17:00:07 <gundalow> #startmeeting Testing Working Group 17:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 29 17:00:07 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'testing_working_group' 17:00:14 <gundalow> #chair mattclay 17:00:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mattclay 17:01:21 * mattclay waves 17:01:30 <gundalow> dag1: dag_ caphrim007 Pilou Hi 17:01:37 <caphrim007> hey 17:01:40 <Pilou> o/ 17:01:46 <shaps> hi 17:01:49 <gundalow> #chair caphrim007 Pilou shaps 17:01:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou caphrim007 gundalow mattclay shaps 17:02:03 <gundalow> #link Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/114 17:02:10 <gundalow> spredzy: Not sure if you are still around or not 17:02:15 <gundalow> So on the agenda today 17:02:44 <gundalow> 1) Testing Working Group Structure - Feedback and ideas after Contributors Summit in London 17:02:51 <gundalow> 2) Use pycodestyle instead of pep8 17:03:02 <gundalow> 3) Test dependencies test/runner/requirements/integration.txt 17:03:16 <gundalow> 4) Unit tests and mocking libraries 17:03:24 <gundalow> 5) Cleaning up test/ 17:03:50 <gundalow> 6) Testing win_url - httptester for Windows 17:04:09 <gundalow> 7) xml for FeeeBSD & MacOSX 17:04:24 <gundalow> #1 is the big one, so I think we leave that till last 17:04:41 <shaps> probably better do them in reverse order 7->1 17:04:51 <gundalow> +1 17:05:01 <gundalow> #topic lxml 17:05:11 <gundalow> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/114#issuecomment-311114266 17:05:22 <mattclay> This is on my list to take care of this week. 17:05:25 <gundalow> #info From Dag: For the new xml module, we need lxml provisioned. For the docker images, this is already the case, but for the VMs (FreeBSD, MacOSX) lxml is still missing. 17:05:44 <gundalow> mattclay: cool, so all in hand? 17:05:49 * mattclay nods 17:06:06 <gundalow> #action mattclay to look into lxml 17:06:30 <gundalow> #topic win_url integration tests (httptester for Windows) 17:06:47 <gundalow> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/114#issuecomment-311111626 17:07:04 <gundalow> #info From Dag: For testing the win_uri module (and eventually the uri module as well) we would like to look at using httptester. This was deemed the preferred way during some discussion (don't have a reference at hand). 17:07:15 <gundalow> #info From Dag: For Windows that would mean that the VMs need to be able to connect the the httptester docker network. As a result, we will leave the idea to set up our own http listener process (#153 (comment)). 17:07:24 <gundalow> mattclay: I think this is something you've talked about before 17:07:57 <mattclay> This one is also on my list, although not for this week. I'd like to be able to tunnel requests from the remote Windows instance back to the system running the tests, but this is more difficult on Windows since we're not connecting via ssh. 17:08:20 <gundalow> Currently is httptester open to the world? 17:08:40 <mattclay> No, it's not. Also, I'd like this to work when running ansible-test manually, not just on Shippable. 17:08:48 <gundalow> +1 17:09:30 <gundalow> #info We'd like to be able to tunnel requests from the remote Windows instance back to the system running the tests, but this is more difficult on Windows since we're not connection via ssh 17:09:32 <mattclay> I'm thinking we might be able to run a tunnel service (perhaps even ssh) on the Windows instance and connect to it for establishing a connection back to the controller running the tests. 17:09:52 <gundalow> #info Idealy we want this to work when running ansible-test manually, not just on Shippable. 17:10:14 <mattclay> I'll chat with nitzmahone about this (we're meeting up soon to discuss other Windows issues) and see what his thoughts are. 17:10:18 <shaps> mattclay, but then you would be relying on that service to be available 17:10:19 <nitzmahone> I'm here 17:10:29 <gundalow> #chair nitzmahone 17:10:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou caphrim007 gundalow mattclay nitzmahone shaps 17:10:38 <mattclay> shaps: Yes, and I'd install it as part of the test if we go that route. 