14:02:50 <nils> #startmeeting modularity_wg 14:02:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 17 14:02:50 2017 UTC. The chair is nils. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity_wg' 14:02:50 <nils> #meetingtopic Meeting of the Modularity Working Group (once every two weeks) 14:02:50 <nils> #chair dgilmore langdon mikedep333 tflink 14:02:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore langdon mikedep333 nils tflink 14:03:01 <nils> #topic Roll Call 14:03:02 <langdon> i was thinking we should put the "cheat sheet" in my sample agenda ticket 14:03:03 <contyk> .hello psabata 14:03:04 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Ĺ abata' <psabata@redhat.com> 14:03:07 <langdon> .hello2 14:03:08 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:03:09 <nils> .hello nphilipp 14:03:11 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 14:03:26 <nils> langdon, *nod* 14:03:48 <nils> #topic Agenda 14:04:08 <nils> #info [nphilipp] WG agenda: "Meeting" label only for WG members? 14:04:20 <nils> contyk, so much for no agenda :D 14:04:25 <nils> anything else? 14:04:56 <contyk> hmm 14:05:07 <contyk> we had the go/no-go meeting last week, there will be another one in two days 14:05:14 <contyk> should we summarize it? 14:05:21 <nils> your call 14:05:23 <contyk> although everyone probably knows 14:05:50 <langdon> not a terribly idea .. but contyk has to do it :) 14:06:11 <nils> #chair sct 14:06:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore langdon mikedep333 nils sct tflink 14:06:21 <sct> .hello sct 14:06:22 <zodbot> sct: sct 'Stephen Tweedie' <sct@redhat.com> 14:06:28 <nils> contyk, so, do you wanna? 14:06:30 <tflink> .hello tflink 14:06:31 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 14:06:52 <langdon> we could also add "where to find tickets" .. but im not done yet 14:07:12 <nils> langdon, any tickets, or meeting agenda tickets? 14:07:33 <langdon> "tickets blocking the release" 14:07:38 <contyk> nils, langdon: ha, just wanted to say that only if langdon does it 14:08:05 <nils> aah 14:08:52 <nils> meh 14:09:07 <contyk> ok, sure, I will 14:09:08 <nils> there's open floor, if one of you two feels like it by then... :P 14:09:22 <nils> ok 14:09:39 <nils> #info [contyk] go/no-go meeting summary 14:09:45 <nils> good 14:09:56 <nils> #topic WG agenda: "Meeting" label only for WG members? 14:10:11 <nils> Basically, what the title says. :) 14:10:26 <langdon> where did that come from? 14:10:28 <nils> jkurik noticed he couldn't set the "meeting" label 14:10:29 <contyk> what do other WGs do? 14:10:36 <nils> langdon, in your example ticket :) 14:10:47 <nils> I'll hunt up URLs, sec 14:11:02 * langdon looks 14:11:11 <nils> https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/71#comment-470375 14:11:11 <langdon> https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/73 14:11:42 <nils> langdon, yeah, that was my agenda ticket 14:11:55 <nils> "As @jkurik noticed, only members of the WG can edit metadata and therefore add the "Meeting" label to create agenda items for the meetings. Is this how it should be, or how can we work around the limitation?" 14:12:06 <langdon> ohh.. i didn't know "anyone" couldn't add the label.. must have missed the comment 14:12:16 <langdon> we should fix that.. ubt i don't know how 14:12:36 <contyk> should anyone be really able to dictate our agenda? 14:12:49 <contyk> I'm not sure I can do that when filing releng tickets, for instance 14:12:53 <nils> I think editing metadata is restricted to "contributors" 14:13:16 <tflink> do we really feel like that would be a problem? couldn't we lock it down if/when it did become a problem? 