16:00:20 <decathorpe> #startmeeting Stewardship SIG Meeting (2020-01-07) 16:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 7 16:00:20 2020 UTC. 16:00:20 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:20 <zodbot> The chair is decathorpe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship_sig_meeting_(2020-01-07)' 16:00:25 <decathorpe> #meetingname stewardship-sig 16:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship-sig' 16:00:33 <decathorpe> #topic Roll Call 16:03:17 <cipherboy> \o 16:03:23 <cipherboy> Sorry I'm late. 16:03:26 <decathorpe> hello! 16:03:31 <decathorpe> #chair cipherboy 16:03:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe 16:03:47 <cipherboy> sillebille: o/ Are you joining this meeting? 16:04:13 <sillebille> yes, I'm here! \o 16:04:24 <decathorpe> hey :) 16:04:27 <decathorpe> #chair sillebille 16:04:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe sillebille 16:04:39 <sillebille> Sorry, I was distracted with another meeting :) 16:05:09 <cipherboy> Meeting agenda looked fine to me 16:05:31 <sillebille> seemed much simpler than before :-) 16:06:20 <decathorpe> #link https://pagure.io/stewardship-sig/issue/69 Agenda 16:06:36 <decathorpe> #topic Open Floor 16:06:49 <cipherboy> Let's start with BZs and CVEs? 16:06:49 <decathorpe> cipherboy: thanks for the log4j PR, I haven't had time to look at it yet 16:07:06 <decathorpe> #topic Open Bugz 16:07:22 <decathorpe> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&email1=stewardship-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=substring&list_id=10281127&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced BugZilla 16:07:25 <cipherboy> decathorpe: np, I did it while looking at the CVEs. I had an old 2.12.0 upgrade from June that I hadn't pushed because it was broken, your fixes to do 2.12.1 was what I needed to get 2.13 working :-) 16:07:44 <decathorpe> oh, nice 16:07:46 <cipherboy> decathorpe: I closed the log4j CVE as NOTABUG since we're not affected (our versions are too new) -- but we still need to update log4j12 16:08:10 <decathorpe> cipherboy: is there an upstream patch? 16:08:21 <decathorpe> I really don't want to have to patch it myself 16:08:26 <cipherboy> I'm not sure, I'll take a look and get to that early this week. 16:08:36 <decathorpe> that would be great. thanks 16:08:51 <decathorpe> I think the snakeyaml CVE is ... *shrug*, WONTFIX? 16:09:52 <cipherboy> I think so. I got a reply from the prodsec person, saying they need to look at it more, but... I haven't heard a response. 16:10:02 <cipherboy> I'll poke them again to see if what they think. 16:10:11 <cipherboy> *see if they've had time to look at it and what they think. 16:10:20 <decathorpe> +1 16:11:07 <decathorpe> we've accumulated a few "New Version available" bugs since I didn't do anything over the holidays :D 16:11:32 <cipherboy> Rest I think looks fine. I had planned to do more work over break but I got busy, so I'll try and take a look at that next week. 16:11:58 <cipherboy> My brother is visiting this weekend, so Friday will be a short day and I'll be back Tuesday. 16:12:04 <decathorpe> nice 16:12:05 <decathorpe> great :) 16:12:24 <decathorpe> I'll try to open PRs for jackson 2.10.2 if I have the time. 16:12:39 <cipherboy> I thought we were on 2.11 for some reason, but perhaps not? 16:13:00 <cipherboy> Ah, 2.10.1 != 2.11 != 2.10.2 16:13:03 <cipherboy> :-) 16:13:13 <decathorpe> yes :) 16:13:57 <decathorpe> everything else is just new version bugs 16:14:10 <decathorpe> #topic Open Pull Requests 16:14:23 <decathorpe> #link https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig-prs.html Open Pull Requests 16:14:58 <cipherboy> A lot of these PRs have sat for a while... 16:15:07 <decathorpe> yeah some have merge conflicts 16:15:13 <decathorpe> sisu 0.3.4 should be fine though. 16:15:25 <decathorpe> testng 7.0.0 is blocked by other packages IIRC 16:16:05 <decathorpe> so I guess there's not much to talk about 16:16:07 <cipherboy> What about slf4j? Should we rebase and continue, or is there a newer version we should rebase to? 16:16:15 <cipherboy> **rebase mkonceks? 16:16:23 <decathorpe> I think there's 1.7.28 now 16:16:31 <decathorpe> and it needs to be coordinated with maven 16:17:06 <cipherboy> Ah, ok. We are a consumer of slf4j, so I could take that on if we wanted (and close mkoncek's PR) 16:17:27 <decathorpe> you, as in dogtag team? 16:17:43 <cipherboy> What coordination with maven is required? 16:18:10 <decathorpe> maven has hard-coded version dep on slf4j since it uses the slf4j sources jar 16:18:18 <cipherboy> And yes, Dogtag PKI and JSS both require slf4j, so I could take a look at it. 16:18:35 <decathorpe> but bumping the slf4j version in maven should be enough ... testing that it works would be good though 16:19:03 <cipherboy> ACK, I'm fine doing that. 16:19:03 <decathorpe> ah, good to know. then at least if you break it it's not my fault for breaking critical packages :) 16:19:09 <cipherboy> >:D 16:19:20 <decathorpe> exactly ;-) 16:19:26 <cipherboy> Do we need to coordinate with modular maven or just our unmodular version? 