17:10:47 <gundalow> #action mattclay to investigate this, he's got some ideas 17:11:01 <gundalow> #topic Cleaning up test/ 17:11:16 <nitzmahone> Powershell-over-SSH actually works under limited circumstances- not to the point that I'd "support" it yet, but that might be the easiest solution to Windows jump-hosting if people are willing to install SSH on the Windows hosts. 17:11:26 <gundalow> #info Clearing out test_win_group*.yml and some of the Makefile targets 17:11:42 <gundalow> #info PR has been raised: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/26255 17:11:59 <gundalow> #info Waiting to check we will not break Ansible Tower testing 17:12:08 <nitzmahone> Oh, I see the context now, NM 17:12:44 <gundalow> #info Clearing out these files will make it a lot clearer for people creating tests 17:13:06 <gundalow> #topic Unit Test and mocking 17:13:26 * gundalow looks for an example 17:13:33 <gundalow> mattclay: do you want to give an #info overview 17:14:02 <mattclay> #info We've been seeing an increasing number of unit test PRs wanting to add more test requirements. 17:14:19 <gundalow> caphrim007: Thisis one for you as well 17:14:29 <caphrim007> ok 17:14:32 <mattclay> #info Instead of adding more requirements for unit testing, we've been suggesting that unit tests mock their dependencies instead. 17:14:39 <gundalow> #info Example https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24895 17:15:28 <mattclay> #info This reduces test requirements and focuses testing on modules, not their dependencies. 17:15:41 <gundalow> #info 2nd example https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/26026 17:16:06 <caphrim007> mattclay: I am +1 on this....provided that it works for the dependencies i use 17:16:17 <caphrim007> i'd be happy to try it using the provided examples though 17:16:26 <pdellaert> glad to see i'm an example. And i'm not against mocking, however in regards to PR 24895: The whole module is designed to allow Ansible to use a full SDK with an API behind. Mocking the core of it, will take some time 17:16:34 <gundalow> For reference caphrim007 is from F5 who's been creating a load of unit tests 17:16:49 <gundalow> #chair pdellaert 17:16:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou caphrim007 gundalow mattclay nitzmahone pdellaert shaps 17:16:54 <gundalow> pdellaert: Ah Later :) 17:17:01 <mattclay> If the mocking of dependencies is cumbersome that may be an indication the unit tests are trying to be integration tests instead. 17:17:06 <Pilou> i remind this commit https://github.com/mikedlr/ansible/commit/25dbdacbe8ad83b62d370c321d7d6afdc22cab7c (AptInstallationTestCase, not merged) 17:17:16 <pdellaert> decided that i didn't look serious called 'later' in a meeting ;) 17:17:23 <gundalow> pdellaert: :D 17:17:45 <gundalow> mikedlr: You around? 17:17:48 <caphrim007> mattclay: in my case i think my dependency is just written awkward. making it difficult to mock 17:17:54 <caphrim007> in in any case, i'll give it a go 17:18:12 <caphrim007> i can report my progress in future test meetings 17:18:13 <gundalow> caphrim007: Do you think you've got the information you need? 17:18:16 <caphrim007> but until them i am +1 17:18:22 <caphrim007> yeah i think so 17:18:27 <caphrim007> per those 2 examples 17:18:29 <mattclay> caphrim007: I would hope that it is actually easier to mock the surface area of a dependency in most cases, instead of mocking whatever it is the dependency deals with (HTTP requests, filesystem, etc.) 17:18:42 <pdellaert> anyway, i do see a good reason for mocking, people should not be required to have modules installed to run tests. My case for PR24895: Without the basic core of the VSPK module, the whole module is useless and any tests preformed on it, is pretty useless as well 17:19:07 <caphrim007> mattclay: that's why i'm going to give it the good ol college try 17:19:10 <gundalow> #action caphrim007 to experiment with using mocking some of the F5 unit tests and report back 17:19:26 <mattclay> pdellaert: That makes me think that perhaps you should be looking at writing an integration test playbook instead. 