 <bkp> jflory7: Ack 21:36:19 <decause> what are the changes? this is the file I am sending to the printer for quotes as of yesterday/today 21:36:31 <lmacken> decause: Yubikey4.0 :) 21:36:31 <jflory7> #action bkp Add the final pass of feedback to the brochure by tomorrow 21:36:37 <decause> lmacken: yeah :) 21:36:46 <jflory7> decause: Just a few lines, very minor changes. I have three bulletpoints in the ticket right now. 21:36:49 <linuxmodder> what about the yk 4? 21:36:51 <jflory7> One change, two additions 21:36:57 <bkp> decause: They are in the ticket. 21:37:06 <decause> bkp: you'll likely want to coordinate with mizmo, she can prolly do it in a snap, and make sure it's converted 21:37:22 <bkp> Honestly, the only rwason I can't knock them out right now is that my daughter just got home from college 21:37:23 <linuxmodder> lmacken, yk4 chat was about ? 21:37:33 <bkp> decause: +1 21:37:54 <jflory7> Hmm, so maybe a slight revision to the action. 21:37:56 <jflory7> #undo 21:37:56 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jflory7 at 21:36:31 : bkp Add the final pass of feedback to the brochure by tomorrow 21:38:18 <jflory7> #proposedaction bkp Check in with mizmo about adding the changes in to the Python brochure and getting a print-ready copy (?) 21:38:28 <decause> +1 21:38:32 <bkp> jflory7: Okay, that I can do. 21:38:38 <jflory7> #action bkp Check in with mizmo about adding the changes in to the Python brochure and getting a print-ready copy 21:38:40 <jflory7> Perfect! 21:38:45 <decause> while we're on the topic, I have a few more goodies to share here quickly: 21:38:48 <jflory7> decause, did you need any actions here or are you all set? 21:39:05 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/442/hexspec-sticker-python.pdf 21:39:17 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/raw-attachment/ticket/444/fedora_python_poster-landscape.pdf 21:39:31 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/431#comment:8 21:39:32 <jflory7> Hmmm, invalid link on the first one for me 21:40:00 <jflory7> Hah, these t-shirts are awesome! 21:40:08 <jflory7> mizmo++ 21:40:11 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/442/hexspec-sticker-python_notext.png 21:40:20 <lmacken> decause: not sure of the context for it in this meeting, but I was talking to decause about https://github.com/fedora-infra/ssh-gpg-smartcard-config the other day. 21:40:21 <ardian> mizmo++ 21:40:21 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for duffy changed to 23 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:40:25 <ardian> great tshirts 21:40:31 <decause> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/442/hexspec-sticker-python_no-text.pdf 21:40:31 <lmacken> linuxmodder: ^ 21:40:32 <linuxmodder> decause, that one is not navigating for me 21:40:42 <decause> yeah, she removed text 21:40:49 <decause> that link should work now 21:41:08 <jflory7> Oh man, this is good stuff 21:41:09 <linuxmodder> lmacken, ah nb 's SELF talk 21:41:31 <jflory7> mizmo++ decause++ 21:41:35 <jflory7> These are awesome :) 21:41:44 <decause> lmacken: we're looking for a good way to share passwords/keys for social media accounts 21:41:57 <jflory7> decause: Think you want to just drop mention of these design assets in Marketing ticket #219? 21:41:58 <decause> RatticDB was mentioned, dunno if that is something that fedora-infra has ever used 21:42:01 <linuxmodder> yubikeys are good idea 21:42:17 <ardian> decause, I use keepass + owncloud as a repository 21:42:31 <decause> ardian: multi-user though? 