16:34:47 <dgilmore> #startmeeting 16:34:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 13 16:34:47 2014 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:34:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:34:54 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 16:34:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 16:35:03 <dgilmore> #topic, roll call 16:35:20 * masta is here 16:35:26 <dgilmore> who is here? 16:35:38 * nirik is sort of here, but trying to catch up on the email flood. 16:37:15 <dgilmore> :) 16:37:49 * abadger1999 sorta here 16:38:09 * sharkcz is here 16:40:53 <dgilmore> okay lets get started 16:41:00 <dgilmore> #topic tickets 16:41:08 <dgilmore> #link https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/report/10 16:41:23 <dgilmore> there is no tickets marked for meeting this week 16:41:35 <dgilmore> is tehre any that people want to discuss? 16:42:33 <sharkcz> just FYI - I got the new infra for s390 builders (more memory & disk space), going to rebuild them in the next days 16:42:46 <dgilmore> sharkcz: awesome 16:43:17 <nirik> I was hoping to bring up rawhide compose improvements, but I am not really prepared. ;) 16:43:20 <dgilmore> i guess no tickets 16:43:40 <dgilmore> nirik: no problem lets have a quick chat about it in a bit 16:43:51 <dgilmore> #topic epel7 16:44:16 <dgilmore> so we have epel7 setup and nightly compoises running 16:44:21 <dgilmore> composes 16:44:42 <dgilmore> we are building for ppc64 and x86_64 16:45:01 <dgilmore> sharkcz: i did wonder if we could get a s390x builder and add epel 16:45:08 <dgilmore> add to epel 16:45:28 <dgilmore> would need at least one dedicated builder 16:45:33 <dgilmore> preferably two 16:45:34 <sharkcz> dgilmore: I think we could get one 16:45:49 <dgilmore> i dont know if there is the desire or value in doing it 16:46:21 <nirik> if the package set is the same on all, maintainers likely wouldn't care too much. 16:46:31 <dgilmore> yeah 16:46:32 <nirik> the problem in the past has been the package set differences. ;( 16:46:49 <dgilmore> I did talk to PM and they told me that they would fix the differences in package sets 16:46:49 <sharkcz> sometime people are asking about epel for s390, but who knows 16:47:10 <dgilmore> but im not sure they were not just trying to make me happy and in the end will do nothing 16:48:12 <dgilmore> we would need to build any arch specifc packages for s390 import and move along 16:48:40 <dgilmore> im doing daily signing runs 16:49:06 <dgilmore> largely this is all a FYI item 16:49:21 <dgilmore> does anyone have any questions on epel ? 16:50:26 <dgilmore> #topic SCM admins 16:50:53 <dgilmore> so one thing thats come up a few times lately and kinda came up again with epel7 is scm admins 16:51:07 <dgilmore> the people processing the requests for git branches 16:51:49 <dgilmore> right now it is controlled by some groups in fas and is largely only processed by two people witha few others doing it at times 16:52:26 <nirik> dgilmore: if you are wanting to add more folks, I'll note we had a policy before only adding new people with a majority vote of existing members. ;) 16:53:05 <dgilmore> ive been thinking that it probably should be pulled into Release Engineering. and that we should invite those in cvsadmin to join releng and manage it all under the releng banner 16:53:46 <tflink> I assume that this meeitng is going to last longer than 10 more minutes or so? 16:53:49 <abadger1999> dgilmore: We could do that -- I brought htis up several years ago and we sorta brought it into the fedora-infrastructure (the SOPs for that group got documented in infra space) 16:53:56 <dgilmore> nirik: its all very adhoc today and really works but there is zero visability into it 16:54:08 <abadger1999> but other than the SOPs I think it is still independent enough to move to rel-eng instead. 16:54:39 <dgilmore> tflink: the meeting starts at 16:30 and goes for an hour, its documented in the wiki 16:55:08 <tflink> dgilmore: I thought fedocal was the new place to keep track of the meeting channels 16:55:16 <abadger1999> http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/scmadmin.txt 16:55:24 <dgilmore> tflink: perhaps and i just missed the memo 16:55:34 <tflink> either way, we'll just use -2 16:56:34 <dgilmore> abadger1999: it is very independant, everytime there is questions about branching etc people come running to releng 16:56:43 <abadger1999> dgilmore: <nod> Yep. 16:57:24 <dgilmore> #action dgilmore to reach out and invite scmadmins to join releng 16:57:33 <nirik> I don't care who owns a process as long as it's well done, etc. 16:57:38 <dgilmore> since there is no objections ill get things moving 16:57:43 <nirik> my main concern in moving it to releng would be: 16:58:13 <nirik> we still need to make sure all the people in it/doing it are experenced packagers so they know what requests to not process. 