17:20:05 <pdellaert> potentially, yes, and if you look at the unit tests i'm doing, these are already in some cases more integration tests 17:20:26 <pdellaert> for a real integration test, you would need a real Nuage VSP deployment (or at least our Management plane) 17:20:53 <mattclay> pdellaert: I don't suppose there is a simulator, such as a docker container, available that the tests could run against? 17:20:57 <pdellaert> which is something i could try and get orchestrated, as we have something open/online for that, but it will lengthen the test significantly 17:21:02 <pdellaert> no, not at this time 17:21:39 <pdellaert> the only thing we have available (for customers wanting to test API integration) is NuageX, a platform with a single management plane deployed on demand 17:21:43 <caphrim007> gundalow: should i find that mocking isn't a problem, I would be delaying converting all the existing unit tests until after 2.4 17:22:11 <pdellaert> (but that platform does not have an API to request/run the deployment of that test env itself, yet, which is a good RFE ;)) 17:22:29 <gundalow> pdellaert: I (as part of the Networking Team) have started a POC on how to run distributed tests, so you can host Nuage test equipment in your lab, and we (ansible) can look at the results. More details on the in the coming month 17:22:52 <gundalow> caphrim007: Sure, that's the pragmatic thing. Do you have more modules to add? 17:22:54 <caphrim007> gundalow: i would be keen to be a part of that for F5 gear 17:23:06 <caphrim007> not yet gundalow 17:23:06 <mattclay> I don't think we want to use unit tests as a substitute for integration tests just because the needed endpoints/services aren't available to run the integration tests. Using something like distributed-ci (what gundalow just mentioned) seems more appropriate. 17:23:07 <gundalow> caphrim007: You are on my list, don't worry :) 17:23:16 <pdellaert> gundalow: sounds interesting, for now, my main goal in this meeting is to determine how to move forward with this PR/test cases 17:23:34 <mattclay> Even if we can't run the integration tests in our CI system, I think I'd rather see integration tests written as such, instead of writing unit tests with a crazy amount of mocking. 17:23:57 <caphrim007> mattclay: in my case i have integration tests for all my modules 17:23:58 <gundalow> pdellaert: How many other modules do you have to get in for 2.4? 17:24:06 <caphrim007> but not publicly exposed gear to point it at 17:24:39 <pdellaert> gundalow: ansible modules? None, this is our target for 2.4 17:24:41 <Pilou> there are some examples of ansible-with-mock in the openshift/openshift-ansible (https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/tree/master/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit) 17:25:37 <pdellaert> I'm already mocking the API replies in my tests, of course, because there is no real API behind 17:25:41 <caphrim007> Pilou: thanks for that 17:26:06 <mikedlr> gundalow: I'm around 17:26:08 <gundalow> pdellaert: What would be involved to rewrite the tests for your PR as an integration test, with a mocked out API replies? 17:26:29 <gundalow> mikedlr: Just talking about mocking and Unit tests which I thought you may find interesting 17:27:47 <pdellaert> gundalow: depending if we need to do extensive integration tests, or if testing the basic API functionalities (CRUD) is enough 17:27:50 <mikedlr> avoid, unless you have to , in which case it's a good thing it's possible ;-) 17:28:21 <pdellaert> gundalow: in case of basic API functionalities, it wouldn't be as complicated as mocking the base VSPK library 17:28:22 <mikedlr> response to mattclay ; the mocking is often horrible because the code needs refactored and simplified 17:28:47 <pdellaert> extensive integration testing is already taken care of with the VSPK library itself in our internal QA 17:29:00 <gundalow> ^ That's the main thing 17:29:35 <gundalow> So maybe just a basic CRUD integration test is fine 17:30:36 <pdellaert> sure, i'll also investigate how much i can keep in unit tests without having VSPK installed, but i fear it will be down to basic input testing and negative case testing, so code coverage of unit testing will be abismal 17:30:37 <gundalow> We just want something to protect us from accidently breaking all of Nuage when changing something in module_utils 17:30:58 <gundalow> Sure, though as you say, you have local QA that works through