12:00:54 <riecatnor[m]> #startmeeting Mindshare 12:00:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 11 12:00:54 2022 UTC. 12:00:54 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:54 <zodbot> The chair is riecatnor[m]. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 12:00:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 12:01:06 <riecatnor[m]> #meetingname Mindshare 12:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 12:01:15 <luna> jwf|web: riecatnor[m]: perfect thanks :) 12:01:16 <riecatnor[m]> #info About Mindshare: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare/ 12:01:17 * jwf|web waves to riecatnor[m] and bt0 12:01:21 * luna is here 12:01:22 <luna> hello 12:01:24 <bt0> hi o/ 12:01:25 <riecatnor[m]> .members mindshare 12:01:26 <zodbot> riecatnor[m]: Something blew up, please try again 12:01:29 <zodbot> riecatnor[m]: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 12:01:37 <riecatnor[m]> hmmmmm 12:01:42 <riecatnor[m]> zodbot is a bit slow this morning already lol 12:02:02 <riecatnor[m]> hey jwf|web luna bt0 ! 12:02:03 <riecatnor[m]> .members mindshare 12:02:04 <zodbot> riecatnor[m]: Something blew up, please try again 12:02:07 <zodbot> riecatnor[m]: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 12:02:20 <riecatnor[m]> guess that's not gonna work today ;) 12:02:25 <jwf|web> Womp womp. zodbot said it's not having it this morning :P 12:02:55 <bt0> hi everyone :) 12:02:57 <riecatnor[m]> #chair bt0 jwf|web Máirín Duffy pbokoc nb smeragoel Madeline Peck davdunc 12:02:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duffy Madeline Máirín Peck bt0 davdunc jwf|web nb pbokoc riecatnor[m] smeragoel 12:03:04 <riecatnor[m]> #topic hellos! 12:03:08 <luna> hi 12:03:49 <riecatnor[m]> so biggest welcome to jwf|web today!!!! 12:04:24 <jwf|web> It's good to be back :) 12:04:40 <bt0> welcome 12:04:43 <riecatnor[m]> Justin is our new F-🍰 12:04:44 <luna> yeah welcome as the new FCAIC :) 12:04:48 <riecatnor[m]> 🎉🎉🎉🎉 12:05:27 <riecatnor[m]> Really excited to welcome Justin, I know he is going to do a spectacular job 12:06:22 <jwf|web> I'm looking forward to ramping up on all things Fedora :) 12:06:36 <riecatnor[m]> We are working on handing the various projects and things from me to Justin this week 12:07:09 <bt0> awesome 12:07:13 <jwf|web> I'll be around in IRC/Matrix fully soon – but for now, you can also ping me at jwf@redhat.com 12:07:15 <riecatnor[m]> And we are planning to stay connected on the short, medium, and long term in various capacities so I can help him with whatever as needed :) 12:07:23 <jwf|web> riecatnor++ 12:08:24 <luna> sounds good 12:09:02 <riecatnor[m]> I have been running things in my own way during my time :) Please be open to and expect some changes with Justin as fcaic 12:09:35 <riecatnor[m]> so how's everyone doing today? 12:09:49 <riecatnor[m]> besides being very excited for the new fcaic ;) 12:10:29 <jwf|web> I'm slowly getting into my morning coffee :) 12:10:50 <luna> having a bit of a migrane and light cold, but i survive 12:10:51 <bt0> it's a cool day here, coffee sounds great 12:11:09 <riecatnor[m]> oh no Luna, sorry to hear that 12:11:45 <riecatnor[m]> oops, I forgot someone for chair 12:11:46 <riecatnor[m]> #chair Onuralp Sezer 12:11:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duffy Madeline Máirín Onuralp Peck Sezer bt0 davdunc jwf|web nb pbokoc riecatnor[m] smeragoel 12:11:58 <riecatnor[m]> I started in on the coffee pretty early but def need more lol 12:12:06 <riecatnor[m]> was reading for a book club this morning before work 12:12:34 <riecatnor[m]> #topic announcements and information 12:12:50 <riecatnor[m]> for the record :) 12:13:15 <riecatnor[m]> #info we welcomed a new FCAIC starting on October 10th, Justin W. Flory! 