#fedora-meeting: EPEL
Meeting started by smooge at 16:00:56 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Order of Business (smooge, 16:03:12)
- ACTION: Smooge will
set up a whenisgood for our meetings and mail to list (smooge,
- ACTION: Nirik will
make sure smooge does it and beat him if he doesnt (smooge,
- Who is EPEL these days (smooge, 16:06:26)
- http://tr.im/epelbugs (stahnma,
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=525807
<--- I reported this one and its almost a year old and I see bug
numbers older than mine .... should we look into getting some
provenpackager intervention or is there a way to have a group that
has access to build/push packages in everything in an EPEL branch
that could do thise? (maxamillion,
- ACTION: smooge is
packaging but not a packager.. uhm why/how and fix it (smooge,
- ACTION: get a list of
packages that have been branched but not built (smooge,
Meeting ended at 16:49:52 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Smooge will set up a whenisgood for our meetings and mail to list
- Nirik will make sure smooge does it and beat him if he doesnt
- smooge is packaging but not a packager.. uhm why/how and fix it
- get a list of packages that have been branched but not built
Action items, by person
- smooge
- Nirik will make sure smooge does it and beat him if he doesnt
- smooge is packaging but not a packager.. uhm why/how and fix it
- Smooge will set up a whenisgood for our meetings and mail to list
- get a list of packages that have been branched but not built
People present (lines said)
- smooge (56)
- dgilmore (29)
- maxamillion (23)
- stahnma (18)
- nirik (16)
- abadger1999 (3)
- zodbot (3)
- jds2001 (2)
- skvidal (2)
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