15:03:07 <number80> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-01-10 15:03:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 10 15:03:07 2018 UTC. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:03:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-01-10' 15:03:08 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 10 15:03:07 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_01_10' 15:03:13 <number80> #topic roll call 15:03:17 <jpena> o/ 15:03:18 <amoralej> o/ 15:03:21 <bcafarel> o/ 15:03:25 <number80> agenda is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:03:32 <number80> #chair jpena amoralej bcafarel 15:03:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel jpena number80 15:03:32 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel jpena number80 15:03:37 <mfedosin> o/ 15:03:38 <jruzicka> o/ 15:03:41 <mary_grace> o/ 15:03:46 <number80> #chair mfedosin jruzicka mary_grace 15:03:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel jpena jruzicka mary_grace mfedosin number80 15:03:48 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel jpena jruzicka mary_grace mfedosin number80 15:04:42 <number80> Let's start 15:04:59 <number80> #topic DLRN Fedora Rawhide builder issues 15:05:01 <number80> jpena: ^ 15:05:19 <jpena> we're having trouble with the Fedora builder for RDO Trunk since a few days ago 15:05:38 <jpena> TL;DR: since we're running it on CentOS, mock will try to populate the initial buildroot using yum 15:05:59 <jpena> and that does not work well with some updated packages, that use rich dependencies "(xxx if yyy)" 15:06:31 <jpena> The only fix I can think of is to separate this builder to its own VM running on Fedora, since there is no way to have dnf on centos (at least I'm not aware of any) 15:06:34 <jpena> ideas? 15:06:34 <number80> jpena: is EPEL enabled for DLRN builders? 15:06:42 <jpena> number80: usually no 15:07:01 <number80> alternative is to get dnf from EPEL and tell mock to use dnf 15:08:18 <jpena> I haven't found dnf on epel :? 15:08:20 <number80> You may just enable EPEL for dnf + deps 15:08:50 <amoralej> that means dnf in the dlrn server 15:09:00 <amoralej> right? 15:09:08 <amoralej> and use it for everything? 15:09:13 <amoralej> or how that works? 15:09:22 <jpena> let me check, I tried it yesterday but I couldn't get dnf from epel 15:09:23 <amoralej> we could selectively use dnf or yum? 15:10:03 <number80> it may have been removed, I'll investigate that after meeting 15:10:31 <number80> amoralej: mock allows you to choose default package manager, you may even change the command run in recent mock versions 15:10:39 <amoralej> nice 15:10:43 <jpena> amoralej: we can choose per-worker, it's a mock option 15:11:15 <amoralej> using a fedora builder sounds as a good solution, anyway 15:11:29 <amoralej> for fedora builders 15:11:31 <number80> jpena: even better, CentOS has a specific repo => https://seven.centos.org/2017/10/yum-4-is-available-for-testing/ 15:11:36 <jpena> oh 15:11:39 * jpena checks 15:12:06 <number80> (dnf was removed from EPEL since it was old version and no updates) 15:14:12 <jpena> number80: it looks like installing yum4 brings a new rpm version, too 15:14:50 <jpena> I'm not sure if we should use a testing version in the RDO Trunk builder :-/ 15:15:08 <number80> jpena: well, just pointing alternatives, a stable fedora builder should be fine 15:15:13 <amoralej> I'd +1 to have a new builder 15:15:29 <number80> +1 15:15:58 <number80> So does someone disagree with having a new builder? 15:16:17 <number80> (let's use lazy consensus here) 15:16:25 <jpena> cool then :) 15:16:28 <amoralej> jpena we could do redirects from the main builder for fedora repos for the failover case 15:16:35 <jruzicka> new rpm version?! whooo 15:16:59 <number80> #info jpena will be working on a new DLRN fedora builder 15:17:00 <jpena> amoralej: yes. Worst case, fedora repos are not that important yet 15:17:12 <amoralej> cyeah 15:17:50 <jruzicka> having fedora builder sounds useful anyway. 15:20:20 <number80> let's change topic 15:20:44 <number80> #topic Move Q3 test day to Feb 8, 9 (conflict with FOSDEM) 15:21:00 <jschlueter> o/ 15:21:07 <dmsimard> \o 15:21:09 <number80> So rbowen asked us if we're okay to move M3 test day to the next week 15:21:12 <number80> #chair jschlueter dmsimard 15:21:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mary_grace mfedosin number80 15:21:13 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mary_grace mfedosin number80 15:21:45 <amoralej> sounds good to me 15:21:47 <number80> As amoralej and I will be at FOSDEM and CentOS dojo, so we're unlikely to be available 15:22:05 <number80> So again, lazy consensus rule, is anyone against it? 15:22:13 <jpena> +1 15:22:47 <jruzicka> there's no force binding it to that specific