21:42:31 <linuxmodder> kerberos + yk 21:42:49 * decause is def open to suggestions, but we should take them to the list 21:42:50 <bkp> Multi-user is key. 21:43:01 <bkp> So far, RatticDB is working well. 21:43:06 <bkp> And if FLOSS 21:43:08 <jflory7> decause: The solution Infra pitched was using pass (https://www.passwordstore.org/) but they wanted the list of requirements we needed to decide what to use 21:43:09 <bkp> *is 21:43:10 <ardian> decause, yep, that way I can share it with owncloud 21:43:12 <linuxmodder> hash the key token ids to users fas 21:43:21 <jflory7> They are waiting for a list of requirements to decide what to implement 21:43:28 <linuxmodder> and a ssh/gpg on the yk needed to auth 21:43:29 <bkp> linuxmodder: Interesting 21:43:42 <decause> jflory7: kk, we got a ticket for that yet? 21:43:46 <linuxmodder> so local db is nothing but hashes 21:43:56 <jflory7> decause: No, I've meaning to open discussion on the email list and open a ticket 21:44:03 <linuxmodder> and tokens can be yanked / added with ansible 21:44:05 <jflory7> I have a draft started, need to send that after Magazine / CommBlog editing 21:44:20 <decause> #action decause add links to Fedora <3 Python assets to mktg ticket #219 21:44:25 <jflory7> I assigned an action item for myself on this earlier 21:44:34 <jflory7> Okay, we're about at the 3/4 mark. 21:44:38 <jflory7> Anything else for Ticket #219? 21:44:38 <decause> jflory7: I know you're swamped right now, we'll get there as your schedule calms down a bit. For now, just open a ticket? 21:44:58 <jflory7> I'll aim for doing that at the least with my earlier action. 21:45:10 <jflory7> decause++ 21:45:16 <jflory7> Alrighty, Ticket #219, going once... 21:45:23 <jflory7> Ticket #219, going twice... 21:45:31 <jflory7> Going thrice... 21:45:38 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #222 === 21:45:42 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/222 21:45:48 <jflory7> #info "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)" 21:46:09 <jflory7> Hmm, it seems I lost the links 21:46:16 * jflory7 digs for wiki page links 21:46:39 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Scratch/Affiliates 21:46:44 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Scratch/CurrentAffiliates 21:46:54 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Affiliates_SOP 21:46:58 * jzb slinks out of meeting to go home and food the cats. 21:47:12 <jflory7> jzb: See ya around, thanks for coming out! 21:47:30 <jflory7> jbishop: I'm digging through last meeting's notes to see where we left on this one - did you have anything you want to bring up? 21:47:35 * decause waves to jzb 21:48:00 <jbishop> Not really. I've pretty much hit the wall on what I can add. From here, it's a matter of putting it out there and seeing what feedback I get. 21:48:04 * jflory7 nods 21:48:13 <jflory7> Right, we were going to pitch for getting feedback. 21:48:14 <linuxmodder> I was willing to help but saw no action on the wiki and I have 4 other wiki edits so tight on cycles 21:48:38 <jflory7> So I think you're set with your previous action on posting to council-discuss and marketing, right, jbishop? 21:48:44 <jbishop> Yes. 21:48:46 <jflory7> And I'll be happy to help with sending to the Ambassadors list too. 21:48:47 <jflory7> Great! 21:49:06 <jflory7> #agreed jbishop will work on getting feedback from council-discuss and marketing lists (jflory7 will forward to ambassadors list) 21:49:13 <jflory7> Thanks for working on this, jbishop! 21:49:25 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #223 === 21:49:29 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/223 21:49:36 <jflory7> #info "Create Social Media Accounts for Fedora on Diaspora and GNU Social" 21:49:49 <decause> jbishop++ 21:49:51 <decause> nice work on that 21:50:07 <decause> we good to close 223? 21:50:13 <decause> I think it's done 21:50:23 <jflory7> I think this ticket is pretty much wrapped up. We voted to not go to GNU Social and we are getting bootstrapped into Diaspora now. jbishop is working on an article promoting the Fedora Diaspora. I'm +1 to close unless bkp has anything else to add. :) 21:50:25 <bkp> I think so; we decided not to start an account on GNU Social. 