15:00:15 <nils> #startmeeting modularity_wg 15:00:15 <nils> #meetingtopic Bi-weekly Meeting of the Modularity Working Group 15:00:15 <nils> #chair dgilmore langdon tflink 15:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 13 15:00:15 2016 UTC. The chair is nils. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity_wg' 15:00:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore langdon nils tflink 15:00:39 <nils> #topic Roll Call 15:00:48 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:00:50 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:00:58 <threebean> hi all :) 15:01:03 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 15:01:04 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 15:01:05 <nils> hey Ralph 15:01:09 <asamalik> .hello asamalik 15:01:10 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 15:01:10 <nils> hey Jan 15:01:12 <asamalik> hey everyone :) 15:01:19 * nils waves 15:01:24 * asamalik will be 2-3 mins afk 15:01:38 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 15:01:39 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 15:01:44 <moto-timo> .hello ttorling 15:01:45 <zodbot> moto-timo: ttorling 'Tim Orling' <ticotimo@gmail.com> 15:02:08 <tflink> .hello tflink 15:02:09 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 15:02:24 <langdon> .hello langgon 15:02:25 <zodbot> langdon: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:02:27 <langdon> .hello langdon 15:02:28 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 15:02:34 <langdon> be nice if i could spell my name 15:02:54 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:02:55 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:03:07 <geppetto> .hello james 15:03:08 <zodbot> geppetto: james 'James Antill' <james.antill@redhat.com> 15:03:14 <geppetto> eh, close enough 15:03:30 <karsten> .hello karsten 15:03:31 <zodbot> karsten: karsten 'Karsten Hopp' <karsten@redhat.com> 15:04:09 <nils> #chair sct 15:04:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore langdon nils sct tflink 15:04:15 <sct> .hello sct 15:04:16 <zodbot> sct: sct 'Stephen Tweedie' <sct@redhat.com> 15:04:37 <nils> Alright, here's the Agenda for today according to the Etherpad -- http://piratepad.net/modularity-wg-agendas 15:04:46 <nils> #topic Agenda 15:04:46 <nils> #info Skip/move next meeting (Dec 27th)? 15:04:46 <nils> #info Factory 2.0 status (threebean) 15:04:48 * asamalik is back 15:04:59 <nils> anything that should be added? 15:05:02 <langdon> lets add adam presenting demos 15:05:06 <nils> ypu 15:05:09 <nils> yup even 15:05:10 * asamalik has updates about demos 15:05:16 <asamalik> langdon: yeah, that :) 15:05:19 <nils> #info Sprint Demos 15:05:25 <langdon> contyk, threebean do y'all want to do pointers to demos too? 15:06:13 <threebean> http://threebean.org/blog/category/factory2/ 15:06:33 <nils> langdon: I'd do all demos under one topic 15:06:34 <contyk> we don't have any public demos [yet] 15:06:57 <langdon> Asamalik do you want to do an update on website? You said in a previous meeting you wanted help but needed to lay some ground work first 15:07:24 <langdon> Nils.. Yeah.. Sorry.. I meant did they want to be part of the agenda.. Vs now 15:07:25 <asamalik> langdon: I can do! 15:07:44 <nils> ok 15:07:54 <nils> #info Website Update 15:08:10 <nils> good... 15:08:13 <langdon> That's all I had in my head 15:08:25 <jkurik> refresh of Modularity WG members as part of running elections 15:08:32 <langdon> Ohh right 15:08:33 <jkurik> may I talk a bit about this ? 15:08:37 <nils> jkurik: good point 15:08:44 <langdon> Yeah.. Add to agenda 15:08:49 <nils> #info refresh of Modularity WG members as part of running elections 15:09:12 <nils> let's get started 15:09:25 <nils> #topic Skip/move next meeting (Dec 27th)? 15:09:49 <asamalik> skip :) 15:09:52 <nils> So, next meeting would be between Christmas and New Year, I'd expect many people to be unavailable 15:09:59 <sct> +1! 