21:06:56 <docrea> #startmeeting Ushahidi Group (08/09/16) 21:06:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 9 21:06:56 2016 UTC. The chair is docrea. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:06:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:06:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ushahidi_group_(08/09/16)' 21:07:09 <docrea> #topic Introductions 21:07:28 <docrea> Alan Rea, WMU 21:07:32 <ithabarr> Hi, John Barr from Ithaca College here. 21:08:17 <_Leo__> Leo Li, Howard University 21:09:36 <docrea> #topic Project Reports/Questions 21:09:49 <docrea> #topic John's Project 21:09:58 <docrea> Floor is yours John 21:10:14 <ithabarr> Hi all, I’m planning to use Ushahidi in my mobile dev class this fall 21:10:28 <ithabarr> To prepare, I’m trying to install Ushahidi on a linux server 21:10:39 <ithabarr> That’s what I’ll have the class doing 21:10:54 <ithabarr> After some fighting, I got the server and client installed. 21:10:59 <docrea> Nice 21:11:08 <Ying_Liu> good to know, John 21:11:18 <ithabarr> I’m now trying to run the server, and running into some problems. Mostly directory changes 21:11:20 <docrea> Are you planning on having the student's code using the Ushahidi mobile classes? 21:11:48 <ithabarr> Perhaps. I was thinking that they could just write a mobile app that hits their server 21:11:59 <ithabarr> They’d have to figure out the Ushahidi api’s 21:12:06 <ithabarr> did your students do that Alan? 21:13:28 <docrea> I had them develop an entire mobile app. They used OpenStreetMap APIs, Ushahidi Java classes (part of the API) and wrote a bit on their own for the overall app 21:13:50 <ithabarr> How hard is it to figure out the Ushahidi Java classes? 21:14:15 <_Leo__> How many credit hours for that course, Alan? 21:14:25 <docrea> Not too difficult once you have the documentation. There is a link in the project documentation I shared in the Google drive 21:15:06 <docrea> #link https://github.com/ushahidi/Ushahidi_Java 21:15:29 <docrea> Mine was a senior-level 3-credit course 21:15:45 <ithabarr> That looks pretty straight forward. 21:15:58 <docrea> All the students had already taken the basic Android class, so I didn't need to get them up to speed on the basics 21:16:27 <ithabarr> yeah, I’ll have to teach some Ahdroid at the beginning. 21:16:58 <docrea> They also needed to use the Open Street Map API to mark and track locations though 21:17:39 <ithabarr> did they use the Open Street API in their Android app? 21:17:53 <_Leo__> Maybe you give students a rough framework of app and let them fill blanks? 21:18:12 <docrea> #link https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Api 21:18:22 <docrea> Yes they did 21:19:19 <ithabarr> Did they get location info from openstreet and send that to Ushahidi? 21:20:00 <docrea> Yes, they were able to use it to get their current location, drop a pin, and then send the lat/long to OpenStreetMap to track the lost pet location 21:20:34 <ithabarr> Sounds doable. Did they have to modify Ushahidi to accept new data? 21:20:41 <docrea> To clarify...since that sentence was convoluted....Used OSM to get location, sent it to Ushahidi, and then displayed it. 21:21:08 <docrea> Then when others used the app, the process was reversed so other users could see the map locations 21:21:10 <ithabarr> Thanks, that’s clear. 21:21:46 <docrea> That was all done in the Java classes. They did not need to rewrite the basic Ushahidi code 21:22:05 <ithabarr> That’s great! 21:22:15 <ithabarr> by the java classes, you mean the API? 21:22:18 <docrea> Yes 21:22:46 <ithabarr> Did they have to modify the java classes in the API? 21:23:32 <docrea> I believe so, but don't quote me on that once. The memory fades ;} 21:23:43 <ithabarr> I understand that! 21:23:56 <docrea> hey definitely had to change parameters, etc. Not sure they had to rewrite any base functions 21:24:19 <docrea> I would need to review the code to be sure. 21:24:37 <ithabarr> No problem, we’ll be reviewing the code in class. 21:24:51 <ithabarr> Can I ask a question about running Ushahidi? 21:25:21 <docrea> Sure thing 21:25:36 <ithabarr> I’ve installed the server and the client. I assume that I go to the bin directory in the server and run “ushahidi”. 21:26:04 <ithabarr> Then a client connects to the server. 