14:31:17 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2016-10-03) 14:31:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 3 14:31:17 2016 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:31:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2016-10-03)' 14:31:17 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 14:31:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 14:31:17 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta pbrobinson pingou maxamillion mboddu 14:31:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz tyll 14:31:20 <dgilmore> #topic init process 14:31:21 <dgilmore> hi all 14:31:49 <nirik> morning 14:31:51 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 14:31:52 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 14:32:05 <mboddu> morning everyone 14:33:08 <dgilmore> guess we have a small crew today 14:33:20 <masta> hello 14:33:22 * sharkcz is here 14:33:36 <dgilmore> I wanted to go over a few things really quickly 14:33:57 <dgilmore> #topic Atomic Host CD 14:34:58 <dgilmore> On the weekend i put together a script to continuosly rebuild atomic host from teh rawhide buildroot 14:35:01 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/blob/master/f/scripts/build-test-ostree 14:35:19 <dgilmore> I sent in some FBR requests to enable having it run every 15 minutes 14:35:57 <dgilmore> it is related to https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6350 14:36:32 <dgilmore> #info Atomic Host is being rebuilt continuosly from teh rawhide buildroot to enable rapid testing 14:36:37 <nirik> dgilmore: I do see that it's kinda chatty sending to releng-cron, we may want to adjust that. 14:36:45 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah 14:36:55 <maxamillion> dgilmore: ah cool 14:36:56 <maxamillion> +1 14:37:01 <dgilmore> nirik: really need to get it just logging everything 14:37:20 <dgilmore> it is building ostrees for x86_64, aarch64 and armhfp 14:37:37 <dgilmore> however we seem to be hitting a weird issue on armhfp 14:37:44 <masta> neat script 14:37:55 <dgilmore> rpm-ostree tries to allocate 2GiB ram and fails sometimes 14:38:09 <dgilmore> masta: some is hackish 14:38:17 <dgilmore> we should not need to tweak the package set 14:38:54 <masta> dgilmore, yeah that is true 14:38:59 <dgilmore> hopefully with the outcome of the meeting i plan to call later in the week it will enable it to run quicker 14:39:16 <dgilmore> but anyway I hope it is useful 14:39:40 <dgilmore> I am planning to setup a armhfp box and a aarch64 vm to enable testing and trying it out 14:40:11 <dgilmore> #topic comps and dnf 14:40:11 <masta> I think the pruning can be a separate script, but anyhoo... 14:40:46 <masta> does dnf even do comps? 14:40:48 <dgilmore> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1380945 14:40:54 <dgilmore> masta: it does 14:41:14 <dgilmore> dnf enabled strict group listings again 14:41:35 <dgilmore> comps does not support saying that a package is only for some arches 14:41:54 <dgilmore> there was a discussion about it in #fedora-releng this morning 14:42:06 <masta> wait, what? 14:42:14 <dgilmore> Comps needs to be properlly documented, currently very few people understand it fully 14:42:20 <masta> oh! it does, but only on package groups, right? 14:42:21 <maxamillion> +1 14:42:24 * nirik would say no one. ;) 14:42:24 <dgilmore> then a change needs to be proposed 14:42:31 <maxamillion> there's definitely things about comps I don't fully understand 14:42:34 <dgilmore> and it needs commuincation 14:42:39 <maxamillion> and I feel as though I probably should :) 14:42:47 <dgilmore> as it will cause pain for users relying on the current behaviour 14:43:13 <dgilmore> nirik: notting is about teh only one that I would say fully does 14:43:14 <nirik> dgilmore: can you update the bug based on whatever discussion? The bug makes it sound like comps does support that 14:43:18 <dgilmore> I mostly do I think 14:43:25 <dgilmore> and I could be wrong on that 14:43:47 <masta> so I could have sworn comps does have a parameter for package arch 14:43:51 