16:34:39 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2015-01-19) 16:34:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 19 16:34:39 2015 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:34:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:34:47 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 16:34:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 16:34:47 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta pbrobinson 16:34:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta nirik pbrobinson sharkcz tyll 16:34:48 <dgilmore> #topic init process 16:35:05 * bochecha is here 16:35:09 * sharkcz is here 16:35:22 * pingou here 16:36:44 * nirik is here 16:37:17 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 16:37:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 16:37:17 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta pbrobinson 16:37:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta nirik pbrobinson sharkcz tyll 16:37:23 <dgilmore> gahh 16:37:31 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures updates 16:37:32 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - ppc 16:37:39 <dgilmore> oh well 16:37:51 * masta is here 16:37:52 <dgilmore> sharkcz: want to give an update since pbrobinson is sleeping 16:38:38 <sharkcz> Peter works on mashing updates, rawhide builds are now stuck at libproxy, but this being slowly solved 16:39:40 <dgilmore> cool 16:40:07 <dgilmore> anything else to look out for on ppc? 16:40:52 <sharkcz> hm, no 16:40:57 <dgilmore> okay 16:40:58 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - s390 16:41:05 <dgilmore> how is s390 looking? 16:41:46 <sharkcz> s390 looks better :-) roughly a week behind primary, there is a little issue in glibc, the maintainer works on it 16:42:25 <sharkcz> eclipse will need work 16:42:50 <dgilmore> okay :( 16:42:55 <dgilmore> poor eclipse 16:43:02 <sharkcz> and there is an issue s390 (32bit) in gcc5, but jakub works on it 16:43:07 <dgilmore> how big is the littel issue with glibc? 16:43:30 <dgilmore> sharkcz: can we work on a plan to drop s390 support? 16:43:48 <sharkcz> they enabled -werror and there is a warning 16:44:13 <sharkcz> yes, we do, but it is a slow process 16:45:09 <dgilmore> okay. I would really like to see us drop it 16:46:43 <dgilmore> anything else? 16:46:54 <sharkcz> nope 16:46:57 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - arm 16:47:15 <dgilmore> I know rawhide was stuck on python on aarch64 16:47:23 <dgilmore> well arm is just aarch64 now 16:47:24 <nirik> so with f19 going eol, we should be able to repurpose those 32bit arm builders right? 16:47:28 <dgilmore> since f19 is eol 16:47:33 <dgilmore> nirik: we should 16:47:33 * nirik nods 16:47:49 <dgilmore> i believe that the python issue has been sorted 16:48:10 <nirik> easiest would just be rebuilding them f21 and adding them in as builders... but that might make more primary builds use arm... 16:48:29 <dgilmore> it shouldn 16:48:36 <dgilmore> shouldn't 16:48:53 <dgilmore> but koeschi really should force the use of arm and not x86_64 16:49:16 <nirik> ok. 16:49:35 <nirik> I can try and do those sometime this week. Might need certs for them for primary... 16:49:49 <dgilmore> there is quite a few issues that need sorting out for koeschi 16:49:58 <dgilmore> same certs will work. 16:50:05 <dgilmore> will need to add the hosts to koji first 16:50:22 <dgilmore> and tweak the ansible rules for them 16:50:54 <dgilmore> okay lets move on to tickets 16:51:01 <nirik> ok 16:51:20 <dgilmore> nirik: lets chat about what to do with the arm boxes out of meeting 16:51:26 <dgilmore> #topic #5931 [Proposal] Move new branch and unretire requests to pkgdb2 16:51:27 <nirik> yep. fine with me 16:51:33 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5931 16:51:54 <dgilmore> pingou: thanks for the update in the ticket 16:52:09 <dgilmore> #info update in ticket