14:31:29 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2017-06-12) 14:31:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 12 14:31:29 2017 UTC. The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:31:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2017-06-12)' 14:31:29 <mboddu> #meetingname releng 14:31:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 14:31:29 <mboddu> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin 14:31:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll 14:31:29 <mboddu> #topic init process 14:31:55 * nirik is sort of here, sort of still catching up on things. 14:32:45 * threebean waves 14:32:47 * masta is in another meeting, will be half here 14:32:58 <contyk> .hello psabata 14:32:59 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 14:34:03 <dgilmore> hi 14:34:48 <mboddu> Okay, lets start 14:35:10 <mboddu> #topic #6799 [koji] Add configuration for module build service content generator 14:35:17 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6799 14:36:19 <dgilmore> there is nothing that really needs discussed 14:37:00 <dgilmore> we probably need a sop/docs on how and when to do content generation changes in koji 14:37:52 <mboddu> dgilmore: but I heard that content generators require a service running on some other machine which can handle new build types, its not part of koji? Am I right? 14:38:05 <dgilmore> mboddu: yes 14:38:11 <dgilmore> it needs documented 14:38:30 <mboddu> dgilmore: so, who takes care of that stuff? Is it releng or modularity? 14:38:35 <dgilmore> content generators are a way to build content and sput the result into koji 14:38:44 <dgilmore> mboddu: what stuff? 14:38:55 <IgorGnatenko> .hello ignatenkobrain 14:38:56 <zodbot> IgorGnatenko: ignatenkobrain 'Igor Gnatenko' <ignatenko@redhat.com> 14:39:17 <mboddu> dgilmore: the service for creating new builds and the infra related to it 14:39:22 * threebean nods 14:39:28 <threebean> in this case, that is the MBS. 14:39:28 <dgilmore> mboddu: really depends 14:39:40 <dgilmore> mboddu: releng has to make sure it does the right things 14:40:21 <dgilmore> mboddu: we need docs around when and how to setup content generators to try cover the bases 14:41:23 <mboddu> threebean, dgilmore : okay, thanks 14:41:51 <threebean> are there any questions I can help answer here? 14:43:01 <dgilmore> threebean: no 14:43:03 <mboddu> #info mboddu and dgilmore will work on documenting how and when to do content generation changes in koji. 14:43:08 <threebean> +1 14:43:17 <dgilmore> threebean: the main issue I think is lack of process and nohow 14:43:33 <threebean> I get it now :) was confused at first. 14:43:39 <dgilmore> threebean: its something new that we need to get policy etc on 14:43:42 * threebean nods 14:43:54 <threebean> yeah, and new CGs are rare and special which makes documenting it tricky. 14:43:59 <threebean> ok, thanks. 14:44:14 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 14:44:15 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 14:44:18 <maxamillion> sorry I'm late 14:44:46 <dgilmore> bad maxamillion 14:44:48 <dgilmore> :D 14:45:10 <mboddu> #info MBS will take of the new service for new module build type and infra needed for it. 14:45:15 <mboddu> Okay, lets move on 14:45:24 <mboddu> #info #6739 F26 Alpha image paths and CHECKSUM files changed partially from underscore to dash 14:45:31 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6739 14:45:49 <mboddu> We need a better way to handle this 14:45:58 <dgilmore> mboddu: this does not need to be discussed in the meeting 14:46:24 <dgilmore> though we screwed up the fix in Beta 14:46:28 <dgilmore> and made it even worse 14:46:50 <dgilmore> so we need to figure out a way to get what we have to have in the output without needing to do manual