15:10:01 <nils> myself for instance 15:10:02 * tflink won't be around 15:10:11 <tflink> +1 15:10:11 <moto-timo> +1 15:10:31 <contyk> +1 15:10:37 <jkurik> +1 15:10:37 <langdon> +1 .. but i might be in irc #f-m anyway.. in case anyone has thoughts 15:10:39 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 15:10:40 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'None' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 15:11:06 * langdon will be at the in-laws and may be looking for an escape 15:11:14 <moto-timo> ha 15:11:15 <nils> langdon: haha 15:11:46 <nils> so, let's officially skip it and who is around is around and can talk if they want :) 15:12:16 <sgallagh> nils: Perhaps just move it out to the week after the New Year, rather than entirely skipping it? 15:12:24 <sgallagh> It might be useful to reconvene soon after 15:12:34 <nils> opinions on that one? 15:12:41 <langdon> yeah.. just shift 15:12:46 <langdon> +1 to sgallagh 15:12:49 <tflink> that works 15:12:50 <nils> I'll be back from PTO then and can host it 15:13:01 <asamalik> +1 15:13:15 <nils> so move Dec 27th to Jan 3rd? 15:13:25 * langdon digs up cal 15:13:39 <langdon> +1 to jan. 3 15:13:42 <sgallagh> +1 15:14:00 <moto-timo> and then two weeks after that, wash, rinse, repeat? 15:14:05 <langdon> moto-timo, right 15:14:10 * asamalik 's +1 was also for Jan 3rd 15:14:12 <nils> moto-timo: I'd leave the upcoming as they are 15:14:12 <langdon> can we ask jkurik to do the needful? 15:14:15 <moto-timo> +1 15:14:29 <jkurik> hmmm, I am not sure whether FedoCal can do this ... 15:14:29 <nils> otherwise all scheduled meetings would have to be shifted? 15:14:30 <langdon> nils, ohh.. so back to back weeks? 15:14:41 <langdon> although.. i wonder if devconf will be messy 15:14:47 <jkurik> I will figure it out how to put it into Fedocal 15:15:08 <nils> so, move the complete schedule out one week? 15:15:11 <nils> *by one week 15:15:29 <langdon> looking at travel for devconf.. i actually wonder if your proposal is better 15:15:30 <nils> Dec 27th becomes Jan 3rd, Jan 10th becomes 17th and so on? 15:15:35 <langdon> like just do a one off on the 3rd 15:15:50 <langdon> cause i can more easily do the 24th than the 31s 15:15:51 <langdon> t 15:16:04 <nils> okay 15:16:14 <langdon> so.. lets give options 15:16:20 <langdon> using us naming 15:16:40 * langdon types 15:16:47 <nils> #agreed The WG meeting on Dec 27th will be moved to Jan 3rd, subsequent meetings are unaffected 15:16:58 <nils> #undo 15:16:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by nils at 15:16:47 : The WG meeting on Dec 27th will be moved to Jan 3rd, subsequent meetings are unaffected 15:17:08 <langdon> option-1 ) 1/3, 1/10, 1/24, 2/7 15:17:33 <langdon> option-2 ) 1/3, 1/17, 1/31, 2/14 15:17:37 <langdon> vote! 15:17:38 <langdon> :) 15:17:41 <asamalik> 1 15:17:46 <nils> option-1 ++ 15:17:58 <karsten> 1 15:18:11 <jkurik> option-3 ) 1/10, 1/24, 2/7 (means just skip the Dec 27th) ? 15:18:20 <langdon> jkurik, point 15:18:37 <langdon> although.. might be nice to have "we are back for the new year" even if light 15:18:42 <langdon> so i think i am still option-1 15:18:52 <sct> I'm still on PTO on the 3rd, so would like to keep the 10th if possible 15:18:58 <moto-timo> agnostic 15:19:02 <asamalik> still 1 15:19:10 <langdon> ok.. then option-1 it is.. i say! ;) 15:19:15 <jkurik> I am option-1 15:19:16 <sct> 1 15:19:25 <langdon> and .. if people skip 1/3 .. meh 15:19:33 <asamalik> \o/ 15:19:34 <langdon> we will make it essentially an open floor 15:19:40 <nils> then it will be short meeting and I don't have problems with that :) 15:19:44 <langdon> and move any real agenda to 1/10 15:20:06 <langdon> meh.. i am not sure on the last part 15:20:08 <tflink> I'm fine for either 15:20:11 <nils> langdon: but I'll put it as "next meeting" in the pad 15:20:14 <langdon> let's just go with option-1 and see what happens 15:20:17 <nils> yup 15:20:25 <nils> #agreed The WG meeting on Dec 27th will be moved to Jan 3rd, subsequent meetings are unaffected 15:20:34 <nils> can zodbot #redo? 15:20:43 <moto-timo> #dejavu 15:20:57 <langdon> moto-timo, that would be awesome 15:20:57 <sgallagh> nils: #undo then rewrite it 15:21:18 <nils> sgallagh: I did #undo it already :) 15:21:20 <langdon> ok.. jkurik that doable in fedocal? 