14:13:19 <langdon> contyk: well.. the idea was anyone could add items.. and then we would select which we would take up 14:13:36 <nils> tflink, the problem is more that we can't seem to unlock it :) 14:13:46 <tflink> ah, I misunderstood 14:14:13 <contyk> yeah, I'm wondering whether we even need to spend time trying to unlock it :) 14:14:33 <nils> The obvious workaround would be that people should ping us to put items on the agenda, right? 14:14:48 <nils> Create ticket, scare someone up from the team who adds the label? 14:14:52 <langdon> yeah.. lets just do that for now 14:15:05 <tflink> wfm 14:15:10 <langdon> but.. meh.. you can't tag a group.. so.. it is still gated 14:15:42 <nils> langdon, what, "@@modularity" doesn't work? ;) 14:16:05 <langdon> nils: i assume you are kidding.. but that would be nice :) 14:16:33 <nils> langdon, I think we all get pinged by mail if an issue is created. Perhaps tell people to add [Meeting] or [WG] to the issue title? 14:17:05 <nils> langdon, I am kidding. I would be positively surprised if that worked... The @ character has too many jobs, really. 14:17:21 <langdon> nils: i like your idea 14:17:32 <langdon> we should doc it in the "sample item" though 14:17:38 <nils> yeah 14:18:21 <nils> We can edit the title, so it can look "right", too. 14:18:50 <nils> so... [Meeting]? [WG]? something else? 14:19:32 <langdon> i like [Meeting Item] or [Agenda Item] 14:20:12 <nils> I lean towards mentioning that it's about the meeting. 14:20:37 <langdon> [Meeting Agenda] 14:20:49 <contyk> 20 minutes in 14:20:52 <langdon> [Meeting Agenda] the shed should be RED! 14:20:55 <nils> [Meeting Agenda Item] :D /jk 14:20:56 <contyk> I love this 14:21:12 <langdon> contyk: knew you would 14:21:21 <langdon> let's call it.. nils.. you decide ;) 14:21:22 <nils> yeah let's make it so then 14:22:10 <tflink> other than the fact that the shed should be BLUE, no objections from me :) 14:22:10 <nils> no dissents? [Meeting Agenda] it is 14:22:28 <contyk> what about colour blind variants? 14:22:39 <nils> tflink, and it will be VIOLET because a good compromise pisses off all stakeholders equally :) 14:22:50 <tflink> hard to argue with that 14:23:33 <langdon> +1 14:23:37 <langdon> to all of ti 14:23:39 <nils> anyway, where does this need to go? example ticket, the wiki, where else? 14:24:11 <langdon> nils: thats it.. i think 14:24:54 <nils> good 14:25:44 <nils> #info Non-members have to prefix meeting agenda issues with [Meeting Agenda] 14:26:07 <langdon> #info in order to signal to WG members to tag the item correctly 14:26:08 <nils> #info Members can then add the "Meeting" label 14:26:21 <nils> That was almost choreographed :) 14:26:25 <contyk> it's too simple 14:26:28 <contyk> should be more complicated 14:26:34 <nils> haha 14:26:37 <langdon> its ok if people know we back channel ;) 14:26:47 <langdon> GREEN! 14:26:55 <nils> where does sacrificing the chicken fit in? 14:27:09 <nils> anyway, where were we? 14:27:11 <nils> ahh 14:27:29 <contyk> only tickets than rhyme are eligible candidates for meetings 14:27:30 <nils> #action nils update the wiki page and example issue 14:27:43 <nils> contyk, that's the rule, but we won't tell them! :D 14:27:46 <langdon> contyk: +1 14:28:54 <nils> on a more serious note... 14:28:57 <nils> #topic go/no-go meeting summary 14:29:00 <nils> #chair contyk 14:29:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: contyk dgilmore langdon mikedep333 nils sct tflink 14:29:17 <contyk> last week we held a go/no-go for F27 Server Beta 14:29:33 <contyk> since we had no RC available (and still don't), the result was inevitably no-go 14:30:04 <contyk> another beta go/no-go meeting is happening this Thursday, at 17h UTC 14:30:40 <contyk> since there's still a fair number of unresolved issues, it's unlikely it will be go and we should to slip by another week 14:31:07 <contyk> langdon: do we have tickets for everything we talked about yesterday? or