work 14:47:03 <mboddu> dgilmore: okay, it was tagged as meeting long back and we recently screwed up again, I thought we can discuss about it now 14:47:10 <dgilmore> mboddu: right 14:47:20 <dgilmore> we should have discussed it 2 months ago 14:47:25 <dgilmore> when it was tagged 14:49:15 <mboddu> dgilmore: I think we did, but afaik we just said that we will make sure we get them right 14:49:18 <mboddu> anyway, lets move on 14:50:03 <mboddu> #topic #6822 using include statements in pungi-fedora 14:50:10 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6822 14:50:12 <contyk> again? :) 14:50:26 <mboddu> contyk: just wanted to know the update, thats it 14:50:41 <mboddu> but seems like lsedler is not around :( 14:51:44 <mboddu> masta: Last time we discussed about it, you said you will update the ticket with how it can be used, please update it when you get a chance, thanks 14:51:49 <mboddu> Lets move on 14:52:29 <dgilmore> mboddu: we talked about this last week and I do not think there is anything more to add currently 14:53:33 <mboddu> dgilmore: yes, I just wanted to check if Lubos has got any update on docs, but he is not around, we can check with later on releng channel 14:53:38 <mboddu> #topic #341 ability to test spin-kickstars by doing throw away image builds in koji 14:53:46 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/341 14:54:28 * mboddu reading about it 14:55:09 <dgilmore> mboddu: you mean lubomir? 14:55:57 <dgilmore> mboddu: lsedler's first name is lubomir, its just pronounced lubos 14:56:00 <mboddu> dgilmore: I meant lsedler 14:56:24 <contyk> Lubomír can be shortened to Luboš 14:56:25 <mboddu> dgilmore: okay, thanks 14:56:35 <dgilmore> anyway 14:56:54 <dgilmore> contyk: given we have lkocman and lsedler its best to be clearer :D 14:57:05 <dgilmore> on to the ticket 14:57:14 <contyk> dgilmore: I understand :) 14:57:49 <dgilmore> the main reason historically we have not allowed people to scratch build images is that fedimg would upload all scratch built images to ec2 14:57:54 <dgilmore> it no longer does that 14:58:39 <dgilmore> I think we could allow some limited acces sto the image build permission 14:58:59 <dgilmore> the only concern I have is that people can still do real builds 14:59:16 <dgilmore> I also think we need to document much better how people can test locally as well 15:00:33 <mboddu> dgilmore: If I am not wrong, currently only releng user can create image builds in koji, so cant we just filter them out based on user? Like other than releng every other can only do scratch image builds? 15:01:09 <maxamillion> mboddu: I think there's more users than just that one who can create image builds 15:01:16 <maxamillion> iirc, I can 15:02:09 <dgilmore> mboddu: you are not correct in your understanding 15:02:22 <dgilmore> mboddu: admin users can do image builds 15:02:31 <dgilmore> mboddu: the releng user does most of them 15:02:43 <dgilmore> because they are done as part of the compose process 15:03:29 <dgilmore> $ koji list-history --permission=image 15:03:30 <dgilmore> Tue May 6 17:24:42 2014 permission image granted to masher by ausil [still active] 15:03:32 <dgilmore> Tue May 6 17:25:05 2014 permission image granted to mattdm by ausil 15:03:35 <dgilmore> Tue May 20 13:55:41 2014 permission image granted to imcleod by ausil [still active] 15:03:38 <dgilmore> Wed Feb 11 05:28:59 2015 permission image granted to vpavlin by ausil 15:03:40 <dgilmore> Fri Feb 27 15:04:28 2015 permission image granted to mmcgrath by ausil 15:03:43 <dgilmore> Mon Jan 30 05:58:00 2017 permission image revoked for mmcgrath by ausil 15:03:46 <dgilmore> Mon Jan 30 05:58:22 2017 permission image revoked for mattdm by ausil 15:03:47 <dgilmore> imcleod and masher can do image builds also 15:03:50 <dgilmore> Mon Jan 30 05:58:44 2017 