16:59:40 <dgilmore> right, and in theory that knowledge should exist in releng members, I don't want to stop the people doing it today from doing it. just make things more visable, and when people come to releng with questions we can answer them rather than punt 17:00:08 <nirik> like that pending ticket? :) 17:00:12 <abadger1999> dgilmore: <nod> And mrve the infra SOP over to a releng SOP. 17:00:27 <dgilmore> abadger1999: yep 17:00:33 <nirik> I don't know if limb is getting burnt out... he's been doing pretty much all of them for a while. 17:00:42 <nirik> I did pretty much all of them for a few years. 17:00:44 <dgilmore> we would need to move the process-git-requests script over as well 17:00:58 <abadger1999> Yeah -- we could look at addind and pruning people again. 17:01:15 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah. he is quite aggesively doing the epel7 requests also 17:01:23 <nirik> cool. 17:01:49 <dgilmore> but i don't want him to burn out 17:02:02 <nirik> yeah, so a rotation like signing/pushing might be nice. 17:02:03 <dgilmore> and i dont want them to silently stop being done 17:02:18 <dgilmore> yeah 17:02:53 <dgilmore> so ideally in the end all that would happen is things are more visable and transparent 17:03:02 <dgilmore> and no one has to do everything 17:03:06 <nirik> right, we should talk to existing scmadmins... anyhow... 17:03:19 <dgilmore> yeah. ill bring it up with them and get feedback 17:03:24 <dgilmore> see what they think 17:03:41 <dgilmore> if they reject it maybe we can get the same thing done some other way 17:04:00 * nirik is thinking of closing wontfix that one ticket, but hasn't gotten to it. 17:04:25 <dgilmore> nirik: the one about processing requests ? 17:04:52 <nirik> yeah, unless they can show it's some kind of widespread problem rather than toes stepped on over a year ago now 17:05:52 <dgilmore> yeah 17:06:01 <dgilmore> thats part of why i brought this up 17:06:35 <dgilmore> okay if noone has anything else ill reachout to the exiting cvsadmin members and follow up 17:06:44 <dgilmore> #topic rawhide changes 17:06:51 <dgilmore> nirik: what was your thoughts? 17:07:26 <nirik> so, there's lots of things we could improve on the rawhide compose... and might be a good way for folks to contribute. 17:07:31 <nirik> short/term: 17:07:54 <nirik> * report on pungify status in the daily email... ie, say if images failed or worked. 17:08:09 <nirik> * some later report on live/appliance composes. 17:08:34 <nirik> (ie, say what failed, perhaps sizes, etc) 17:08:47 <nirik> long term: 17:09:03 <nirik> we talked a while back about adding some gating to rawhide... we should discuss that more and come up with a plan. 17:09:40 <nirik> ie, detect problems and untag packages or do other things to make things like broken deps not land unless the maintainer is sure. 17:09:44 <dgilmore> short term id like to make and publish a tree of the lives/appliances and send a report on them 17:10:00 <nirik> we do have the dashboard thing threebean made. 17:10:06 <nirik> we could possibly improve on that too. 17:10:32 <dgilmore> some of the data is things i want in the composedb 17:10:33 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/releng-dash/ 17:10:39 <dgilmore> which is a very large project 17:10:47 <nirik> yes. 17:11:20 <dgilmore> the gating of packages to rawhide could be doable with integration into automated qa 17:11:42 <dgilmore> it could break doing chainbuilds 17:12:07 <nirik> yeah, or we could add some tags... 17:12:12 <dgilmore> maybe we need something that says we are doing a chainbuild 17:12:15 <nirik> the buildroot doesn't have to be the same as the final tag 17:12:29 <tflink> if anyone comes in here looking for the qadevel meeting, we've moved to #fedora-blocker-review 17:12:40 <dgilmore> so they can get it to be built against and gated to be pushed pending some kind of check on teh set of packages 17:12:50 <dgilmore> tflink: okay 17:12:55 <nirik> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meetbot/meetbot/meetbot/teams/discussion_of_kojirawhide_automated_testing_plans/discussion_of_kojirawhide_automated_testing_plans.2013-07-01-17.05.html 17:13:05 <nirik> ^ former discussion a while back on this. 17:13:42 <nirik> anyhow, I have no concrete proposal, but if we could all do some thinking on it and come up with a plan to present fesco that would be great. 