should I make them? 14:31:46 <langdon> contyk: most? i am trying to track them down and put them somwhere coherent 14:31:59 * contyk nods 14:32:04 <langdon> the module server change is a tracker bug for the stuff in bz 14:32:37 <langdon> was considering adding pagure/gh ones as comments to that.. but maybe i should file bzs? 30 odd issue tracking systems make it tough 14:32:55 <langdon> tflink: the "release blocker app" can't follow "not bugzilla" tickets can it? 14:34:37 <tflink> nope, it's designed to work with bugzilla 14:34:49 <langdon> tflink: any other ideas? 14:35:22 <tflink> why should the modular server release be different from other fedora releases? 14:36:56 * tflink assumes that langdon was asking about ideas on how to track release blocking issues 14:37:22 <langdon> maybe it shouldn't be.. i just meant... should i file a ticket in bz for every "upstream ticket"? even though they aren't really "upstream"? 14:39:11 <nils> anything anybody wants to #info? 14:39:52 * langdon goes to look for tracker bug 14:40:17 <tflink> are all the blocking bugs outside of rhbz, then? 14:40:25 <tflink> all/many/most 14:40:37 * langdon waits for bz to load 14:40:42 <langdon> tflink: many, yes 14:40:55 <tflink> I don't understand what you mean by upstream tickets that aren't really upstream 14:41:13 <langdon> #info we are using https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1474931 as a tracker bug for the modular release. However, it is incomplete, accurate but missing items atm 14:42:54 <langdon> tflink: modularity isn't really an upstream project.. it is part of fedora.. so the people "incorporating modularity in to fedora" are the same people who "developed modularity" .. but, at present, that same group of people is using more than one ticket tracking system.. normally this is ok.. gnome bugs belong in gnome land and when they affect fedora they get duped.. in this case they all affect 14:42:54 <langdon> fedora.. and dup'ing them seems weird and extra work 14:43:24 <langdon> so.. in a perfect world.. all modularity bugs should be filed as bzs.. but then we run in to the problem of "what are they attached to"? 14:43:29 <tflink> that's how we've always done it, assuming I understand you 14:43:32 <langdon> ie. project/component 14:43:44 <tflink> note that I'm not claiming it to be an ideal situation 14:44:19 <tflink> as I understand it, things that are part of fedora are "supposed to" go in rhbz, no? 14:45:02 <langdon> yeah.. but.. 1) bz 2) we need to create some components to do that 14:46:26 <tflink> for better or for worse, these processes are heavily tied to rhbz. I'm not saying that it can't change but that's not a trivial thing to do 14:47:47 <langdon> tflink: meh.. thats what i figured :( 14:47:50 * tflink feels like he's misunderstanding something here 14:47:59 <langdon> tflink: i don't think so.. 14:48:23 * langdon was just trying to angle out of some pain 14:49:10 <langdon> nils, contyk we good? move on? just open floor? 14:49:28 <tflink> if it is (or is going to be) part of Fedora, it'll have to happen at some point unless we're talking about changing the process for all of Fedora 14:49:34 <tflink> not sure if that helps or not, though 14:49:58 <langdon> tflink: i am perfectly happy for *you* to change all of fedora to suit my needs ;) 14:49:58 <nils> langdon, I'm fine :) 14:50:11 * contyk is good 14:50:24 * langdon has a hard stop in a few so he can get off his train 14:50:25 <tflink> langdon: good luck with that :-P 14:50:36 <nils> good 14:50:38 <langdon> tflink: ill file a bz ;) 14:50:40 <nils> #topic Open Floor 14:50:43 <nils> anything? 14:51:37 <tflink> nothing here 14:52:25 <nils> alright 14:52:32 <nils> 5 14:52:35 <nils> 4 14:52:38 <nils> 3 14:52:41 <nils> 2 14:52:43 <nils> 1 14:52:47 <nils> #endmeeting