#fedora-ci: Fedora CI SIG
Meeting started by bookwar at 15:35:00 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Init (bookwar, 15:35:07)
- https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/fedora-ci
- Fedora CI work (bookwar, 15:37:07)
- https://teams.fedoraproject.org/discover
yeah (jimbair,
- https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/ci/
- ACTION: Everyone, ask
bookwar for the invite and edit rights to the project (bookwar,
- Taskotron Going EOL on 2020-04-30 (bookwar, 15:46:17)
- ACTION: msrb Look
into python-version test implementation and add it to the generic
tests setup (bookwar,
- ACTION: msrb sync
with tflink on sharing tasks (bookwar,
- Open floor (bookwar, 15:58:47)
- communishift will be down from 2020-04-10 to
2020-05-01 for the datacenter move (bookwar,
Meeting ended at 16:02:27 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Everyone, ask bookwar for the invite and edit rights to the project
- msrb Look into python-version test implementation and add it to the generic tests setup
- msrb sync with tflink on sharing tasks
Action items, by person
- bookwar
- Everyone, ask bookwar for the invite and edit rights to the project
- msrb
- msrb Look into python-version test implementation and add it to the generic tests setup
- msrb sync with tflink on sharing tasks
- tflink
- msrb sync with tflink on sharing tasks
People present (lines said)
- bookwar (54)
- tflink (21)
- zodbot (11)
- jimbair (6)
- msrb (5)
- dcantrell (2)
- bgoncalv (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.