https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5931#comment:12 16:52:40 <pingou> I need one change on the JSON output to make my life simpler and then checking if a package is in RHEL and in all arches should be done :) 16:53:01 <pingou> (currently pkgdb2 only checks if the package is in RHEL or not, does not take the arch into account) 16:53:02 <dgilmore> cool 16:53:18 <nirik> cool. I'd say we should roll out to prod, and then test with some limited few packages first, then announce and change docs. 16:53:32 <dgilmore> I agree 16:53:35 <pingou> I probably have to adjust a little FMN for the 'message' when a request is blocked/denied 16:53:56 <pingou> but things are looking good :) 16:53:58 <dgilmore> lets get it rolled out. get some further testing then send an announcement to devel-announce@ 16:54:04 <dgilmore> as well as updating the wiki 16:54:13 <pingou> sounds good 16:54:24 <pingou> I can probably have it in stg by next wek 16:54:27 <pingou> week* 16:54:32 <dgilmore> sounds good 16:54:37 <pingou> where we can poke at it a little if you like 16:54:43 <dgilmore> would be nice to have done and rolled out for devconf 16:55:08 <pingou> sounds duable, except for last minute mistakes/errors/bugs :) 16:55:15 <dgilmore> sure 16:56:03 <dgilmore> #action pingou to deploy in stage by the end of this week for testing next week 16:56:28 <dgilmore> #action everyone test in stage when it is ready 16:56:42 <dgilmore> #info desire to have deployed by devconf 16:57:02 <dgilmore> anything else? 16:57:32 <pingou> until testing, nothing for me :) 16:57:36 <nirik> nope, next++ 16:58:07 <dgilmore> #topic #5963 Orphaned vulnerable packages in EPEL 16:58:19 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5963 16:58:35 <dgilmore> so apparently some were missed first go arround. 16:58:42 <dgilmore> I have not dug into them 16:58:49 <dgilmore> so I do not have a lot of info 16:58:56 <dgilmore> tyll_: anything on your end? 17:00:56 <nirik> lets ask for update in ticket next time we see him. 17:01:44 <dgilmore> sure 17:01:55 <dgilmore> #action tyll_ give update in ticket 17:02:08 <dgilmore> #topic #6039 koji database read-only access request 17:02:13 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6039 17:02:33 <dgilmore> I think there is only one table where there could be sensitive info 17:02:33 <nirik> did you get a chance to check if there's anything that needs to stay private in there? 17:02:41 <dgilmore> but sudo is not working on the db box right now 17:03:13 <dgilmore> was going to check but can't get where i need to 17:03:15 <nirik> hum. 17:03:24 <nirik> ok, we can check out of meeting? 17:05:37 <dgilmore> got on via lockbox 17:05:43 <dgilmore> it is okay 17:06:04 <dgilmore> #info there is no sensitive data in the db 17:06:17 <pingou> \รณ/ 17:06:38 <nirik> cool. 17:06:45 <nirik> I can set up the publishing. 17:08:11 <dgilmore> #action nirik to set up publishing the db 17:08:20 <dgilmore> #topic #6059 untag f21 GA builds from f21-updates-testing 17:08:41 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6059 17:08:42 <sharkcz> I think this was done quite soon after the GA 17:08:59 <dgilmore> I do not know why this ticket has the meeting keyword 17:09:20 <sharkcz> I though it was already closed 17:09:25 <dgilmore> sharkcz: it is something that bodhi should do and a bug should be filed in bodhi to do the right thing 17:09:46 <sharkcz> but did someone clean the tag manually this time? 17:10:03 <dgilmore> sharkcz: I did 17:10:06 <sharkcz> ah, ok 17:10:11 <nirik> close ticket, move on. ;) 17:10:22 <dgilmore> already closed 17:10:36 <dgilmore> #topic #6064 extend srpm-excluded-arch.py so it can read srpms from multiple dirs 17:10:46 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6064 17:11:17 <sharkcz> IMO it would be useful (like we do in buildrawhide for rawhide) but what others think about it? 17:11:52 <sharkcz> I'll ask someone in our team to implement