20:00:14 <jborean93> #startmeeting Windows Working Group 20:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 26 20:00:14 2017 UTC. The chair is jborean93. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'windows_working_group' 20:00:23 <jborean93> hey anyone who is here 20:00:27 <dag1> o/ 20:00:37 <jborean93> #chair dag1 20:00:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag1 jborean93 20:00:43 <dag1> So nitzmahone and jhawkesworth_ are not joining today 20:00:53 <jborean93> yep I see their messages 20:01:04 <dag1> (just mentioning it for the logs ;-)) 20:01:11 <jborean93> I've got nothing really to talk about except I'm continuing on with the documentation 20:01:35 <dag1> We had Sprint 2 last week, still a lot of stuff to do before we can close those issues 20:01:35 <jborean93> Some issues have sprouted up and will start looking at them tomorrow or Friday, want to get the majority of the doco done before that 20:02:09 <dag1> I am going to do the win_nssm hopefully tonight 20:02:23 <jborean93> cool, would be good to close some of those 20:02:49 <jborean93> I was able to simplify running a scheduled task on demand to just 2 tasks. It auto deleted afterwards and I have put it in the new documentation 20:03:10 <dag1> nice 20:03:24 <dag1> still prefer not to ever have to use that ;-) 20:03:41 <dag1> I read the documentation, pretty good 20:03:50 <jborean93> Yep but people will still ask. I'm also currently fixing up the upgrade_to_ps3.ps1 script to support PS4/5.1. Going to create a new script and ultimately deprecate the older one 20:03:50 <dag1> lots of stuff to fill in (unless you worked on it since) 20:03:58 <dag1> oh nice ! 20:04:10 <dag1> I know that's one of the things that come up during presentations 20:04:18 <dag1> especially because the slide mentions it :-) 20:04:30 <jborean93> I'm just testing it now so I can document it 20:05:38 <jborean93> The only section that I might have trouble/skip for now is the DSC stuff. I'll see what I can do but I don't have too much experience in there 20:05:52 <jborean93> hopefully daBONDi and what I can find around can help with that 20:06:20 <jborean93> Anything else you wanted to add? 20:07:01 <dag1> yes, I put all my trust in daBONDi, he'll deliver ;-) 20:07:11 <dag1> I added badges now ! 20:07:30 <dag1> my PR was accepted, so now the wiki shows issue/PR numbers, for most of the communities 20:07:44 <dag1> https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows:-sprints 20:07:46 <jborean93> yep I saw that, very nice 20:08:36 <dag1> we only need to get the numbers down :-/ 20:09:43 <dag1> jborean93: I'd like to know what I could do about the Connection Refused PR 20:10:08 <dag1> jborean93: I'd like to get some feedback, obviously we need to make the delay and retry configurable 20:10:29 <jborean93> I know nitzmahone was looking at the downstream libraries but not sure where he got up to. I'll try and have a look sometime soon but don't have permissions to do anything on that library 20:10:59 <jborean93> He's been waylayed with support issues and has a conference this week so that took a big chunk of time :( 20:11:30 <dag1> yeah, I just want to know if the approach is ok, or we want to take it to another level 20:11:41 <dag1> it works for me quite well, but would like to see this adopted 20:11:57 <dag1> we have a handful of cases which would be helped with this patch 20:11:57 <jborean93> I'll try and find some time soon to look at it 20:12:11 <dag1> (things that restart winrm or the network...) 20:12:20 <dag1> or the firewall 20:12:54 <dag1> there's also a difference in behaviour between PS5 and older, PS5 works more reliable 20:13:10 <jborean93> all the more reason to upgrade :) 20:14:30 <dag1> Ah, trondhindenes offered to help write the DSC documentation 20:14:40 <dag1> maybe we should ask him to help with that too ? 20:14:55 <jborean93> if he's happy to, the more the better 20:15:52 <dag1> also, there's not been any progress with the backup-parameter 20:16:04 <dag1> which is quite easy to implement, in python it's only 5 lines IIRC 20:16:33 <dag1> would be nice to have that parameter added to all modules cfr. python 20:16:37 <jborean93> is there still a PR out there for it? 20:17:03 <dag1> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/26404#issuecomment-312963901 20:17:06 <dag1> no, I don't think so 20:17:19 <jborean93> feel free to create a module util with tests for it 20:18:41 <dag1> will do 20:19:21 <jborean93> Cool, is there anything else you want to add? 20:19:53 <dag1> hmm, let's look at the newest issues 20:20:27 <dag1> no, nothing that comes to mind 20:25:48 <jborean93> ok, if that is it I'll bring it to a close 20:27:29 <jborean93> going once 20:27:37 <jborean93> going twice 20:27:41 <jborean93> going three times 20:27:43 <jborean93> #endmeeting