permission image revoked for vpavlin by ausil 15:04:05 <dgilmore> releng does it via admin perms 15:04:45 <dgilmore> mboddu: afaik regular users can not do a scratch build without admin perms 15:04:49 <dgilmore> gashh 15:04:53 <dgilmore> without image perms 15:06:48 <mboddu> dgilmore: okay, understood, thanks 15:07:44 <mboddu> dgilmore: so, how do you think we should handle users creating real image builds? Do you have anything in mind? 15:08:31 <dgilmore> mboddu: I think that we should only give it to people actively involved in the atomic/cloud wg 15:08:45 <dgilmore> at the moment I think only dustymabe would qualify 15:09:05 <maxamillion> +1 15:09:45 <mboddu> dgilmore: okay 15:10:41 * nirik is fine with adding dustymabe there. 15:11:33 <mboddu> #info Currently fedimg supports removing scratch builds based uploading 15:12:54 <dgilmore> #undo 15:12:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mboddu at 15:11:33 : Currently fedimg supports removing scratch builds based uploading 15:13:03 <dgilmore> mboddu: thats not correct 15:13:19 <dgilmore> mboddu: fedimg no longer uploads scratch builds 15:13:39 <dgilmore> #info fedimg no longer uploads scratch built images 15:13:41 <mboddu> dgilmore: ah right, thanks 15:14:12 <mboddu> #info We should be careful about who can do the image builds and at the moment it should be people who are actively involved in atomic/cloud wg and that would be dustymabe 15:14:19 <dgilmore> #info The big cost concern over allowing people to scratch built images has been removed. 15:15:02 <dgilmore> #action we need to have some documentation written up on criteria for granting image perms 15:15:21 <dgilmore> people doing spins are restricted also 15:15:38 <dgilmore> but they have never that I can recollect asked for permission to do scratch builds 15:15:59 <mboddu> dgilmore: okay 15:16:27 * mboddu while pagure gets back online, we should cover alternate arches and open floor 15:16:49 <mboddu> #topic Alternative Architectures updates 15:17:04 <mboddu> sharkcz: any updates you want to share? 15:17:29 <sharkcz> yup 15:17:56 <sharkcz> f26 beta fo rs390 is ready, will do one more respin due issues found in the config by dgilmore 15:20:20 <mboddu> sharkcz: thanks for the update, anything else? 15:20:38 <sharkcz> nope, everything else looks good :-) 15:20:57 <sharkcz> except the s390 builder capacity, where we need to ping sysops again 15:21:37 <mboddu> sharkcz: thanks for the update 15:21:38 <nirik> the person we have dealt with on that is on paternity leave... but I exchanged some emails with him and he was going to look at it as he could 15:21:52 <mboddu> thanks nirik 15:22:00 <sharkcz> nirik: thx 15:22:26 <dgilmore> we need a lot more build capacity for armv7 aarch64, ppc64 ppc64le and s390x 15:22:33 <mboddu> #info f26 beta for s390 is ready and sharkcz will do one more respin due to issues found in the config 15:22:51 <dgilmore> sharkcz: how many vms are in the s390 hub? 15:22:51 <mboddu> dgilmore: +1 15:23:13 <sharkcz> dgilmore: s390 koji has 7 vms 15:23:24 <dgilmore> sharkcz: can we cut that to 2? 15:23:45 <dgilmore> and move 5 to primary koji? 15:24:20 <sharkcz> dgilmore: that's the plan, but it's different LPAR so we can't move them easily 15:24:34 <dgilmore> okay 15:24:58 <nirik> We have 5 more aarch64 carts... so we could add 5 more aarch64 / armv7 vm's 15:25:25 <nirik> well, perhaps not... some of those might be defined as buildhw's 15:25:27 <nirik> not sure 15:26:11 * contyk has an open floor question 15:26:19 <dgilmore> nirik: the mass rebuild for gcc showed a big change in behaviour 15:26:23 <dgilmore> and not for the better 15:26:24 <maxamillion> nirik: I read that as "aarch64 certs" and was very confused for a moment 15:27:05 <nirik> dgilmore: yeah, not sure what all we can do without