21:26:25 <docrea> Are you running the Web client right now? 21:26:35 <ithabarr> I have the client installed, so I would run the client via a browser and it would connect to the server? 21:27:21 <docrea> Yes. 21:27:47 <ithabarr> ok, that works like I thought. Seems like I’ll need to modify the client so that it has the address of the server. 21:27:48 <docrea> I'm assuming you did all the configurations and updates? 21:28:04 <docrea> Oh yes there are many configs to do with the client and Apache. 21:28:18 <docrea> #link https://www.ushahidi.com/support/install-ushahidi#installing-on-linux 21:28:29 <ithabarr> I did the configurations and updates. I think I have Apache configured correctly. 21:28:44 <ithabarr> I’m having problems running the server. 21:29:07 <ithabarr> Gives the error PHP Warning: require(/home/barr/public_html/us-serve/platform/src/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/barr/public_html/us-serve/platform/src/Init.php on line 20 21:29:32 <ithabarr> Unfortunately, can’t find the file “autoload.php” anywhere. 21:30:03 <docrea> Is there anything in the Init.php file that includes or points to it?] 21:30:33 <ithabarr> Line 20 points to ../vender/autoload.php 21:30:54 <ithabarr> The comment talks about composer, so I’m wondering if it’s trying to access composer 21:32:22 <docrea> Once question: You are installing Ushahidi Server and Client both at version 3? 21:33:29 <ithabarr> hmm, good question. 21:33:46 <docrea> I would really recommend getting on the Gitter chat with them. 21:33:51 <docrea> #link https://gitter.im/ushahidi/Community 21:34:24 <docrea> I'm there and Robbie (main dev) is hanging out and answering questions like he normally does. Helped my students a great deal. 21:34:38 <ithabarr> good, I’ll get there. 21:35:07 <docrea> Well, he's away right now, but normally there. Just saw him marked as "away" 21:35:25 <ithabarr> no problem, I can check over the next few days and see if he shows up. 21:36:23 <docrea> Sometimes there are fixes/workarounds that are not documented yet. I haven't run into your issue, but who knows given the pace of the code updates. 21:36:54 <ithabarr> yeah, that’s what I’m afraid my students will run into 21:37:19 <docrea> It happened a couple of times last semester when I did it, but we worked through it. 21:37:32 <ithabarr> It’s probably good experience for them. 21:37:33 <docrea> I put many of the documentation links at the time in the Google drive. Use at will. 21:38:09 <docrea> Leo or Ying, do you have questions/updates? 21:38:19 <_Leo__> No questions. 21:38:33 <_Leo__> I was just put onto a course I didn't expect. 21:38:40 <docrea> Ouch 21:38:53 <_Leo__> Probably won't have time left for anything else 21:38:54 <docrea> So no Ushahidi this Fall for you? 21:39:07 <_Leo__> I guess so. 21:39:14 <docrea> Definitely understand. We'll be around next Spring and beyond. 21:39:21 <_Leo__> I've taught that course before 21:39:36 <docrea> #topic General Questions/Topics 21:39:38 <_Leo__> Yes, may try in Spring 21:40:20 <_Leo__> I meant I never taught the assigned course before. 21:40:24 <docrea> Any other questions? 21:40:44 <_Leo__> Not here. Good to see the discussion between you and John though. 21:40:47 <docrea> I think we've all had that happen at least once. No fun. 21:40:55 <docrea> Ying? 21:41:46 <docrea> #Going Forward 21:42:14 <Ying_Liu> not now. 21:42:15 <docrea> So is there interest in meeting over the course of the Fall semester from anyone? We may be able to pull in a few veterans as well. 21:42:28 <ithabarr> I think that would be a good idea. 21:42:33 <_Leo__> Agree. 21:42:38 <Ying_Liu> Sure. I will be interested in knowing how John's class goes. 21:42:50 <Ying_Liu> I will try to use Ushahidi in Spring 2017 21:42:56 <docrea> OK. I'll send out another Doodle poll to find a day/time. 21:43:06 <Ying_Liu> Great. Thank you. 21:43:08 <ithabarr> I’d be happy to give updates and would share whatever my students produce. 21:43:13 <docrea> We can always see about going through the Spring as well. 21:43:16 <Ying_Liu> Thanks. John 21:43:21 <_Leo__> Thanks. 21:43:21 <docrea> That would be great 21:43:32 <docrea> #Closing Out 21:43:41 <docrea> #topic Closing Out 21:43:42 <Ying_Liu> Take care, you all 21:43:44 <ithabarr> Bye all 21:43:50 <_Leo__> Bye, thx Alan. 21:43:50 <docrea> Thanks everyone! 21:43:55 <Ying_Liu> tahnks 21:44:01 <docrea> #stopmeeting 21:44:15 <docrea> #endmeeting