13:34:58 <cdrage> #startmeeting Weekly Nulecule IRC Meeting 13:34:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 16 13:34:58 2016 UTC. The chair is cdrage. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:34:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:34:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_nulecule_irc_meeting' 13:35:02 <dharmit> Sorry, I was afk. Didn't have to report anything from ADB side of things. 13:35:12 <surajd> .fas surajd 13:35:14 <zodbot> surajd: surajd 'Suraj Deshmukh' <surajssd009005@gmail.com> 13:35:21 <ccaf> .hellomynameis containscafeine 13:35:22 <zodbot> ccaf: containscafeine 'Shubham Minglani' <shubham@linux.com> 13:35:29 <cdrage> ping dustymab1 dharmit ccaf mzee1000 tkral 13:35:36 <cdrage> i think that' it for people currently online 13:35:39 <cdrage> .hellomynameis cdrage 13:35:40 <zodbot> cdrage: cdrage 'Charlie Drage' <charlie@charliedrage.com> 13:35:45 <ccaf> ping pradeepto 13:35:45 <tkral> .hello tkral 13:35:46 <zodbot> tkral: tkral 'Tomas Kral' <tkral@redhat.com> 13:35:50 <dustymabe> cdrage: here 13:35:51 <cdrage> and praveenkumar :) 13:35:53 <pradeepto> .hellomynameis pradeepto 13:35:54 <zodbot> pradeepto: Sorry, but you don't exist 13:36:00 <cdrage> LOL 13:36:01 <pradeepto> yes, kinda sad 13:36:02 <dustymabe> :) 13:36:06 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 13:36:07 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 13:36:12 <pradeepto> ;) 13:36:17 <dustymabe> hey pradeepto you should make an account in FAS 13:36:29 <cdrage> So since we haven't had a meeting for a few weeks, let's just go in order this time so we can catch up with everyone :) 13:36:37 <pradeepto> dustymabe: will do 13:36:38 <dustymabe> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts 13:36:40 <mzee1000> .fas mohammedzee1000 13:36:40 <zodbot> mzee1000: mohammedzee1000 'Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed' <mohammed.zee1000@gmail.com> 13:36:41 <pradeepto> thanks 13:36:43 <cdrage> ccaf: alphabetical order, you're up first! 13:36:45 <ccaf> oops 13:37:22 <cdrage> So to whomever is listening in to this meeting but is unfamiliar, we all give out a status update of what we've been working on plus any blockers that may be incurring us. 13:37:51 <ccaf> Been a long week, was WFH, back today. Was doing shipy, now doing golang and using docker engine golang library and libcompose to get my hands dirty. 13:38:08 <ccaf> fin 13:38:24 <cdrage> ccaf: cool! in relation to golang, is it just learning at the moment or are there any projects being contributed to? 13:38:39 <cdrage> for ex. i learned a bit of golang for docker-machine atomic integration :) 13:38:54 <ccaf> cdrage, learning. 13:39:08 <cdrage> cool :) so i'm up next since it's alphabetical 13:40:39 <cdrage> been working on the API, but got a bit side-tracked due to issues that arose from it, did a series of PR's and successfully got a working binary of atomicapp, tried it on coreos / debian / centos and it works great! did updates to logging as well so it's incredibly clean now 13:41:06 <cdrage> not much else to do for k8s api integration, just need to comment on all the code i wrote 13:41:08 <cdrage> no blockers 13:41:19 <dustymabe> cdrage: cool 13:41:40 <cdrage> dustymabe: i believe you're up next! 13:42:00 <dustymabe> ok 13:42:17 <dustymabe> so there was the India Trip and then I was PTO last week 13:42:43 <dustymabe> got to see my nephew for the first time 13:42:45 <dustymabe> https://twitter.com/dustymabe/status/730509976989470720 13:43:02 <ccaf> dustymabe++ 13:43:03 <dustymabe> unfortunately I didn't have much time to make any progress last week 13:43:10 <cdrage> dustymabe: the hat is HUGE 13:43:19 <dustymabe> cdrage: that's our red hat 13:43:22 <dustymabe> :) 13:43:57 <pradeepto> Yuuuge! 13:44:25 <cdrage> mzee1000: you're up :) 13:45:02 <mzee1000> Hi so i have been working on the atomic registry for the CentOS Paas sig with KB 13:45:28 <cdrage> mzee1000: cool :) 13:45:34 <mzee1000> Need to find out how to allow anonymous users to pull images form one of those 13:45:43 <cdrage> pradeepto: you're up! 13:46:11 <pradeepto> yes 13:46:17 <pradeepto> even though I don't exist 13:46:58 <pradeepto> I spent Friday, sometime during weekend and today interviewing potential hires 13:47:19 <pradeepto> in between, I was looking at the Ansible-compose thing a bit 13:47:45 <pradeepto> no blockers otherwise. 