date, no? so let's do it when we have most testers :) 15:23:13 <number80> jruzicka: well, the only reason we set dates is to make sure we won't miss them :) 15:23:40 <jruzicka> missing them for sure isn't that much better :) 15:23:48 <number80> *nods* 15:24:21 <number80> then, let's say we agreed to do that change 15:24:34 <number80> #agreed Move M3 test days to Feb 8, 9 15:24:35 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:24:48 <number80> So the next thing is to decide who'll take the action to announce it? 15:24:51 <number80> #chair chandankumar 15:24:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mary_grace mfedosin number80 15:24:53 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mary_grace mfedosin number80 15:25:01 <rbowen> Sorry, I'm here. 15:25:06 <number80> no worries 15:25:12 <number80> #chair rbowen 15:25:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mary_grace mfedosin number80 rbowen 15:25:13 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej bcafarel chandankumar dmsimard jpena jruzicka jschlueter mary_grace mfedosin number80 rbowen 15:25:32 <number80> rbowen: so I guess you'll take the announce action (or maybe mary_grace) ? 15:26:10 <mary_grace> go for it, rbowen 15:27:02 <rbowen> Sorry, so many distractions today. 15:27:15 <number80> #action rbowen will announce the M3 test days change to Feb 8, 9 15:27:29 <rbowen> Yes, I'll take care of that. :-) 15:27:36 <number80> so next topic ^^ 15:27:49 <number80> #topic [Octavia] Providing service VM images in RDO 15:27:53 <number80> bcafarel: ^ 15:28:08 <bcafarel> thanks :) 15:28:20 <bcafarel> initial mail sent today: https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2018-January/008482.html (and thread) 15:28:59 <number80> https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2018-January/008482.html 15:28:59 <bcafarel> basically octavia amphora (the service VMs) currently need to be built/updated/uploaded manually by the user 15:29:08 <number80> (reposting link for logs) 15:30:16 <bcafarel> it would be great to have that image built and provided in the repo, apevec had some nice feedback/questions already 15:30:45 <jruzicka> oh yeah, it looks like a lot of work that could be done automatically once as opposed to every user needing to do it manually. 15:31:21 <number80> bcafarel: technically, it can be a zuul job we can host 15:31:37 <amoralej> yes, part of the promotion pipeline 15:32:01 <bcafarel> that was what I was thinking looking at https://www.rdoproject.org/what/promotion-pipeline/ yes 15:32:02 <amoralej> bcafarel, does puppet-openstack-integration cover octavia? 15:32:22 <amoralej> or in any tripleo scenario? 15:32:58 <bcafarel> currently I think none, there is work in progress though 15:33:05 <bcafarel> ^ beagles: around? 15:33:54 <amoralej> bcafarel, about distribution, do you plan on including the images in a rpm? 15:34:53 <bcafarel> amoralej: if the rpm can be included in the repo, that would be great 15:35:05 <amoralej> i see several advantadges 15:35:16 <amoralej> one is that it provides versioning 15:35:27 <amoralej> we could use creation timestamp 15:35:32 <amoralej> as release or something like that 15:35:33 <number80> Seems that Manila is also interested to jump in the bandwagon 15:35:39 <number80> (from the mailing list) 15:35:50 <amoralej> and second is that we could use yum repos to distribute 15:36:14 <amoralej> bcafarel, how long takes images to be created and how big are they? 15:36:52 <tbarron> number80: up to this point we've not gotten much traction further downstream b/c of considerations around image maintenance/distribution 15:37:11 <tbarron> but maybe octavia will pioneer here and reduce friction :) 15:37:16 <bcafarel> amoralej: on my laptop, ~5min (with "warm" DIB cache) 15:37:30 <bcafarel> tbarron: do you mean I opened a can of worms? :) 15:37:47 <tbarron> bcafarel: dunno, we'll see :) 15:38:00 <number80> tbarron: yes, having another use case makes it more worthwhile to work on this area 15:38:20 <number80> So may I suggest that we continue the discussion on the mailing-list? 15:38:43 <number80> (we can have follow-up topic next week) 15:38:53 <amoralej> yes, i think ML is the best option, there are many details to figure out 15:38:59 <number80> ack 15:39:09 <bcafarel> sounds good yep 15:39:18 <number80> #topic rdopkg is now available for testing in F25+ and EPEL7 15:39:25 <number80> jruzicka: ^ 15:39:35 <jruzicka> someone asked me howto install rdopkg 15:39:45 <jruzicka> so when you're on Fedora, it's: 15:39:47 <number80> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-b2c3f7fabb 15:39:47 <jruzicka> rdopkg install rdopkg 15:39:50 <jruzicka> :) 15:40:02 <number80> recursive install? 