17:06:57 <hislopg> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 2 17:06:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 24 17:06:57 2018 UTC. 17:06:57 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:06:57 <zodbot> The chair is hislopg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:06:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:06:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_2' 17:07:39 <hislopg> #chair heidie kussmaul 17:07:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie hislopg kussmaul 17:08:01 <hislopg> Welcome to the second POSSE IRC meeting! 17:08:17 <hislopg> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 contains the agenda for this meeting 17:08:29 <hislopg> #topic roll call 17:08:42 <kussmaul> #info Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College, PA 17:09:02 <aroca> #info hi, Alberto of EquitableTech/DiverseScholar here 17:09:03 <hislopg> Please reply with a #info your name, your institution as Clif has done 17:09:06 <heidiellis> #info Heidi Ellis from Western New England University 17:09:14 <heidiellis> Welcome Alberto! 17:09:20 <hislopg> #info Greg Hislop, Drexel University 17:09:47 <hislopg> #chair heidiellis 17:09:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie heidiellis hislopg kussmaul 17:09:57 <hislopg> Hossain? 17:10:24 <glikins[m]> #info glikins Red Hat 17:10:50 <kussmaul> wjin: we have started - please add yourself to the role call, as glikins did 17:11:38 <wjin> #info wjin 17:11:53 <wjin> #info wjin GGC 17:11:56 <Hossain> Hi I am here 17:12:31 <hislopg> Hossain: can you use a #info with name and institution? 17:12:31 <Hossain> #info Hossain KSU 17:12:37 <hislopg> thanks! 17:12:39 <hislopg> :-) 17:12:51 <hislopg> #topic Updates and Questions on POSSE stage 1 activities 17:13:03 <hislopg> How are people doing with the Stage 1 activities? 17:13:18 <hislopg> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities has the overview of Stage 1 17:13:19 <Hossain> Greg, did you mean Part B? 17:13:37 <hislopg> Part A,B, or C 17:13:59 <hislopg> If you're on Part B then you're probably doing pretty well, since that's on schedule 17:14:00 <heidiellis> The online activities. 17:14:57 <hislopg> Any questions on the activities? or problems encountered? 17:15:03 <Hossain> Got it. My quick feedback on Part B.. 17:15:14 <aroca> #info pretty much done PartA & working thru B but hv not logged latter 17:16:04 <Hossain> #info I completed all items in Part B, but I think github and openhub differences need to be understood better 17:16:12 <hislopg> aroca: thanks. 17:16:28 <Hossain> #info particularly openhub provides some project that seem have no code or I must miss how to get them 17:17:10 <hislopg> OK. I'd appreciate it if you would log a note about where you had that difficulty.. 17:17:40 <hislopg> OpenHub is an interesting data source, but it is somewhat uneven since the seem to do a lot of automated data collection 17:18:53 <hislopg> Any other comments about the learning activities? 17:18:57 <Hossain> #info yes, OpenHub provides some interesting piece of information that github does not such as what are other similar projects used by the same user 17:18:57 <kussmaul> wjin: how are the activities going for you? 17:20:19 <wjin> I am done with Part A and also logged the activities in my wiki page. Catching up on part B. Will be done by 5/27 :) 17:21:17 <hislopg> wjin: great! please log feedback in the Google spreadsheet too 17:21:40 <hislopg> OK... let's move on 17:21:46 <hislopg> #topic Courses in which you plan to use HFOSS 17:21:50 <aroca> general Q re:academic wikis- is content not by-lined (author credit) on 'Read' page, i.e. typically anonymous. So hv 2 use 'View history' 2 follow authorship precedence? 17:22:39 <hislopg> aroca - correct 17:23:09 <hislopg> aroca: wiki's don't generally emphasize author - that's a key difference between wikis and blogs 17:23:36 <hislopg> Has anyone picked a course where you plan to try HFOSS activities? And if yes, what is the course? 17:24:45 <kussmaul> see http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 17:24:51 <Hossain> #info I plan to pick Health Information Security & Privacy course to roll some activities around EHR available under HFOSS 17:25:09 <wjin> #info I'm considering to start a open source programming club for studnets coming out of a service learning course that I will teach next semester. It'll be open to other students as well. 17:25:24 <aroca> am not instructor-of-record so my POSSE participation 2 inform 1-day OSS campus workshops 17:25:59 <hislopg> wjin: are you familiar with the Mozilla student club effort? 