17:13:46 <nirik> I think we can make it better. ;) 17:14:11 <dgilmore> nirik: im sure we can 17:14:42 <nirik> I'd like to keep improving rawhide, as I expect we will see a influx of rawhide users in the next months. 17:14:53 <dgilmore> ive been contemplating making full trees for rawhide 17:15:07 <dgilmore> so that the products can get early testing 17:15:29 <nirik> sure, although what those will be exactly is still not clear 17:15:36 <dgilmore> right 17:16:18 <dgilmore> we are likely going to have to produce things that the products may not really want to deliver what they do want 17:16:34 <dgilmore> Cloud for instance will need an install tree to make cloud images from 17:16:43 <dgilmore> even though they likely only want the images 17:17:11 <dgilmore> i think making what we will have to do will help them to shape what they want 17:17:24 <dgilmore> anyways its food for thought 17:17:29 <dgilmore> anything else? 17:18:29 <nirik> nope, just wanted to bring that up and ask people to think about it 17:18:34 <dgilmore> #topic todo list 17:18:50 <dgilmore> so one thing that some of the above leads onto is a todo list 17:19:04 <dgilmore> need to document all the things needing worked on 17:19:26 <dgilmore> and have a list of easyfix items so people can jump in and get involved in helping 17:20:03 <dgilmore> the easiest way for people to get involved in releng is in development of tooling, composedb etc 17:20:36 <nirik> yep. 17:20:38 <dgilmore> i think the best way is likely tickets in trac, can anyone think of a better way? 17:20:41 <nirik> trac tickets? 17:21:23 <dgilmore> #info please file tickets in trac for things that need doing 17:21:29 <abadger1999> dgilmore: Speaking of easyfix, there's an infra ticket that is rel-eng related to throw in the easyfix queue if you don't have work done on it already. 17:21:36 <abadger1999> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3358 17:21:46 <abadger1999> migrate the file upload hash algorithm from md5 to sha256 17:21:57 <dgilmore> abadger1999: yeah, i have some patches for it 17:22:07 <dgilmore> its not totoally easyfix 17:22:11 <dgilmore> some of it is 17:22:19 <abadger1999> Yeah. 17:22:39 <dgilmore> but we will need to go though the history and hardlink everything from their md5sum to sha256sum 17:22:45 <abadger1999> If you were to get those patches onto the ticket tracker, we could get people working on the remaining pieces. 17:22:50 <abadger1999> Yep. 17:24:33 <dgilmore> :) it needs doing 17:25:54 <dgilmore> #topic open floor 17:26:04 <janeznemanic> hi, I would like to join rel-eng team as I said a few days ago and I'm happy to work with python, so how do I get started 17:26:06 <dgilmore> does anyone have anything they want to bring up? 17:26:17 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: welcome 17:26:42 <janeznemanic> with small steps of course 17:26:51 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: right now the best way is to look at trac and find tickets that interest you and work to resolve them 17:27:33 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: we are trying to do better at enabling people to get involved 17:27:40 <janeznemanic> ok but what about access to machines etc 17:27:55 <dgilmore> so please have patience as we add tickets that can be easily fixed etc 17:28:33 <dgilmore> just reminded me of something i wanted to bring up 17:28:49 <dgilmore> #topic places for releng work 17:29:32 <dgilmore> releng owns fedpkg, rpkg, koji, fedora-packager, dist-git etc 17:29:49 <dgilmore> some of these have not had much work in awhile 17:30:11 <dgilmore> i know nirik said over the weekend that we need to look at upgrading gitolite 17:30:19 * nirik nods. 17:30:45 <dgilmore> need to get together a comprehensive list of all the bits we need to maintain 17:31:00 <dgilmore> that will give us more things for people to work on 17:31:14 <dgilmore> I know i need to review a bunch of patches to rpkg 17:31:20 <dgilmore> and some for