15:01:13 <chandankumar> #startmeeting RDO meeting (2016-05-04) 15:01:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 4 15:01:13 2016 UTC. The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_(2016-05-04)' 15:01:15 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 4 15:01:13 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting__2016_05_04_' 15:01:22 <chandankumar> #topic rollcall 15:01:24 <EmilienM> o/ 15:01:25 <dmsimard> o/ 15:01:26 <imcsk8> o/ 15:01:40 <chandankumar> #chair EmilienM dmsimard imcsk8 15:01:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 15:01:40 <openstack> Current chairs: EmilienM chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 15:01:42 <amoralej> o/ 15:01:58 <chandankumar> #chair amoralej 15:01:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 15:01:59 <openstack> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 15:02:02 <dmsimard> oh shit 15:02:08 <jpena> o/ 15:02:15 <dmsimard> we have a meeting bot clash 15:02:21 <chandankumar> dmsimard, we need to remove zodbot 15:02:30 <dmsimard> I didn't see that one coming 15:02:34 <chandankumar> #chair jpena 15:02:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena 15:02:34 <openstack> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena 15:02:37 <dmsimard> hummmmmmm 15:02:39 <number80> o/ 15:02:44 <chandankumar> #chair number80 15:02:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena number80 15:02:46 <openstack> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena number80 15:02:47 <mengxd> hello, it seems i can't join 15:02:50 <dmsimard> What do we do ? I can probably kick one of the bots 15:02:54 <dmsimard> temporarily 15:03:06 <chandankumar> dmsimard, yes please do 15:03:11 <jruzicka> \say \o 15:03:13 <dmsimard> which one? >_< 15:03:20 <chandankumar> #chair jruzicka 15:03:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena jruzicka number80 15:03:21 <openstack> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena jruzicka number80 15:03:23 <mengxd> \o 15:03:23 <imcsk8> openstack 15:03:35 <apevec> how did we get openstack bot? 15:03:39 <chandankumar> #chair mengxd 15:03:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena jruzicka mengxd number80 15:03:39 <openstack> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena jruzicka mengxd number80 15:03:52 <apevec> I thought we signed up only for channel logging ? 15:03:57 <dmsimard> hah .. crap. 15:04:04 <apevec> or is it it a packaged deal? 15:04:12 <dmsimard> It might be packaged, I'll ask -infra after meeting 15:04:21 <apevec> ok, try kicking the other bot :) 15:04:43 <chandankumar> let me start with first topic 15:04:55 <chandankumar> #topic RDO BoF -Newton summit- feedback 15:05:10 <chandankumar> number80, please go ahead 15:05:24 <number80> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-austin-bof 15:05:33 <number80> Here's the BoF summary 15:05:53 <chandankumar> number80, can we get a blog out of that bof? 15:05:53 <number80> globally we had 64 people in the room and about 15 not from RH 15:06:06 <number80> chandankumar: I guess rbowen is working on that 15:06:08 <EmilienM> maybe a summary on the mailing-list like other projects, would be cool 15:06:23 <rbowen> Yes, sorry, I intended to do that yesterday, but I was out sick. I hope to do that very soon. 15:06:32 <number80> no rush :) 15:06:33 <trown> o/ a bit late 15:06:40 <number80> #chair trown 15:06:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: EmilienM amoralej chandankumar dmsimard imcsk8 jpena jruzicka mengxd number80 trown 15:06:58 <rbowen> Well, if I wait too long it won't be relevant any more. I will try very hard to get it out this week, as I'm traveling again next week. 15:07:05 <chandankumar> #action rbowen to write RDO BOF summary blog 15:07:06 <number80> #info more presence in meetups, ping rbowen for swag and sponsoring 15:07:30 <number80> we're trying to encourage people to go spreading the good word about OpenStack, not just RDO 15:07:57 <rbowen> I can send swag if you are doing meetups. I can *possibly* help you get there if it's a regional trip. 15:08:26 <number80> we can't fund meetups in space :) 15:08:36 <mengxd> anyone knows if there is any RDO meetup in Shanghai? 