21:50:31 <jflory7> bkp++ Thanks for tackling this!! 21:50:38 <bkp> jflory7: De nada 21:50:49 <jbishop> I have one thing to add. 21:50:52 <jflory7> jbishop: Sure! 21:51:00 <decause> bkp++ 21:51:40 <jbishop> One thing that linuxmodder mentioned at the magazine meeting last week was dia.so, which would be an easy way to link people on diaspora. I'm thinking that one should be set up for Fedora. 21:52:08 <linuxmodder> jbishop, that would be for users more than the team 21:52:08 <decause> whoa, that's a good url 21:52:37 <linuxmodder> keep fedora on the .org pod and allow users to use .so/username to bridge the pods 21:52:37 <bkp> Looking... 21:52:46 * jflory7 isn't quite familiar with how it works but is open to the idea 21:52:57 <bkp> Yeah, me neither. 21:53:12 <jbishop> linuxmodder, I don't see how .so/fedora wouldn't be helpful. 21:53:24 <bkp> So we would set up .so/fedora ? 21:53:40 <jflory7> I'm thinking that's how it would work? 21:53:46 <jflory7> And it acts like an alias? 21:54:00 <jbishop> As far as I understand, it's a url shortener. 21:54:01 <jflory7> Seems like it's basically a link shortener 21:54:03 <jflory7> Yeah 21:54:05 <bkp> It seems so. But what's the advantage? 21:54:49 <jbishop> Making the page easier to link to, mostly. 21:54:50 <bkp> I guess it's better than fedora@diasp.org 21:54:59 <bkp> jbishop: Yeah, I see that now. 21:55:03 <bkp> Sure, can do. 21:55:19 <linuxmodder> tl;dr dia.so generates a symlink to all accounts with $email(s) for a user with a vanity handle that works on ALL pods 21:55:19 <linuxmodder> jbishop, more pods to handle more mess to screw with 21:55:20 <linuxmodder> and if we self-host it that is several pods we are asking infra to host they are likely to kick that to themoon 21:55:23 <jflory7> Awesome. This seems like a pretty quick action. I'm still +1 to doing this and closing the ticket. 21:55:33 <linuxmodder> also that could /would likely add to more confusion if it's an 'official' pod 21:55:33 <jflory7> Ahhh, I see 21:55:42 <bkp> jflory7: It's done! 21:55:46 <jflory7> Perfect! 21:55:50 <jflory7> bkp++ jbishop++ 21:55:52 <decause> bkp++ 21:55:54 <decause> linuxmodder++ 21:55:55 <decause> nice work all 21:55:59 <decause> close it jflory7 :) 21:56:00 <bkp> https://dia.so/fedora 21:56:02 <linuxmodder> its an alias shortener yes 21:56:08 <bkp> ^^^ Try it out 21:56:21 <jflory7> #agreed All items related to Diaspora are completed and additional promotion is coming soon on the Fedora Magazine. Thanks all who helped get this set up and running! 21:56:28 <jflory7> Okay, that's all the tickets! 21:56:40 <jflory7> #topic Upcoming Tasks 21:56:41 <jflory7> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-marketing-tasks.html 21:56:45 <linuxmodder> for fedora is useless extra headache for users its great 21:56:47 <jflory7> #info (1) Update and freeze the screenshots page (due: Tue 2016-05-24) 21:56:55 <jflory7> #info (2) Email WGs to solicit bullet points for GA release announcement (due: Tue 2016-05-24) 21:57:02 <jflory7> #info (3) Final Screenshots (due: Tue 2016-05-31) 21:57:08 <jflory7> #info (4) Brief news distribution network (due: Tue 2016-05-31) 21:57:24 <jflory7> Anything we want to discuss on this right now? Might be a good idea for someone to open a loop on the list about screenshots. 21:57:27 <jflory7> Or how needed they are. 21:57:32 <linuxmodder> server can be taken mostly as is from beta for ga announce 21:57:37 <jflory7> I'm not sure how much has changed in the UI for screenshots from F23 21:57:45 <jflory7> Outside of wallpapers, really 21:57:50 <jflory7> Which we can update those ones 21:58:02 <linuxmodder> screenshots ? 21:58:03 <jflory7> But knowing the depth of how many screenshots and of what we need would be helpful 21:58:20 <ardian> jflory7, maybe we can add more screenshots ? obviously smaller 21:58:33 <linuxmodder> to release notes? 21:58:33 <jflory7> I think mailga might know more about this, it might be good to follow up with him and get his thoughts. 