more hw tho... 15:27:27 <dgilmore> nirik: not sure 15:27:38 <nirik> I would really like to retire the calxeda stuff 15:27:42 <dgilmore> I expect the next full mass rebuild will take about twice as long 15:28:05 <dgilmore> nirik: we need to get the buildvm's able to run lorax okay 15:28:18 <nirik> yep 15:28:55 <mboddu> Okay, lets move to Open Floor 15:29:06 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor 15:29:10 <contyk> yay, one minute :) 15:29:12 <mboddu> contyk: go ahead 15:29:30 <contyk> I wanted to ask about process for changes and whether there's something I need to do to get feedback for mine 15:29:46 <contyk> or whether I can just push my change to wrangler even without a formal ack from you guys 15:30:20 <nirik> contyk: which one is this? ticket url? 15:30:25 <contyk> nirik: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6815 15:31:01 <dgilmore> contyk: last I looked the change was not a change nor close to ready 15:31:13 <contyk> dgilmore: what was missing? 15:31:24 <dgilmore> contyk: you said its incomplete 15:31:31 <dgilmore> contyk: its also in the wrong spot 15:31:41 <contyk> it's formally incomplete but the only thing I'm waiting for is releng ack 15:31:44 <dgilmore> contyk: all changes have to bve under the /Change/ namespace in the wiki 15:31:55 <contyk> ah, wrong url 15:31:58 <dgilmore> contyk: you should be clear about that then 15:32:13 <contyk> the change url is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Host_and_Platform 15:32:19 <dgilmore> I know I diod not pay it much attention other than a quick glace because you said it was incomplete 15:32:22 <contyk> okay; comments like that would have helped in the ticket 15:32:42 * contyk fixes the url 15:32:44 <dgilmore> and I assumed it was still being developed and was waiting on an update saying that it was ready for review 15:33:07 <dgilmore> contyk: sure. I assumeed that it was all part of the development 15:33:21 <dgilmore> and you would move it when it was ready to go in 15:33:21 <contyk> right; well, thanks for clearing that up 15:33:30 <contyk> had no idea why nothing was happening 15:33:41 <dgilmore> because we were waiting on you :D 15:33:49 <contyk> dgilmore: but nobody said so :) 15:33:49 <dgilmore> we should have been clearer also 15:34:06 <dgilmore> contyk: did not feel we had to 15:34:15 <dgilmore> but point taken 15:34:47 <dgilmore> contyk: List of deliverables: Not affected. 15:34:49 <nirik> so, this is just the modules, would there be images made from them or just the modules? 15:34:59 <dgilmore> contyk: i find that extremely difficult to believe 15:35:06 <dgilmore> as its a change to how we deliver things 15:35:26 <contyk> dgilmore: this one is about content, not delivery; similar to how we had Base Runtime change vs. Modular Compose 15:35:34 <dgilmore> contyk: at a glance there is a ton of missing information in the change proposal 15:35:42 <dgilmore> like what you are actually proposing 15:35:53 <dgilmore> what it is that we should get out at the end 15:36:12 <contyk> nirik: this is about some modules merging and some other splitting 15:36:18 <contyk> nirik: it's not about delivery 15:36:51 <nirik> ok, this is just the module part... 15:37:09 <dgilmore> contyk: I think we should have an out of band chat 15:37:20 <contyk> dgilmore: sure 15:37:57 <contyk> I kinda think everything this change is about is in there but I may try making it more clear or something 15:38:06 <dgilmore> contyk: because I do not know what you are currentl;y proposing in the change request 15:38:56 <dgilmore> contyk: I disagree with your statement 15:40:01 <contyk> ok 15:40:27 <mboddu> Okay, we went past the scheduled time, so lets take it to #fedora-releng 15:40:31 <contyk> +1 15:41:08 <mboddu> Thank you all for joining 15:41:11 <mboddu> #endmeeting