that 17:31:06 <pdellaert> gundalow: which is appreciated of course :) 17:31:14 <gundalow> #action pdellaert to add pragmatic testing for Nuage 17:31:20 <gundalow> Anything else on that one 17:31:56 <gundalow> otherwise I'll move onto the next (related) topic 17:32:15 <pdellaert> gundalow: if you want to have a private conversation on how we can do an actual integration test with an actual Nuage management node, i'm open to it and i can investigate how far i can push our internal teams to have some support 17:32:45 <gundalow> Sure, I'll ping you my details 17:33:05 <gundalow> #toic Reducing the dependencies in test/runner/requirements/integration.txt 17:34:02 <gundalow> bah 17:34:09 <gundalow> #topic Reducing the dependencies in test/runner/requirements/integration.txt 17:35:08 <gundalow> So related to previous topic the list of "requirements" is growing 17:35:36 <gundalow> # The list of "requirements" is ever growing. We plan on trimming that down to only what's needed to run ansible-test 17:35:40 <gundalow> #info The list of "requirements" is ever growing. We plan on trimming that down to only what's needed to run ansible-test 17:36:36 <Pilou> Should some integration tests be rewritten using unit tests ? 17:36:55 <gundalow> #info For integration tests we are considering 1) requirements in test/integration/targets/*/requirements.txt 17:37:04 <mattclay> Many integration tests already install dependencies they have during the test. Some rely on ansible-test to do this for them. We'll be migrating those requirements from test/runner/requirements/integration.txt into the tests themselves. 17:37:44 <gundalow> #info 2) or Just install them in during the playbooks. If they dependencies are needed by multiple roles then use a presetup_foo and set that in meta/main.yml dependencies 17:38:14 <shaps> it probably makes sense to have a 'setup' role that allows you to do that 17:38:32 <Pilou> yep 17:38:33 <mattclay> I originally liked the idea of #1, but the more I've thought about it, I think #2 is the better approach. Particularly because we already do it for some tests and it doesn't require adding more functionality to ansible-test. It's also more flexible. 17:39:04 <mattclay> Some tests already have to set specific dependency versions, uninstall dependencies, re-install them, etc. So doing it in the playbook makes the most sense. 17:39:16 <shaps> yep 17:39:42 <gundalow> Yup and #1 only works for pip 17:40:04 <mattclay> So it's just a matter of removing some entries from test/runner/requirements/integration.txt and adding them to the integration tests themselves. I have that on my list. 17:40:16 <shaps> well, I guess it *could* work for other pkg managers, just adds a ton of code to ansible-test 17:40:17 <mattclay> Unless someone else wants to volunteer. :) 17:40:31 * gundalow looks at the tumbleweed 17:40:37 <gundalow> so I guess we are agreed on #2 17:40:53 <shaps> mattclay, if you can give me some guidance I can do that 17:40:54 <branko> ('lo, just lurking) 17:41:09 <gundalow> #chair branko 17:41:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou branko caphrim007 gundalow mattclay nitzmahone pdellaert shaps 17:41:14 <gundalow> branko: Welcome :) 17:41:18 <gundalow> shaps: Excellent 17:41:34 <gundalow> #chair dag 17:41:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou branko caphrim007 dag gundalow mattclay nitzmahone pdellaert shaps 17:41:45 <mattclay> shaps: Sure, we we can discuss after the meeting. 17:42:06 <shaps> ok 17:43:13 <gundalow> #action agreed we will remove the integration dependencies and add them into the playbooks instead (in pretest_foo if needed by multple roles) 17:43:14 <shaps> I'll then bother gundalow as usual when I get stuck :D 17:43:20 <gundalow> shaps: :) 17:43:27 <dag> sorry 17:43:46 <mattclay> gundalow: Actually, that should be: setup_foo 17:43:59 <gundalow> dag: httptester for windows - The two matts will chat about that next week 17:44:09 <gundalow> dag: lxml It's on the list 17:44:48 * gundalow is going to skip pycodestle as I'd like to talk about Testing Working Group Structure 17:44:53 <mattclay> The existing integration tests use various setup_ roles for common setup. Also, ansible-test knows to ignore those (I doesn't consider them tests). 