15:00:06 <nils> #startmeeting modularity_wg 15:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 8 15:00:06 2019 UTC. 15:00:06 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:06 <zodbot> The chair is nils. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity_wg' 15:00:06 <nils> #meetingtopic Weekly Meeting of the Modularity Working Group 15:00:20 <nils> #topic Roll Call 15:00:28 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:00:29 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:01:22 <asamalik> .hello2 15:01:23 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 15:01:35 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:01:36 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:02:10 <nils> #topic Agenda 15:02:28 <nils> #info #112 Discussion: Module lifecycles 15:02:36 <nils> #info 115 Discussion: Stream branch ownership for packages & modules 15:02:46 <nils> #undo 15:02:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by nils at 15:02:36 : 115 Discussion: Stream branch ownership for packages & modules 15:02:50 <nils> #info #115 Discussion: Stream branch ownership for packages & modules 15:03:01 <nils> #info #119 Modularity WG Charter (contd.) 15:03:09 <nils> #info #45 Clarify which kind of issues should be reported here 15:03:33 <nils> anything else not yet on the agenda which is too big/important for open floor? 15:04:06 <asamalik> nothing from my side 15:04:10 <nils> good 15:04:16 <asamalik> thanks :D 15:04:30 <nils> :D 15:04:37 <nils> #topic #112 Discussion: Module lifecycles 15:04:37 <nils> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/112 15:04:37 <nils> #link https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2027 15:04:58 <nils> This is a followup from before the holidays and I don't expect much has changed. 15:05:09 <asamalik> so this has been discussed at the FESCo meeting yesterday, and they'll take one more week to read through the proposal properly after the holidays 15:05:10 <contyk> we decided to give FESCo another week to fully familiarize themselves with the problem and the proposal 15:05:17 <contyk> ;) 15:05:22 <nils> hah! 15:05:44 <asamalik> haha 15:05:47 <nils> #info postponed 15:05:57 <nils> #topic #115 Discussion: Stream branch ownership for packages & modules 15:05:58 <nils> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/115 15:05:58 <nils> #link https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2028 15:06:03 * asamalik waits for contyk this time 15:06:04 <stickster> Ah, holidays 15:06:04 <nils> I guess this will be similar. 15:06:16 <contyk> indeed 15:06:21 <nils> At least the tickets look like it :) 15:06:24 <nils> ok 15:06:25 <asamalik> that's right :) 15:06:28 <nils> #info postponed 15:06:38 <nils> This is speed I could get used to! 15:06:48 <nils> #topic #119 Modularity WG Charter (contd.) 15:06:48 <nils> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/119 15:07:06 <asamalik> nils: we could have even automated the meeting!!! 15:07:18 <contyk> nilsbot 15:07:26 <nils> So, unlike the previous two this one doesn't involve FESCo, but for similar reasons I'd postpone it. 15:07:34 <nils> contyk, hah! 15:08:07 <asamalik> .modularity 119 15:08:08 <zodbot> asamalik: Issue #119: Modularity WG Charter (contd.) - modularity - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/119 15:08:10 <nils> Just, in this case, to give us time (looks meaningfully around) to read/comment/vote in the ticket. 15:08:14 * asamalik feels so much cooler now 15:08:25 <nils> you should, you should :) 15:08:46 <nils> ok, next 15:08:50 * contyk promises to look 15:08:53 <asamalik> nils: I thought we have last time? 15:08:58 <asamalik> or is this a review? 15:09:59 <nils> asamalik, IIRC we said that the proposal was too new (<1 week), so to give people time to vote, wait until after the break. Only, as breaks are, nothing happened during the break. *shrugs* 15:10:28 <nils> So I'd postpone it as the other two, for the same reasons. 15:10:46 <nils> #info postponed 15:11:04 <nils> #topic #45 Clarify which kind of issues should be reported here 15:11:04 <nils> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/45 15:11:41 <nils> This actually is new on the agenda (I forgot to schedule it for last meeting) even though the ticket is quite old. 15:13:01 <asamalik> it mentions Boltron and our old docs site :) 15:13:02 <nils> The initial comment refers to specific things (Boltron) which aren't up to date but the gist seems to be: what should be reported against the modularity project on Pagure, and what should go elsewhere. 