12:13:19 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/welcome-to-our-new-fedora-community-action-and-impact-coordinator/ 12:13:56 <riecatnor[m]> #info the Community Platform Engineering Team is hiring a software engineer based in India 12:13:58 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/cpe-hiring-a-software-engineer/ 12:14:38 <riecatnor[m]> #info the Fedora Week of Diversity event is coming up this Saturday October 15th, make sure to register and share the link 12:14:47 <luna> will try to attend 12:14:48 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://hopin.com/events/fedora-week-of-diversity-2022 12:15:04 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/register-for-fedora-week-of-diversity-2022/42998 12:15:34 <riecatnor[m]> #info recordings are now available for Nest with Fedora 2022! Check out the playlist and share with friends 12:15:35 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/recordings-now-available-for-nest-with-fedora-2022/ 12:16:04 <riecatnor[m]> #info Fedora is participating in Hacktoberfest 2022, check out how you can get involved :) 12:16:06 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/contribute-to-the-fedora-project-during-hacktoberfest-2022/ 12:17:01 <jwf|web> isagordillo++ t0xic0der++ 12:17:11 <riecatnor[m]> #info we are in that wonky time zone part of the year! make sure to check your calendar! 12:17:18 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/reminder-summer-time-changes-coming-up/27831/4 12:17:49 <jwf|web> I'm ready for DST to be abolished :-) 12:18:46 <riecatnor[m]> #link there is an interesting thread about "Marketing to Mainstream" on discussion.fpo, check it out and chime in if you've got Opinions™ 12:18:53 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/marketing-to-the-mainstream-questions-to-think-about-also-interview/42816 12:19:20 <riecatnor[m]> #info help wanted for GNOME Calendar blocker issues 12:19:31 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/help-wanted-gnome-calendar-blocker-issues/42940/2 12:20:13 <riecatnor[m]> #info there is some great work under way on getting Badges into shape, check in on the progress on discussion.fpo 12:20:14 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/getting-fedora-badges-back-in-shape/42942 12:21:00 <riecatnor[m]> I think that's all I have for today :) 12:21:07 <riecatnor[m]> anyone else have announcements or info to share? 12:22:31 <luna> request for Devrooms and Stands for FOSDEM 2023 is open and Fedora will have a stand 12:23:13 <SamN[m]> riecatnor[m]: Oh, hi! Just wanted to thank you guys for bringing this to the spotlight 12:23:32 <riecatnor[m]> it's a great thread, happy to see that conversation happening :) 12:24:40 <riecatnor[m]> I wonder if the cfp for FOSDEM is open or closed 12:25:23 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> Hello o/ 12:25:26 <luna> still closed i think saw nothing on http://penta.fosdem.org yet 12:25:28 <luna> hi OnuralpSezer[m]1 12:25:29 <jwf|web> I haven't seen it open up yet for talks/sessions. 12:25:37 * jwf|web waves to OnuralpSezer[m]1 12:25:51 <riecatnor[m]> #info FOSDEM 2023 will happen in person this year, Fedora is planning a booth! more info to come 12:25:58 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://fosdem.org/2023/news/ 12:26:09 <riecatnor[m]> Hiya Onuralp Sezer ! how are you today? 12:26:16 <riecatnor[m]> any more announcements or info for today? 12:26:23 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> I will be awesome If justin read his reddit messages please :) 12:26:45 <jwf|web> Oh, I forgot I was on Reddit hahah. 12:26:56 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> Also Welcome jwf|web 12:27:02 <jwf|web> Could you send to jwf@redhat.com instead? I have to find my Reddit login. 