fedpkg 17:31:59 <janeznemanic> is the code for these apps on github 17:32:08 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: no 17:32:13 <janeznemanic> ok 17:32:15 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: its all in fedorahosted 17:32:39 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: I personally refuse to use github so they wont be moved there 17:32:50 <janeznemanic> no problem 17:33:23 <dgilmore> its another area for documentation and people to work on 17:33:50 <janeznemanic> I'm not that good at English so sorry 17:34:08 <dgilmore> there is a lot of ares people can contribute to releng without doing composes, signing packages and pushing updates 17:34:16 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: thats okay 17:34:35 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: what is your native language? 17:34:43 <janeznemanic> Slovene 17:34:59 <dgilmore> okay, no one i know anything of 17:35:17 <dgilmore> okay I think thats it from me for today 17:35:23 <dgilmore> #topic open floor again 17:35:35 <dgilmore> does anyone else have anything or is it a wrap? 17:36:02 <janeznemanic> what about access for newbies to relevant systems 17:36:35 <masta> I'm chipping away at the mkbranch script 17:36:45 <masta> that looks to be in gitolite 17:36:56 <janeznemanic> I'm part of infra team but that's probably not enough 17:37:04 <masta> probably need to better understand what you mean by upgrade gitolite 17:37:43 <janeznemanic> expect for apps 17:37:47 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: there really is no access needed 17:37:58 <janeznemanic> ok 17:38:26 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: the releng only systems are kinda sensitive, and everything can be developed and tested outside of them 17:38:31 <masta> janeznemanic: I'll shoot you a link to the git of our scripts, so you can see them and start digesting the info 17:38:37 <nirik> upstream is at v3.5.3.1... fedora and epel packages are at: 2.3.1. We may not be able to update epel, but first step would be working with maintainer to get packages updated. Then we need to see what to adjust in our setup for v3 (it's a lot different) 17:39:06 <janeznemanic> masta:that's great 17:39:19 <dgilmore> I know Jesse work with upstream a lot as we developed distgit 17:39:28 <dgilmore> but we have left it laregly stagnant since 17:40:03 <nirik> yep. 17:40:13 <nirik> upstream was very very helpful and great to work with 17:40:18 <dgilmore> yes they were 17:41:12 <dgilmore> janeznemanic: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/releng is the releng git repo 17:41:18 <masta> cool, I just google gitolite, look nice... 17:41:49 <janeznemanic> dgilmore:thank you 17:41:53 <masta> ok so I'll start wrapping my head around the gitolite upgrade... 17:42:03 <nirik> oh, side note: gitolite work might coordinate with pkgdb2 work... 17:42:09 <nirik> or I guess it could just be later. 17:42:10 <masta> nod 17:42:54 <masta> nirik: I'll sync-up with you later to fully fleshout my understanding of problem statement, and impact statements on this regard.... gitolite 17:43:08 <nirik> cool. 17:43:11 <dgilmore> nirik: pkgdb2 is wanted to be deployed sooner rather than later correct? 17:43:26 <abadger1999> dgilmore: correct. 17:43:27 <nirik> dgilmore: yeah... it's close to ready. just needs some deps to be finished up. 17:43:34 <dgilmore> cool 17:43:37 <abadger1999> I think that pingou considers the server code pretty much finished. 17:43:57 <abadger1999> But we need to get client code running -- it uses openid for auth and that's something we don't support clientside yet. 17:44:09 <dgilmore> okay 17:44:18 * abadger1999 has some sample code in a sample branch but it needs a lot of cleanup to be considered a stable API) 17:44:21 <dgilmore> and after the weekend auth is kinda critical to work 17:44:30 <abadger1999> yeah 17:44:34 <nirik> 17:45:03 <tyll_> The is a gitolite3 packge it EPEL btw 17:45:09 <tyll_> *in 17:45:36 <nirik> oh, so there is. ;) thanks for noting that tyll_ 17:46:35 <masta> cool 17:46:52 <masta> was just noticing there was not a package installed on the server 17:47:07 <dgilmore> tyll_: since you are here now anything you want to bring up before we finish? 17:47:36 <tyll_> dgilmore: no, thank you 17:48:11 <dgilmore> okay cool, 17:48:27 <dgilmore> well if nothing else ill close the meetingin 10 17:48:44 <dgilmore> #endmeeting