15:13:29 <nils> asamalik, yes it does :D 15:13:42 <asamalik> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/community/project-tracking/ 15:13:59 <asamalik> that link should have an answer :) 15:14:07 <contyk> +1 15:14:15 <stickster> What are the "elsewheres" in this case? 15:14:39 <stickster> Ah, the kanban mentioned in link above. 15:14:43 <nils> stickster, anything involving more specific projects 15:14:49 <nils> not everything is "generic modularity" 15:15:08 <nils> something needs to go to DNF, other stuff should be filed against MBS/fm-orchestrator, ... 15:15:23 <nils> in the past this tracker was used as a dumping ground for all things modularity 15:16:36 <nils> asamalik, that only covers technical things and I'd argue that we don't want to give "the world" a blank cheque to write cards in our Kanban :) 15:17:19 <nils> So, bugs and feature requests would go in the tracker but the former isn't usually stuff we have to discuss in the WG, or is it? 15:17:22 <contyk> they can't anyway 15:17:25 * asamalik is a bit confused 15:17:53 <nils> asamalik, let me rephrase, pointing people to the project tracking page in docs won't help most of them 15:18:24 <asamalik> nils: project tracking is for our team and for reporting 15:18:26 <nils> 90% of it is how we organize our work, and only the link to the tracker is valid to the public 15:18:42 <asamalik> and for transparency of course — anyone can have a look 15:18:58 <nils> (as far as "where should I dump this or that issue with modularity" is concerned) 15:19:07 <asamalik> but it's read-only for people outside our group 15:19:34 <nils> Yeah, but transparency is a whole other topic. Let's keep to "what is this tracker for?" 15:20:25 <nils> I'd say it's 1) for things that need to be discussed between WG members, say feature requests or important bugs. Is there anything else that has a place in our tracker? 15:20:32 <asamalik> as the page says, the tracker is for "User feedback such as bugs, ideas, questions. Influencing the project from outside." 15:21:42 <asamalik> that covers anything such as processes, architecture stuff that is not a single tool, etc. 15:22:02 <asamalik> of course if you have a DNF bug report it to DNF bugzilla, etc 15:22:32 <asamalik> and of course, those bugs, ideas, questions, etc. can be topics for this very meeting 15:22:36 <nils> Yeah, perhaps we should mention what it's not for, too, spell out the distinction. 15:23:42 <asamalik> I thought that was quite clear but maybe I'm just thinking that because I wrote it so I know what it is about? :-) 15:24:55 <nils> I'll assume there are some people who will benefit from having that spelled out :) 15:25:21 <nils> I'll add it to my plate, you can review. 15:26:13 <asamalik> I'm a fan of using as little text as possible, but sure, if you feel like there's something missing, let's add it. 15:26:59 <asamalik> but we haven't had any problem of people using the tracker badly, so I'm not sure what we're fixing right now 15:27:08 <nils> I'm thinking of people who need a little more nudging to get off in the right direction. ;) 15:27:17 * contyk got distracted 15:27:57 <contyk> I'd rather leave it as it is 15:28:13 <nils> e.g. #121 should go to MBS, not our tracker 15:28:13 <contyk> if we get people reporting issues that should go elsewhere, we might reconsider 15:28:31 <contyk> it happens every now and then, in every group -- just point them to the right place and close it 15:28:52 <nils> ok 15:29:16 <asamalik> right, I'd rather have a few people using this as a backup instead of not filing anything because they had no idea what to do 15:29:32 <nils> #action nils update issue #45 with a summary and close it 15:29:34 <asamalik> we can always point them to the right direction 15:29:48 <nils> that's it from the agenda 15:29:53 <nils> anything for open floor? 15:30:04 <stickster> contyk++ 15:30:04 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for psabata changed to 10 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:30:04 * asamalik has nothing 15:30:15 <stickster> look who's got cookies! 15:30:21 <asamalik> cookie party!!! 15:30:39 <contyk> I hope they're low carb 15:30:54 <nils> cookies. low carb. choose one. 15:31:15 <nils> anyway, that seems to be it for today 15:31:22 <nils> Thanks everybody! 15:31:26 <nils> #endmeeting