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah. the dnf guys did not understand it 14:43:55 * masta goes to look 14:44:15 <dgilmore> masta: there is some use internally, but its only for compose tooling used in rhel 14:44:25 <dgilmore> its not supported in yum 14:44:39 <dgilmore> and its not supported by the schema 14:45:18 <masta> <packagereq arch="foo">package</packagereq> 14:46:19 <dgilmore> masta: right its not actually part of comps though 14:46:30 <dgilmore> its something people internally do for compose reasons 14:46:38 <dgilmore> it does not pass schema validation 14:47:01 <masta> dgilmore, ah, that is interesting. It sucks, but interesting. 14:47:26 <nirik> I think nim-nim wrote the validation stuff... but he's not been around in a long time either 14:48:19 <masta> so do we need xml scheme gurus to take a look at this? 14:48:36 <dgilmore> well we need to document everything we have 14:48:55 <dgilmore> if someone wants to work with the dnf guys to do so that would be awesome 14:49:16 <masta> ok, document what is factually true. Maybe conceive what we want, beyond that. 14:50:31 <dgilmore> masta: right 14:50:42 <dgilmore> I am not opposed to making the change dnf wants to make 14:51:00 <dgilmore> but shoving it in a back door with no documentation will upset people 14:51:22 <maxamillion> +1 14:51:26 <dgilmore> I can see people out in the wild relying on the behaviour 14:51:46 <dgilmore> they have a repo with all sorts of stuff and a home brewed comps 14:51:57 <nirik> there is one other option thats a middle of the road thing... 14:52:00 <masta> yeah, I can see that too 14:52:06 <nirik> but would possibly upset users. 14:52:51 <nirik> keep dnf group install strict, but adjust lorax/anaconda/appliance-creator/etc to pass 'strict=false' for installs only. 14:53:23 <maxamillion> dgilmore: doesn't rpmfusion and other third party repos offer comps too? would any of this impact users of those? 14:53:26 <masta> Any Anaconda folks about? 14:54:00 <dgilmore> maxamillion: yep 14:54:10 <dgilmore> masta: doubt it 14:54:22 <masta> maxamillion, it would help them for sure. Having an updated scheme doc can only be good thing. 14:54:55 <maxamillion> masta: +1 14:55:05 <dgilmore> I may need to set up a call to make sure comps is documented 14:55:21 <masta> nirik, I appreciate the middle ground idea, always good to have options like that 14:55:51 <masta> yeah, comps is really important, I'd like to be on that call dgilmore 14:56:08 <nirik> just another option, sure. Would also be more work and likely to annoy users, so I think just turning it off for now would be best... 14:56:25 <masta> at least I say that now, cringe! 14:58:20 <dgilmore> #info work needs to be done to fully document comps 14:59:36 <dgilmore> #info any changes will need to be well communicated 14:59:52 <dgilmore> another related bug is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1369129 15:00:16 <dgilmore> #topic #6482 fix bodhi buildroot overrides with secure-boot packages 15:00:23 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6482 15:01:06 <nirik> oh yeah.. this. 15:01:35 <nirik> dgilmore: you mentioned wanting to remove admin from bodhi user... what will it take to do that? 15:01:44 <dgilmore> I think to fix this we make a adjustment ot the policy allowing bodhi to tag the builds 15:01:54 <dgilmore> nirik: not 100% sure 15:02:09 <dgilmore> nirik: last I knew bodhi was using --force when taging packages 15:02:19 <nirik> I think thats gone now, but not sure. 15:02:27 <nirik> perhaps we fiile a issue for bowlofeggs to look at? 15:02:35 <dgilmore> if its not doing it we could probably remove it from admin 15:02:44 <dgilmore> and grant extra perms if needed 15:02:51 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah 15:03:11 <dgilmore> I would rather not give bodhi secure-boot perm 15:03:32 <bowlofeggs> seems fine to me - these are just bodhi's permissions in koji we're talking about? 15:03:52 <nirik> bowlofeggs: yeah. right now it cannot do overrides for things in the 'secure-boot' channel. 