#meeting-3:fedoraproject.org: releng

Meeting started by @meetbot:fedora.im at 09:31:42 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: Agenda is at https://hackmd.io/vm6biLBcTYKtkQUH5kQkmw. (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:00:21)
  2. INFO: Meeting is 60 minutes MAX. At the end of 60, it stops. (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:00:21)
  3. INFO: Here we list/discuss anything about items that are due to be done in the next week. (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:13:26)
  4. LINK: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-41/f-41-releng-tasks.html (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:13:26)
  5. TOPIC:Scheduled actions coming up in the next week. (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:13:26)
    1. LINK: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-42/f-42-releng-tasks.html (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:13:26)
    2. LINK: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/infra/release_guide/sop_mass_branching/ (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:21:57)
  6. TOPIC:Choose next chair. (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:26:19)
    1. INFO: Next chair Feb 3rd: Samyak (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:27:15)
  7. TOPIC:Discussion / Any other business. (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:27:39)
    1. LINK: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/infra/releng_misc_guide/sop_generating_openh264_composes/ (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:37:25)
    2. INFO: Thank you all for coming! (@patrikp:matrix.org, 16:59:25)

Meeting ended at 16:59:25 UTC

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. @patrikp:matrix.org (79)
  2. @nirik:matrix.scrye.com (41)
  3. @jnsamyak:matrix.org (32)
  4. @zodbot:fedora.im (10)
  5. @meetbot:fedora.im (5)