12:27:20 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> jwf|web: Thank you :)) 12:27:20 <riecatnor[m]> hope those are good messages 🙈 12:27:35 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> riecatnor[m]: I just ask some mod power :) 12:27:41 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> jwf|web: You really really have to :) 12:27:43 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> * to :) find that account 12:28:07 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> <jwf|web> "isagordillo++ t0xic0der++" <- jflory7++ :) 12:28:10 <riecatnor[m]> ok, I am going to take that as no more announcements or info for today :) 12:28:15 <riecatnor[m]> #topic today's agenda 12:28:15 <jwf|web> I have it, just have to figure out what email address I've used for that one. 12:28:19 <jwf|web> Yep, none from me! 12:28:26 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> riecatnor[m]: nothing from me 12:28:42 <riecatnor[m]> anyone have specific things they'd like for us to discuss today? 12:29:06 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> Akashdeep Dhar: welcome please be better soon guys give this awesome man some Fedora love he needs to heal quicker :) 12:29:18 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> * better soon., * And guys give 12:29:36 <riecatnor[m]> we have no new tickets, most things are in progress. I have a few things that I want to bring: quarterly report and budget 12:29:45 <luna> nope i saw your answer on Pagure about FOSDEM travel sponsorship and sent out an email to you and Justin 12:30:03 <riecatnor[m]> and I figure any more time we have we can use to clean up the repo 12:30:21 <riecatnor[m]> sorry to hear you are unwell Akashdeep Dhar get better soon! take lots of rest 12:30:23 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> riecatnor[m]: which repo ? budge website one ? 12:30:27 <riecatnor[m]> mindshare repo 12:30:32 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> s/budge/budget/ 12:30:38 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> ah okay 12:30:47 <riecatnor[m]> been trying to clean that up but we still have 40 tickets in there :P 12:30:50 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> riecatnor[m]: I can handle some of them ? 12:31:02 <riecatnor[m]> I swear we have closed like 20 in the last month 12:31:04 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> riecatnor[m]: +++ 12:31:05 <riecatnor[m]> let's discuss as a group :) 12:31:25 <riecatnor[m]> so if there are no other topics to add for now, I will move us forward 12:31:32 <riecatnor[m]> feel free to raise if something pressing comes up 12:31:51 <riecatnor[m]> #topic fedora budget 12:32:09 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> riecatnor[m]: Will do :) 12:32:10 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Thanks for your kind wishes ♥️ 12:32:37 <riecatnor[m]> mostly I want to say, I have been very busy juggling and spinning plates.. also got sick while traveling and it's taken a lot to recover.. also trying to prep for Justin to start.. and I owe you all a budget report 12:32:43 <jwf|web> AkashdeepDhar[m]: Hope you feel better soon! 12:33:02 <VipulSiddharth[m> .hello siddharthvipul1 12:33:04 <zodbot> VipulSiddharth[m: Something blew up, please try again 12:33:07 <zodbot> VipulSiddharth[m: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 12:33:12 <VipulSiddharth[m> hello my lovely people <3 12:33:12 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> .hello t0xic0der 12:33:12 <VipulSiddharth[m> sorry to hijack XD 12:33:13 <zodbot> AkashdeepDhar[m]: Something blew up, please try again 12:33:16 <zodbot> AkashdeepDhar[m]: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 12:33:19 <VipulSiddharth[m> boooo 12:33:32 <riecatnor[m]> I am working on making sure that is fully up to date, with the feedback from mindshare incorporated as well. at the same time I will be updating Justin on the budget things. Him and/or myself will be providing a report next week 12:33:40 <riecatnor[m]> hi Vipul Siddharth :) 12:33:40 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> VipulSiddharth[m: Won't let you have all the fun of blowing zodbot up ;P 12:33:54 * jwf|web waves to VipulSiddharth[m 12:34:05 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> Vipul drop the boom :) and zodbot didn't handle it :)) 12:34:20 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> * it :)) Hello o/ 12:34:29 <jwf|web> #question What is the format for the budget report typically? A CommBlog post? 12:35:15 <riecatnor[m]> I have been giving informal updates, Justin 12:35:15 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> Normally there is a website for full report and you can write some small blog post and point to budget website but budget website quite old atm ? 