15:04:05 <nirik> because the bodhi user isn't in that permission 15:04:35 <dgilmore> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/roles/koji_hub/templates/hub.conf.j2#n110 15:04:39 <bowlofeggs> but it sounds like dgilmore also doesn't want it to do that? 15:05:01 <masta> so long as the koji admin permissions are broken out enough, yeah 15:05:17 <dgilmore> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/roles/koji_hub/templates/hub.conf.j2#n98 15:05:17 <nirik> ideally we would reduce bodhi user permissions to just the bare minimum it needs to do it's work... 15:05:28 <dgilmore> nirik: indeed 15:05:29 <nirik> (in case someone compromised it and got access to it's user) 15:05:30 <bowlofeggs> yeah that makes sense to me 15:05:51 <masta> we all agree on that, yeah 15:06:15 <dgilmore> we can set in the policy above "has_perm secure-boot && package kernel shim grub2 fedora-release fedora-repos pesign :: allow" granting bodhi permission to tag the builds 15:06:37 <nirik> is_user bodhi && package ... 15:06:40 <nirik> or something 15:06:46 <dgilmore> nirik: uep 15:06:46 <masta> wow.. that is cool 15:07:06 <nirik> bowlofeggs: bodhi used to use --force with it's koji operations (taking advantage of being an admin), but I think bodhi2 cleaned a lot of that up. 15:07:15 <nirik> it may just not need admin anymore. 15:07:19 * nirik isn't sure 15:07:20 <dgilmore> if is_user does not work, we could set up a bodhi perm 15:07:23 <dgilmore> then add that 15:07:39 <dgilmore> nirik: indeed 15:07:51 <dgilmore> we should look through the bodhi code 15:07:59 <masta> uh... but then we have to kinda hardcode the secure-boot package set in code, right? 15:07:59 <dgilmore> and likely just remove admin 15:08:11 <dgilmore> masta: its hardcoded in the policy 15:08:29 <dgilmore> we add remove a package we need to do it in all the places 15:08:36 <dgilmore> it is contained to one file 15:08:46 <dgilmore> it is one config file 15:09:01 <masta> that kinda sucks in other ways, configuration creep, but it's mild and I'd be fine with it. 15:09:35 <masta> that is what ansible is for. 15:12:57 <dgilmore> masta: well it is on the hubs 15:13:09 <dgilmore> it is also how koji defines the policy 15:13:26 <dgilmore> another option would be making koji use the db for configuration 15:13:33 <dgilmore> but that would be a massive koji change 15:14:03 <nirik> I prefer a config file to db 15:14:10 <dgilmore> #action dgilmore to ensure that the koji hub policy is changed so bodhi can tag the packages in secure-boot 15:14:12 <nirik> much easier to automate and make sure it's the way you want it 15:14:18 <dgilmore> nirik: sure 15:14:32 <dgilmore> I do not see koji making that change 15:15:07 <dgilmore> #topic Alternative Architectures updates 15:15:16 <dgilmore> sharkcz: how is everything? 15:15:33 <sharkcz> afaik all is good 15:16:04 <dgilmore> #info all okay 15:16:30 <dgilmore> #info atomic host enabled in rawhide for aarch64 15:16:46 <dgilmore> I enabled in rawhide making atomic host for aarch64 15:16:50 <dgilmore> there is one issue 15:17:03 <sharkcz> pbrobinson plans to enable it for ppc64le soon 15:17:05 <dgilmore> the hardcoded package set specifies grub2 15:17:08 <masta> dgilmore, that is great 15:17:24 <masta> dgilmore, yeah, noticed that in your script from before. +( 15:17:29 <dgilmore> grub2 is not available on aarch64 as there is no bios support 15:17:44 <masta> hum... 15:18:03 <dgilmore> I sent an email to the ostree-devel list awhile back about supporting multiple arches 15:18:42 <masta> dgilmore, I plan to use the aarch64 ostree, thanks! 15:19:32 <dgilmore> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5110 15:19:37 <dgilmore> I sent that to cockpit 15:19:55 <dgilmore> and given the pull request only changed the spec file I think their CI is broken 15:21:39 <dgilmore> anyway 15:21:44 <masta> yeah 15:21:57 <dgilmore> #topic beta readyness 15:22:11 <dgilmore> not sure I spelt that right 15:22:18 <dgilmore> Go no go is Thursday 15:22:29 <dgilmore> https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/25/beta/buglist 15:22:48 <dgilmore> there is 3 accepted blockers, 3 proposed blockers 15:23:17 <dgilmore> I think that https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1381045 will be rejected 15:23:23 <dgilmore> the X bump will not be in Beta 15:23:40 <dgilmore> the other 2 proposed blockers have patches posted 15:23:49 * nirik has been running it here, seems ok, but thats only 1 device 15:24:12 <dgilmore> adamw: any wisdom on when we will get a compose request? 