13:31:39 <cdrage> #startmeeting Nulecule Weekly IRC Meeting 13:31:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 4 13:31:39 2016 UTC. The chair is cdrage. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:31:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:31:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'nulecule_weekly_irc_meeting' 13:31:42 <surajd> .fas surajd 13:31:42 <zodbot> surajd: surajd 'Suraj Deshmukh' <surajssd009005@gmail.com> 13:31:46 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 13:31:47 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 13:31:47 <cdrage> .hellomynameis cdrage 13:31:49 <zodbot> cdrage: cdrage 'Charlie Drage' <charlie@charliedrage.com> 13:31:57 <ccaf> .hellomynameis containscafeine 13:31:58 <zodbot> ccaf: containscafeine 'Shubham Minglani' <shubham@linux.com> 13:32:08 <mzee1000> .fas mohammedzee1000 13:32:08 <zodbot> mzee1000: mohammedzee1000 'Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed' <mohammed.zee1000@gmail.com> 13:32:43 <cdrage> ping dharmit-afk dustymabe mzee1000 nshaikh pradeepto rtnpro surajd tkral tuxdna 13:32:56 <cdrage> I'll let dharmit-afk go first, you said nothing to report? 13:33:31 * tuxdna is in another meeting, will skip this one' 13:33:33 <dustymabe> cdrage: yeah I think he left already 13:33:49 <cdrage> Okay. So for dharmit-afk there is nothing to report 13:34:03 <cdrage> tuxdna: Can you just give a quick sentence on your update instead? 13:34:34 <tkral> .hellomynameis tkral 13:34:37 <zodbot> tkral: tkral 'Tomas Kral' <tkral@redhat.com> 13:35:22 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 13:35:22 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 13:35:34 <cdrage> Alright.. I'll let someone else go then! Alphabetical order, I'm next 13:37:05 <cdrage> No blockers my end, working on cleaning up nulecule-library, added detecting sudo, normal user as well. Our GA is closing in soon, so any PR's and updates that need to go in really need to get in within the next three weeks before we start doing our 10 days of testing. 13:37:27 <cdrage> dustymabe: you're next 13:37:36 <dustymabe> cdrage: :) 13:37:54 <ccaf> cdrage, me? :'( 13:37:55 <dustymabe> For Atomic App, I've been doing PR reviews mainly. 13:38:05 <dustymabe> No Blockers.. other than time 13:38:24 <cdrage> ccaf: ahhh, saw you joined after :p you go now! 13:38:31 <ccaf> Hi. Just closed 2 issues, sent 1 PR, nothing significant. Right now looking at rtnpro's PR on atomicapp init, and will now play with atomicapp again. Working with surajd and pradeepto on a comparison doc, which is loosely/tightly related to atomicapp/nulecule, waiting for it to be in human readable form :) That's it, no blockers. P.S. I'd love to help if someone wants to delegate me some work wrt atomicapp, because right now I'll be looking at 13:38:31 <ccaf> issues or raising as I encounter them and working on those; so would love to help someone. 13:39:06 <dustymabe> cdrage: ^^ 13:39:27 <dustymabe> ccaf: I'm sure cdrage has plenty he'd like help with 13:39:36 <cdrage> ccaf: yeah, I have a few things I can delegate your way :p 13:39:46 <ccaf> cdrage, dustymabe - awesome 13:39:53 <cdrage> mzee1000: your turn! 13:40:11 <mzee1000> Nothing to report on atomicapp side, working on pulp/crane for centos container pipeline and will be looking into atomic registry 13:40:40 <mzee1000> no blockers 13:40:51 <cdrage> nshaikh: you're up 13:41:20 <cdrage> wait nvm, he's cdk :p 13:41:20 <nshaikh> cdrage, I am mostly working on vsm plugin and ADB. Nothing to report on atomicapp side. 13:41:37 * nshaikh wished he could have reported something! :-P 13:41:59 * cdrage wishes he could report something for adb / cdk, but prefers docker environments over vagrant instead lol 13:42:17 <cdrage> pradeepto: anything to report your end? 13:43:34 <cdrage> Moving on, rtnpro ! 13:44:31 <rtnpro> cdrage, yo! 13:44:42 <dustymabe> rtnpro: \o/ 13:45:02 <rtnpro> cdrage, so, I have been working on functional tests for atomicapp, deploying cccp setup, atomicapp init, etc 13:45:22 <rtnpro> I will be finishing my work on cccp deployment this week 13:45:25 <rtnpro> no blockers 13:45:32 * cdrage thinks about russians 13:45:37 <cdrage> cool! 13:45:48 <cdrage> almost done, surajd you're up 13:45:55 <dustymabe> rtnpro: you were going to push up one other change to atomicapp init right? 13:46:05 <dustymabe> oops.. wait til after meeting 13:46:23 <surajd> cdrage, Not much of work on AtomicApp only did some work on o2n and nulecule-library, no blockers. As ccaf already mentioned I am also co-ordinating with pradeepto and ccaf for the "Re-search on Various 'multi-container apps' packaging solutions". Writing an example doc for o2n right now.<EOL> 13:46:54 <cdrage> Nice! 13:47:06 <cdrage> tkral: you're last (unless tuxdna shows up) 13:47:09 <cdrage> go ahead! 13:48:06 <tkral> ok 13:48:30 <tkral> sadly nothing to report regarding AtomicApp/Nulecule :-( 13:48:40 <tkral> Still working exclusively on openshift2nulecule. Seems that we might hit openshift bug that is going to block us (https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/8327). But need confirmation that it is in fact OpenShift issue. 13:49:47 <rtnpro> dustymabe, I got occupied with ansible stuff and openshift ansible scripts 13:49:54 <cdrage> that bug sucks :( important info being stripped out 13:50:19 <cdrage> so in order to have 10 minutes of your life back, i'm going to end the meeting! anyone I missed? 13:50:55 <cdrage> 3... 13:50:57 <cdrage> 2... 13:51:24 <cdrage> 1.... 13:51:29 <cdrage> #endmeeting