15:01:50 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2019-05-29 15:01:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 29 15:01:50 2019 UTC. 15:01:50 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:50 <zodbot> The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2019-05-29' 15:01:51 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 29 15:01:49 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:52 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:54 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2019_05_29' 15:02:00 <amoralej> #topic roll call 15:02:02 <fultonj> o/ 15:02:04 <ykarel> o/ 15:02:06 <baha> o/ 15:02:21 <jpena> o/ 15:02:36 <amoralej> #chair fultonj ykarel baha jpena 15:02:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej baha fultonj jpena ykarel 15:02:37 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej baha fultonj jpena ykarel 15:04:09 <mjturek> o/ 15:04:17 <amoralej> #chair mjturek 15:04:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej baha fultonj jpena mjturek ykarel 15:04:19 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej baha fultonj jpena mjturek ykarel 15:04:21 <amoralej> let's start 15:04:37 <amoralej> #topic Planning for moving RDO Train to CentOS8 has started 15:04:45 <amoralej> #info https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/moving-rdo-to-centos8 15:05:17 <amoralej> CentOS has announced their work on CentOS8 https://wiki.centos.org/About/Building_8 15:06:09 <amoralej> we'd like to release RDO Train in CentOS8 so we've started planning all tasks to get it done 15:06:50 <amoralej> as there is no ETA for CentOS8 GA, it's difficult to define timelines 15:07:14 <amoralej> but at least, we have a draft on the work to do, order and how this will affect others 15:07:18 <amoralej> as tripleo-ci, etc... 15:07:22 <amoralej> weshay, ^ FYI 15:08:03 <amoralej> feel free to provide any feedback, questions and doubts 15:08:34 <amoralej> the initial approach is to provid RDO Train CloudSIG official repos *only* for CentOS8 15:08:51 <amoralej> although we may keep a RDO Trunk repo (DLRN) for CentOS7 too 15:09:45 <amoralej> so that's it from me, this was just for awareness 15:09:57 <amoralej> my main concern is for operators using RDO, to prepare for upgrade 15:10:22 <ykarel> hmm, i think there is some work going on in TripleO to do upgrades 15:10:29 <amoralej> yes 15:10:32 <amoralej> correct 15:10:37 <ykarel> where host is upgraded fresh with centos8 something like it 15:10:52 <amoralej> i'm not sure how will that go, but good to check with them 15:11:04 <jpena> btw, no matter what, Train will be the last release with Python 2 support, see https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20180529-python2-deprecation-timeline.html 15:11:06 <ykarel> may be jistr can put some light and references on it && 15:11:07 <amoralej> also, users not using TripleO should get prepared 15:11:13 <amoralej> jpena, yeap, i saw that 15:12:26 <amoralej> anyway, as soon as we have CentOS8 and can start working on it, i'll send a mail to RDO MLs explaining it 15:12:49 <ykarel> hmm good to send on CentOS as well 15:12:57 <ykarel> as i think we need involvment from other sigs 15:12:59 <amoralej> yeah, good point 15:13:25 <amoralej> correct, we need to check plans with storagesig, virtsig (not totally sure) and opstools 15:13:38 <amoralej> we depend on them somehow 15:14:18 <amoralej> i'll also share our plans in next centos buildsys meeting 15:14:27 <jistr> just a brief update: we're looking into upgrades indeed. Reprovisioning was an option but was sorta NACKed because it would put a lot of stress on storage services like Swift and Ceph. So we're looking into in-place upgrades only right now. 15:14:31 <ykarel> yes good 15:14:44 <jistr> currently CentOS 8 doesn't exist so we're not doing any work on that front yet 15:15:08 <jistr> when it gets released we'll see what are the upgrade options 15:15:10 <amoralej> jistr, your plan is to also in-place upgrades on CentOS/RDO? 15:15:14 <amoralej> jistr, ok 15:15:28 <amoralej> we'll check by then 15:15:35 <ykarel> jistr, Thanks for the updates 15:15:37 <jistr> amoralej: it's possible it will not happen, but i don't know. It depends what will be in-place upgrade options of CentOS 15:15:50 <amoralej> but i presume you'd like to do some sort of CI upstream if possible 15:16:08 <amoralej> if CentOS provides it 15:16:11 <jistr> amoralej: we do basic CI without a real OS upgrade. We would have no chance fitting into wall time otherwise. 