12:35:30 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> * IMO, Normally there 12:35:44 <riecatnor[m]> the budget website was never fully operational, bex was manually updating that and I don't have that skillset 12:35:47 <jwf|web> I remember Bex's website, but I think it was a Bex thing :) 12:35:55 <riecatnor[m]> I last produced a pdf 12:36:06 <riecatnor[m]> let me grab the previous one 12:36:11 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> jwf|web: yup 12:36:34 <riecatnor[m]> hmmm the upload is failing 12:36:39 <jwf|web> riecatnor[m]: Thanks! I was curious for what precedent is for the last few releases. 12:36:46 * riecatnor[m] uploaded an image: (219KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/fedora.im/c66a2244ddfdff9f40459511f984c73aa7b3d998/Budget%20Report-%20FY%2022.png > 12:36:49 <jwf|web> If you can't pull it up now, no worries 12:37:01 <jwf|web> Ooh, pretty 12:37:38 <riecatnor[m]> providing these reports has admittedly not been my strong suit, although we haven't run out of money, and I have done a decent job making sure we have spent the majority of it the past three years 12:38:10 <riecatnor[m]> I definitely think this is a place which needs improvement. Since you are starting fresh, Justin, I would suggest implementing the best way you feel it should be done 12:38:20 <riecatnor[m]> and it would be great to be sustainable so that the next fcaic has an easier time than I 12:38:31 <jwf|web> I'll definitely be taking a think on this one 12:38:55 <luna> /j #kde 12:38:57 <jwf|web> The PDF report looks nice anyways though :) 12:39:00 <luna> woops 12:39:05 <riecatnor[m]> you and I will take some time to review the budget and I can show you how the png I shared was made 12:39:13 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> riecatnor: Akashdeep Dhar maybe after we can do something similar to budget website after we did our work on new websites (we have our CMS stuff and we can info more easily..... what do you think guys ?) 12:39:14 <jwf|web> riecatnor++ 12:39:30 <OnuralpSezer[m]1> * we can add info more 12:39:45 <riecatnor[m]> if there was a nice interface to update websites, that any avg person can use with ease, I think that would be great 12:40:46 <jwf|web> I wonder if other open communities have tried to solve this problem before 12:40:49 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> OnuralpSezer[m]1: +1. This should make it easy for folks to go ahead and make changes without worrying about the technicalities. 12:42:19 <riecatnor[m]> I have received some feedback that we need to make this more transparent. My focus ended up on other things, which were good things, but I admittedly didn't do the best job on this. I take accountability for that, and I hope that this is a place Justin can improve things 12:42:53 <riecatnor[m]> jwf|web: I think doing some research along these lines is a great approach 12:43:20 <jwf|web> riecatnor[m] Appreciate what you've done here already, it is not the most glorious part of the job :-) 12:43:38 <jwf|web> I can help support on research and exploration of ways to make this info more accessible 12:43:40 <riecatnor[m]> lol, for sure 12:44:02 <jwf|web> I have a few early ideas but I think it is off-topic for right now 12:44:10 <riecatnor[m]> thank you, Justin. And I am definitely up to brainstorm with you on what/how would be the best approach 12:44:14 <jwf|web> \o/ 12:44:32 <riecatnor[m]> ok, anything else regarding budget for now? 12:45:44 <riecatnor[m]> I will take that as a no, but this will come up again soon :) 12:45:45 <riecatnor[m]> #topic quarterly report 12:45:47 