it 17:12:04 <dgilmore> it wouldn't hurt 17:12:19 <nirik> sure. seems fine to me. 17:12:23 <dgilmore> implementing shouldnt be too hard 17:12:40 <dgilmore> sharkcz: just need to make sure that that latest nvr for a package is used 17:12:50 <sharkcz> yep 17:13:15 <dgilmore> sharkcz: so that if a package is Excluded in GA but an update unexcludes it we get things right 17:13:25 <dgilmore> and vice versa 17:13:50 <dgilmore> we should scream loudly if a packed excludes an arch post release 17:13:51 <sharkcz> yep :-) it will make managing the shadow configs for released fedora easier 17:14:37 <dgilmore> #info we should make a big angry list of packages excluded on an arch post release 17:14:48 <sharkcz> we can make it print a warning of an arch is dropped 17:15:10 <dgilmore> sharkcz: longer term I want to run koji-stalk in infra and have the configs etc managed automatically 17:15:22 <dgilmore> so that buidls just happen and are really transparent 17:15:23 <sharkcz> yes, that would be nice 17:15:50 <dgilmore> but that will take some work on tooling to manage the workflows and detect when things break to get people attention 17:15:51 <nirik> reminds me, smooge said there was a new s390 hub machine that arrived... we should try and add it into infra/ansible, etc... 17:16:10 <dgilmore> nirik: we need to rebuild all the secondary infra using ansible 17:16:13 <nirik> yep. 17:16:23 <dgilmore> and tie them all into fas, ansible, etc 17:16:24 <nirik> this is a good chance for a first one tho. ;) 17:16:30 <dgilmore> sure :) 17:16:42 <sharkcz> no objections :-) 17:17:17 <dgilmore> #info no objections to extending the functionality 17:17:32 <nirik> we should now have a pretty reasonable koji_hub role. :) Since I am redoing the primary ones. 17:17:48 <dgilmore> nirik: :) good 17:18:10 <dgilmore> I think we can skip the other tickets as there is no updates for them. 17:18:24 <dgilmore> #topic Open Floor 17:18:31 <dgilmore> I have a few things to go over 17:18:40 <nirik> we have a number of old tickets laying around. Some can just be closed... a few I guess I could add meeting to? 17:18:48 <dgilmore> we have f22 branching on Feb 10 17:19:07 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah, I really need to traiage them all 17:19:16 <dgilmore> triage 17:19:18 <pingou> I'll be around, just back from devconf 17:19:23 <pingou> (for branching) 17:20:17 <dgilmore> pbrobinson and I will be in Brno for it 17:20:48 <bochecha> I'll also be in Brno at that time, if needed 17:21:11 <dgilmore> we are planning to have a workshop on distill the week before devconf 17:21:19 <dgilmore> its supposed to be open sourced before then 17:21:33 <dgilmore> but it may be too late for f22 17:21:34 <pingou> fingers crossed 17:21:41 <dgilmore> we will see 17:22:01 <bochecha> oh, nice 17:22:03 <dgilmore> we also need to sit down with bcl and get koji to build livecds using lmc in koji 17:22:11 <dgilmore> it works in mock now 17:22:29 <dgilmore> though we do have the current situation where mock is not playing nice 17:23:20 <dgilmore> so at the point where we should be stable and having things purring along like a kitty having its belly rubbed we are going to be wrestling with lions and tigers with no saftey 17:24:08 <nirik> as always. ;) 17:24:52 <nirik> dgilmore: could you (or I can) file a mock bug on that thing? IMHO it's much nicer to have bugs filed so we can point interested people at them than try and explain over and over and also helps keep things open. 17:24:53 <dgilmore> nirik: for distill we will need to have some builders seperate 17:25:03 <dgilmore> they will need a slightly different setup 17:25:07 <nirik> ok 17:25:08 <dgilmore> and have to be in a special channel 17:25:22 <dgilmore> nirik: I will file a bug 17:25:46 <nirik> if we can get staging builders happy again we could test there. 