15:16:26 <jistr> so we run upgrade tasks in "no-op" mode mostly 15:16:39 <amoralej> #action amoralej to check upgrades plans with jistr after CentOS8 is in available 15:16:41 <jistr> mainly validating the workflows that trigger the tasks, but not so much the tasks themselves 15:16:47 <ykarel> jistr, is there some place, etherpad etc where we can follow plan/status etc 15:17:24 <ykarel> may be it's being discussed in TripleO meetings 15:17:51 <amoralej> yeah, this is a tripleo topic mainly, but good to know to inform users 15:17:54 <jistr> ykarel: there's an approved spec where a lot of the problematic has been discussed. Other than that we don't do much tracking presently but if there's interest we can think of something. 15:18:31 <jistr> much of the current WIP code is here https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:leapp 15:18:33 <ykarel> jistr, yes good to have some visibility 15:19:11 <fultonj> jistr: as per my understanding all of the above is true, but i also learned at the ptg that controller nodes would be reprovisioned (which shouldn't be an issue as they're not storing as much data) 15:20:52 <jistr> fultonj: re controllers reprovisioned -- must have been some misunderstanding somewhere i think. We're currently testing in-place upgrade of controllers. If we have to make in-place upgrades work anyway, there's probably not much benefit in trying to mix in reprovisioning too... 15:21:40 <amoralej> it seems there is some leapp version in copr, not sure how useful it will be for CentOS https://leapp-to.github.io/gettingstarted 15:21:47 <amoralej> i guess we need to wait for CentOS8 15:22:31 <fultonj> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upgrades_denver_ptg 15:22:59 <fultonj> line 31 15:23:31 <fultonj> jistr: ^ it's quite possible i misunderstood :) 15:23:31 <jistr> fultonj: ok but that's for fast forward between Queens and Train 15:24:18 <fultonj> so it doesn't affect Rocky to Stein 15:24:21 <jistr> fultonj: because FFWD brings another set of trouble for upgrade (mainly around compute nodes and needed live migration because of OS upgrade, but live migration unsupported across 3 version difference) 15:25:10 <fultonj> jistr: ok, thanks i think i was confusing the U with the FFU. 15:25:30 <jistr> fultonj: yea it doesn't affect R->S. We're looking into other options for FFWD which we previously thought of as a no-go for R->S. The Q->T upgrade is much more constrained so it forced a complete re-evaluation of possibilities. 15:26:36 <fultonj> jistr: ack 15:27:52 <amoralej> jistr, note the major os upgrade in centos will be s-t 15:27:56 <amoralej> no r->s 15:28:06 <amoralej> or *->t 15:28:19 <amoralej> ok, let's move on to the next topic 15:28:21 <fultonj> amoralej: oh yeah, diff(upstream,downstream) 15:28:29 <amoralej> yeap :) 15:28:35 <jistr> amoralej: yea, that's not good for us, but kinda expected... :) 15:28:59 <amoralej> #topic RDO Status mail being sent weekly 15:29:32 <amoralej> last week some of us discussed about sending a weekly mail with info about RDO 15:29:52 <amoralej> to keep maintainers and users more in the loop about what's happening 15:30:12 <amoralej> we'll start sending it this week 15:30:42 <amoralej> in friday afternoon, CET time 15:30:51 <amoralej> or would it be better on monday? 15:31:04 <jpena> I'd say Monday 15:32:07 <amoralej> ok, i think it makes sense 15:32:30 <ykarel> +1 to Monday 15:32:38 <amoralej> #action amoralej to send RDO weekly status mail on monday 15:32:42 <amoralej> i'll start sending it 15:32:52 <amoralej> we can figure out how to rotate it 15:33:31 <amoralej> so, from now on, expect a new mail in your inbox every monday :) 15:34:06 <amoralej> #undo 15:34:06 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by amoralej at 15:32:38 : amoralej to send RDO weekly status mail on monday 15:34:07 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #action amoralej to send RDO weekly status mail on monday 15:34:20 <amoralej> #action amoralej to send RDO weekly status mail every monday morning CET time 15:34:38 <amoralej> and final topic 15:34:59 <amoralej> #OpenStack clients update in Fedora status 15:35:24 <amoralej> #info all OpenStack clients have been updated in Fedora Rawhide to Stein releases 15:35:28 <amoralej> update is done 15:35:50 <amoralej> all packages are updated in Fedora rawhide repo and will be in F32 15:36:55 <amoralej> also some packages have been removed 15:37:02 <jpena> congrats, that was a lot of work 15:37:12 <amoralej> #info some packages have been removed from Fedora https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/DDVGRKS2EQMVD2XAZ7GK5ADIJC7AKXVK/ 15:37:26 <ykarel> nice 15:37:42 <amoralej> i expect next ones to be a bit easier, without the python2/python3 mess and with the help of some scripts i used this time 15:38:29 <amoralej> time for open floor 15:38:33 <amoralej> #topic open floor 15:38:44 <amoralej> anything you'd like to bring to the meeting? 