15:40:09 <jruzicka> :D 15:40:10 <jschlueter> jruzicka: what type of cleanup should we do if we already had it installed via epel? 15:40:10 <jruzicka> sry 15:40:18 <jruzicka> dnf install rdopkg 15:40:33 <jruzicka> recursive instal and self-consciousness are on longer term TODO 15:40:38 <jschlueter> any recommendations for cleanup? 15:40:38 <number80> lol 15:41:08 <number80> #info how to install rdopkg? just dnf/yum it! 15:41:24 <jruzicka> EPEL was borked and noone noticed because reasons but there is a working build now 15:41:43 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/rsdclient-distgit rpm-master: Fix sphinx-build leftovers removal command https://review.rdoproject.org/r/11252 15:41:48 <chandankumar> jruzicka: i hope we should have somehting like pip install -u pip -> rdopkg install -u rdopkg 15:42:15 <jruzicka> #info EPEL 7 rdopkg build in testing: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-b2c3f7fabb 15:42:25 <jruzicka> feel free to test and +1/-1 to autopush to stable 15:43:07 <jruzicka> #info for cleanup, nuke jruzicka/rdopkg copr repo 15:44:00 <number80> Thanks jruzicka ! 15:44:05 <number80> Next topic 15:44:09 <jruzicka> jschlueter, you installed from epel even though pyOpenSSL req isn't met? heh, magic :) 15:44:16 <number80> #topic FOSDEM openstack booth volunteers 15:44:26 <jschlueter> jruzicka: from way back 15:44:29 <number80> rbowen is looking for booth volunteers so please sign up! 15:44:32 <number80> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fosdem-2018 15:44:35 <number80> link ^ 15:44:39 <amoralej> i'll add myself 15:44:40 <rbowen> At the moment, the OpenStack table at FOSDEM is manned by myself and Erwan. That's not going to work out. 15:45:04 <rbowen> It's just an hour, and it's answering questions that tend to be at a very basic level, like What's OpenStack. 15:45:06 <jruzicka> I'm not going to FOSDEM this year, sorry :( 15:45:13 <jruzicka> I'd help otherwise. 15:45:24 <rbowen> So if you or any of your colleagues will be there, please shame them into participating. 15:45:25 <rbowen> Thanks. 15:45:43 <number80> Well, Adrien signed up so we should be enough 15:46:09 <rbowen> Also, dress warmly. 15:46:28 <rbowen> </end of topic> 15:46:33 <number80> Thanks :) 15:47:04 <number80> #topic PTG interviews with Rich 15:47:18 <number80> rbowen ^ 15:47:24 <rbowen> Amazingly, it's time for another PTG. I do video interviews at the PTG. You can see examples at http://youtube.com/rdocommunity If you want to talk about your project, watch various mailing lists for signup announcements. 15:47:49 <rbowen> Ideally, interviews are multiple people that represent a particular project, preferably spanning more than one organization. 15:48:09 <rbowen> Topic is "what's new in Queens, and what's coming in Rocky", typically. 15:48:18 <chem> amoralej: wondering if anything is stoping https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/11269/ from landing ? 15:48:37 <rbowen> Anyways, there should be a signup sheet as soon as I get confirmation from Erin Disney that they expect to have space for me. 15:48:39 <number80> Well, a significant part of the RDO Eng. team will be here, if you want a behind the scene interview with us 15:48:41 <amoralej> chem, we are in a meeting, gimme 10 minutes 15:48:56 <rbowen> number80: That would be great! 15:48:59 <chandankumar> rbowen: i will let my presence by tomorrow 15:49:07 <rbowen> Good. 15:49:39 <rbowen> That's all I've got. Hopefully more info next week. 15:49:40 <number80> So I guess we're good now 15:49:51 <number80> #topic next week meeting chair 15:50:09 <number80> since the holiday jumbo-mumbo ended up, so who wants the chair now? 15:50:23 <chandankumar> number80: i will take care of that 15:50:27 <number80> good 15:50:36 <number80> #info chandankumar is chairing next week meeting 15:50:40 <number80> Thanks! 15:50:47 <number80> #topic open floor 15:51:02 <number80> So before we close the meeting, anyone wants to bring another topic? 15:51:15 <chandankumar> So last year 2017 in last meeting i have sent a mail related to Add your things which make RDO awesome in year 2017 15:51:23 <rbowen> There's a new newsletter: http://rdoproject.org/newsletter/2018/january/ 15:51:23 <chandankumar> Still received no reply 15:51:28 <rbowen> Share it with your friends and family. 15:51:33 <chandankumar> #link https://rdo.fsn.ponee.io/thread.html/1e8105a4c9bc869d1d2754f1cf307c7b342abf5b7a89ffcde8f2832c@%3Cdev.lists.rdoproject.org%3E 15:51:44 <rbowen> chandankumar: It was mentioned in the newsletter, too. Hopefully someone will read that. 15:52:02 <chandankumar> please take some time, reply to this email so that i can work on drafting blogpost 15:52:09 <number80> Ack 15:52:27 <chandankumar> that's it from my side. 15:54:18 <number80> Ok, thanks! 15:54:30 <number80> Well, let's see you next week, ladies and gentlemen! 15:54:33 <number80> #endmeeting