13:07:37 <andreasn> #startmeeting Weekly Cockpit meeting 2017-04-03 13:07:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 3 13:07:37 2017 UTC. The chair is andreasn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:07:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:07:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_cockpit_meeting_2017-04-03' 13:07:41 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 13:07:42 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 13:07:44 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:07:45 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:08:11 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 13:08:12 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 13:08:57 <andreasn> #topic Agenda 13:09:07 <andreasn> * ABRT 13:09:37 <dperpeet> * security between nested login sessions 13:09:44 <mvollmer> * Server Apps 13:10:15 <andreasn> all right 13:10:17 <andreasn> #topic ABRT 13:10:41 <andreasn> https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/cockpit-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org/thread/A5VLQM32XVZDPID5O6IHLNOHX7SSICXB/ 13:10:51 <andreasn> was what started this 13:11:07 <andreasn> some back and forth, and I did a design 13:11:14 <andreasn> and now there is a PR 13:11:37 <andreasn> by marusak 13:11:54 <mvollmer> cool 13:11:57 <andreasn> design-wise it looks good 13:12:01 <andreasn> but it needs code review 13:12:38 <andreasn> the style of the tabs are also a bit off, haven't been able to figure out why though 13:12:52 <andreasn> maybe garrett, dperpeet or mvollmer would know 13:13:05 <mvollmer> i can have a look tomorrow 13:13:20 <andreasn> cool, thanks! 13:13:22 <garrett> sure; I'd be happy to look into the tabs being off 13:13:26 <andreasn> thanks! 13:13:43 <andreasn> I think it might be some class that is missing or so 13:13:45 <mvollmer> writes down "look at ABRTPR" 13:13:51 <andreasn> :) 13:13:59 <andreasn> eot from me re that 13:14:20 <mvollmer> ok 13:14:45 <andreasn> next topic 13:14:57 <mvollmer> yep 13:14:58 <andreasn> #topic Security between nested login sessions 13:15:22 <dperpeet> I just wanted to highlight that stef wrote a mailing list post about this ("Assumed security between nested login sessions") 13:15:38 <dperpeet> and it wasn't a late April fool's message about "armed security" :) 13:15:50 <dperpeet> related to this is https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/6260 13:16:32 <dperpeet> this is about making Cockpit a bit better regarding security 13:18:51 <dperpeet> eot from me 13:19:04 * mvollmer nods 13:19:11 <andreasn> ncie 13:19:13 <andreasn> nice 13:19:17 <andreasn> #topic Server Apps 13:19:51 <mvollmer> I want to make a "Application Manager" for cockpit 13:20:08 <mvollmer> the first idea is to re-use the AppStream metadata format 13:20:18 <mvollmer> and extend it in two dimensions 13:20:21 <mvollmer> one, for Cockpit 13:20:26 <mvollmer> two, for containers 13:21:05 <andreasn> #link https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Server-Applications 13:21:10 <mvollmer> i have started to talk with the appstream people and others, and everybody seems to like the idea 13:21:24 <mvollmer> i have semi concrete plans 13:21:57 <mvollmer> for example, the appsream people have already thought about adding a "service" type, for systemd units (my guess) 13:22:09 <mvollmer> that would work well with cockpit, so I'll try to move that forwards 13:22:29 <mvollmer> container wise, I want to look at system containers, mostly 13:23:03 <mvollmer> challenges right now: splitting the metadata so that the server doesn't need to download 14M of GNOME icons 13:23:39 <mvollmer> i have also started talking to the FreeIPA people, bc I want to make a FreeIPA server app first 13:24:11 <mvollmer> no code yet, but hopefully soon 13:24:17 <andreasn> nice! 13:24:33 <mvollmer> andreasn, we also need to talk. :-) 13:24:46 <andreasn> yup! I haven't finished reading the wiki page yet 13:24:50 <andreasn> but will do that today 13:24:57 <mvollmer> might be out of date already... 13:24:58 <andreasn> it's on my todo list 13:25:29 <mvollmer> important for you: current idea is to have a list 13:25:32 <mvollmer> of installed apps 13:25:38 <mvollmer> and each entry in that list 13:25:47 <mvollmer> is actually plugin provided by that app 13:25:59 <mvollmer> so the entries are live and custom 13:26:03 <petervo> mvollmer, is that list stored by cockpit? 13:26:04 <andreasn> a cockpit plugin? 13:26:12 <mvollmer> that way we can have mini uis that point somewhere else 13:26:25 <mvollmer> petervo, o, it would be derived from has been installed 13:26:29 <mvollmer> *no 13:26:50 <mvollmer> looking at the manifests, and also at metainfo files in /usr/share/appdata, I guess 13:27:14 <mvollmer> andreasn, yes, a cockpit plugin 13:27:17 <andreasn> nice 13:27:17 <petervo> and only showing ones we recognize? 13:27:22 <petervo> that seems nice 13:27:35 <mvollmer> yes 13:28:16 <mvollmer> dont know how that will work with containers 13:28:19 <andreasn> all right, so I have a todo to look over the document carefully and add feedback 13:28:28 <mvollmer> thanks! 13:28:37 <andreasn> eot? 13:28:41 <mvollmer> as all plans, this will likely change a lot 13:28:43 <mvollmer> yeah 13:28:47 <andreasn> thanks! 13:28:57 <andreasn> all right. I guess that's it 13:29:05 <andreasn> thanks everyone! 13:29:09 <andreasn> #endmeeting