15:39:09 <baha> mjturek and I have a topic! 15:39:52 <baha> We've spoken to weshay and tonyb about the manifest list situation, and they seem fairly certain we ultimately won't need them in the RDO registry, which is good. 15:40:24 <baha> The proposal is to instead tag the images as ppc64le and leave them in the same namespace as the x86 images on the RDO registry end of things 15:40:40 <jpena> that sounds great 15:40:48 <baha> It's definitely easier :) 15:40:51 <amoralej> yeap 15:41:12 <amoralej> you will use manifest in docker registry? or follow the same approach? 15:41:25 <baha> That just means we need to figure out container uploads. The job is red right now because centos has been having some node outages, but it's otherwise ready to start pushing containers 15:41:34 <baha> We will use manifests in the docker registry yes! 15:41:50 <amoralej> ok 15:41:50 <baha> The idea is to use a promotion job as an in-between step to group all of them together via manifests 15:43:02 <amoralej> makes sense 15:43:54 <mjturek> we were having authentication issues with uploading previously 15:44:02 <mjturek> we'll probably need to rope you guys in to help with that 15:44:33 <mjturek> if you know how we can get access to the key that allows uploads to rdoproject registry, let us know! 15:45:28 <jpena> mjturek: I guess you'll be using the same user as the tripleo ci jobs, right? 15:45:47 <mjturek> jpena we're using root on cico 15:46:12 <jpena> mjturek: I mean from the rdo registry side. You need to authenticate with docker login -u xxx -p xxx 15:46:22 <mjturek> ahhh okay 15:46:49 <mjturek> so we'll need to get access to those creds? 15:47:30 <jpena> mjturek: yep. I need to check how to make them available to ci.centos 15:47:36 * jpena adds to to-do 15:47:47 <mjturek> awesome thank you! 15:48:18 <ykarel> ok i have one query, any idea when RDO zuul will be upgraded to move to ansible >= 2.7 15:48:27 <ykarel> i know there is already a plan, but any idea about the timeline 15:48:38 <jpena> ykarel: https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2019-May/009087.html June 5th 15:48:48 <amoralej> ykarel, last plan i saw was for 2.7 not 2.8 15:49:26 <ykarel> jpena, Thanks 15:49:34 <ykarel> amoralej, hmm /me also aware about 2.7 15:49:54 <ykarel> amoralej, actually /me looking because 2.5 has a issue while running meta: reset_connection 15:50:13 <ykarel> moving to 2.7 will fix it 15:50:42 <amoralej> oh, i thought you were thinking in the issue with the 2.8 and containers-build 15:51:01 <ykarel> amoralej, it's related to that only 15:51:13 <ykarel> amoralej, more context https://review.opendev.org/#/c/660247/ 15:51:42 <ykarel> amoralej, so i trying to move away from system ansible and rely on zuul's ansible to setup docker registry 15:51:56 <ykarel> but docker registry has a meta task: reset_connection 15:52:08 <ykarel> which doesn't work with conditions and ansible 2.5 15:52:19 <amoralej> that's probably the reason it was implemented in that way initially 15:52:44 <ykarel> hmm possible 15:53:02 <amoralej> that's what i didn't understand well in first place 15:54:01 <amoralej> so, after june 5th we probably can move to remove the embedded playbook and push ansible 2.8? 15:54:19 <ykarel> but with 5th june it will be 2.7 15:54:56 <ykarel> amoralej, i also pushed backup plan https://review.opendev.org/#/c/662021/ 15:54:57 <amoralej> but iiuc that willfix the reset_connection? 15:55:25 <amoralej> ah, yeah, that should also be fine 15:55:26 <ykarel> amoralej, yes reset_connection will be fixed by it 15:56:06 <amoralej> then once we have 2.7 we can merge your initial fix and remove the nested playboot totally, including system ansible installation 15:56:06 <ykarel> yes it's good to move ansible-2.8 in Train, followed by stein, and currently docker_login issue is the only blocker 15:56:14 <ykarel> amoralej, yes 15:56:22 <amoralej> ok, it's clear then 15:56:49 <amoralej> any volunteer to chair next week? 15:57:00 * ykarel we have holiday here next week 15:57:09 <jpena> I can do it 15:57:26 <amoralej> #action jpena to chair next week meeting 15:58:01 <amoralej> anything else? 15:58:13 <amoralej> otherwise i will close the meeting? 15:59:11 <amoralej> thank you for joining! 15:59:20 <amoralej> #endmeeting