16:19:45 <cipherboy> I'd assume modular maven is doing its own thing and building their own slf4j, so I'm inclined to only coordinate with non-modular maven. 16:19:48 <decathorpe> non-modular only. modular maven does its own thing and I don't really care 16:19:55 <cipherboy> ACK 16:20:10 <decathorpe> #topic Review Leaf Packages 16:20:17 <decathorpe> #link https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig.html#sig-leaves Leaf Packages 16:20:29 <cipherboy> Ah, modular maven is already on 1.7.28, so we'd be fine upgrading. 16:20:35 <cipherboy> \o/ 16:20:39 <decathorpe> great 16:20:45 <decathorpe> I think we ACKed the list of "total" leaves? 16:20:48 <cipherboy> I +1'd the leaves. 16:21:11 <decathorpe> maven-mapping is new because something got retired, and I have no idea why we unretired it ... 16:21:27 <decathorpe> so I'd leave that one for now, until we know that we actually won't need it anymore 16:23:02 <cipherboy> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/8988 filed 2 months ago -- "aqute-bnd in f32 to the latest version" -- but the most recent PR agains it was 8 months ago. 16:23:19 <cipherboy> Are you sitting on an unpushed PR for aqute-bnd perhaps? 16:23:27 <decathorpe> oof 16:23:54 <decathorpe> no, I closed the PR again since I couldn't keep it up to date with the latest aqute-bnd releases 16:24:11 <decathorpe> it's built with gradle upstream and there's downstream POM files for maven :( 16:24:20 <cipherboy> Ah. 16:24:23 <cipherboy> Yuck. 16:24:39 <cipherboy> Look at that project structure: https://github.com/bndtools/bnd 16:25:19 <decathorpe> yeah, I remember the nightmares 16:25:39 <cipherboy> bouncycastle... tomcat requires it? Meh. 16:25:47 <cipherboy> So we can't just drop it. 16:26:28 <decathorpe> maybe a "real Java packager" can help us. 16:26:38 * cipherboy looks around. 16:26:49 <cipherboy> Wouldn't we need gradle back though? 16:26:54 * cipherboy sighs 16:27:15 <decathorpe> nope, I think that our downstream POM files might need adjustments. 16:27:38 <cipherboy> Ah, hm. 16:27:53 <decathorpe> the modular branch has almost everything we need. 16:28:33 <cipherboy> Hmm, perhaps we'll figure it out later. 16:29:21 <decathorpe> yeah it's not time critical or anything. 16:29:27 <decathorpe> well, let's keep maven-mapping for now. 16:29:33 <cipherboy> ACK, sounds good. 16:29:58 <decathorpe> regarding SIG leaves: I think it would be good to wait until eclipse situation is resolved. 16:30:22 <cipherboy> Sure, total leaves are unlikely to decrease IMO. 16:30:55 <decathorpe> yeah. let's just see what happens. 16:31:03 * cipherboy waits :-) 16:31:19 <decathorpe> #topic Open Floor 16:31:24 <decathorpe> anything else? I have nothing 16:31:36 <cipherboy> I've got nothing. 16:31:49 <mbooth> Hmm, I've porting somethings from gradle to maven (because of lack of availability of gradle) 16:32:13 <mbooth> What was the thing aqute-bnd? 16:32:40 <mbooth> Doesn't Mikolaj maintain that modular-ly? Can it be merged into F32? 16:32:45 <decathorpe> hi Mat! yeah, aqute-bnd. the modular branch has almost everything we need, but I'm not confident enough to push the update 16:33:14 <mbooth> What is "almost"? 16:33:42 <decathorpe> javapackages-tools-201902 has 4.3.0, upstream has 4.3.1, and I think some minor modifications were necessary 16:33:51 <decathorpe> let me check 16:34:52 <decathorpe> cipherboy: you were right, I had unpushed changes locally :) 16:35:01 <cipherboy> decathorpe: :-) 16:35:20 <mbooth> TBH I wouldn't try to update it past what is in modular branch -- if there is a gradle -> maven port you are asking for pain to maintain it 16:35:54 <decathorpe> mbooth: sure 16:36:01 <decathorpe> here's what I got when I tried: https://src.fedoraproject.org/fork/decathorpe/rpms/aqute-bnd/commits/master 16:36:15 <decathorpe> I don't remember why I didn't open this as a PR, though. 16:46:55 <cipherboy> decathorpe: If you open now, we can review it. 16:48:52 <decathorpe> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/aqute-bnd/pull-request/4 16:49:25 <cipherboy> Sounds good. I think that's all from me. Should we end then? 16:49:32 <decathorpe> yep 16:49:35 <decathorpe> thanks guys :) 16:49:39 <cipherboy> Thanks Fabio! 16:49:43 <decathorpe> mbooth++ cipherboy++ sillebille++ 16:49:59 <decathorpe> zodbot-- 16:50:25 * decathorpe tired 16:50:29 <decathorpe> mbooth++ 16:50:34 <decathorpe> cipherboy++ 16:50:37 <decathorpe> sillebille++ 16:50:43 <decathorpe> whatever 16:50:51 <decathorpe> I give up :) 16:50:54 <decathorpe> #endmeeting