17:45:06 <mattclay> s/I doesn't/it doesn't/ 17:45:13 <gundalow> #action, correction setup_foo 17:45:41 <gundalow> #action also lets remove the empty setup_tests (from memory) that doesn't do anything 17:45:44 <gundalow> ok, next 17:45:53 <gundalow> #topic Testing Working Group Structure 17:46:24 <dag> \o/ 17:46:27 <gundalow> #info First of all, massive thank you to everyone that attended in person or online for the Contributors Summit as part of London Ansible Fest 17:46:44 <gundalow> Was great to meet some of you in person 17:47:12 <shaps> was very good indeed 17:47:42 <gundalow> #info There was a lot of discussion about how to make it easier to Working Groups to document and self organise 17:48:10 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/community/ has been restructured there are now directories per working griup 17:48:23 <gundalow> #info group-windows is the best example 17:48:33 <dag> Designed after the Openstack community repo 17:48:44 <gundalow> #info Also we have wiki's now https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki again Windows is best example 17:48:53 <dag> Although the README.md is semi-autogenerated from a yaml file 17:48:54 <gundalow> #info based on how k8s do stuff 17:49:39 <gundalow> #info we how have more IRC channels #ansible-aws #ansible-vmware #ansible-windows 17:49:47 <gundalow> So the discussion part 17:50:22 <gundalow> We've talked a bit in the past before about how to put a list of things people can get involved in and help 17:50:59 <gundalow> Windows have created 17:51:05 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows%3A-progress-tracker 17:51:06 <gundalow> and 17:51:12 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows%3A-community-plan 17:51:30 <gundalow> and a higher level action list o fhttps://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows%3A-action-list 17:51:33 <gundalow> so 17:51:37 <gundalow> Do we want something similar 17:51:48 <gundalow> This could be where we list things like 17:52:06 <gundalow> 1) Tests to update to stop using requirements.txt 17:52:27 <gundalow> 2) Tests that use external dependencies rather than httptester, and therefore are occasionally unstable 17:52:37 <gundalow> 3) List of important modules that don't have integration tests 17:53:12 <shaps> I believe having a community plan will take us to have a fairly good action list 17:53:14 <gundalow> 4) List of things that need unit tests (e.g libraries under module_utils) 17:53:26 <shaps> ( sorry broken your list ) 17:53:38 <gundalow> lol, that's why I number 17:53:51 * gundalow hopes people do add there thoughts 17:53:59 <gundalow> (don't wait for me to stop talking) 17:54:18 <dag> gundalow: the TWG has a lot more stuff anyone can help out with, or rather, distribute tasks to (all) maintainers... 17:54:35 <gundalow> Yup 17:54:41 <dag> gundalow: especially for TWG I think it's worthwhile to have a clear channel to maintainers, with monthly/quarterly updates 17:54:51 <gundalow> and if you can write a Playbook then you can write an integration test 17:55:27 <dag> definitely, but a lot of maintainers have lost the connection with the mothership, and that's something we have to work on 17:56:04 <gundalow> Yup, that's something that I'd like to improve 17:56:42 <gundalow> We've got ~11 weeks till the next Contirbutors Summit (again all welcome in person/virtually) 17:57:30 <gundalow> I'd love for all the working groups to be in a great shape by then with good lists of how people can help, then we can mention it at AnsibleFest itself 17:57:49 <dag> I think we need a CWG working on different shareholders in the community and how to address them, and the content can come from the other Working Groups 17:57:56 <gundalow> Yup 17:58:04 <gundalow> totally agree 17:58:10 <gundalow> so bring it back to TWG 17:58:19 <dag> but who's going to take that lead, everyone is busy with their own stuff 17:58:30 <dag> ok 17:58:43 * gundalow has time ringfenced for TWG 17:58:56 <gundalow> so, does it make sense to start with the Action list? 17:59:19 <shaps> +1 17:59:22 <Pilou> +1 17:59:41 <gundalow> ideas, what should be on there 17:59:56 <shaps> it's not a huge list, but it's a start :) 18:01:12 <shaps> gundalow, Can't think of other things to add 18:01:32 <gundalow> 5) Reviewing testing_pull_request PRs 18:02:42 <Pilou> is there a place where the "testing policy" (for example: tests are required new network modules) is written ? 