15:21:36 <jkurik> I am not sure, but I will do it somehow 15:21:46 <nils> #action jkurik update fedocal accordingly 15:21:53 <nils> ok next 15:22:02 <nils> #topic Factory 2.0 status (threebean) 15:22:06 <nils> #chair threebean 15:22:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore langdon nils sct tflink threebean 15:22:11 <threebean> :) 15:22:30 <threebean> let me start by asking, "what do you want to know?" 15:22:51 <threebean> the factory 2.0 team is working along four projects right now. three of them are mostly internal.. 15:22:53 * langdon flips calendar back to day view to actually be able to read the content 15:22:59 <asamalik> we don't know what we don't know! 15:23:03 <threebean> :p 15:23:14 <moto-timo> is it done yet ;) 15:23:16 <langdon> threebean, are we on track to have a modular server for f26? 15:23:25 <langdon> kinda what moto-timo said ;) 15:23:33 <threebean> yeah, we are. 15:23:45 <threebean> we're getting the MBS ready for production ad we have our worked scoped out but not yet started for pungi. 15:23:53 <moto-timo> what does MvP stand for? 15:24:03 <langdon> minimum viable product 15:24:04 <nils> minimum viable product 15:24:09 <langdon> comes from the startup world 15:24:09 <moto-timo> thanks 15:24:14 <threebean> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1404012 15:24:26 <langdon> how do you get something out the door to put in front of users and get feedback as quickly as possible 15:24:37 <asamalik> threebean: wow cool! 15:25:06 <langdon> threebean, will we have automatic rebuilds? 15:25:17 <asamalik> this will make local builds easy :) 15:25:43 <threebean> we have the bits all submitted for doing dist-git taskotron checks of module changes.. and we're currently waiting for a new release of taskotron to have that in staging and prod. 15:25:57 <langdon> cool 15:25:59 <threebean> that should be ready before the holidays. 15:26:12 <threebean> as for automatic rebuilds, no. we're pushing that off until the F27 time frame. 15:26:20 <langdon> ok 15:26:35 <threebean> fyi, the automatic rebuild logic will be housed in a service we're calling the continuous-compose service (CCS, for short). 15:26:40 <langdon> i wonder if a new infra diagram with something showing "what is done/will be done" would be helpful 15:27:01 <threebean> hm. 15:27:12 <threebean> could be useful for the devconf presentation.. yes. 15:27:25 <langdon> just a thought 15:27:36 <langdon> ok.. more qs? more to report? or move on 15:27:38 <langdon> ? 15:28:17 <contyk> hmm 15:28:19 <nils> some #infos? 15:28:22 <contyk> is it a silver bullet? 15:28:25 <threebean> no. 15:28:27 <contyk> will it solve all of our problems? 15:28:29 <threebean> no. 15:28:30 <contyk> ;) 15:28:32 <threebean> :) 15:28:36 <contyk> is it just modularity? 15:28:42 <threebean> for this meeting, yes. 15:28:46 <threebean> but no. 15:28:50 <asamalik> i thinks it's jus a web app, not a silver bulet! 15:29:01 <langdon> ha 15:29:03 * contyk forgot the other three questions from the presentation 15:29:13 <contyk> oh right, a web app 15:30:07 <langdon> ok.. nils ... next? 15:30:21 <nils> langdon, threebean: something to #info? :D 15:30:38 <nils> I mean, I'm alright if we tell people "read the log". 15:30:42 <moto-timo> and I assume somebody is on the hook to review it 15:30:43 <langdon> how about "on track to deliver fedora modular server in f-2 infra" 15:30:45 <threebean> #into MBS preparing for production.. packaging.. ansible. on track for F26 Alpha freeze. 15:30:48 <threebean> #info MBS preparing for production.. packaging.. ansible. on track for F26 Alpha freeze. 15:30:57 <nils> cool, thanks! 15:30:58 <threebean> #info Compose work for F26 has been scoped but not yet started. 15:31:17 <threebean> #info Taskotron CI pieces submitted upstream and merged. Deployment pending for module-checks on dist-git commit. 15:31:39 <threebean> #info Not a webapp. 