16:32:01 <scoady> #startmeeting standup 16:32:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 16 16:32:01 2020 UTC. 16:32:01 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:32:01 <zodbot> The chair is scoady. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:32:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:32:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'standup' 16:32:09 <sfinn> .hello2 16:32:10 <zodbot> sfinn: sfinn 'Sarah Finn' <sfinn@redhat.com> 16:32:14 <abompard> .hello2 16:32:15 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org> 16:32:51 <scoady> .hello2 16:32:52 <zodbot> scoady: scoady 'Stephen Coady' <scoady@redhat.com> 16:33:24 <relrod> we should probably start calling the meeting something more descriptive, because Mote just shows it as the "standup" team :D 16:33:27 <jrichardson> .hello2 16:33:28 <zodbot> jrichardson: jrichardson 'James Richardson' <jamricha@redhat.com> 16:33:43 <scoady> relrod, whats mote? 16:33:56 <relrod> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/sresults/?group_id=standup&type=team 16:34:21 <scoady> ah, cool. good to know for the next one 16:34:28 <scoady> ok, who wants to go first? 16:34:48 <sfinn> Do you want to scoady ? 16:34:55 <scoady> #topic scoady 16:36:07 <scoady> I spent a bit of time getting a script together to create dummy users and groups. I have a PR but I will be adding to it soon and moving it as its pointed towards ryan's fork. i am adding some small changes to that too like making securitas an actual service so its easier to restart (similar to bodhi) 16:36:31 <scoady> I also spent some time today with jrichardson going through some open source stuff 16:36:38 <scoady> thats all from me, whos next? 16:36:46 <abompard> I can go 16:36:54 <scoady> #topic abompard 16:37:16 <abompard> Yesterday I opened issue #75 https://github.com/fedora-infra/securitas/issues/75 16:37:37 <abompard> And today I thought that it looked like a small thing so I might as well try and fix it 16:38:13 <abompard> but I didn't realize that it required me to have my vagrant setup up, etc 16:38:17 <abompard> and a couple more things 16:38:45 <abompard> So I've finally fixed it but it took longer than I thought 16:38:52 <abompard> I also reviewed a couple PRs 16:39:11 <abompard> I'll send a PR for the fix but it's based on Ryan's unit tests branch so I'll wait for that to be merged first 16:39:41 <scoady> abompard, do you think we should add more to that first or merge and add later if its blocking you? 16:39:42 <abompard> Ryan's Unit Tests branch is still in the blocked colummn 16:39:47 <abompard> but I think it's a mistake 16:39:50 <sfinn> Ryan is not back until Wednesday, is this something someone else could pick up? 16:40:07 <scoady> I can definitely take it 16:40:09 <abompard> I think we should merge it, it's a good structure. I sent a comment saying that in the PR 16:40:45 <scoady> ok cool lets do that then and I can still continue the user story with his commits as my base 16:40:54 <sfinn> Brill thanks 16:40:55 <relrod> abompard: I'll comment on #75, but it might require a change in the api lib we're using to parse out that error message or something 16:41:24 <abompard> relrod: which lib? BeautifulSoup? 16:41:33 <abompard> Well let's discuss it in the PR :-) 16:41:42 <relrod> ok 16:41:51 <abompard> Also thanks scoady for the comment on mypy 16:41:54 <abompard> (static typing) 16:42:03 <sfinn> Thanks all round :) 16:42:12 <scoady> it was more curiosity than anything on my part - still very new to python! 16:42:16 <scoady> ok, who's next then? 16:42:26 <sfinn> I'll go next 16:42:32 <scoady> #topic sfinn 16:43:12 <scoady> #action scoady to continue ryan's user story once his PR is merged 16:43:29 <sfinn> Sent mail to devel list about a week late but its out there now, apologies. I'd like to review/retro to Monday as I am travelling on Tuesday, I send invites.. let me know if it suits 16:43:42 <sfinn> * move 16:43:58 <sfinn> Sprint planning alternative times, welcome your feedback on that, send mail on it 16:44:30 <sfinn> There is a good few U.S in the review lane , could ye all take a look to see if you are happy to move these to done? 16:44:58 <sfinn> That's it from me , thanks 16:45:09 <scoady> #action relrod scoady abompard jrichardson to review and progress user stories 16:45:17 <scoady> thanks sfinn, whos up? 16:45:23 <relrod> I'll go 16:45:25 <scoady> #info relrod 16:45:44 <scoady> #topic relrod 16:46:25 <relrod> Not a whole lot to report right now. Currently working on the script for the full-name requirement issue. Also gathering a list of tickets for sprint 2. 