#ansible-meeting: Testing Working Group
Meeting started by gundalow at 17:01:19 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Core Update (gundalow, 17:02:36)
- Ansibot is now live on the merged repo
(ansible/ansible) and seems to be doing the right thing, shout out
in #ansible-devel if you see anything strange (gundalow,
- Progress is being made (slowly) on getting
Network test appliances brought up for CI. Starting with VyOS
- ansible-test is now using the integration test
aliases files in the repo, instead of having them re-generated from
the legacy destructive/non_destructive playbooks when CI runs
- No meetings w/c 26th December (gundalow,
- Open Floor (gundalow, 17:06:53)
- http://wiki.vyos.net/wiki/User_Guide
- for the console bit (allanice001,
Meeting ended at 17:32:44 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- allanice001 (25)
- gundalow (25)
- zodbot (5)
- mattclay (2)
- mattcla (0)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.