17:25:57 <dgilmore> #action dgilmore to file bug against mock for current breakages 17:26:38 <dgilmore> #info need to work with bcl on transition to lmc for livecds 17:27:14 <dgilmore> #info likely to have new toolfor composes before devconf 17:27:32 <pingou> oh cool 17:27:45 <pingou> is that the very fast one I heard about? 17:28:00 <pingou> (I don't know its name) 17:28:04 <dgilmore> so I am flying to Brussels for fosdem on Jan 29 so that I can get with the CentOS guys to talk about ways that CentOS and Fedora can work together on EPEL 17:28:16 <dgilmore> pingou: its not that fast 17:28:29 <dgilmore> pingou: I do not know really what it will get us 17:28:51 <dgilmore> I have a few things then i have another topic in my head to bring up 17:29:23 <dgilmore> I am hoping to workout ways to enable people with CentOS accounts and not fas accounts to contribute to epel directly 17:29:42 <dgilmore> nirik: how we can do that I am not 100% sure but I think it would be good to do 17:30:11 <dgilmore> there will likely be a need for infra to work with CnetOS infra on things 17:30:17 <nirik> hum. ok. 17:30:18 <pingou> if CentOS deploys an epsilon instance that would already help quite a bit (thinking from a pkgdb auth pov) 17:30:56 <dgilmore> pingou: I am not 100% sure what they have 17:31:22 <dgilmore> we would likely need to have acls so that CentOS folks can only get epel acls 17:31:40 <dgilmore> and if you wanted fedora acls to help there also then you need a fas account 17:31:55 <nirik> well, is a fedora account really such a burden? 17:31:55 <dgilmore> there is likely some legal wrangling to be done I am sure 17:32:07 <dgilmore> nirik: not really but people can be silly 17:32:18 <dgilmore> they will contribute to CentOS but not Fedora 17:32:38 <dgilmore> maybe we say that they need a fas account 17:32:53 <dgilmore> but we have some way to sponsor them and restrict the accounts to epel 17:33:07 <dgilmore> I really do not know exactly how it would all work 17:33:26 <dgilmore> I just know I would like to make sure that we can enable people to contribute 17:33:50 <pingou> fas group epel-packager with their own sponsoring rules 17:33:55 <dgilmore> I will open a ticket to track things 17:34:02 <nirik> pingou: could work 17:34:12 <pingou> and integration w/ pkgdb should be duable 17:34:24 <dgilmore> if people can think on it and provide some ideas that would be fantastic 17:34:32 <pingou> dgilmore: I'll be at fosdem, but arriving only on Friday if you need me 17:34:44 <dgilmore> pingou: I arrive friday morning 17:34:49 <dgilmore> I have a overnight flight 17:34:55 <pingou> ok :) 17:35:03 <dgilmore> pingou: so I will make sure to add you to the invite list for the meeting 17:35:04 <pingou> dgilmore: don't wait for me at the airport ;-) 17:35:17 * pingou lands in the late afternoon 17:35:23 * dgilmore is 8:10am 17:35:27 <dgilmore> not waiting 17:35:36 <pingou> nope :) 17:36:48 <dgilmore> I think we should skip the meeting on the 2nd of Feb as at least myself and pbrobinson will be traveling to Brno. not sure what travel plans others have 17:37:00 <dgilmore> but we can discuss that next week 17:37:20 <dgilmore> Does anyone have anything else to bring up for open floor? 17:37:29 <sharkcz> I have one item 17:37:29 <dgilmore> I have one biggish thing I want to bring up 17:37:34 <nirik> I had one or two. ;) 17:37:37 <sharkcz> small one 17:37:50 <dgilmore> nirik: lets do your's then sharkcz's 17:38:32 <nirik> ok. I have koji01/koji02 built up... x86_64/rhel7/ansible. I am waiting on getting darkserver plugin for rhel7, then I think they should be good to switch over to. 17:39:12 <dgilmore> okay 17:39:13 <nirik> also I hope to make a kojipkgs ansible setup and get an updated kojipkgs01 setup 17:39:15 <dgilmore> sounds good to me 17:39:18 <nirik> sometime soon 17:39:40 <dgilmore> what I saw koji01 looked okay 17:39:53 <nirik> oh... I need an updated koji-theme package 17:40:04 <nirik> I hacked around the change on the system, but an updated package would be good. 17:40:11 <dgilmore> nirik: okay. can do 17:40:28 <dgilmore> the git repo for it is in my fedorapeople account 17:40:30 <nirik> it's just the httpd 2.2 to 24 change... 