15:08:51 <rbowen> http://www.meetup.com/Shanghai-OpenStack-Meetup/ 15:09:05 <rbowen> Last one was November. So it's not frequent 15:09:12 <imcsk8> rbowen: i've been invited to meetups in other cities of México 15:09:13 <rbowen> But there's at least a list of people that would be interested. 15:09:19 <mengxd> rbowen: i know that, I am the first speaker for Shanghai OpenStack meetup. 15:09:37 <number80> mengxd: we don't have RDO only meetups 15:09:51 <number80> upstream first :) 15:09:56 <rbowen> Oh, right. Yeah, upstream first, even in meetups. 15:09:59 <mengxd> ok, talking about RDO in OpenStack meetuo is a good idea, 15:10:02 <rbowen> RDO-only meetups would be counterproductive. 15:10:15 <EmilienM> +1 15:10:54 <chandankumar> any more queries related to RDO BOF if not then i can move to next topic 15:11:15 <number80> well, we mostly have a status of the project, RDO Cloud, new arch 15:11:29 <number80> it seems that people were really interested in getting new arches for RDO 15:11:43 <number80> in conclusion, it was very positive 15:11:44 <rbowen> Yes. Quite a change from Tokyo. 15:12:36 <chandankumar> number80, can we move to next topic? 15:12:40 <number80> sure 15:12:51 <chandankumar> #topic request virt-sig to update ipxe 15:13:06 <chandankumar> It is already done on rdo-list 15:13:12 <chandankumar> i need to find out the link 15:13:19 <chandankumar> apevec, anything more on this? 15:13:50 <number80> #info ipxe is now in openstack-common until RHEL7.3 is out 15:14:07 <number80> chandankumar: no need to spend much time on that, we have a lot of topics today :) 15:14:07 <apevec> nope 15:14:29 <chandankumar> #topic powerp64le port 15:14:35 <chandankumar> mengxd, go ahead. 15:15:17 <mengxd> ok, as i talked in the RDO meetup, we plan to add RDO port for ppc64le 15:15:43 <mengxd> so that centos/power users can benefit from this. 15:16:22 <openstackgerrit> Edward Balduf proposed openstack/packstack: Added options for SolidFire as backend for Cinder. https://review.openstack.org/311920 15:16:27 <apevec> re. CBS secondary architectures status - we need centos folks input here 15:16:36 <mengxd> previously we have managed to get centos 7.2/ppc64le work as a nova-compute by adding about 30 missing dependency packages. 15:16:55 <apevec> do you have a list in etherpad? 15:17:22 <apevec> I wonder what are those missing packages 15:17:27 <mengxd> i can input that in the etherpad,but that was done in our internal build environment 15:17:41 <number80> I suggest reading hrw blog post on rebuilding RDO on non-x86 arch 15:17:42 <number80> https://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2016/04/19/my-workflow-for-building-big-sets-of-rpm-packages/ 15:17:56 <mengxd> most of them are python runtime libraries 15:18:14 <number80> https://centos.juszkiewicz.com.pl/20160414-openstack-mitaka-for-aarch64/ 15:18:27 <apevec> so they're missing in powerPC centos7.2 base repo? 15:18:31 <Teknologeek> Is there a way to override grub command line from openstack ironic to append for example biosdevname=1 ? 15:18:36 <number80> mengxd: did you rebuild openstack-common? 15:18:55 <chandankumar> Teknologeek, meeting is in progress. 15:18:55 <number80> Teknologeek: please wait we finish the meeting 15:19:15 <mengxd> noslzzp, we did not 15:19:16 <EmilienM> Teknologeek: you'll also get luckier on #openstack-ironic 15:19:34 <mengxd> we reused the non-arch package from x86. 