#fedora-design Meeting

Meeting started by mizmo at 18:03:45 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. We need to figure out what to do for the Fedora 20 Alpha wallpaper. (mizmo, 18:07:55)
    2. We should look through the list of potential F20 codenames and brainstorm some visual ideas for the F20 wallpaper. (mizmo, 18:08:10)

  1. Fedora 20 alpha wallpaper (mizmo, 18:09:45)
    1. tatica has proposed just making something basic, simple/abstract for the alpha, and once we have the codename we'll investigate something different (mizmo, 18:10:07)
    2. gnokii proposes doing a wallpaper that represents the 20 releases we've had so far (mizmo, 18:11:35)
    3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Wallpapers so this is missing F19 (mizmo, 18:12:30)
    4. http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-design-tasks.html (gnokii, 18:14:31)
    5. http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-design-tasks.html Schedule (mizmo, 18:14:42)
    6. IDEA: (tatica) use waves to represent 20 in an abstract way (mizmo, 18:15:56)
    7. IDEA: (gnokii) do something to represent the 20 releases so far (mizmo, 18:16:04)
    8. IDEA: (ryanlerch) use the 3D printed supplemental wallpaper from last release (or another supplemental wallpaper) (mizmo, 18:16:17)
    9. IDEA: (mizmo, riffing off tatica's idea) 20 elements (lines, circles, or something) intersecting in an interesting way (mizmo, 18:16:33)
    10. http://normal-ist-lahm.de/sammelles/alltag/faecher_fan002.jpg (gnokii, 18:17:22)
    11. http://normal-ist-lahm.de/sammelles/alltag/faecher_fan002.jpg (inspiration / gnokii) (mizmo, 18:17:56)
    12. IDEA: (gnokii) illustrate a fan with 20 leaves (mizmo, 18:18:25)
    13. IDEA: a rainbow with 20 rings to it (mizmo, 18:21:08)
    14. IDEA: a texture with spot lights on it, maybe 20 different light beams? something like http://www.google.com/imgres?biw=1366&bih=577&tbs=imgo:1&tbm=isch&tbnid=qpSOXrc2b4L9fM:&imgrefurl=http://www.123rf.com/photo_14198574_red-brick-wall-background-with-beams-of-light.html&docid=lV5NnyBLIt7bVM&imgurl=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/roystudio/roystudio1206/roystudio120600063/14198574-red-brick-wall-b (mizmo, 18:23:10)
    15. http://ur1.ca/f91mk (mizmo, 18:23:33)
    16. http://piratepad.net/f20-wallpaper <= idea so far (still working on it) (mizmo, 18:26:22)
    17. IDEA: i was messing around with this idea yesterday as a quick placeholder idea -- http://ryanlerch.org/bluewood.jpg (mizmo, 18:28:30)
    18. IDEA: what about abstract patterns? 20 waves of color? http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqMHHGIzFcpZvWA1TzjuuCwDihDejT-aPrZ3nr94farbAiVm7P (mizmo, 18:29:03)
    19. IDEA: use one of the patterns from http://subtlepatterns.com/ as a base for a design (ryanlerch, 18:31:13)
    20. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/08/ubuntu-wallpaper-13-10-picks (ryanlerch, 19:06:27)
    21. http://img.susepaste.org/528241ec (gnokii, 19:06:36)
    22. http://imgur.com/6U65R63 (mizmo, 19:11:57)
    23. http://piratepad.net/f20-wallpaper (gnokii, 19:57:15)
    24. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-_98QOoR53zg/UhpY2-Ib94I/AAAAAAAAA-M/q7Vpx1FdRN4/w693-h520-no/25082013895.jpg (gnokii, 21:00:08)

Meeting ended at 21:05:11 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mizmo (120)
  2. gnokii (91)
  3. robyduck (43)
  4. tatica (41)
  5. ryanlerch (29)
  6. finalzone (24)
  7. twohot (7)
  8. zodbot (6)
  9. Jenneh (5)
  10. croberts (5)
  11. inkscaper (2)
  12. banas (1)
  13. Emichan (1)
  14. mock (1)

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