15:31:46 <langdon> :) 15:31:46 <nils> 👍 15:31:46 <asamalik> :P 15:31:55 <nils> good for next? 15:31:56 <langdon> im pretty sure there is a web app 15:32:06 <contyk> and only a weba app 15:32:09 <contyk> *web 15:32:11 <nils> langdon: I guess as in "the Internet is not the Web" 15:32:13 <langdon> NEXT 15:32:16 <langdon> ha 15:32:22 <nils> #topic Sprint Demos 15:32:22 <threebean> FEDORA.NEXT 15:32:30 <langdon> ROTFL 15:32:33 <nils> #chair asamalik 15:32:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik dgilmore langdon nils sct tflink threebean 15:32:51 * langdon glad not in a coffee shop or cube.. would be getting stares 15:33:09 <asamalik> we are shipping the world, one service at a time! 15:33:12 <moto-timo> or covered in coffee 15:33:19 <langdon> moto-timo, point 15:33:28 <asamalik> we have three videos this sprint: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcwHJG45BmANK7Xcz05m67oCsJdEM0bKC 15:33:35 <nils> I recommend a chocolate shower 15:33:45 <asamalik> presenting two service containers, samba and imap 15:33:46 <moto-timo> with ake 15:33:49 <moto-timo> cake 15:34:16 <asamalik> and also a handcrafted build of a first modular container + proposal about the container structure 15:34:49 <asamalik> we would love to get some feedback about our work, I guess I will be sending an email out to the devel list with these videos, asking for feedback, later today 15:35:03 <asamalik> any questions or comments here? :) 15:35:19 <nils> asamalik: we could #link the playlist 15:35:23 <langdon> asamalik, hopefully you can crib the notes geppetto was working on 15:35:28 * moto-timo needs to play with it 15:35:29 <asamalik> nils: that's not a bad idea at all! 15:35:44 <asamalik> #link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcwHJG45BmANK7Xcz05m67oCsJdEM0bKC Modularity sprint 19 demos 15:36:07 <langdon> moto-timo, asamalik is meant to be writing up the "how" in this coming sprint.. so hopefully by jan you can build your own 15:36:20 <moto-timo> excellent 15:36:31 <asamalik> #link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcwHJG45BmANK7Xcz05m67oCsJdEM0bKC 15:36:42 * asamalik doesn't understand how link works 15:36:49 <nils> now you have it duplicate 15:36:59 <nils> do you want with or without description? 15:37:01 <nils> asamalik: ^^ 15:37:01 <asamalik> so it's just not giving any feedback, right :) 15:37:04 <langdon> asamalik, your first one was better.. #link <link> <name>> 15:37:04 <nils> yup 15:37:05 <asamalik> with 15:37:09 <nils> cool 15:37:12 <nils> #undo 15:37:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x46bde410> 15:37:22 <nils> now we should have the right one 15:37:36 <asamalik> and as langdon said, you will be able to build modules locally in January 15:37:37 <langdon> ok.. should we link threebean's too? 15:37:45 <nils> I don't see why not 15:37:57 <asamalik> thank's to factory 2.0 folks implementing the mock backend for MBS :) 15:38:13 <threebean> jkaluza++ 15:38:29 <langdon> #link http://threebean.org/blog/category/factory2/ 15:38:35 <langdon> #undo 15:38:35 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x35855310> 15:38:36 <langdon> oops 15:38:49 <langdon> #link http://threebean.org/blog/category/factory2/ find the latest factory-2 demos 15:38:57 <asamalik> langdon: ah, thanks! 15:39:03 * asamalik was just looking for that link 15:39:09 <langdon> threebean, have you talked to the communityblog folks about aggregating your posts there? 15:39:16 <threebean> I have not.. 15:40:34 <nils> so, what's up next... 15:40:47 * langdon has no recollection 15:40:50 <nils> #topic Website Update 15:40:56 <nils> asamalik? 15:40:59 <langdon> there it is! 15:41:39 <asamalik> I have proposed that we should have a website 15:41:49 <asamalik> with a landing page giving high level overview about modularity 15:42:04 <asamalik> and including our documentation that is currently on our wiki 15:42:15 <asamalik> so that would be a replacement for the wiki 15:42:24 <moto-timo> with infographics :) 15:42:35 <nils> what the world needs, more infographics :o) 15:42:56 <asamalik> yeah, no text, just a bunch of pictures! 