16:46:39 <relrod> Should have both done Real Soon Now 16:46:45 <relrod> ™ 16:46:54 <relrod> EOF 16:47:03 <scoady> haha thanks relrod 16:47:32 <sfinn> Great thanks relrod , scoady is my translator here.. regarding the TM :) 16:47:38 <scoady> #topic jrichardson 16:48:23 <jrichardson> With loads of help[ from scoady i did my first PR today on a project called Selectize which Bodhi uses 16:48:46 <jrichardson> also started git training, and looking at beginning an ansible course 16:48:53 <jrichardson> eom 16:48:57 <scoady> jrichardson++ 16:48:57 <zodbot> scoady: Karma for jrichardson changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:48:59 <scoady> great job 16:49:05 <sfinn> Great stuff jrichardson ! 16:49:13 <abompard> sfinn: did you post instructions on how to review wireframes?gg:q 16:49:15 <abompard> :q 16:49:18 <abompard> oops 16:49:26 <abompard> darn focus 16:49:43 <abompard> (my question on wireframes still stands :-p ) 16:50:11 <sfinn> No, I didnt reach on it but I will by next week :).. I have reviewed wireframes, tagged scoady and relrod regarding a few dev questions 16:50:26 <sfinn> If all good dev wise we can move them to done 16:50:33 <scoady> #action sfinn to post instructions on how to review wireframes next week 16:50:39 <abompard> cool, thanks 16:50:48 <scoady> #action scoady to get back to the two remaining wireframes he is tagged on 16:51:11 <sfinn> We have two items in to do, do you think we will be able to progress on these 16:51:24 <relrod> which are the two? 16:51:26 * relrod pulls up the board 16:51:50 <abompard> one of them depends on the centos folks 16:51:56 <relrod> Cent OS CI should be in blocked I htink 16:51:56 <relrod> yeah 16:52:07 <abompard> the other is about setting up openshift in staging to autodeploy our code 16:52:32 <sfinn> Cool, the CentOS CI one, was that added mid sprint? 16:52:32 <relrod> abompard: for dev we can (and probably should) just use communishift 16:52:37 <abompard> do we have someone with good openshift experience in the team? Otherwise I can mimic what has been done for bodhi 16:53:01 <abompard> relrod: you think we shouldn't use staging? 16:53:05 <scoady> abompard I think that is probably a good approach anyway 16:53:11 <relrod> abompard: I have some experience. But I'm also reluctant to take on too much and have people block on me 16:53:27 <relrod> abompard: I think communishift for now unless there's a big reason not to 16:53:29 <abompard> relrod: yes good concern 16:54:15 <sfinn> If CentOS CI was added mid sprint, lets pull back into the issues ( backlog) and work on it next sprint, if we don't think we can complete it by Mon/Tues 16:54:17 <relrod> the pro of actual staging is that it's in ansible and tracked and stuff. but I feel like we're not ready for that at this point yet 16:54:34 <relrod> sfinn: I think it's in progress/blocked, but abompard will know for sure 16:54:57 <relrod> the project has already been requested right? 16:55:08 <abompard> relrod: yes 16:55:11 <relrod> yeah 16:55:13 <relrod> so I'd say blocked 16:55:14 <relrod> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16:55:16 <abompard> There's a link to their tracker in the ticket 16:55:18 <abompard> yes 16:55:42 <abompard> but not something we can do anything about, so it depends on the meaning of the blocked column 16:55:55 <sfinn> K, I have to drop off for another call, apologies.. I will take a look at the board tomorrow and message here. Are ye all on sustaining team tomorrow? 16:56:15 * relrod would use blocked for anything blocked (including this) personally, but we know I'm not agile so 16:56:15 <abompard> if having tickets in blocked column is a project management red alert, then it's not like that 16:57:27 <scoady> I will be continuing with aaa tomorrow 16:57:44 <skylink> [securitas] relrod commented on issue #75: This likely requires a change to the freeipa client lib we're using in order to store (and/or parse) that error message in some reasonable... https://da.gd/yu6oy 16:57:47 <scoady> if theres nothing else I think we're done? 16:58:05 <abompard> yeah I don't remember of a sustaining team thing tomorrow 16:58:09 <abompard> yeah 16:58:54 <sfinn> no , no red alerts :).. I just want to be able to report accuratly what we commited too to deleiverin and what we achieved within the sprint. If a ticket was added mid sprint, we should move it back out so the stat's are accurate 16:59:08 <skylink> [securitas] abompard commented on issue #75: Actually the exception class has a plain text attribute that I can use to just display the error message, so in my fix I'm using that. https://da.gd/hJi4 16:59:42 <abompard> sfinn: the ticket is the result of a ticket that was added and that was split in two 17:00:07 <sfinn> If the ticket was added to sprint that we committed too, then maybe we should look at breaking these tickets down into 2 separate tickets to ensure we don't pull in anything that is not achievable within a sprint 17:00:41 <skylink> [securitas] AdamWill commented on issue #61: Well I'd ask someone more expert for a best practice, but if you forced me to pick, I'd suggest a manual process where an admin tries to a... https://da.gd/xeLS 17:00:55 <relrod> ok we're at double our meeting time. Let's close out? 17:00:55 <scoady> ok cool, thanks everyone 17:01:02 <scoady> #endmeeting