15:02:31 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2020-09-08) 15:02:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 8 15:02:31 2020 UTC. 15:02:31 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:31 <zodbot> The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2020-09-08)' 15:02:31 <mboddu> #meetingname releng 15:02:31 <mboddu> #chair nirik sharkcz pbrobinson pingou mboddu dustymabe ksinny jednorozec 15:02:31 <mboddu> #topic init process 15:02:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 15:02:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jednorozec ksinny mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz 15:02:39 <nirik> morning 15:02:43 <sharkcz> hi all 15:02:56 <mboddu> Hello nirik and sharkcz 15:03:35 <jednorozec> hello all 15:03:43 <mboddu> Hey jednorozec 15:04:22 <mboddu> Okay, I dont specific things to talk, but couple of things for open floor, so, lets see 15:04:38 <mboddu> #topic Alternate Arch Updates 15:04:42 <mboddu> sharkcz: Anything to report? 15:04:59 <sharkcz> not this time, I think 15:05:08 <mboddu> I wish we can find a fix for imagefactory and kernel 5.9 issue - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1871958 15:05:21 <nirik> yeah, thats an anoying one 15:05:24 <sharkcz> let me see ... 15:06:15 <sharkcz> ah, aarch64 one 15:06:46 <mboddu> Yup 15:07:01 <mboddu> We untagged at least 4 kernel builds so far 15:07:09 <mboddu> Including one from today 15:07:38 <mboddu> pwhalen: Any update? (sorry to bother you randomly here :D) 15:08:02 <nirik> he's just now mentioning it in the arm/aarch64 status in meeting-2 ;) 15:08:14 <pwhalen> mboddu: none :( 15:08:22 <mboddu> lol :D 15:08:57 * mboddu jumps there for a min 15:09:12 <pwhalen> Sorry. I know pbrobinson is also going to look but I dont see any errors, kickstart works outside of imagefactory 15:10:09 <sharkcz> as I just commented in the bz - it might oz/imagefactory passing some wrong options now, or not passing the right ones to qemu/libvirt 15:10:26 <sharkcz> I had something similar on s390x recently too 15:11:05 <mboddu> sharkcz: Interesting... 15:11:18 <mboddu> pwhalen: Yeah, its kinda weird 15:11:51 <sharkcz> the result was https://github.com/clalancette/oz/pull/282 15:12:11 <sharkcz> and IIRC there are bits specific to aarch64 too 15:13:14 <sharkcz> unless there is some virt bug breaking things with 5.9 kernels 15:14:13 <nirik> I think normal virt instances are fine... 15:14:29 <nirik> so yeah, it's likely something being passed on oz/IF only 15:16:08 <sharkcz> I would look at https://github.com/clalancette/oz/blob/master/oz/Guest.py#L448 15:16:51 <mboddu> Thanks sharkcz 15:17:22 <sharkcz> np 15:18:06 <mboddu> #info BZ #1871958 is still annoying, we untagged all kernel 5.9 builds to get the composes out. We need a fix for it asap. 15:18:21 <sharkcz> I think the xml file is somewhere in the imagefactory log, so it could be tested outside IF/oz 15:18:35 <mboddu> #info A place to look at is https://github.com/clalancette/oz/blob/master/oz/Guest.py#L448 15:19:00 <pwhalen> thanks sharkcz, I'll see if I can find it and try 15:19:15 <sharkcz> pwhalen: you are welcome 15:19:26 <mboddu> Okay, moving on 15:21:37 <mboddu> #topic #9737 Please delete various accidental branches in dist-git 15:21:43 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9737 15:22:15 <mboddu> We now have a way to remove branches in dist-git - https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/howtos/blob/master/f/remove_branch_distgit.md 15:22:27 <mboddu> pingou and I cleared some branches last week 15:22:52 <nirik> great 15:23:22 <jednorozec> nice 15:23:59 <mboddu> On that topic, if you are around pingou - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9737#comment-676053, any idea how thats possible? 15:25:50 <jednorozec> mboddu, https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/9739#request_diff 15:26:40 <mboddu> jednorozec: Nope, that was from chruchyard to fix why some the script thinks some branches are not removable 15:27:03 <jednorozec> mboddu, isnt that to resolve package names as-well? 15:27:34 <mboddu> My question was, the refs are missing in the git repo but we can be able to git checkout to those branches 15:28:07 <jednorozec> oh 15:28:39 <mboddu> jednorozec: Nope, its about crazy rpm version comparison 15:33:50 <mboddu> Anyway, I will catch up with pingou later 15:34:29 <mboddu> #topic #9630 openh264 debuginfo repo is broken and #9468 Please send openh264 2.1.1 builds to Cisco 15:35:19 <mboddu> So, this is FINALLY fixed 15:36:35 <mboddu> I need to update a small piece of the document https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/9708 15:37:16 <nirik> awesome. 