15:43:19 <nils> makes translating it obsolete :) 15:43:28 <langdon> nils, ha.. 15:43:44 <asamalik> so we would have a home page that would be static - with the explanations etc 15:43:52 <nils> langdon: trying to find the silver lining ;) 15:44:25 <asamalik> and all documents would be in a git repo in a markdown or rst format and the website would get automatically rebuilt and deployed with each commit 15:44:29 <langdon> asamalik, we could add the twitter feed.. and the ramblings of fed-mod-bot to make it more dynamic! :) 15:44:35 <asamalik> so basically, it would work as a wiki, except it would be less ugly 15:44:46 <jkurik> why is wiki not sufficient ? maintaining an extra page will take (imo) more effort than using wiki 15:45:07 <moto-timo> sounds like ghpages 15:45:09 <jkurik> is not it a waste of effort ? 15:45:20 <asamalik> jkurik: it won't be an extra page, but a replacement 15:45:31 <asamalik> something as releng have 15:45:36 * asamalik looking for a link 15:46:00 <asamalik> https://docs.pagure.org/releng/ 15:46:02 <threebean> if you want to put fed-mod-bot on the page, ping me. there's a javascript fragment you can add that will put fedmsg content there. 15:46:06 <asamalik> something like this, with a landing page 15:46:35 <jkurik> so you want to move to pagure ? 15:46:44 <langdon> except MOAR infographics 15:46:55 <moto-timo> +1 15:46:58 <langdon> jkurik, already in pagure.. 15:47:00 <langdon> but.. not the "wg" per se 15:47:03 <langdon> or the "project" 15:47:08 <langdon> but all the sources are there 15:47:14 <asamalik> jkurik: probably pagure, yes 15:47:30 <asamalik> threebean: thanks! 15:47:32 <jkurik> yeah, that is what I am asking, whether the WG wiki page will be moved to pagure 15:48:01 <asamalik> jkurik: prettified and moved :) 15:48:07 <jkurik> :) 15:48:16 <langdon> jkurik, i think we play it a bit by ear.. i think it might be more accessible as a website/pagure repo.. but maybe not for everything 15:48:17 <jkurik> ok, I am +1 15:48:26 <moto-timo> more control over layout than wiki? 15:48:33 <langdon> and ugly 15:48:34 <nils> what I like about a wiki is that you can preview the result. Pushing stuff somewhere only for it to be built async, then find out your screwed up the formatting is blech 15:48:52 <langdon> nils, we call the solution to that "tests" 15:48:58 <langdon> :) 15:49:00 <nils> heh 15:49:05 <asamalik> nils: good point, but we can figure that out 15:49:07 <langdon> we can hook up ci to gen it on the pr.. 15:49:16 <langdon> then only publish when the pr is is accepted 15:49:30 <nils> yeah, or something to build locally 15:49:40 * langdon notes "is is" means VERY accepted 15:49:42 <nils> so you can polish turds away before even creating the PRs 15:49:43 <asamalik> nils: if I have to choose between better and easier to consume website *or* one step less with editing for us, I choose the first option 15:49:43 <moto-timo> github pages can be built/viewed locally 15:49:58 <moto-timo> which is a similar working model 15:50:12 <langdon> nils, umm.. speak for your own abilities please ;) 15:50:22 <nils> asamalik: better and easier to consume kinda stands and falls with the content, a bit ;) 15:50:24 <asamalik> I need we need to sell the effort to people first, then we can make it super easy for us - and I'm not saying I want to make it difficult! :) 15:50:35 <moto-timo> content is always the rub 15:50:40 <langdon> ok.. so .. asamalik .. actions? 15:50:43 <asamalik> nils: agree 15:50:49 <langdon> how do we move from here to there? 15:50:53 <asamalik> langdon: actions 15:50:59 <asamalik> step 1: creating a landing page 15:51:04 <nils> langdon: abilities? what sorcery are you talking about? :o) 15:51:09 <asamalik> step 2: slowly moving all content there 15:51:32 <asamalik> or quickly if we can do :) 15:51:53 <langdon> asamalik, i think if you created a framework... we could all help easily.. 15:52:14 <asamalik> moto-timo: github pages are great! but not sure if we want to rely on github 15:52:17 <langdon> we have tons of content.. just no layout 15:52:32 <moto-timo> asamalik: I just meant the workflow as a model 15:52:41 <asamalik> langdon: right, that's what I want to do 15:52:53 <langdon> how different are gh-pages from pagure's docs? (like the link).. 