16:00:04 <decathorpe> #startmeeting Stewardship SIG Meeting (2020-02-04) 16:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 4 16:00:04 2020 UTC. 16:00:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:04 <zodbot> The chair is decathorpe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship_sig_meeting_(2020-02-04)' 16:00:08 <decathorpe> #meetingname stewardship-sig 16:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship-sig' 16:00:21 <decathorpe> #topic Knock Knock 16:00:43 <decathorpe> #chair cipherboy sillebille 16:00:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe sillebille 16:00:45 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Open Sesame? 16:00:48 <decathorpe> hey guys 16:00:58 <cipherboy> \o Sorry for the silence lately. 16:01:14 <decathorpe> no worries 16:01:27 <decathorpe> mhroncok: are you busy? 16:01:39 <mhroncok> not at all, was plannign to go here 16:01:46 <decathorpe> oh great 16:01:48 <decathorpe> :D 16:01:51 <decathorpe> #chair mhroncok 16:01:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe mhroncok sillebille 16:02:18 <cipherboy> All the usual suspects are here. 16:02:34 <decathorpe> #link https://pagure.io/stewardship-sig/issue/71 Agenda 16:02:47 <decathorpe> #topic Review Open RHBZ Bugs 16:02:55 <decathorpe> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&email1=stewardship-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=substring&list_id=10281127&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced 16:03:16 <decathorpe> the only interesting / new bugs I see are the netty CVEs 16:03:24 <decathorpe> or rather, CVE singular 16:04:03 <cipherboy> decathorpe: I've assigned myself capacity this sprint to work on SIG stuff, so Dinesh or I could take the netty CVEs if we want them fixed. 16:04:17 <cipherboy> I haven't looked at them to see if they're important or not. 16:04:24 <decathorpe> me neither. 16:04:40 <decathorpe> let me see what we need netty for anyway 16:05:06 <mhroncok> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1796276 is high priority 16:06:22 <decathorpe> netty 4.1.44.Final should have the fix 16:06:33 <decathorpe> so we "just" need to update the package. 16:07:06 <cipherboy> Sounds good. 16:07:27 <cipherboy> Yeah, Dinesh or I can take that. We'll arm wrestle later. :) 16:07:37 <decathorpe> cipherboy: good luck: https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig-stats.html#netty-stats 16:08:04 <mhroncok> 4.1.14 or .15 should do fine 16:08:22 <sillebille> yeah, I can do that. I have planned some bandwidth with rebasing SIG packages this month 16:08:22 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Whoof. Well, we'll have fun. :-) 16:09:11 <decathorpe> I mean, if we're at it, we can update it to the latest version as well *shrugs* 16:09:23 <cipherboy> sillebille: Good, then I'll take a look at the other packages I promised last meeting... :-) 16:09:52 <decathorpe> great! 16:09:57 <decathorpe> any other bug-related news? 16:10:36 <mhroncok> decathorpe: can we just close the epel8 requests? 16:10:50 <cipherboy> +1 from me. 16:10:57 <decathorpe> I think so. 16:11:32 <decathorpe> I think they were able to just drop the maven-javadoc-plugin dependency? 16:11:48 <mhroncok> yes 16:12:03 <decathorpe> yeah, then closed:NOTABUG is fine with me 16:12:11 <mhroncok> I went with WONTFIX 16:12:13 <cipherboy> We don't maintain epel8 branches, do we? Are there others maintainers we can assign to? 16:12:16 <cipherboy> wfm 16:12:35 <mhroncok> cipherboy: unfortunatelly, there is no such thing as epel8 branch maintainers 16:12:55 <decathorpe> I guess you read the tirade on devel@ as well? ;) 16:13:12 <mhroncok> there are no such branches and if we find a volunteer to maintain on epel, we should make sure to give them fedora branches as well 16:13:16 <cipherboy> I did, but I wasn't sure if we had "designated" some people to do so on some packages. 16:13:29 <cipherboy> Ah, I wasn't sure if they had epel8 branches or not. 16:13:44 <mhroncok> well, we could have, without our knowledge 16:13:58 <mhroncok> becasue that happened as well 16:13:59 <decathorpe> as far as I am concerned, EPEL7/8 does not exist 16:14:32 <decathorpe> until somebody asks us to care. 16:14:41 <cipherboy> decathorpe: I wish I could have that world view. ;-) 16:14:44 <cipherboy> (some days...) 16:14:47 <cipherboy> :D 16:15:11 <decathorpe> btw, I'm running some repoqueries right now, and I suppose we could orphan netty ;) 16:15:55 <cipherboy> \sillebille might've gotten a good package. :P 16:16:10 <decathorpe> I'll put the results into a pagure ticket once the results are in. 16:16:12 <decathorpe> next topic? 16:16:24 <cipherboy> ++ 16:16:37 <mhroncok> orphan netty souns good 16:16:45 <decathorpe> #topic Review Open Pull Requests 16:16:50 <decathorpe> #link https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig-prs.html 16:17:13 <decathorpe> I've rebased all my PRs for after the mass rebuild. most are ready for ACK → merge → build. 16:17:18 <cipherboy> sillebille: You mentioned that my log4j patches should merge _after_ slf4j, but shouldn't it be _before_? 16:17:43 <sillebille> cipherboy, I don't think so. 16:17:45 <cipherboy> sillebille: IIRC it doesn't break older slf4j, and doing so means log4j won't be broken by the new slf4j... But that's my 2c. 16:17:53 <cipherboy> Either works though. 