18:03:19 <gundalow> Pilou: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/dev_guide/testing_integration.html#network-tests 18:05:47 <dag> Windows syntax checking, code style and coverage 18:05:56 <gundalow> Who doesn't have an edit option on https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Testing:-action-list if want rights please ping me your GitHub ID and I'll add you 18:07:05 <dag> the individual action list is actually quite easy to manage, these things come up during meetings (or from tickets asking to help/review) 18:08:04 <shaps> true. I see test-related things in the Windows group, would it make sense to have all the testing related items in the TWG? 18:09:27 <gundalow> hum, I'd say initally on the Windows WG, though we should be aware of them 18:10:01 <shaps> yeah, I said Windows, but I meant any other group, really 18:10:40 <gundalow> nod 18:10:45 <dag> gundalow: I think it would be great if TWG also maintains a list of known issues with CI 18:10:52 <gundalow> dag: oh, that's a good idea 18:10:57 <Pilou> is there some doc about httptester ? 18:11:01 <dag> gundalow: the things people may see from time to time, or where one could report such issues centrally 18:11:06 <gundalow> Yup 18:11:11 <dag> Pilou: yes ! 18:11:31 <gundalow> Pilou: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/dev_guide/testing_httptester.html 18:11:34 <dag> CI seems to be much better now, but there were times where 50% of the time it would fail 18:11:40 <branko> This topic is more about how to organise etc in working group, or...? 18:11:58 <dag> branko: organize and communicate to others (transparency) 18:12:07 <mattclay> Tracking known issues on a wiki page would be good. For reporting new issues, ping myself and gundalow. 18:12:27 <dag> mattclay: I was thinking of one ticket where people could report, maybe ? 18:12:39 <dag> that could be a ticket people could follow as well 18:12:54 <gundalow> hum, that's a point not everyone can update the wiki 18:12:56 <gundalow> oh 18:13:00 <mattclay> dag: I suppose that works too. It may get a little messy as issues are resolved, but we can address that later. 18:13:01 <dag> otherwise it's one-to-one communication 18:13:12 <gundalow> do we want an #ansible-testing channel? 18:13:32 <dag> gundalow: might not be that bad, as everyone relates to testing these days 18:13:35 <mattclay> I don't think we have enough testing specific discussions yet that we need to separate from devel. 18:13:48 <shaps> ^ +1 18:13:54 <dag> indeed, if it relates to everyone, we don't need a dedicated channel 18:14:13 * dag was flip-flopping there :p 18:14:24 <branko> Plus it might increase visibility? 18:14:29 <gundalow> Sure, I've flip-flopped a bit as well 18:14:31 <branko> (using same channel) 18:14:31 <gundalow> branko: good point 18:16:01 <shaps> gundalow, I believe those 2 pages you linked earlier are not linked by anything in the docs 18:16:11 * dag has created a few badges on shields.io that you could integrate in your wiki/README.md, to show open tickets/PRs based on a label 18:16:21 <shaps> ( or I'm blind and can't see them :) 18:16:34 <dag> they have not yet been integrated, but I hope they will, and we can add more if you have nice ideas 18:16:40 <gundalow> #action We will continue to use #ansible-devel as 1) Most of what we talk about relates to everyone 2) increase visibility 18:17:00 <gundalow> erm 18:17:08 <gundalow> #agreed We will continue to use #ansible-devel as 1) Most of what we talk about relates to everyone 2) increase visibility 18:17:08 <dag> gundalow: Would be nice to add that in the README.md (use of #ansible-devel, and the reason why) 18:19:13 <gundalow> dag: good idea, done 18:20:19 <gundalow> testing_integration.html is linked form testing.html 18:20:37 <gundalow> You might be right and testing_httptester.html may not be linked from anything 18:20:49 <dag> The link to coverage reports should be in the Wiki-main page (instead of progress, maybe ?) 