#fedora-meeting: Insight (Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda)
Meeting started by stickster at 19:01:29 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll call! (stickster, 19:01:39)
- present: asrob stickster Schendje-2
pcalarco (stickster,
- Last week's action items (stickster, 19:03:47)
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-12-02/insight.2010-12-02-19.00.html
- 1 -- done (stickster,
- 2 -- done (stickster,
- 3 -- not done (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
provide some sort of mockup for what we want to see from a FWN issue
view (stickster,
- 4 -- slow progress, not done (stickster,
- Packaging (stickster, 19:06:28)
- limb (Jon Ciesla maintainer) has put a virtual
Provides in the Fedora "drupal" package so that it provides
"drupal6" just like the EPEL package. (stickster,
- The rename package reviews for -cck, -views,
etc. would also make a good template for new packages to go
by. (stickster,
- stickster will continue to look for cycles to
do more package reviews (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
Sparks work on whittling down package reviews, starting with the
list from the Insight customization wiki page (stickster,
- Theme (stickster, 19:21:08)
- http://drupal.org/project/ninesixty
- ACTION: Schendje will
continue working on theme mockup and ask for feedback as
needed (stickster,
- Views/Book combo (stickster, 19:30:58)
- ACTION: pcalarco
asrob use instructions in link a few lines above to provide a better
one-page view (stickster,
- AGREED: As asrob
notes, we can use a custom template to replace our fwnbeat title
hack (stickster,
- ACTION: asrob prepare
custom node-fwnbeat.tpl.php template for inclusion in the Fedora
Insight hooks repo (stickster,
- All other business (open floor) (stickster, 19:50:47)
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/1
and look for 'insight' (nirik,
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2109
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2217
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2090
- ACTION: pcalarco
stickster clear out old infra tickets. (stickster,
Meeting ended at 20:05:43 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- stickster provide some sort of mockup for what we want to see from a FWN issue view
- stickster Sparks work on whittling down package reviews, starting with the list from the Insight customization wiki page
- Schendje will continue working on theme mockup and ask for feedback as needed
- pcalarco asrob use instructions in link a few lines above to provide a better one-page view
- asrob prepare custom node-fwnbeat.tpl.php template for inclusion in the Fedora Insight hooks repo
- pcalarco stickster clear out old infra tickets.
Action items, by person
- asrob
- pcalarco asrob use instructions in link a few lines above to provide a better one-page view
- asrob prepare custom node-fwnbeat.tpl.php template for inclusion in the Fedora Insight hooks repo
- pcalarco
- pcalarco asrob use instructions in link a few lines above to provide a better one-page view
- pcalarco stickster clear out old infra tickets.
- stickster
- stickster provide some sort of mockup for what we want to see from a FWN issue view
- stickster Sparks work on whittling down package reviews, starting with the list from the Insight customization wiki page
- pcalarco stickster clear out old infra tickets.
People present (lines said)
- stickster (104)
- asrob (26)
- Schendje-2 (21)
- pcalarco (20)
- nirik (16)
- tibbs (10)
- zodbot (4)
- gholms (4)
- jsmith (2)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.