'grant all' etc 17:40:57 <dgilmore> I really need to get all the arches updated and I want to get some work done to make access to the different kojis easier 17:41:00 <nirik> anyhow, I guess thats all I had. 17:41:07 <nirik> Oh... wait. 17:41:07 <dgilmore> nirik: cheers. 17:41:23 <dgilmore> #action dgilmore to update the koji theme package 17:41:27 <nirik> so, a while back we redid fas servers. There's one old one left... 17:41:33 <nirik> fas01... which does the koji certs. 17:41:36 <dgilmore> okay 17:41:51 <nirik> I'd like some help testing that fas01.stg is working right for certs before I redo fas01 in production. 17:41:58 <nirik> if anyone has some time to assist me on that. ;) 17:42:00 <dgilmore> okay 17:42:00 <nirik> thats all I had 17:42:12 <dgilmore> we will have to sync the data from the prod server 17:42:30 <dgilmore> there is some dynamic data we will need 17:43:02 <nirik> ok, that will be good to know. 17:44:09 <sharkcz> my is package/tag sync to secondary kojis - I saw few packages (eg. perl-Module-CoreList) which I had manually unblock for f22, also f21-updates/f21-updates-testing tag contents are not being synced, so it's 2 issues in fact I think :-) 17:44:44 <sharkcz> probably just matter of updating the configs 17:44:59 <dgilmore> sharkcz: hrrm maybe things did not get updated when we branched 17:46:03 <sharkcz> do you want a ticket opened? 17:47:18 <dgilmore> sharkcz: please 17:47:21 <sharkcz> np 17:48:53 <dgilmore> anything else? 17:49:54 <dgilmore> ill assume no 17:50:03 <dgilmore> so ill go to the big elephant 17:50:15 <dgilmore> #topic minimal buildroots and caching etc 17:50:57 <dgilmore> I know at least some of you have been following the thread on devel@ to remove gcc gcc-c++ and make from the default minimal buildroot 17:51:17 <dgilmore> a big immediate win is to switch teh srpm to use fedpkg-minimal 17:51:25 <dgilmore> it has a crap ton less deps 17:51:35 * nirik nods 17:52:36 <dgilmore> I do not know that we wil gain a lot by removing the few things, but it would be cleaner if someone comes along and says oh i want to rebuild foo srpm and they have to dig into why it fails to build 17:52:49 <dgilmore> it seems at least half of the the srpms will need updating 17:52:59 <dgilmore> but the fulle xtent of teh work is not known 17:54:00 <dgilmore> the caching side thread I see as a big distraction. it makes tracking the minimal buildroot contents for builds and making thinsg reproducable much much harder 17:54:13 <dgilmore> most repos are used on a give host once or twice 17:54:35 <dgilmore> so for caching to give any benefit the complexity of tracking things will be much higher 17:54:40 <nirik> right. 17:55:18 <dgilmore> I am not sure if making the cache and unpacking it etc is any quicker than doing the install from scratch 17:55:23 <nirik> IMHO, I am actually against the gcc/g++ change unless someone actually figures out the packages needing them and mass fixes them. It's just too much makework to dump on maintainers. 17:55:42 <dgilmore> I am against removing make 17:55:53 <dgilmore> im less so against gcc/g++ 17:56:19 <dgilmore> a lot of the packages that do not use gcc/g++ likely use make 17:56:28 <nirik> true. 17:56:44 <dgilmore> the java ones etc probably not 17:56:56 <dgilmore> but a lot of python and perl modules likely use make files 17:57:04 <sharkcz> python-* probably don't use make, while perl-* does 17:57:20 <dgilmore> it really all needs a large analysis 17:57:29 <sharkcz> +1 17:57:39 <dgilmore> sharkcz: some python-* uses make some setup.py 17:58:10 <dgilmore> I will help people interested in doing the analysis get the data they need 17:58:12 <sharkcz> yep, and the analysis will show what's the majority 17:58:24 <dgilmore> but I am not interested in doing it myself 17:58:48 <dgilmore> I suspect that the wins will all me small individually but will add up on a whole 17:59:12 <dgilmore> but Its a massive undertaking to work it out and will make many things much much harder 17:59:27 <sharkcz> other large classes are golang-* and nodejs-* 18:00:02 <dgilmore> So i wanted to get everyones take on it. make sure that we were all aware of the different aspects 18:00:02 <nirik> well, IMHO the reason for the changes would be that it's more correct... 