15:19:38 <number80> mengxd: I suspect that most of these deps could be found there 15:19:40 <number80> ack 15:19:49 <noslzzp> mengxd: mistype? :) 15:20:32 <mengxd> noslzzp, we did not rebuild openstack-common, we used the one in x86 15:20:39 <mengxd> sorry for the typo previously 15:21:14 <mengxd> ok, now i want to know how can we move forward 15:21:20 <apevec> mengxd, noarch can work, but for deps like rabbitmq, mongodb and mariadb you need to rebuild on arch 15:21:32 <apevec> mengxd, can you document what you did first? 15:21:57 <mengxd> ok, sure. i will write a blog to document what we have done first. 15:21:58 <apevec> then we need to check w/ centos folks about power builders in CBS and also separate machines for ci.centos 15:22:20 <number80> who takes the action? 15:22:31 * number80 in PTO for 3 weeks 15:22:44 <apevec> once we see what resources are available, we can see about setting up DLRN instance in ci.centos 15:22:45 <jpena> what about a trello card with a checklist we can follow? 15:22:54 <chandankumar> jpena, +1 15:23:07 <chandankumar> or a etherpad would be better one 15:23:11 <number80> apevec: I suggest that they set a DLRN instance in-house 15:23:19 <number80> until we figure it out 15:23:38 <apevec> wfm 15:23:52 <dmsimard> number80: 3 weeks ? starting when ? 15:23:57 <number80> tomorrow 15:24:08 <chandankumar> long holiday. 15:24:09 <mengxd> i am willing to take it as todo, but may need others help since i am new here 15:24:14 <apevec> stick to the topic :) 15:24:36 <apevec> mengxd, your action can be blog documenting what you have 15:24:42 <chandankumar> let us put the action items 15:24:44 <mengxd> ok 15:25:13 <jpena> I can help setting up the DLRN instance 15:25:25 <chandankumar> #action mengxd to write blog documenting what had done on powerp64e packaging for RDO 15:25:36 <number80> yes 15:25:59 <apevec> #action apevec check with CBS folks about powerpc resources available 15:26:09 <rbowen> mengxd: Please ping me (rbowen@redhat.com) when that blog post is up, so that I can be sure to include it in the RDO blogs list, and send out the various tweets and so on. Thanks. 15:26:20 <rbowen> mengxd: Is your blog in planet OpenStack already? 15:26:30 <mengxd> rbowen: not yet 15:26:35 <apevec> #action jpena help setting up the DLRN instance for powerpc 15:26:44 <rbowen> I would be glad to help you do that if you don't know how. 15:26:49 <apevec> next topic 15:26:51 <apevec> :) 15:27:04 <chandankumar> #topic RDO Bug Triage Day on 18th and 19th May, 2016 15:27:19 <apevec> sounds good 15:27:25 <number80> titanic work 15:27:30 <chandankumar> I am planning to host RDO Bug Triage day on 18th and 19th May, 2016 15:27:41 <imcsk8> jpena: i would like to help with that 15:27:47 <chandankumar> so that we can cleanup liberty and mitaka bugs 15:27:54 <dmsimard> number80: shit (re: PTO) lol 15:27:58 <imcsk8> sorry didn't see the topic change 15:27:58 <apevec> I think we can do some mass closings, there are age old BZs :) 15:28:16 <chandankumar> apevec, +1 15:28:25 <number80> +1 for anyone who script this 15:28:41 <apevec> script can't read BZ descriptions :) 15:28:47 <apevec> it's manual job unfortunately 15:29:03 <chandankumar> apevec, if it is an EOL bugs, we can close it. 15:29:25 <apevec> chandankumar, still need to check if it is present in the current release 15:29:46 <number80> one can send a notification 1 week before closing and if it's not updated => close 15:29:56 <number80> *in the ticket 15:29:59 <apevec> hmm, like Fedora 15:30:13 <number80> fedora just reset the target 15:30:43 <rbowen> http://tm3.org/rdobugs is a good list to start with. But I'm sure chandankumar has a similar list bookmarked somewhere. 15:30:53 <imcsk8> apevec: i've done some stuff with the bz scripts, let me check because i think the description can be read 15:30:55 <apevec> ok, I'll try script that 15:31:16 <apevec> imcsk8, can you put them somewhere on github? 