15:37:18 <mboddu> I need to talk to jkaluza about it, once thats done, we have a new process (kinda convoluted) to get the openh264 repos distributed 15:38:03 <mboddu> convoluted because, there is no easy way to rsync content from one host to other, so your local machine becomes a middle man 15:39:09 <nirik> we can (and likely should) setup a rsync or something. 15:40:40 <mboddu> That would be great 15:41:47 <mboddu> #info We now have a way to compose openh264 repos using pungi/odcs 15:41:51 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor 15:42:10 <mboddu> Well, the two things I had was the two tickets I discussed before 15:42:14 <mboddu> Anybody has anything else? 15:42:28 <mboddu> We have a go/no-go meeting this Thu without a RC request so far 15:42:57 <mboddu> There are bunch of blockers - https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/33/beta/buglist 15:43:07 <sharkcz> then it should default to no-go ... 15:43:47 <mboddu> Yeah 15:43:58 <mboddu> So far we got only 1 blocker fix 15:44:08 <mboddu> That too we need to push them 15:46:31 <mboddu> Anybody got anything else? 15:47:10 <nirik> nothing off hand 15:47:29 <sharkcz> nope 15:47:48 <nirik> oh, the drpm thing came up again... 15:48:07 <jednorozec> I have found email from nirik regarding FMW signing keys. Going to sign the build first thing tomorrow 15:48:29 <nirik> yeah, I was going to update that ticket as well. 15:48:46 <jednorozec> any luck with it? 15:48:47 <nirik> I got my mac connected up yesterday, but likely it needs to upgrade to sierria 15:48:51 <mboddu> Oh right, thanks nirik for your help on getting the keys 15:49:12 <mboddu> And thanks jednorozec on the win signing part 15:49:14 <nirik> was going to try and poke at it today, if I get time 15:49:28 <mboddu> nirik: So, drpm thing... 15:51:20 <mboddu> #link #7215 older drpms not synced 15:51:23 <mboddu> #undo 15:51:23 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f83c9ad2a10> 15:51:29 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7215 15:52:26 <nirik> so, probibly the least messy thing would be to modify new-updates-sync to collect the drpms from older updates composes put them in some place, make repodata and sync that as drpms... but not going to be nice... 15:55:06 <nirik> or... decouple drpms from pungi/updates pushes and make it a seperate script that generates the ones we want... 15:55:16 <nirik> no quick fix. ;) 15:55:29 <mboddu> drpms are messy, I understand the importance of them, but if foobar 1.0 is installed and got updated to foobar 1.1 and then updated to foobar 1.2, delta rpms of no use then... 15:55:47 <mboddu> If trying to update from 1.0 to 1.2 15:56:03 <mboddu> As the drpm was generated for 1.1 to 1.2 at that point of time 15:56:32 <jednorozec> drpm make sense for centos like distros 15:56:49 <mboddu> Right 15:56:58 <mboddu> As the updates are not so frequent as fedora 15:58:24 <jednorozec> I never considered in the energy needed to generate them. 15:59:29 <mboddu> And to recreate them on the client 15:59:41 <mboddu> them = the whole newer rpm 15:59:46 <nirik> you can generate a foo 1.0 to 1.2 drpm 15:59:56 <nirik> it just depends on what ones you want to generate. 16:00:14 <mboddu> nirik: Right, but the default option is to generate from the last version to the latest 16:00:22 <nirik> right now we are generating drpms in updates only when: a) There is a previous update and b) there is an update for that in the current push 16:00:39 <mboddu> Or else, we will end up with a bunch of drpms 16:00:54 <nirik> the problem is... we don't keep them around. 16:00:57 <mboddu> default = current 16:00:59 <mboddu> Yes 16:01:16 <mboddu> Anyway, its something to discuss 16:01:20 <nirik> so foo goes from 1.0 to 1.2 we make a drpm... but then the next day it's gone. 16:02:20 <nirik> another big use would be from GA to current updates... but we don't do that 16:03:10 <mboddu> The right thing would be, keep the drpms around for every update push we run 16:03:31 <mboddu> But thats a lot of churning.... 16:04:32 <mboddu> Anyway, its past the scheduled time 16:04:56 <mboddu> Lets catch up in the next meeting and we can keep updating the ticket 16:04:58 <nirik> some of those would also be useless. but yeah, that would be a first cut 16:05:40 <mboddu> Thanks guys for joining 16:05:43 <mboddu> #endmeeting