18:21:50 <gundalow> Where should the lower level detail of what need unit test need adding need adding 18:22:16 <dag> What is missing from the README.md is how people are supposed to contact/collaborate (and that's missing for the WWG too) 18:22:26 <gundalow> should they be individual headings under progress-tracker like https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows%3A-progress-tracker 18:22:29 <dag> gundalow: ah, that's also progress, true 18:22:49 <gundalow> #action gundalow to add people to contact/collaborate on README.md 18:22:51 <dag> again, what I did was just what seemed useful (i.e. what we did in Etherpad) 18:23:08 <dag> maybe there's a better way to do this, maybe even automated ? 18:23:14 <gundalow> #action gundalow to look at old TWG etherpad and pull relevant info in 18:23:22 <gundalow> #chair 18:23:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou branko caphrim007 dag gundalow mattclay nitzmahone pdellaert shaps 18:23:47 <gundalow> Pilou: shaps Do you want adding to the list of members, and have edit powers on the wiki? 18:24:10 <shaps> gundalow, I do already 18:24:20 <gundalow> shaps: oh, sweet 18:24:31 <shaps> erm.. "I do have powers already" 18:24:36 <Pilou> same 18:24:53 <Pilou> I made some minor changes ;) 18:25:46 <gundalow> cool 18:25:56 <gundalow> feel free to hack over whatever I've done 18:29:43 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Testing:-progress-tracker created 18:29:51 <gundalow> well the outline, detail needs adding 18:31:14 <shaps> gundalow, I'll update the list of tests that use requirements 18:31:31 <shaps> likely tomorrow 18:31:32 <gundalow> shaps: Ace, thanks 18:32:29 <dag> gundalow: PEP8 non-compliance with a link to the legacy whitelist :) 18:32:32 <dag> that's an easy one 18:32:40 <gundalow> dag: erm, no 18:32:42 <dag> (although not really test-related) 18:33:16 <gundalow> We will look at doing the pep8 stuff in bulk 18:33:44 <dag> gundalow: hmm, I thought for modules that wasn't actually needed, but ok 18:36:53 <shaps> I need to leave now. If there's anything else that I can help with, feel free to tag it to me on tracker/action plan 18:37:01 <gundalow> shaps: Thanks 18:37:16 <dag> let's start tagging to shaps right away 18:37:16 <shaps> have a good evening all 18:37:27 <shaps> well, evening/morning/restoftheday 18:37:30 <dag> bye :-) 18:37:55 <shaps> dag, yeah, doesn't mean I'll actually do it hehe 18:38:39 <gundalow> We can continue this all in #ansible-devel tomorrow :) 18:38:45 <gundalow> haha 18:41:00 <dag> gundalow: is it ok if I add some of the individual actions from the Windows action list ? 18:41:59 * dag is not sure how well the Wiki stuff works when people are editing at the same time ;-) 18:42:25 <pdellaert> What better way then try! ;) 18:42:36 <pdellaert> than 18:42:55 <dag> :-) 18:44:35 <gundalow> dag: badily it seems 18:44:38 <gundalow> dag: sure 18:45:07 <dag> it's the lxml, httptester and Windows syntax/style/coverage integratiuon 18:45:24 <dag> and then also the Windows 2016 (Windows 10 please ?) too 18:45:30 <gundalow> Sure, that makes sense to be on our list 18:45:32 <dag> and the speed improvements to WIndows testing 18:45:57 <dag> that's the nice part, we can add stuff to your list, but the reverse doesn't make that much sense 18:46:12 <dag> unless you start managing our non-compliant stuff :p 18:46:36 <dag> actually, you guys do have some leverage... 18:46:38 <gundalow> :P 18:46:51 <gundalow> Writing Windows Tests should stay on your list 18:47:36 <dag> we are getting there, most that doesn't have tests doesn't have the infrastructure :-( 18:47:59 <dag> but the real deal is having a look at coverage, so we know where we lack proper testing 18:48:07 <dag> I think that's going to make a bigger difference 18:49:44 <gundalow> :) 18:51:23 <gundalow> shaps: Pilou You may wish to raise a PR to update https://github.com/ansible/community/tree/master/group-testing 19:01:47 * dag still needs to work on the yaml2ical script 19:02:04 <dag> then we can get rid of the Google Calendar privileges 19:02:22 <gundalow> yup 19:02:52 <gundalow> cool 19:03:07 <gundalow> Well I'm happy with what's been discussed and agreed today 19:03:10 <gundalow> Thanks everyoen 19:03:15 <gundalow> We can continue in #ansible-devel 19:03:18 <gundalow> #endmeeting