16:18:08 <sillebille> yeah, I think the patch gets applied without errors. But, anything is fine... 16:18:14 <decathorpe> so long as you submit both builds on the same day, it should not matter. 16:18:25 <sillebille> and override on bodhi 16:18:27 <sillebille> yeah 16:18:29 <cipherboy> Okie dokie. I'll wait for sillebille then. 16:18:38 <decathorpe> sillebille: you don't need overrides for rawhide 16:18:38 <sillebille> I have reviewed log4j.. 16:18:54 <sillebille> I'm waiting for slf4j and maven review 16:19:06 <decathorpe> I can look at those two. 16:19:14 <sillebille> decathorpe, ah. yeah rawhide doesn't need. 16:19:22 <sillebille> btw, should we be backporting this to F31 and F30? 16:19:27 <sillebille> thanks decathorpe :-) 16:19:38 <decathorpe> nope 16:19:45 <sillebille> okie dokie 16:19:49 <decathorpe> more work for no good reason? no thanks 16:20:03 <cipherboy> :D 16:20:25 <sillebille> XD 16:20:33 <mhroncok> you cna test the side tag on demand mutlibuild gating thing with log4j 16:20:33 <decathorpe> can somebody give ACKs to the simple "bump version and don't change anything else and everything still builds" PRs? 16:20:44 <decathorpe> mhroncok: good idea. 16:21:41 <mhroncok> side note: netty orphanning affects jython, but jython is pretty much upstream dead 16:22:00 <cipherboy> mhroncok: Like I said, I don't think there's a log4j -> slf4j circular dep, we can safely push the log4j update _now_, even before slf4j is reviewed and merged. 16:22:18 <mhroncok> ack 16:22:18 <cipherboy> Side tags seem like an overkill solution :P 16:22:29 <cipherboy> Ohh love me some tasty Jython :-) 16:23:20 <cipherboy> decathorpe: There is a new jython release as of 3 days ago... 16:23:20 * mhroncok loves side tags 16:23:32 <mhroncok> cipherboy: wtf? 16:23:37 <cipherboy> mhroncok: Well 3rd beta. 16:23:42 <cipherboy> https://github.com/jythontools/jython/releases 16:24:01 <mhroncok> holy molly 16:25:00 <decathorpe> python 2.7 on Java? seems like a recipe for disaster 16:25:29 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Only if running on Java 6 ;-) 16:26:14 <mhroncok> I must admin, I thought jython is on a farm upstate 16:26:24 <mhroncok> we don't want to loose jython I guess :( 16:27:10 <decathorpe> then sillebille needs to work on that netty update ;) 16:27:44 * sillebille wonders what he stepped into 16:27:49 <sillebille> jk 16:28:30 <sillebille> yeah, I'll start with the netty update today. I'm not familiar with jython. I'll leave it some expert to deal with it 16:28:50 <cipherboy> I'm surprised someone ships jython... But that's me. 16:29:10 <mhroncok> well, we have it in Fedora 16:29:21 <mhroncok> we also have it in the e c l i p s e module 16:29:46 <decathorpe> oh, I see what you did there 16:29:51 <mhroncok> :D 16:30:18 <decathorpe> #topic Open Floor 16:30:42 <decathorpe> I don't think we need to talk about SIG leaves? 16:31:07 <decathorpe> I think there's some opportunities for clean-ups, but I'll need to run a full check for that 16:31:07 <mhroncok> what is the general status? 16:31:15 <decathorpe> https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig.html#sig-leaves 16:31:34 <decathorpe> so ... not bad, but with room for improvement. 16:31:38 <mhroncok> resteasy sounds like we don't want to drop, right? 16:31:42 <decathorpe> yeah. 16:31:54 <cipherboy> I want resteasy. 16:31:57 <sillebille> we want it 16:31:58 <decathorpe> and some are needed by ecl!pse, which we just managed to fix. 16:32:08 <mhroncok> which we just managed to fix? 16:32:29 <decathorpe> yeah 16:32:31 <decathorpe> mhroncok: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-af402829e2 16:32:37 <cipherboy> Do I still need to update resteasy? I forget. 16:32:49 <decathorpe> cipherboy: yeah it's really old 16:32:56 <cipherboy> ACK, will get around to that again. 16:33:12 <cipherboy> I swear i have a build somewhere, just need to find whichcomputer it is on. 16:33:12 <mhroncok> decathorpe: \o/ 16:33:33 <decathorpe> cipherboy: I think you said something about bumping resteasy to the branch that's supported in RHEL or something. 16:34:01 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Righ, I think I have that somewhere, not sure I ever submitted that as a PR 16:34:32 <decathorpe> I don't think so. 16:35:03 <decathorpe> well, I think that's it from my side 16:36:28 <cipherboy> Think so too. I think this'll be a better two weeks to get stuff done. 16:36:48 <decathorpe> \o/ 16:37:18 <mhroncok> decathorpe: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-af402829e2 is not good 16:38:04 <decathorpe> mhroncok: do you have the temporarily-default-stream-but-then-reverted ecl!pse module still enabled? 16:38:40 <mhroncok> no way 16:39:45 <mhroncok> anyway, we don't need to solve that on this meeting 16:40:34 <decathorpe> hm. the error messages about filtered deps threw me off. 16:40:54 <cipherboy> mhroncok: It works for me, but I don't have any modules and have disabled all modular repos. Strictly ursine e. 16:41:13 <decathorpe> cipherboy, sillebille: anything you want to talk about? otherwise I'll give you all 20 minutes back. 16:41:21 <cipherboy> Nope, that's it from me. 16:41:26 <sillebille> nope. 16:41:30 <mhroncok> cipherboy: disabling the modular repos helps 16:41:57 <decathorpe> heh. I don't want to open that can of worms today :) 16:42:03 <sillebille> + disabling auto-enabled ant and maven repos 16:42:17 <decathorpe> thanks guys 16:42:19 <decathorpe> #endmeeting