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/333 12:45:59 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=11306&preview=true&_thumbnail_id=10616 12:46:06 <riecatnor[m]> so, the Q2 report never made it all the way out 12:46:36 <riecatnor[m]> my question is- should this still go out? 12:46:58 * jwf|web is logging in to see the preview 12:47:17 <riecatnor[m]> next question is- do we think this is useful long term? tbh it's been a bit tough gathering the info 12:47:21 <luna> if its not too much work? but maybe can move it in Wordpress to an earlier date 12:47:33 <riecatnor[m]> hmm the preview should be public? 12:47:43 <luna> got a 404 here 12:47:59 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=11306&preview=1&_ppp=a566018dd4 12:48:10 <riecatnor[m]> sent the wrong link, oops. that one should work 12:48:32 <riecatnor[m]> in theory, this is a great thing. in practice, we lost some steam after a couple reports and it got a lot harder to do 12:48:38 <jwf|web> riecatnor[m]: What has the outreach been like around this? Any feedback from any teams, or what do other team reps here feel about it? 12:48:47 <luna> yep that works 12:49:14 <riecatnor[m]> Also Nest happened and consumed my work life so this went to the wayside 12:49:37 <jwf|web> Also, how are updates flagged for publishing? Does one person take ownership and finding news, or does everyone pitch in on a draft each quarter? 12:49:44 <riecatnor[m]> We would manage to get about 1/3 of the post in meetings with Mindshare, 1/3 from reaching out to various other teams (that don't have reps), and 1/3 was me gathering random bits of info 12:50:12 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare-committee/procedures/quarterly_report/ 12:50:23 <jwf|web> Aha, should have read the docs :) 12:51:50 <jwf|web> I see there is a template - is that text somewhere public? Not sure I am in the HackMD team 12:52:40 <riecatnor[m]> just added you as an admin to the hackmd team 12:52:44 <jwf|web> Cool! 12:53:04 <riecatnor[m]> this link should work 12:53:05 <riecatnor[m]> #link https://hackmd.io/team/mindsharecommittee?nav=overview 12:53:11 <jwf|web> Some of this we will probably have to pick up next time, but I'm keen to hear from other #chairs on what they think 12:53:15 <jwf|web> #chair 12:53:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duffy Madeline Máirín Onuralp Peck Sezer bt0 davdunc jwf|web nb pbokoc riecatnor[m] smeragoel 12:54:04 <jwf|web> Cool, I'm in and I see the template now :+1: 12:54:06 <riecatnor[m]> so if you create a new note, there is a quarterly report template you can load 12:54:15 <riecatnor[m]> perfect 12:54:34 <bt0> says forbidden for me 12:54:39 <riecatnor[m]> ok, so let's try to answer just one question today 12:55:12 <riecatnor[m]> @bt0 are you signed into hackmd? 12:55:31 <riecatnor[m]> i see you are not on the admin list, but maybe I didn't have your hackmd screenname 12:56:41 <riecatnor[m]> my one question is: should we still publish the q2 report even tho it is late? 12:57:07 <jwf|web> I think the content is relevant for the archive – I would publish but maybe not push as hard on comms 12:57:09 <luna> yeah 12:57:15 <luna> jwf|web: +1 12:58:04 <riecatnor[m]> Ok, I am going to submit it for publication this week 12:58:20 <jwf|web> :thumbsup: 12:58:35 <riecatnor[m]> the question of the reports long term is still up for discussion :) 12:58:47 <riecatnor[m]> ok those were my topics, no time for repo clean up unfortunately. 12:59:06 <riecatnor[m]> This is my last time running the mindshare meeting, it's been wonderful, my friends 12:59:17 <luna> enjoy your future journeys 12:59:35 <riecatnor[m]> I feel like I might be back one day ;) but not as fcaic 12:59:37 <jwf|web> riecatnor++ 12:59:57 <jwf|web> Once a Fedoran, always a Fedoran 13:00:15 <riecatnor[m]> and bt0, if you send your hackmd name I can add you to the mindsahre space 13:00:24 <riecatnor[m]> <3 <3 <3 13:00:27 <bt0> cool 13:00:30 <riecatnor[m]> to you all! 13:00:34 <riecatnor[m]> #endmeeting