13:47:50 <pradeepto> EOF 13:47:51 <cdrage> cool :) okay i believe surajd is next! 13:47:59 <surajd> I mostly did look at clayton's PR (found some issues and have reported them to origin), tried few things around it. 13:47:59 <surajd> Was also trying out libcompose(but to no success, reported some docs issue there). 13:47:59 <surajd> Also I have created a repo of compose2 examples of multi-container Nulecule https://github.com/surajssd/compose-lib. 13:48:00 <surajd> Now I am rebasing on rtnpro's config PR https://github.com/projectatomic/atomicapp/pull/720 in atomicapp (Learning golang as well). 13:48:03 <surajd> No blockers, our(tkral and mine) and rtnpro 's PR will go hand-in-hand. 13:48:05 <surajd> And once some skeleton code is up on henge will also be tracking that. 13:48:07 <surajd> <EOF> 13:48:15 <cdrage> woah, must of had that copy and pasted or you're a REALLY fast typer >.> 13:48:21 <surajd> yeah 13:48:24 <surajd> :D 13:48:38 <surajd> copy-pasted 13:48:59 <cdrage> it's good that we're all learning a bit of golang, although one thing I want to point out to everyone is if you have any open PR's please update / ping the respective people to get them merged in :) 13:49:15 <cdrage> i want to try and clear up atomicapp issues / PR's, looking at issues mostly since we're still above 80 13:49:41 <cdrage> but yay, refacting the config PR, I had some issues with config data when I was doing the API, so thanks for working on it! :) 13:49:41 <surajd> we also have a new-meeting kinda sync up on Thursday right? 13:49:57 <surajd> on every thursday I mean 13:50:02 <cdrage> i don't see it on my calendar 13:50:09 <surajd> pradeepto, what is the finalized time? 13:50:29 <pradeepto> i am waiting for dustymabe and cdrage for that :) 13:50:39 <pradeepto> dustymabe seems to have a clash at that time 13:50:47 * cdrage checking email 13:50:59 <cdrage> was there one sent? 13:51:11 <surajd> yes 13:51:33 <cdrage> yeah, i don't see one :( let's talk about it after the meeting! but yeah, we need to sync up 13:51:44 <cdrage> whose next? tkral! 13:51:44 <surajd> okay np 13:52:06 <tkral> Regarding AtomicApp I had couple of short discussions with surejd and rtnpro about config handling refactoring. 13:52:14 <tkral> Other than that I spend most of time deep inside openshift source code that handles docker-compose import. 13:52:41 <tkral> I started cherry picking all related code for conversion. 13:52:48 <tkral> work in progress is here: https://github.com/kadel/henge/tree/playgound 13:53:14 <tkral> but it is not functional yet. 13:53:31 <cdrage> tkral: awesome :) so i'm going to send an email to atomic-devel later today so we can get a repo up on projectatomic for 'henge' 13:53:54 <cdrage> so we can all make PR's / contribute / etc. 13:53:54 <pradeepto> tkral: awesome! 13:54:18 <tkral> cdrage, i think that there is lot of time to do that 13:54:37 <surajd> yes we should wait until we have somthing functional 13:54:39 <tkral> what i have so far is not usable, and it is not working at all :-) 13:54:49 <surajd> little bit functional atleast 13:54:55 <dustymabe> thanks guys for taking initiative on this 13:55:10 <cdrage> oh btw, if you guys want to look at a Go example for atomicapp, have a look at https://github.com/cdrage/atomicapp-go there's a few things that we can take from it to use in henge in regards to logging (logarus), cli commands, etc. 13:55:11 <tkral> dustymabe, np 13:56:02 <cdrage> one of things that would help as well to get some boiler-plate code is using codegangsta/cli, etc. there's quite a few 'essential' golang libraries that I could recommend 13:56:13 <cdrage> anyone else I've missed for updates / blockers / etc? 13:56:18 <cdrage> or any other topics we could discuss? 13:56:31 <dustymabe> did we get rtnpro? 13:56:39 <cdrage> he had to step out today 13:57:28 <dustymabe> k 13:59:05 <cdrage> alright, without further ado, i'm going to end the meeting 13:59:17 <cdrage> 3... 13:59:29 <cdrage> 2... 13:59:43 <cdrage> 1... 13:59:45 <cdrage> #endmeeting