15:24:19 <dgilmore> we really need it today 15:24:25 <masta> hehe 15:24:40 <dgilmore> that would give tuesday and wednesday for testing 15:24:56 <dgilmore> if we do not get the compose request by tomorrow we will have to slip 15:25:15 <masta> I figured they test the nightlies 15:25:25 <nirik> we will see what today brings us. 15:25:32 <dgilmore> there is an outstanding request to the workstation WG on ostree workstation 15:25:55 <dgilmore> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/desktop@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/HSNUVGAR5R7WHGZBS5N6D7WE4SUWJZ46/ 15:26:16 <dgilmore> hopefully they can get that resolved so we can ship as part of Beta 15:27:44 <dgilmore> anyone aware of anything else holding up Beta? 15:28:36 <dgilmore> #topic open floor 15:28:46 <dgilmore> does anyone want to bring up anything? 15:29:08 <maxamillion> not I 15:29:29 <nirik> I have one item 15:29:32 <nirik> hopefully quick 15:29:48 <nirik> We are close to bringing the new buildhw hw online 15:29:55 <dgilmore> I have one quick thing, it is pretty widely announced by now but pbrobinson is moving toa new role, which will interact with releng a lot still. however we likely will need to replace him from the push rotation, unless he chooses to remain in the rotation 15:30:01 <dgilmore> nirik: awesome 15:30:04 <nirik> Do we still need buildhw builders? or can we do everything in vm's now? 15:30:19 <dgilmore> nirik: we need to test nested virt 15:30:41 <nirik> yeah. if that works perhaps we don't need buildhw builders... 15:30:42 <dgilmore> I think we did some minimal testing in stg koji 15:30:50 <nirik> stg should be setup for it... 15:31:02 <nirik> anyhow, something to think about before we add them. 15:31:11 <dgilmore> we should probably test livemedia also 15:31:20 <dgilmore> as that worked in stg but was really slow 15:31:39 <masta> dgilmore, any candidates to replace pbrobinson ? 15:31:47 <nirik> also, we have 16 of them and only 11 of the old buildhw's... so we have extras. Smooge was thinking we use some for autocloud testers... and I don't know if there were other needs, but we could use them for those as well if well defined. 15:32:06 <dgilmore> masta: maybe maxamillion if he wants 15:32:20 <maxamillion> I'll need some training, but that'd be great 15:32:22 <masta> dgilmore, I ask, because I'm interested myself... but I'd have to coordinated that with my internal obligations. 15:32:34 <dgilmore> masta: you are already in the rotation 15:32:49 <nirik> oh, a note on pushes too for everyone: 15:32:55 <masta> oh, my bad... this is for push duty 15:33:15 <masta> yeah, that is so easy it's silly 15:33:17 <maxamillion> dgilmore: yeah, let's pencil me in for push duty pending someone can teach me (or are there docs now?) 15:33:21 <nirik> autosign should take care of almost all the signing, but you should still sign just in case. There shouldn't be a need to remove repodata dirs or I think restart the fedmsg hub anymore. 15:33:23 <masta> maxamillion, you need to get on this dude. 15:33:27 <maxamillion> masta: rgr that 15:33:34 <maxamillion> I'm in, let's do it 15:33:35 <dgilmore> maxamillion: there is docs and some recent changes 15:33:40 <maxamillion> dgilmore: rocking 15:33:51 <mboddu> maxamillion: I updated the docs: https://docs.pagure.org/releng/sop_pushing_updates.html 15:33:58 <maxamillion> mboddu: yes!!!! :D 15:34:01 <maxamillion> mboddu++ 15:34:03 <zodbot> maxamillion: Karma for mohanboddu changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:34:04 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah, mboddu said he did not need to sign anything last week 15:34:21 <nirik> yeah. it's keeping up nicely. 