15:00:25 <jpena> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2017-10-11 15:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 11 15:00:25 2017 UTC. The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2017-10-11' 15:00:27 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 11 15:00:25 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2017_10_11' 15:00:35 <jpena> #topic roll call 15:00:40 <rbowen> Yo 15:00:42 <number80> o/ 15:00:48 <jschlueter> o/ 15:01:16 <jpena> #chair rbowen number80 jschlueter 15:01:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: jpena jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:01:18 <openstack> Current chairs: jpena jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:01:22 <dmsimard> \o 15:01:30 <jpena> #chair dmsimard 15:01:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: dmsimard jpena jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:01:35 <openstack> Current chairs: dmsimard jpena jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:01:50 <Duck> quack 15:01:58 <jpena> #chair Duck 15:01:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck dmsimard jpena jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:01:58 * Duck o/ 15:01:59 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck dmsimard jpena jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:02:11 <jruzicka> ʘ‿ʘ 15:02:29 <jpena> #chair jruzicka 15:02:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:02:29 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen 15:02:55 <jpena> I guess we can start with the agenda 15:03:03 <jpena> #topic Infrastructure topics 15:03:11 <jpena> Duck? 15:03:18 <Duck> quack 15:03:33 <ykarel> o/ 15:03:37 <Duck> I think dmsimard had the resource problem well in hand 15:04:01 <Duck> it seems I arrived later when he was discussing it on the channel just before the meeting 15:04:01 <jpena> #chair ykarel 15:04:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:04:02 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:04:09 <rbowen> I put a link there directly to the proposed timeline for all of this. 15:04:27 <dmsimard> yeah, nothing to worry about :) 15:04:35 <Duck> dmsimard: so, can I create a VM or should I wait? 15:04:58 <rbowen> So when the mailing list change happens, we'll need to update a variety of documentation, and we'll have confused people for a few weeks while the dust settles. 15:05:18 <rbowen> To remind: rdo-list is splitting into users@lists.rdoproject.org and dev@lists.rdoproject.org 15:05:23 <dmsimard> Duck: the quota is requested, it's not allocated yet 15:05:34 <Duck> dmsimard: ok, please notify me :-) 15:05:37 <dmsimard> sure 15:06:31 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/openstack-puppet-modules-distgit rpm-master: OPM: remove all Puppet dependencies except puppet-tripleo https://review.rdoproject.org/r/10018 15:06:35 <amoralej> o/ 15:06:46 <jpena> #chair amoralej 15:06:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:06:48 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:06:50 <Duck> rbowen: I was wondering if we wish to work on the webui template for mailman 15:07:03 <Duck> but I'm no webdev 15:07:14 <rbowen> I'm perfectly content to use the default UI. 15:07:16 <Duck> there is an example for MI 15:07:20 <Duck> ok 15:07:24 <rbowen> We just swap out a logo, I suppose. 15:07:31 <rbowen> But, no, I'm no webdev either. 15:07:37 <rbowen> We could ask the Horizon folks. ;-) 15:07:44 <Duck> there's no simple way to change the logo 15:07:56 <rbowen> ok, then I'm content with the default. 15:07:59 <Duck> we need to override the template 15:08:05 <Duck> ok 15:08:05 <rbowen> We've run a default mailing list ui for 5 years. 15:08:19 <Duck> fine then :-) 15:08:37 <Duck> so I'm working in the background for the deploy rules 15:08:42 <number80> maybe I'll be able to corrupt Aurélien if I see him to do that :) 15:08:51 <Duck> the real mail tests would have to wait for the VM 15:08:54 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:09:01 <jpena> #chair chandankumar 15:09:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:09:01 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter number80 rbowen ykarel 15:09:33 <Duck> ok, we can go on with other topics I think 15:09:40 <jpena> ack 15:09:48 <jpena> #topic Published review.rdo config-core policy 15:10:15 <jpena> As discussed last week, I proposed an initial policy, it was merged and available at https://www.rdoproject.org/infra/review-rdo-infra-core/ 15:10:34 <jpena> of course, it's not written on stone, so if there's anything to change, feel free to propose it 15:11:37 * number80 applaudes 15:12:06 <jpena> that's it about the current topic, let's move on 15:12:18 <jpena> #topic Fedora SIG status 15:12:32 <number80> Ok, so now we're official SIG since nobody complained 15:12:48 <number80> I requested creation of a FAS group in order to reassign packages to the group 15:12:49 <rdogerrit> Eric Harney proposed config master: Add rpmlint exceptions for Glance https://review.rdoproject.org/r/10087 15:13:01 <rbowen> number80++ 15:13:02 <zodbot> rbowen: Karma for hguemar changed