13:10:23 <bt0> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing (2018-08-14) 13:10:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 14 13:10:23 2018 UTC. 13:10:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:10:23 <zodbot> The chair is bt0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:10:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:10:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_(2018-08-14)' 13:10:41 <bt0> #meetingname marketing 13:10:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'marketing' 13:11:09 <bt0> #topic Agenda 13:11:32 <bt0> #info (1) Roll call / Q&A 13:11:33 <bt0> #info (2) Announcements 13:11:33 <bt0> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 13:11:33 <bt0> #info (4) Tickets 13:11:33 <bt0> #info (5) Open floor 13:11:58 <bt0> #topic Roll call / Q&A 13:12:16 <bt0> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 13:12:30 <bt0> #info Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez; UTC-5; CommOps, Marketing, Infra, Ambassadors, Fedora-Join and more 13:12:41 <bt0> .fas bt0dotninja 13:12:42 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 13:13:53 <bt0> Hello everybody, let's wait just a little more for quorum and coff coff x3mlinux ;) 13:14:06 <x3mlinux> .hello x3mboy 13:14:07 <zodbot> x3mlinux: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 13:14:12 <x3mlinux> I'm on mobile 13:14:23 <x3mlinux> It will be hard for chairing 13:14:40 <bt0> ok, no problem 13:14:48 <x3mlinux> bt0++ 13:14:52 <x3mlinux> For charing 13:14:58 <bt0> #chair x3mlinux 13:14:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: bt0 x3mlinux 13:15:05 <x3mlinux> Let's move 13:15:20 <bt0> #topic Announcements 13:15:40 <bt0> #info === Call for Fedora Women’s Day 2018 proposals === 13:15:40 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-womens-day-2018-proposals/ 13:15:59 <bt0> #info === Feedback needed on Fedora event guidelines === 13:16:00 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/feedback-event-guidelines/ 13:17:17 <bt0> #info === FPgM report: 2018-32 === 13:17:17 <bt0> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fpgm-report-2018-32/ 13:17:22 <bt0> bcotton++ 13:17:34 <x3mlinux> bcotton++ 13:19:13 <bt0> #topic Action items from last meeting 13:20:01 <bt0> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/marketing/marketing.2018-08-07-13.05.html 13:20:24 <bt0> no actions from the last meeting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 13:21:02 <x3mlinux> Ooopps 13:21:59 <bt0> u know , just an informative meeting :P 13:21:59 <x3mlinux> Tickets? 13:22:02 <bt0> #topic Tickets 13:22:24 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting 13:23:24 <x3mlinux> From bottom to top 13:23:44 <bt0> we have some oldest tickets 13:23:46 <bt0> ok 13:24:24 <bt0> #info Ticket #255 Messaging for a take-away card 13:24:34 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/255 13:24:51 <x3mlinux> I just comment asking if we are done with this one 13:25:06 <x3mlinux> Next one 13:25:21 <bt0> next 13:25:53 <bt0> #info Ticket #263: Fedora events page for the general public 13:26:01 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/263 13:26:23 <x3mlinux> A website with events it's not going to happen. So action for create anguide for using fedocal and then publicize monthly in the magazine 13:26:29 <x3mlinux> Wdyt? 13:26:54 <bt0> sounds better 13:27:11 <x3mlinux> That was the idea we had on latam 13:27:31 <x3mlinux> This guide should be targeted for ambassadors and advocates 13:27:39 <x3mlinux> Also for RPs makers 13:28:46 <bt0> so this guide will be a doc section in docs.fpo? 13:29:01 <x3mlinux> First on commblog, and then to docs 13:29:21 <x3mlinux> Because some docs for ambys should be done soon 13:29:26 <bt0> cool +1 13:29:36 <x3mlinux> So, action this one to me, please 13:29:56 <x3mlinux> I have some experience with fedocal, I think I can write something useful 13:30:32 <bt0> #action x3mboy will write a fedocal's guide in commblog 13:31:03 <bt0> it's fine? 13:31:17 <x3mlinux> Sure 13:31:22 <x3mlinux> Next 13:31:45 <bt0> ok 13:32:27 <bt0> #info Ticket #265 Fedora release announcement in the future. 