15:01:38 <chandankumar> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2017-05-10 15:01:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 10 15:01:38 2017 UTC. The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2017-05-10' 15:01:38 <amoralej> o/ 15:01:39 <jruzicka> M33T1NG T!M3 15:01:39 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 10 15:01:38 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chandankumar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2017_05_10' 15:01:47 <Duck> o/ 15:01:54 <chandankumar> #chair number80 amoralej Duck jruzicka 15:01:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jruzicka number80 15:01:56 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jruzicka number80 15:02:22 <chandankumar> jpena: trown dmsimard honza meeting time 15:02:27 <jpena> o/ 15:02:33 <chandankumar> #chair jpena 15:02:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jpena jruzicka number80 15:02:34 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jpena jruzicka number80 15:02:42 <chandankumar> ykarel_: meeting time 15:02:48 <ykarel_> o/ 15:02:52 <chandankumar> #chair ykarel_ 15:02:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jpena jruzicka number80 ykarel_ 15:02:54 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jpena jruzicka number80 ykarel_ 15:03:30 <jtomasek> o/ 15:03:36 <chandankumar> #chair jtomasek 15:03:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jpena jruzicka jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:03:37 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar jpena jruzicka jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:03:48 <dmsimard> \o 15:03:53 <chandankumar> #chair dmsimard 15:03:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:03:54 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:04:56 <chandankumar> If you forgot to add your meeting agenda, it's time to add it here https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:05:44 <chandankumar> only one agenda, it is going to be short meeting 15:05:51 <chandankumar> so starting with first topic 15:05:57 <dmsimard> yeah, quiet meeting due to OpenStack summit, it was expected 15:06:07 <chandankumar> #topic tripleo-ui dependency reviews 15:06:22 <chandankumar> Here is the review queue: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-ui+package.json+status:open 15:06:33 <chandankumar> honza: jtomasek please go ahead 15:07:00 <jtomasek> hi, so we've been adding/updating a few dependencies in TripleO UI so we'd need the approval on those 15:07:20 <number80> #action number80 review tripleo-ui new deps 15:07:51 <jtomasek> the dependency patches are currently blocking a good amount of dependent UI patches, so we desperately need to move on with these 15:08:51 <jtomasek> once it gets your approval, we'll merge them and create patch for ui-deps-spec, so you don't have to rebuild RPMs multiple times 15:08:53 <chandankumar> jtomasek: just one silly question, does these npm deps version updated manually https://review.openstack.org/#/c/460534/ ? 15:09:28 <jtomasek> chandankumar: in package.json yes 15:10:18 <chandankumar> jtomasek: any plan to automate it ? 15:10:40 <jtomasek> chandankumar: to keep it always up to date? 15:11:26 <jtomasek> chandankumar: we actually keep it that way intentionally, because most of the times updating a dependency requires additional code changes 15:11:29 <jschlueter> o/ 15:11:32 <chandankumar> jtomasek: like a new version pops up for a npm package, an auto generated review got filed up something like that so that later we can merge it 15:11:39 <chandankumar> #chair jtomasek 15:11:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:11:40 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:11:57 <chandankumar> #chair jschlueter 15:11:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:11:58 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter jtomasek number80 ykarel_ 15:12:42 <chandankumar> jtomasek: may be ci jobs against that review will tell something is going to broke with this version 15:13:53 <jtomasek> chandankumar: we can consider that, but I think dependencies are updated quite often so it would be quite a lot of deps update patches all the time 15:14:28 <chandankumar> jtomasek: may be re-updating the patch for a single review will also work 15:17:24 <chandankumar> jtomasek: Thanks for the updates. 15:17:56 <chandankumar> here comes the next topic 15:18:06 <chandankumar> #topic chair for next meeting 15:18:23 <chandankumar> Anyone up for chairing for next meeting? 15:18:39 <amoralej> i can do it 15:18:46 <chandankumar> amoralej: Thanks :-) 15:18:57 <chandankumar> #action amoralej will be chairing next meeting. 15:19:02 <chandankumar> moving to open floort 15:19:09 <chandankumar> #topic openfloor 15:19:55 <chandankumar> If you have not added your agenda in the etherpad or any reviews or bugs or any other topic, it's the time to bring up. 15:19:58 <chandankumar> so please go ahead 15:20:22 * number80 reviewing jtomasek new deps 15:21:38 <Duck> chandankumar: quack 15:21:48 <chandankumar> Duck: \o/ 15:22:12 <Duck> the service continuity document jpena started should be discussed publicly 15:22:39 <Duck> maybe some community people couls help 15:22:49 <Duck> (late, sorry for the typos) 15:23:28 <Duck> nice initiative btw 15:23:56 <jpena> we've never had any external involvement in Infra maintenance, but hey, I'd be happy if it happened 15:24:00 <chandankumar> Duck: can we get the link to the docs so that we have more views 15:24:20 <Duck> opensourceinfra.org !!! 15:24:45 <chandankumar> #link https://opensourceinfra.org/ 15:24:47 <Duck> jpena: could you paste it please (I'm on another computer) 15:25:37 <Duck> I think the current document does not have anything sensitive 15:26:03 <jpena> right now it's in google docs, but in the internal Red Hat instance (I can't find a way to share it externally) 15:26:44 <Duck> the OSAS services (like RDO website builder) are done using open Ansible rules for eg 15:26:57 <Duck> and I think we should do more 15:27:11 <EmilienM> number80: do we have a RDO party tonight or later this week? 15:28:08 <Duck> there's also #openinfra on freenode 15:28:22 <number80> EmilienM: tonight 15:28:22 <jpena> ok, let me convert the doc to a different format, and I'll make it public elsewhere 15:28:33 <Duck> jpena: thank you :-) 15:28:51 <chandankumar> jpena: what about using the RDO list also for the same for more eyes? 15:28:52 <Duck> chandankumar: that was all for me 15:28:53 * jpena thought I could share google docs publicly, but it seems I can't :-? 15:28:59 <number80> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rdo-social-at-openstack-summit-boston-tickets-33896358922 15:29:13 <chandankumar> Duck: jpena Thanks :-) 15:29:26 <Duck> the list is a good idea too 15:29:29 <number80> sold out but you can check w/ rbowen since he's here 15:29:31 <Duck> quack number80 15:29:40 <number80> Duck: ossu, Duck-san 15:29:51 <jpena> #action jpena to share the RDO Service Continuity document draft in rdo-list 15:32:11 <chandankumar> we still have 30 mins left, 15:33:26 <chandankumar> if there is no topic, can we close the meeting? 15:33:35 <Duck> I think so :-) 15:33:40 <number80> Yes 15:33:45 <chandankumar> #endmeeting