15:31:28 <apevec> then we work on them colaboratively 15:31:29 <imcsk8> apevec: yeah, just need to find it 15:31:42 <apevec> #action imcsk8 to publish bz scripts 15:32:04 <apevec> we'll keep this topic next week 15:32:16 <apevec> then decide on running that EOL warning script 15:32:20 <chandankumar> i will send email announcement to rdo-list regarding RDO Bug Traige Day? 15:32:23 <apevec> so at bug triage we can close them 15:32:29 <chandankumar> *. 15:32:38 <apevec> chandankumar, action yourself :) 15:32:54 <chandankumar> #action chandankumar to send Email announcement for RDO Bug Traige Day 15:33:07 <chandankumar> anything more on this topic? 15:33:35 <chandankumar> #topic dlrn instance access 15:33:47 <chandankumar> jpena, dmsimard go ahead 15:33:55 <chandankumar> trown, ^^ 15:33:56 <apevec> so what's the story here? 15:34:18 <trown> I didnt put the topic up... but I would like access to dlrn server 15:34:26 <apevec> is upstream infra providing 24x7 ? 15:34:27 <rbowen> m 15:34:27 <number80> I think we restricted too much the access 15:34:43 <dmsimard> I think everyone wants access to the dlrn server [to retry builds] 15:34:49 <jpena> trown: is that shell access or tenant access (to reset the VM if needed and such) 15:34:54 <number80> apevec: nope, but it was not rare that people ping us during weekends for outage 15:35:02 <apevec> dmsimard, that should be web UI then 15:35:04 <number80> dmsimard: not just that 15:35:20 <apevec> number80, so don't be on IRC over w/e :) 15:35:31 <chandankumar> what about using jenkins web ui to retrigger build? 15:35:34 <trown> jpena: for me shell access, to fix dlrn issues when others aren't around to do it 15:35:41 <apevec> we're solving DLRN outage by using new setup 15:35:49 <openstackgerrit> Javier Peña proposed openstack/packstack: Change way of cloning OPM from source https://review.openstack.org/308357 15:35:51 <trown> it has happened a few time recently (though that may be partially summit related) 15:36:04 <number80> well, it's hurting us if we don't provide reliability to consumers especially upstream CI 15:36:06 <apevec> trown, we should add you 15:36:17 <apevec> so we have 2x NA you and dmsimard and 2x EU me and jpena 15:36:22 <apevec> is that not sufficient? 15:36:24 <trown> makes sense 15:36:28 <imcsk8> apevec: https://github.com/imcsk8/boogie/blob/master/boogie.py 15:36:30 <number80> ack 15:36:34 <apevec> number80, that will be solved with next topic 15:36:36 <amoralej> i have access too 15:36:38 <chandankumar> apevec, i can help on weekend 15:36:46 <jpena> trown: shell access is dead easy. dmsimard, you had some script to set up users, didn't you? 15:37:00 <dmsimard> jpena: it's setup as part of monitoring ansible playbooks, yes 15:37:09 <dmsimard> but a prerequisite is to have access to ci.centos network 15:37:16 <dmsimard> which I believe trown has ? 15:37:28 <jpena> amoralej has access, too 15:37:29 <number80> more sleep time for me 15:37:39 <trown> dmsimard: you get there from the jump host for ci.centos? I do have access to that 15:37:41 <chandankumar> number80, :-) 15:37:51 <dmsimard> number80: yes, you have enough job and responsabilities already, don't need you managing servers :P 15:37:58 <dmsimard> trown: yeah 15:38:13 <apevec> ok, let's publish somewhere DLRN admins then and their coverage ? 15:38:23 <number80> dmsimard: I was doing simple stuff, checking if it was up or not, restarting it and seldomly retrying builds when jpena wasn't around 15:38:40 <jpena> apevec: what about trunk.rdo home page for that? 15:38:40 <dmsimard> apevec: right now this is in https://github.com/rdo-infra/ansible-role-rdobase/blob/master/defaults/main.yml#L37 15:38:41 <number80> but please fix the retry builds access at least 15:38:54 <apevec> #info DLRN admins NA: trown dmsimard EU: amoralej jpena 15:38:57 <dmsimard> apevec: it's sort of global to all the servers that are monitored but I can work on granularity if required 15:39:09 <apevec> (I've realized I don't have access to ci.centos jump host) 15:39:16 <trown> fwiw, I often try to get things to pass tripleoci on the weekends when it is overloaded during the week, so being able to fix dlrn if it is blocking that is nice 15:39:23 <apevec> dmsimard, let's keep one global admin group for now 15:39:32 <dmsimard> apevec: open a bug in bugs.centos.org buildsys ci ecosystem 15:39:37 <dmsimard> and poke the ci.centos guys 15:40:28 <apevec> dmsimard, maybe I don't want to :) 15:40:49 * dmsimard shrugs 15:41:11 <dmsimard> I have to go pick up my kid from school, are we done with this topic, then ? 