13:32:36 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/265 13:33:17 <bt0> maybe we can close this one, wdyt? 13:33:50 <x3mlinux> Yes, we finally agreed to do it like I explained in my comment 13:34:12 <x3mlinux> mattdm, if you are around, please take a look of the proposal 13:34:28 <x3mlinux> It's like we're been doing it for the last 2 releases 13:34:50 <x3mlinux> I hope this doesn't add to much work to the FPL's tasks 13:35:11 <bt0> done 13:35:23 <x3mlinux> Excellent 13:35:26 <x3mlinux> Next 13:35:43 <x3mlinux> Close the screenshot page 13:35:49 <bt0> #info #274 Fedora 28 - Screenshots page 13:35:54 <bt0> closing 13:35:57 <x3mlinux> I will finish it this week, but at this point it useless 13:36:00 * cverna is around 13:36:00 <x3mlinux> Sorry for thay 13:36:11 <x3mlinux> cverna, o/ 13:36:19 <x3mlinux> .chair cverna 13:36:19 <zodbot> cverna is seated in a chair with a nice view of a placid lake, unsuspecting that another chair is about to be slammed into them. 13:36:19 <cverna> x3mlinux: bt0 o/ 13:36:35 <x3mlinux> #chair cverna 13:36:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: bt0 cverna x3mlinux 13:36:38 <x3mlinux> Oooppps 13:36:43 <cverna> :) 13:36:45 <bt0> hi o/ cverna 13:36:58 <x3mlinux> I always confuse . commands with # commands 13:37:15 <bt0> :P 13:37:18 <x3mlinux> And we get into post flock tickets 13:37:57 <x3mlinux> The quora one should be move to join SIG 13:37:58 <bt0> #info Ticket #276: [Suggestion] Update Fedora Project Topic on Quora 13:38:03 <x3mlinux> Action me for that please 13:38:12 <x3mlinux> Man, I'm on fire 13:38:24 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/276 13:38:27 <x3mlinux> Being sitted in a subway station helps a lot 13:38:32 <bt0> lol 13:39:43 <bt0> #action x3mboy will move the quora ticket to Fedora-join 13:40:00 <x3mlinux> Next 13:40:06 <bt0> cool 13:41:00 <bt0> #info Ticket #277 Weekly Content for Social Media 13:41:10 <bt0> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/277 13:41:36 <x3mlinux> I really love this idea, in facts, I already ping the design team and they are ok with helping us 13:41:37 <bt0> i don't known what i do :( 13:41:57 <cverna> yeah this is cool 13:41:59 <x3mlinux> I have work for you, please be patient 13:42:14 <bt0> i loved this idea too 13:42:31 <x3mlinux> For this, I think that weekly could be ambitious 13:42:52 <x3mlinux> But if we can do 3 in advance we will be able to manage it 13:43:33 <bt0> sounds good 13:43:33 <x3mlinux> So, bt0, you're mission, if you decide to accept, is to create a list of infographics that people can work on 13:43:46 <bt0> i take it 13:44:09 <x3mlinux> If we are going to use instagram, things need to be concise and precise 13:44:34 <x3mlinux> My idea here is to have: 13:44:36 <cverna> This Message Will Self Destruct In Five Seconds :P 13:44:45 <x3mlinux> 1. People creating the content 13:45:13 <x3mlinux> 2. Us orchestrating a tech review and a design review 13:45:26 <x3mlinux> 3. Social media team publushing this out 13:45:52 <x3mlinux> I was thinking in something like: #ThursdayFedoraTips 13:45:56 <x3mlinux> Wtdy? 13:46:14 <bt0> sounds like a plan 13:46:40 <x3mlinux> Well, I've putted a lot of thinking on this 13:46:54 <bt0> why Thursdays? 