21:58:36 <linuxmodder> or the docs? 21:59:01 <jflory7> ardian: Possibly, yeah. 21:59:10 <jflory7> linuxmodder: There's a wiki page with screenshots, I'll find the link 21:59:12 <ardian> https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/ this one 21:59:24 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/F23_Screenshots 21:59:29 <ardian> A better way of presenting workstation 21:59:32 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/F24_Screenshots 21:59:37 <jflory7> Currently nothing on F24 21:59:38 * bkp needs to go move stuff in from truck. Night! 21:59:44 <linuxmodder> s/f23/f24 of course right? 21:59:47 <jflory7> bkp: Sounds good, I think we're about to wrap up, night! 21:59:53 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Yep. 22:00:12 <jflory7> I'll open a loop with mailga to get his thoughts on this. 22:00:17 <jflory7> #nick mailga 22:00:21 <linuxmodder> would be super for the install-guide 22:00:33 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Reach out to mailga about screenshots for F24 22:00:43 <jflory7> Anything else we want to hit in this section? 22:00:49 <linuxmodder> especially the partioning and network setup stuff 22:00:51 <jflory7> Otherwise, we can move on to open floor. 22:00:54 <decause> jflory7: after the docs fad, I def feel like we need to add talking to docs team into that workflow of tasks 22:00:57 <jflory7> Yeah, screenshots for that would be useful. 22:01:07 <decause> there used to be a tighter coordination between mktg/docs back in the day 22:01:11 <linuxmodder> decause, indeed 22:01:11 <jflory7> If the Docs team isn't in the loop for those, we should definitely have some cross-collaboration on it. 22:01:15 * jflory7 nods 22:01:22 <linuxmodder> left hand | right hand sucks atm 22:01:36 <decause> release notes used to be the place where the release announce bullet points got pulled from. def rich history and veteran contribs to talk to there. 22:01:56 <decause> linuxmodder: was discussed at docs fad, def want to get that better :) 22:02:01 <jflory7> Anything else for Upcoming Tasks? 22:02:15 <jflory7> Going once... 22:02:22 <linuxmodder> decause, I was busy screwing with edits to install-guide I missed it watched day 1 vid tho 22:02:24 <decause> #action decause reach out to docs team and get their input on mktg task pipeline 22:02:25 <jflory7> Going twice... 22:02:35 <decause> linuxmodder: nod nod nod, the wrap-up post will do nicely 22:02:36 <jflory7> Going thrice... 22:02:41 <jflory7> #topic Open Floor 22:02:45 <decause> thanks jflory7 for chairing 22:02:56 <decause> jflory7: did we wanna push that update to commblog today or tomorrow? 22:03:01 <decause> (docs fad) 22:03:06 <jflory7> decause: Oh, hmm 22:03:11 <jflory7> Let's say tomorrow 22:03:17 <decause> jflory7: I'm good with doing a night post if we didn't push today 22:03:19 <jflory7> And F24 Release Parties Monday 22:03:26 <linuxmodder> back to the pass store ideas yk + kerberos or yk + fas pass like infra does makes sense 22:03:36 <jflory7> decause: For the Docs FAD, let's schedule for tomorrow morning 22:03:42 <jflory7> I need to push an article for the Magazine tonight 22:03:42 <decause> jflory7: ok, sgtm 22:04:22 <jflory7> I'm personally +1 to using pass, but I definitely want to solicit it to the Marketing list and also get some feedback from people who aren't already savvy with GPG about this. It would be useful to check in with those who already have privileges. 22:04:25 <linuxmodder> for party artcile NLT than 1500 UTC monday 22:04:30 * jflory7 needs to step out for five minutes or so 22:04:40 <decause> jflory7: we can just end the meeting? 22:04:51 <decause> linuxmodder: agreed 22:04:55 <jflory7> decause: Sounds good to me, if no objections. 22:05:02 * decause is good with gavel 22:05:05 <jflory7> Anything else, we can discuss in channel. :) 22:05:07 <linuxmodder> gpg on the smartcard (yk) + pass from fas 22:05:09 <decause> good meeting today 22:05:24 <jflory7> +1 linuxmodder on party article 22:05:25 <decause> linuxmodder: that sounds reasonable, we should propose it 22:05:40 <jflory7> Alright, see you all next week! :) 22:05:44 <jflory7> #endmeeting