18:00:22 <nirik> I think the speed/caching/whatever issues are hiding that part. ;) 18:00:42 <dgilmore> we do not all have to have the same opinions but should have the same understandinsg of why they are and the risks associated with the different paths 18:01:48 <dgilmore> nirik: right. in the FPC ticket Vit admited that it was really about making his builds faster and that was all 18:01:58 <dgilmore> since he deals in ruby 18:02:13 <dgilmore> but he missed the bigger win in the srpm creation task 18:02:14 <nirik> ok. 18:02:38 <nirik> yep. Lets get that done and see if it helps him out 18:03:00 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/490#comment:10 18:03:37 <dgilmore> I see no problem in making things more correct. But that is a massive undertaking 18:03:37 <bochecha> I think it's fine to remove these things from the buildroot (gcc/g++/make/whatever), whether it actually saves some time or it's merely "more correct", but I also have no interest in doing it myself... 18:04:27 <bochecha> maybe we could just come up with a list of things anyone wanting this would have to figure out (e.g list of impacted packages, commit to fixing them yourself, time savings, ...) and agree to do it if all those conditions are met? 18:04:42 <dgilmore> I also think some things like fedora-release and redhat-rpm-config should be explicitly defined 18:04:51 <dgilmore> not just relied on implicitly 18:05:06 <dgilmore> bochecha: sure 18:05:35 <bochecha> dgilmore, being responsible for a downstream in another life, having those -release and -rpm-config explicitly BuildRequired in spec files made my life worse 18:06:08 <bochecha> (because I had to patch specfiles to change them to our own $vendor-release and $vendor-rpm-config) 18:06:14 <dgilmore> bochecha: by explictly defined i mean in the minimal buildroot 18:06:31 <bochecha> well, isn't that what they are right now? 18:06:33 <dgilmore> bochecha: Vit proposed 18:06:44 <dgilmore> "rpm-build shadow-utils" as the minimal buildroot 18:06:49 <bochecha> wow 18:07:04 <bochecha> oh, you were quoting Vit above, I thought it was your opinion :) 18:07:16 <dgilmore> with thinsg like fedora-release and redhat-rpm-config only pulled in via deps 18:07:36 <bochecha> having to explicitly require $vendor-release and $vendor-rpm-config seems crazy 18:07:48 <dgilmore> bochecha: well not in the specs 18:08:00 <dgilmore> rpm-build would magically pull them in 18:08:09 <bochecha> ah 18:08:14 <dgilmore> bochecha: https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/490#comment:12 18:08:29 <bochecha> but then, if rpm-build is in the minimal buildroot, that changes nothing :) 18:09:30 <dgilmore> I could run some test on buildroot initialisation time on the builders 18:09:41 <dgilmore> in vits test the win at most was about 20 seconds 18:11:19 <dgilmore> in the end we need to keep an open mind and if people want to do the work we shouldnt stand in the way. But we also need to make sure its not half done then decided it is too hard and we are left having to clean up things 18:12:37 <dgilmore> I think I have covered what I wanted to here. I have try to be active on the threads about it and give factful information. trying to educate people as to why we do things the way we do as I go 18:12:54 <dgilmore> so if no one has anymore ill wrap up the meeting 18:15:00 <nirik> yep. +1 on all the educating. 18:16:40 <dgilmore> #endmeeting