15:52:57 <nils> asamalik: shout if you need a hand there 15:53:01 <moto-timo> might be good to get some clock cycles from the design team for some pretty color palette? 15:53:11 <langdon> moto-timo, yes 15:53:15 <langdon> want to file a ticket? 15:53:24 <nils> it'd be a lot more than a mere color palette /methinks 15:53:41 <asamalik> one more think 15:54:01 * moto-timo needs to look at pagure docs 15:54:16 * nils notes we have some 5 minutes left 15:54:23 <moto-timo> wow that was fast 15:54:25 <asamalik> as I have started to work on the website, I have managed to create a logo we could use, maybe? 15:54:27 <langdon> i think this is last topic though 15:54:27 <asamalik> https://asamalik.fedorapeople.org/modularity-logo.png 15:54:34 <asamalik> how can we decide if we want to use it? 15:54:49 <langdon> put it up and wait for complaints? 15:54:55 <nils> yup 15:54:56 <asamalik> +1 15:55:13 <moto-timo> +1 15:55:20 <threebean> throw it in the design-team pagure instance and ask for review 15:55:26 <threebean> but go ahead and use it in the meantime. 15:55:28 <moto-timo> even better 15:55:41 <asamalik> threebean: will do! thanks 15:55:44 <langdon> moto-timo, i was kinda serious.. you think you could start the engagement with design team to help out with a website? colors/layout/etc? 15:56:05 <moto-timo> langdon: just wondering where that happens 15:56:13 <moto-timo> I only know about badge tickets 15:56:28 <langdon> threebean, i think you just file a design team ticket, right? or would it go to websites? 15:56:34 * threebean nods 15:56:37 <threebean> yeah, file a design team ticket. 15:56:46 <threebean> I.. can't find their pagure instance. 15:56:50 <langdon> moto-timo, yeah.. so just like a badge ticket 15:56:53 * threebean joins #fedora-design to ask 15:57:08 <langdon> https://pagure.io/design ? 15:57:21 <langdon> threebean, ^^ 15:57:27 <jkurik> moto-timo: the design team has a meeting this Thursday: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/design/ 15:57:44 <jkurik> moto-timo: you can join and askk them directly what they need 15:57:53 <threebean> there it is :) 15:57:55 <moto-timo> jkurik: excellent :) 15:58:55 <langdon> cool.. ok.. so 15:59:11 <nils> something for zodbot? :D 15:59:12 <langdon> #action moto-timo to start engagement with design team re: l&f of website 15:59:16 <nils> ahh! 15:59:32 <langdon> #action asamalik to file a ticket with design to review his proposed logo-y thing 15:59:50 <langdon> #action asamalik to create a pagure repo with the basics for standing up a website 15:59:55 <nils> something to #info for the meeting minutes what this is about? 16:00:45 <langdon> #info would like to investigate work on developing a more accessible "home" for fedora modularity than the existing wiki 16:01:02 <langdon> all those sound good y'all? 16:01:10 <nils> sounds good to me 16:01:16 <moto-timo> #link https://pagure.io/design 16:02:23 <langdon> cool.. should we wrap then? 16:02:26 <langdon> we are over time 16:02:32 <jkurik> elections ? 16:02:37 <jkurik> the last topic .... 16:02:45 <langdon> ohh ugh 16:02:46 <nils> I have time to continue 16:02:48 <langdon> sorry.. 16:02:49 <jkurik> I will be fast , I promise :) 16:02:51 <langdon> yeah.. let's 16:03:04 <nils> #topic refresh of Modularity WG members as part of running elections 16:03:12 <jkurik> I would like to start contacting all the members of the Modularity WG and aks them whether they still would like to be members of the group 16:03:12 <langdon> i thought i had seen that the website was last 16:03:21 <jkurik> I am planning to provide the results on the next meeting (Jan 3rd) 16:03:27 <jkurik> Then we can agree on the way how we will replace the vacancy 16:03:32 <jkurik> Is it OK ? 