13:32:24 <cdrage> #startmeeting Nulecule Weekly IRC Meeting 13:32:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 6 13:32:24 2016 UTC. The chair is cdrage. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:32:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:32:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'nulecule_weekly_irc_meeting' 13:32:25 <dharmit> haha. no cdrage. My update was for adb standup 13:32:35 <surajd> .fas surajd 13:32:36 <zodbot> surajd: surajd 'Suraj Deshmukh' <surajssd009005@gmail.com> - surajdeepak 'Suraj Bhanu' <mackhill001@yopmail.com> - surajdeep 'suraj pratap' <mackhill011@yopmail.com> 13:32:46 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 13:32:46 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 13:32:56 <cdrage> ping ccaf rtnpro surajd tkral 13:32:56 <ccaf> .hellomynameis containscafeine 13:32:57 <zodbot> ccaf: containscafeine 'Shubham Minglani' <shubham@linux.com> 13:33:05 <tkral> .hello tkral 13:33:06 <zodbot> tkral: tkral 'Tomas Kral' <tkral@redhat.com> 13:33:07 <surajd> so we are going all in right? 13:33:10 <cdrage> there's really only 5 of us today 13:33:31 <cdrage> Yeah, I don't believe much has happened on the Nulecule / Atomic App front so just give a quick update of what you've done this week 13:33:50 <surajd> Last week mainly the work involved helloworld-msa, golang and some henge. 13:33:54 <ccaf> cdrage, this is not supposed to have 'deploy' stuff, right? 13:33:57 <surajd> <eof> 13:34:01 <cdrage> For moi, I've continued on the K8S PR and getting this cert stuff sorted out (thanks tkral!) been distracted with a bit of Go development to be honest :) 13:34:10 <cdrage> ccaf: no, just nulecule / atomic app 13:34:36 <cdrage> surajd: just say no work on atomic app / nulecule this week :) 13:34:58 <ccaf> cdrage, :(. Okay, nothing for nulecule/atomicapp. But will be done with shipy 'run' tests, so will be interfacing that with atomicapp tomorrow. 13:34:58 <surajd> cdrage, yep no work on atomicapp :( 13:35:23 <rtnpro> I have worked on CI scripts for cccp and wrote some tests, blocked on openshift containers not coming up in a predicted way on different environments, still working on refactoring upstream compose code from Openshift 13:35:39 <cdrage> rtnpro: so no atomic app work? 13:35:49 <rtnpro> cdrage, no :( 13:36:10 <cdrage> jst say no atomic app / nulecule this week :) / makes it cleaner in the logs 13:36:18 <tkral> I've give last quick look to cdrage's k8s pr. Nothing else for atomicapp/nulecule 13:36:18 <rtnpro> cdrage, ko 13:37:24 <cdrage> Alright, so only work on Atomic App / Nulecule this week seems to be my PR as well as the Nulecule documentation changes. Although thank you ccaf for your work on Shipy. It'll be nice to finally get a Python library that does run commands straight to Docker API 13:38:19 <cdrage> I don't think there is anyhting else, this may be the shortest meeting we've had :) 13:38:27 <tkral> :-) 13:38:29 <cdrage> Ending meeting in 3.. 13:38:31 <cdrage> 2.. 13:38:33 <cdrage> 1.. 13:38:37 <cdrage> #endmeeting