15:34:22 <maxamillion> what does that mean? 15:34:32 <masta> maxamillion, we can meet some place locally, and I'll show you how personally 15:34:43 <dgilmore> maxamillion: puiterwijk's auto signing is working 15:34:54 <nirik> dgilmore: did the fedpkg update with the changes for gating go out? did we want to decide on a cutover date for that? 15:35:04 <dgilmore> nirik: nope 15:35:05 <mboddu> maxamillion: you can let me know if you need anything else, and it also consists of some of the commonly happening issues and how to resolve them 15:35:20 <nirik> I'd really love to finish that 15:35:23 <maxamillion> mboddu: +1 15:35:34 <maxamillion> dgilmore: ah, swank 15:35:58 <dgilmore> nirik: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/c/293dc31427d55961222534ae26e8a97aed2d77a1?branch=master it was merged but just after 1.25 was cut and released 15:36:02 <masta> maxamillion, yeah, I'm all with mboddu .. we can help you get on board signing & pushing 15:36:35 <nirik> we should push a 1.26 out. ;) 15:36:51 <mboddu> maxamillion: before we need to sign the packages before we make the push, we have a script for it, puiterwijk auto signing eliminated that, but we are still running the script for now just in case if any package is not signed 15:37:02 <dgilmore> nirik: I will bug the guys doing the upstream stuff to cut a release 15:37:04 <maxamillion> mboddu: ahhh ok 15:37:35 <nirik> dgilmore: and do we want to tie this to the checksum thing? basically thats just a switchover to new sometime... 15:37:37 <dgilmore> lets get back to nirik's questions on the new builders 15:37:45 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah 15:37:46 <nirik> yeah, sorry, drifting. 15:38:11 * nirik had nothing more, we can test if we want to make them buildhw's or larger buildvms or something. 15:38:13 <dgilmore> nirik: no problems having one or two of the boxes used for automated testing 15:38:39 <dgilmore> nirik: I guess start with buildvms 15:38:46 <dgilmore> then we can go back if we have issues 15:39:04 <nirik> ok, in any case we wont do anything until after beta is out 15:39:16 <dgilmore> yep 15:39:32 <dgilmore> nirik: we should add it as a issue for next week 15:39:45 <dgilmore> to follow up with something concrete 15:39:48 <nirik> ok 15:39:56 <dgilmore> which reminds me 15:40:12 <dgilmore> what is the status of fedorahosted to pagure issue migration? 15:40:32 <masta> is it too early to talk about risc-v ? 15:40:56 <nirik> I need to check on that fedmsg for tickets thing... 15:42:24 <dgilmore> masta: I think we should be in discussions with them on what they need to do 15:42:33 <masta> can we do qemu koji builders? 15:42:37 <dgilmore> masta: but it is way to early talking about it being official 15:43:03 <dgilmore> masta: we could, right now they are using forks of core components 15:44:11 <masta> dgilmore, ok, it's just a feeler discussion. Hopefully things improve with the port soon 15:44:22 <dgilmore> nirik: is there a issue i can add myself to? 15:44:56 <dgilmore> hopefully in the next month we will bring ppc64 and ppc64le into koji.fp.o for rawhide 15:44:59 <nirik> yeah, but need to find it. 15:45:01 * nirik looks 15:47:24 <masta> dgilmore, that would be nice from the perspective of signing 15:48:49 <masta> dgilmore, do we have any power9 plans? 15:49:12 <dgilmore> masta: afaik it should all work just fine 15:49:38 <dgilmore> gcc is new enough 15:49:54 <sharkcz> yep, and real power9 hw is still 1 year ahead 15:49:56 <dgilmore> assuming that the kernel has the power9 config options enabled it should all just work 15:50:02 <sharkcz> ack 15:50:07 <dgilmore> Ia ssume IBM will test and report/fix as need be 15:50:36 <dgilmore> I do not think fedora needs a special power9 plan 15:50:48 <masta> good 15:51:16 <dgilmore> if there is nothing else I will wrap up 15:51:27 <dgilmore> #info no special power9 plan needed 15:51:44 <masta> wrap it 15:51:46 <dgilmore> #info will work with riscv team to ensure they do things correctly 15:52:05 * masta goes off 15:52:15 <dgilmore> #action nirik to get dgilmore ticket info fo fedmsg bug on fedorahosted to pagure issue migration 15:52:25 <dgilmore> #endmeeting