15:41:12 <apevec> jpena, yeah, trunk.rdo homepage is a good location, can you take action to update it? 15:41:16 <number80> next topic? 15:41:21 <apevec> yes, next topic 15:41:22 <chandankumar> #topic dlrn instance migration 15:41:25 <trown> +1 to having more people able to retry builds, but I think that requires some new functionality 15:41:29 <jpena> #action jpena to update trunk.rdo page to include admins and coverage 15:41:48 <chandankumar> jpena, please go ahead 15:42:03 <jpena> so about the migration, we are tracking actions in https://trello.com/c/6O18whhA/146-migrate-dlrn-instance-to-centos-infrastructure 15:42:30 <dmsimard> I'll update really quickly my part in that -- I haven't figured out a way to enable tripleo to promote their own symlink 15:42:35 <jpena> after some discussions, I'd like to know if we have an option for every project consuming RDO Trunk packages. It was not clear to me 15:42:50 <dmsimard> there was also that thread I sent raising some flags 15:43:41 <dmsimard> I really have to brb, back in 15 .. 15:44:11 <jpena> so right now, is tripleo promotion the only pending topic? 15:44:11 <apevec> jpena, which part is not clear? 15:44:34 <trown> I wonder if for the tripleo case we just have a job in ci.centos jenkins they can trigger via HTTP POST, that will do the promote 15:45:02 <apevec> trown, that's what I thought, it's all internal 15:45:07 <jpena> apevec: I'm not sure if, with the new setup, every project can work fine without having individual hashed repos. If they need them, we are back to having to rely on a single server 15:45:31 <apevec> jpena, but we do have hashed repos synced to trunk.rdo 15:45:44 <apevec> and that one should be more stable 15:45:54 <apevec> it will be trade off: 15:45:59 <apevec> use -tested on CDN 15:46:05 <apevec> or pin to hash and accept risk 15:46:10 <jpena> apevec: yes, but still, it's a single server. If we're happy with it, let's give it a try and see if it's ok 15:46:16 <trown> jpena: in the immediate term tripleo needs their own symlink... I would like to converge things to a point where that is not true but we are a ways off 15:46:34 <apevec> but risk should be lower, new trunk.rdo is passive so it shouldn't run of out resources 15:46:38 <jpena> yeah that's right 15:46:56 <apevec> trown, tripleo is synced to CDN 15:47:14 <jpena> ok, so then. a) We'll see how it goes with the new setup, b) Once we figure out how to promote tripleo jobs, we're good to go 15:47:18 <apevec> until we have it in promotion pipeline 15:47:30 <trown> apevec: ah ok, cool. so just need to provide a way to promote 15:48:10 <apevec> sounds good 15:48:15 <chandankumar> so any action items on this? 15:48:22 <trown> apevec: ya, I am actually not sure having it in the promote pipeline is enough... but that is off topic a bit 15:48:48 <trown> #action trown research tripleo promote via centos ci job 15:49:08 <apevec> ok, let's move to the next topic 15:49:14 <chandankumar> #topic packaging docs rewrite 15:49:21 <chandankumar> number80, please go ahead 15:49:23 <jruzicka> we're running out of time 15:49:30 <apevec> it's not number80 15:49:35 <apevec> it's unnamed olive green ? 15:49:36 <jruzicka> so just few questions 15:49:41 <apevec> ah jruzicka 15:49:46 <jruzicka> it's me, the documentation kingpin :-p 15:49:47 <apevec> please name yourself in etherpad :) 15:50:18 <apevec> I mean name your colour 15:50:25 <jruzicka> one is already answered, so my only question is 15:50:27 <jruzicka> how accurate is the Master Packaging Guide? 