13:30:43 <cdrage> #startmeeting Weekly Nulecule IRC Meeting 13:30:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 25 13:30:43 2016 UTC. The chair is cdrage. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:30:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:30:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_nulecule_irc_meeting' 13:31:44 <cdrage> ping ccaf dustymabe dharmit mzee1000 praveenkumar rtnpro tkral tuxdna 13:31:54 <cdrage> Looks like it'll be a short meeting today! 13:32:01 <ccaf> .hellomynameis containscafeine 13:32:02 <zodbot> ccaf: containscafeine 'Shubham Minglani' <shubham@linux.com> 13:32:07 <cdrage> So please state any blockers as well as what you're currently working on :) 13:32:09 <mzee1000> .fas mohammedzee1000 13:32:09 <zodbot> mzee1000: mohammedzee1000 'Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed' <mohammed.zee1000@gmail.com> 13:32:12 <cdrage> .hellomynameis cdrage 13:32:13 <zodbot> cdrage: cdrage 'Charlie Drage' <charlie@charliedrage.com> 13:32:22 <dustymabe> hiya cdrage 13:32:26 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 13:32:27 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 13:32:28 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 13:32:30 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 13:32:36 <dharmit> .fas dharmit 13:32:36 <zodbot> dharmit: dharmit 'Dharmit Shah' <shahdharmit@gmail.com> - shahdharmit 'Dharmit Shah' <shahdharmit@gmaill.com> 13:33:44 <cdrage> So for myself, no blockers, I've been working on refactoring the OpenShift provider in order to make it compatible / cleaner for both k8s and openshift. There will be a PR / github branch on it today. 13:34:08 <cdrage> Other than that, applying for containercon talks (hopefully get an atomic app talk in for containercon in Toronto in August) 13:34:42 <ccaf> Hey cdrage :) Worked on docker CLI to docker-py conversion (shipy) and updated the GitHub issue which dustymabe raised on docker-py, waiting for response and refactoring code a bit, time to time. Now, looking at/learning to write tests in python and will help rtnpro with OpenShift functional tests, and will look at adding labels/tags to atomicapp deployments (atomicapp inspect, ps) 13:35:53 <rtnpro> not much updates from me, still working on config refactor and exploring docker compose-swarm ecosystem and comparing with k8s world 13:36:18 <cdrage> rtnpro: any updates on your functional tests? 13:36:41 <dustymabe> hey cdrage - mainly been working on higher level stuff this past week. some PR reviews here and there. no blockers for me 13:36:53 <cdrage> been meaning to talk to you in regards to that, i have some suggestions in regards to using docker instead of using your ansible scripts :) 13:37:07 <rtnpro> cdrage, so, I was waiting on tkral to give me the assertions for openshift provider, I asked ccaf to look into it 13:37:26 <cdrage> rtnpro: okay! :) 13:37:30 <rtnpro> cdrage, and we need to talk regarding where we need to put the provisioning 13:37:39 <rtnpro> cdrage, let's do that after the meeting 13:37:52 <cdrage> yeah, in my opinion, docker + cli instead of ansible. over-engineering it 13:37:54 <cdrage> okay 13:38:05 <cdrage> tkral: WHAT'S UP? :d 13:38:38 <rtnpro> tkral is on PTO, I believe :D 13:38:52 <dustymabe> yeah tkral is off this week 13:39:46 <cdrage> ahhhhh, I completely forgot, pto till the face-to-face 13:39:47 <ccaf> So is Suraj, today! 13:39:53 <cdrage> yay! :) 13:40:04 <cdrage> we should do some hacking sessions in bangalore! haha 13:40:31 <cdrage> This really is a short meeting, is there anyone else who'd like to give an update? 13:41:56 <cdrage> Okay, without further ado, I'll end the meeting then! 13:42:07 <cdrage> 3... 13:42:17 <cdrage> 2... 13:42:20 <cdrage> 1... 13:42:22 <cdrage> #endmeeting