17:26:18 <wjin> I was in the BOF session at SIGCSE 17:26:26 <hislopg> good! 17:26:58 <hislopg> We happen to have a guest attendee coming to this POSSE from Mozilla. So you'll have lots of time to discuss that effort 17:27:17 <kussmaul> aroca: do the workshops target specific sorts of students? lots/little/no CS experience, etc? 17:27:57 <wjin> Great! If I teach software development in the future, I will try to incorprate HFOSS 17:29:06 <hislopg> #topic Questions about POSSE Stage 2 Activities 17:29:31 <hislopg> We have a draft agenda for Stage 2. It will be updated some, but it will give you an idea of the face-to-face workshop. 17:29:45 <hislopg> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities for the Stage 2 draft agenda 17:30:22 <hislopg> Any questions about our stage 2 face-to-face workshop? 17:31:43 <aroca> EquitableTech workshops will be modeled after OpenHatch but at MSIs (HBCU, HSI, TC). 1st was Apr 28 @ TxSouthernUniv. Hv funding 4 2nd in SoCal @ HSI. Future depends upon $ since MSIs resource-poor & may hv 2 fly-in instructor & facilitators (OSS experts) 17:32:02 <wjin> How to select a proper project so that students can contribute is a question I have. I see that it is included in the agenda 17:32:46 <hislopg> wjin: project selection is something we talk about a lot 17:32:54 <aroca> #info for now EquitableTech workshops (like OpenHatch) are very introductory so open to all but I'm targeting MSI CompSci depts as 1st hosts 17:33:20 <hislopg> You have some exercises to start you in that direction and we'll talk more in Phila. 17:33:28 <Hossain> I think I also need to get some idea how to manage students group when not all of them are expert in programming or even troubleshooting... 17:33:59 <hislopg> Hossain: that is also a good topic for discussion in stage 2 17:34:09 <Hossain> great! 17:34:09 <aroca> #info Philly workshop Q: weather predictions? 17:34:13 <wjin> hislopg: For a course, will students work on the same project or different project? 17:34:38 <aroca> #info Q: will OpenMRS be discussed @ workshop since 3 of us have interest? if not, probably OpenFoodFacts my 2nd choice 17:34:38 <wjin> different projects 17:35:02 <hislopg> aroca: June is usually pretty nice here... could be hot but often quite reasonable. not particularly rainy or dry 17:35:50 <hislopg> wjin: instructors have done both. I've had classes focus on one project; classes that picked from a few projects; classes where they find their own project. 17:36:06 <hislopg> wjin: using one project is the easiest for the instructor 17:36:15 <Hossain> OpenMRS seems only open source EHR available, I know OpenEMR written in PHP/MySQL has a larger code base, not sure if it fits with HFOSS theme 17:37:21 <wjin> hidlopg: Thanks! 17:37:36 <hislopg> We'll at least discuss open medical record systems... and both that you mention are fine to consider 17:37:57 <hislopg> OpenMRS has had a recent fork of the community, so that complicates things. 17:38:40 <hislopg> #link https://librehealth.io/ is the fork 17:39:25 <hislopg> any other projects or courses people are considering targeting? 17:39:25 <aroca> am interested in any open MedRecord systems (not hv 2 b OpenMRS) & experience integrating w/classes eg database instruction 17:40:37 <hislopg> #topic Signing up for Stage 2 project and course groups 17:40:59 <hislopg> At the stage 2 workshop we have time to work in small groups. To start to organize groups, we ask that you sign up for both a course as well as an HFOSS project that interest you. 17:41:20 <hislopg> It's not a long term commitment, but just a way to organize discussion at the workshop 17:41:44 <hislopg> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups is the page to indicate your course and project interest 17:42:02 <hislopg> It sounds like some of you are already thinking this through. 17:42:22 <kussmaul> although like student's college majors, people tend to change their minds a few times :-) 17:42:53 <Hossain> hislopg: thanks for the information. 17:43:12 <hislopg> OK... any other questions or comments? 17:43:22 <hislopg> If not, we'll end the meeting 17:43:46 <Hossain> when is our next IRC meeting before PHL onsite meeting? 17:44:14 <hislopg> We'll send out a doodle poll to schedule the final IRC 17:44:37 <Hossain> Thanks, pleasure talking with all.. see you again. 17:44:53 <hislopg> Thank you all! 17:44:57 <kussmaul> bye everyone! 17:45:02 <aroca> thx, bye 17:45:08 <wjin> Thank you! 17:45:13 <hislopg> #endmeeting