15:50:40 <apevec> jruzicka, which part? 15:50:42 <jruzicka> I didn't write it and I don't know current state of things 15:51:05 <apevec> gerrithub URLs are definitely wrong 15:51:05 <jruzicka> all of it :) 15:51:28 <chandankumar> and for delorean let switch to dlrn in master packaging doc 15:51:32 <jruzicka> IOW does it need rewriting or shall I just use current text and update the docs 15:51:42 <number80> he means that part => https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/rdo-packaging/#master-packaging-guide 15:51:45 <jruzicka> rewrite vs update 15:51:47 <apevec> jruzicka, just change gerrit url and rename delorean to DLRN for now 15:51:53 <apevec> rpm-master is still fine 15:52:09 <jruzicka> allright, so update it is. 15:52:17 <jruzicka> that's all from me 15:52:30 <number80> I suggested that we replace "How to add a new package to RDO master packaging" by TBD 15:52:30 <chandankumar> ok moving to next topic 15:52:44 <amoralej> jruzicka, let me know when working on it 15:52:46 <number80> (it's inaccurate to mention gerrithub) 15:53:06 <number80> (i mean the gerrithub part, sorry) 15:53:08 <number80> eof 15:53:27 <chandankumar> number80, can i move to next topic? 15:53:29 <jruzicka> amoralej, yup, I'll give you the draft for review 15:53:31 <number80> sure 15:53:38 <chandankumar> #topic Chair for next meeting 15:53:46 <chandankumar> please raise your hand. 15:54:01 <amoralej> i can take it 15:54:16 <chandankumar> #action amoralej to chair for next meeting 15:54:47 <chandankumar> Just a suggestion please add your name against the agenda in the meeting pad so that we can easily point the person. 15:55:00 <number80> chandankumar: you may add it to the etherpard 15:55:07 <chandankumar> number80, sure 15:55:14 <chandankumar> #topic open floor 15:55:15 <rbowen> To go back quickly to an earlier topic - RDO BoF. I did in fact do a writeup while at Summit: https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2016/04/rdo-bof-at-openstack-summit-austin/ 15:55:20 <rbowen> I forgot :-) 15:55:23 <apevec> yeah, color coding is that good 15:55:24 <number80> excellent 15:55:26 <rbowen> That includes a full video of the meting 15:55:33 <apevec> it changes when you loose cookies! 15:55:36 <rbowen> Which will be a reminder to people to speak into the microphone. 15:55:37 <number80> with nobody in front of the camera :) 15:55:44 <rbowen> :) 15:56:01 <number80> Ha, I have quick question for open floor 15:56:02 <rbowen> But if people write up individual topics from that meeting, that would be awesome too. 15:56:47 <number80> rbowen: maybe I'll write stuff when lazying around the pound :) 15:56:52 <jruzicka> o/ 15:56:58 <jruzicka> oops 15:57:03 <number80> what will happen to openstack-packages, should we decommission it? 15:57:22 <trown> I thought the plan was always to return there 15:57:32 <trown> seems a shame to give up such a sweet namespace 15:57:33 <apevec> number80, TBD 15:57:42 <apevec> number80, I first want to clean it up, then see what's left 15:57:54 <number80> trown: no, keeping it up and maybe donating it to the foundation ;) 15:57:55 <apevec> then maybe switch replication over 15:57:59 <number80> ack 15:58:09 <jschlueter> are there any outstanding changes still pending against openstack-packages? 15:58:24 <apevec> number80, foundation i.e. upstream infra didn't want it when we first ofered it 15:58:39 <number80> https://review.gerrithub.io/#/q/status:open+project:^openstack-packages/.*,n,z 15:58:41 <apevec> jschlueter, no, I close them and redirect them 15:59:05 <apevec> number80, this also works https://review.gerrithub.io/#/q/status:open+projects:openstack-packages 15:59:10 <chandankumar> apevec, can we close the meeting we have 2 mins 15:59:13 <chandankumar> ? 15:59:15 <number80> ack 15:59:17 <apevec> yep 15:59:20 <apevec> on time! 15:59:22 <chandankumar> #endmeeting