16:03:45 <nils> Suits me. 16:03:51 <langdon> yeah.. although.. i thought our charter said "if you show up you are on it" 16:04:06 <nils> and implies the reverse, too? ;) 16:04:12 <langdon> so.. if no answer/no interest, we should remove them, and then add the people who are showing up 16:04:13 <moto-timo> ha 16:04:29 * langdon stole it almost verbatim from server-wg :) 16:04:36 <moto-timo> and if you are caught publicly bad mouthing modularity you are kicked 16:04:37 <moto-timo> :) 16:04:41 <nils> haha 16:04:43 <jkurik> yes, that what we can discuss the next meeting, when we will have answers from the current members 16:04:47 * langdon notes he is now off the wg 16:04:49 <nils> moto-timo: anybody particular in mind ;) 16:04:52 <langdon> :) 16:04:57 <geppetto> Everyone kicked ;) 16:05:08 <moto-timo> only a certain release engineer 16:05:16 <langdon> ha 16:05:17 <nils> let's stand in a circle and everybody kicks the person in front :) 16:05:37 <langdon> nils, i think you just described it.. can we get that in an infographic? 16:05:39 <geppetto> nils: This is some weird/kinky german thing? 16:05:47 <moto-timo> lol 16:05:55 <nils> geppetto: I just don't want anybody to feel left out ;) 16:06:10 <moto-timo> conan in berlin 16:06:18 <asamalik> :D 16:06:28 <langdon> nils, but.. it should be done precisely right? like leg up exactly 2 feet.. etc? we need RULES 16:06:55 <moto-timo> strike with 2 kilos force for 7 repetitions 16:07:01 <langdon> ok.. jkurik with massive digression.. we good? aside from a #info / #action or two? 16:07:01 <geppetto> everyone will be kicked until morale improves 16:07:01 <nils> langdon: you're thinking former Eastern German military 16:07:07 <nils> geppetto++ 16:07:07 <zodbot> nils: Karma for james changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:07:08 <langdon> ha 16:07:35 <jkurik> #action jkurik to get in touch with the current representatives of the Modularity WG and check whether they still will be in charge for the nex 16:07:37 <jkurik> t release cycle 16:07:52 <langdon> that was a weird break 16:08:03 <jkurik> ah, I do not have a chair anyway 16:08:10 <langdon> yeah.. zodbot didn't pick it up right 16:08:11 <nils> #chair 16:08:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik dgilmore langdon nils sct tflink threebean 16:08:14 <nils> #chair jkurik 16:08:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik dgilmore jkurik langdon nils sct tflink threebean 16:08:20 <langdon> #undo 16:08:20 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jkurik at 16:07:35 : jkurik to get in touch with the current representatives of the Modularity WG and check whether they still will be in charge for the nex 16:08:47 <jkurik> #action jkurik to get in touch with the current representatives of the Modularity WG and check whether they still will be in charge for the next release cycle 16:08:54 <jkurik> ah, better now 16:09:14 <jkurik> that is all folks 16:09:24 <moto-timo> thanks for the sprint videos, as always 16:09:36 <langdon> #info refresh of the modularity voting members during the month or two would be a good idea. jkurik will be communicating with them to make sure the existing want to stay and the people around are added 16:09:37 <nils> good 16:09:53 <langdon> jkurik, good ^^ 16:09:58 <langdon> i just wanted to add some color 16:10:05 <nils> #topic Open Floor 16:10:18 <moto-timo> open door? 16:10:20 <moto-timo> :) 16:10:30 <jkurik> langdon: excellent :) 16:10:35 <langdon> i really have to bail.. 16:10:36 <nils> so, who added "office hours" to the agenda of next meeting? I somehow miss context there 16:10:39 <nils> langdon: see ya 16:10:39 <langdon> me 16:10:42 <nils> ahh 16:10:49 <langdon> like as in "should we have them" 16:11:13 <nils> ok, then this is a discussion for next time, good 16:11:20 <langdon> right 16:11:21 <nils> just didn't understand what it was :) 16:11:33 <nils> anything else for open floor? 16:11:33 <langdon> nils, please fix.. closed my browser to reboot :) 16:11:54 <nils> langdon: done 16:12:00 <langdon> thanks 16:12:15 <langdon> ok.. later y'all.. thanks for coming.. thanks to nils, as always, for hosting 16:12:23 <moto-timo> thanks all 16:12:24 <nils> see ya langdon 16:12:27 * moto-timo waves 16:12:28 <jkurik> thanks for the meeting 16:12:33 <nils> thanks everybody! 16:12:40 <nils> #endmeeting