13:47:05 <x3mlinux> Because fridays is for podcasy 13:47:07 <x3mlinux> xD 13:47:20 <x3mlinux> But it's just an idea 13:47:26 <x3mlinux> Any feedback is welcome 13:48:03 <x3mlinux> So, the hardest part will be to really take people into creating content 13:48:20 <x3mlinux> So, a commblog asking for content sounds good, right? 13:48:25 <bt0> it's fine I was just looking for a secret reason or something 13:48:34 <bt0> +1 13:48:41 <bt0> for the commblog idea 13:48:53 <cverna> +1 too for the commblog 13:48:56 <x3mlinux> Well, action yourself on it 13:49:00 <x3mlinux> :D 13:49:02 <x3mlinux> :P 13:49:03 <cverna> we need more people to create content :) 13:49:12 <x3mlinux> cverna, agreed 13:49:24 <x3mlinux> We can't generate all the content 13:49:55 <x3mlinux> bt0, you need to come up with a list of quick things that can be reflected in an infographic 13:50:09 <bt0> ok 13:50:15 <x3mlinux> A quick look on the magazine will help 13:51:07 <bt0> #action bt0 will create a list of topics to do infographics 13:51:33 <bt0> #action bt0 will write a call for do infographics in the commblog 13:51:36 <bt0> :) 13:51:40 <x3mlinux> Cool 13:51:50 <x3mlinux> So, open floor! 13:52:08 <x3mlinux> Sorry, I just use 'so' too much 13:52:14 <bt0> #topic Open floor 13:52:57 <bt0> we have the adam request to upload the docs video to youtube 13:53:12 <x3mlinux> Action me on that 13:53:18 <x3mlinux> I can do that today 13:53:33 <x3mlinux> We've discussed at flock, that we can't create all the content, but we can act as a bridge between Fedora people and our channels 13:54:20 <bt0> #action x3mboy will help Adam to upload the docs video to Youtube 13:54:29 <x3mlinux> I'm going to start collecting videos for an 'I love Fedora' videos, similar to the WDYD Fedors on the magazine (original idea from bcotton) 13:54:46 <x3mlinux> Also, I collect 4 interviews ar flock for the podcast 13:55:13 <x3mlinux> After the relaunch, we will have 7 episodes in advance!!! 13:55:26 <x3mlinux> That's really helpful for future interviews 13:55:27 <bt0> awesome 13:56:24 <x3mlinux> And, you're next mission, if you decide to accept it, is to create a list for Screencast that can be published in the fedora YouTube's channel 13:56:41 <x3mlinux> cverna, you think that you can work on this? 13:56:55 <cverna> I can give it a try 13:56:57 <cverna> :) 13:57:23 <x3mlinux> Cool, so the first step is to create a ticket in our pagure to keep track on this 13:57:49 <cverna> I did create a few tickets yesterday about some video ideas 13:58:04 <x3mlinux> That works 13:58:33 <x3mlinux> I haven't look them yet, but I've received the notifications 13:58:45 <x3mlinux> Then, we can call for Screencast 13:59:12 <x3mlinux> This can be a little more tricky because we want them to have a consistent look, butnwencan figure it out later 13:59:39 <x3mlinux> bt0, please action cverna on this, and next week we can check how everything is going 13:59:49 <x3mlinux> Just in time to close the meeting 13:59:53 <cverna> ok I ll create the ticket for the Screencast 14:00:10 <cverna> thanks x3mlinux and bt0 14:00:20 <x3mlinux> To many things happens so quick, I need coffee now 14:00:23 <bt0> #action cverna will create a ticket to follow the screencast creation 14:00:30 <x3mlinux> cverna, thanks for your help 14:00:36 <x3mlinux> cverna++ 14:00:53 <cverna> x3mlinux++ bt0++ for running the marketing effort :) 14:00:54 <zodbot> cverna: Karma for bt0dotninja changed to 14 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:01:00 <bt0> thanks for attend cverna++ x3mboy++ 14:01:01 <zodbot> bt0: Karma for cverna changed to 21 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:01:11 <cverna> cookies \o/ 14:01:17 <bt0> :D 14:01:46 <bt0> ok, let me close, we already have our work 14:01:46 <x3mlinux> Now I need to go 14:01:54 <x3mlinux> Thanks everyone for coming 14:02:02 <bt0> #endmeeting