to 4 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:13:06 <jruzicka> jpena++ 15:13:08 <number80> #info Fedora OpenStack SIG is live 15:13:10 <number80> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6435 15:13:10 <jruzicka> number80++ 15:13:12 <jruzicka> :) 15:13:19 <dmsimard> yay 15:13:25 <number80> #info mrung updated clients in F27 15:13:28 <number80> #undo 15:13:28 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by number80 at 15:13:25 : mrung updated clients in F27 15:13:30 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #info mrung updated clients in F27 15:13:33 <number80> #info mrunge updated clients in F27 15:13:56 <number80> I'll be submitting soon tooling for automation to enable anyone to take care of that 15:14:02 <jpena> great 15:14:04 <number80> that's all from me 15:14:06 <ykarel> great 15:14:23 <jruzicka> good stuff! 15:14:34 <amoralej> nice! 15:15:31 <jpena> I guess this has been discussed already, but just to be sure: the plan is to always update to the latest release in the stable series (so Pike now), correct? 15:15:37 <number80> right 15:16:17 <jpena> ack 15:16:27 <jpena> so next topic? 15:16:31 <number80> *nods* 15:16:40 <jpena> topic: Info point: CentOS Cloud is using RDO Pike + ansible for orchestration 15:17:00 <number80> #info Arrfab has updated CentOS Cloud to RDO pike 15:17:06 <number80> https://arrfab.net/posts/2017/Oct/11/using-ansible-openstack-modules-on-centos-7/ 15:17:19 <number80> I wanted to highlight that so no more from me :) 15:17:24 <number80> I guess dmsimard has more to say 15:17:24 <dmsimard> technically it's a side-by-side install with the current cico cloud installation :P 15:18:04 <dmsimard> so in the short term, we'll want/need to migrate our 5 jenkins slaves from the old cloud to the new cloud 15:18:16 <dmsimard> the old cloud will be reinstalled as compute nodes to the new cloud 15:19:19 <dmsimard> and as far as I understand, we will eventually have access to use VMs there on-demand just like we do for bare metal nodes out of ci.centos 15:19:49 <jpena> dmsimard: does it use the same concepts as the previous one? I mean, linux-bridges, direct connections and stuff 15:20:13 <dmsimard> this is great, because the hardware on cicocloud is pretty darn fast, and it will also alleviate load on RDO cloud and we will be able to repurpose that quota inside our host aggregate 15:20:50 <dmsimard> jpena: yeah, Arrfab actually took the same architecture that we did for the original cico cloud and built two other clouds 15:21:06 <dmsimard> there is another cloud (devcloud?) which uses the same architecture I believe 15:21:46 <dmsimard> basically, a bare bones, minimal and simple cloud 15:23:02 <dmsimard> I don't have anything else on that topic unless there's any questions 15:23:15 <jpena> #topic Announcements 15:23:43 <rbowen> So, one is work, and the other is party. 15:23:53 <rbowen> I need help in the RDO booth in Sydney. Please consider taking a shift. 15:24:11 <rbowen> And Tuesday night, we'll be partying at The Pumphouse in Sydney. 15:24:24 <rdogerrit> Attila Darazs proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Fix the image promotion to create the proper links https://review.rdoproject.org/r/10099 15:24:33 <rbowen> So, I hope to see many of you there to toast another great 6 months. 15:24:35 <number80> #info RDO booth in Sydney needs you! 15:24:45 <number80> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rdo-sydney-summit-booth 15:24:55 <number80> #info RDO Social @ OpenStack Summit 15:25:19 <rbowen> At the moment I've capped the social at 65, I think. We can probably expand a little farther than that. 15:25:21 <number80> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rdo-social-at-the-pumphouse-tickets-38766394329 15:25:31 <rbowen> Especially if someone puts in some additional budget. Hint, hint. 15:25:33 <rbowen> :D 15:25:55 <dmsimard> I'm not going to Sydney, it's too damn far. Sorry. 15:26:08 <rbowen> It is indeed. 15:26:13 <number80> Well, apevec is not going this time but I guess we can find other generous donators :) 15:26:23 <chandankumar> it is near from india, i didnot opted for it 15:26:29 <rbowen> /EOL 15:27:03 <jpena> so we're almost done :) 15:27:09 <jpena> #topic chair for next meeting 15:27:17 * chandankumar will chair for next week 15:27:41 <jpena> thanks chandankumar :) 15:27:43 <rbowen> Next week a few of us will be at http://cern.ch/centos 15:27:50 <jpena> #topic open floor 15:28:13 <chandankumar> i will be speaking at OpenStack India mini conf this saturday on RDO 15:28:15 <jruzicka> well, that was a lot of good news - good job everyone ;) 15:28:51 <number80> Yeah, apevec, mrunge, rbowen and I will be at CERN for a SIG meetup and then a CentOS dojo (expect us to be travelling during wednesday) 15:30:58 <jpena> if there's nothing else, we can get half an hour back 15:30:59 <apevec> yeah, I'll be in plane during meeting next week 15:31:23 <apevec> and easyjet doesn't have flynet afaik :) 15:31:26 * number80 is good 15:32:15 <apevec> jpena, now it's only 28min back? :) 15:32:26 <jpena> 28 is still enough :) 15:32:29 <jpena> #endmeeting