#fedora-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by jonmasters at 19:59:31 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Fedora ARM weekly sync meeting - Wednesdays at 20:00UTC (4PM EDT, 9PM BST) (jonmasters, 20:00:04)
- 0. Current build status (jonmasters, 20:05:40)
- ACTION: jonmasters to
ping tools team in RH about helping on llvm (jonmasters,
- ACTION: pbrobinson to
send email with a list of problem children packages (jonmasters,
- 0.1 - Atomics on older processors (v5) - the future of v5, etc. etc. (jonmasters, 20:17:37)
- AGREED: keep
reviewing long term status of v5 over time (jonmasters,
- 1. Secondary Architecture Promotion (jonmasters, 20:29:22)
- ACTION: jonmasters et
al. to co-ordinate response on current status of 10 promotion
requirements as pertains to ARM (jonmasters,
- ACTION: dgilmore to
come up with a list of tasks that we will need to do (jonmasters,
- IDEA: retract F18
promotion request, revisit for F19 (jonmasters,
- 2. Happy Birthday ARM (jonmasters, 20:37:17)
- ACTION: dmarlin to
post some bits and a wiki page on fp.o about making images with
lorax/livemedia-creator (jonmasters,
- AGREED: Plan is to
have beta images available before May 7th (jonmasters,
- ACTION: jonmasters to
followup on getting upstream ARM kernel folks to test with more
Fedora-like configs (jonmasters,
- 3. Any other business. Open Floor. (jonmasters, 21:00:44)
Meeting ended at 21:05:34 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jonmasters to ping tools team in RH about helping on llvm
- pbrobinson to send email with a list of problem children packages
- jonmasters et al. to co-ordinate response on current status of 10 promotion requirements as pertains to ARM
- dgilmore to come up with a list of tasks that we will need to do
- dmarlin to post some bits and a wiki page on fp.o about making images with lorax/livemedia-creator
- jonmasters to followup on getting upstream ARM kernel folks to test with more Fedora-like configs
Action items, by person
- dgilmore
- dgilmore to come up with a list of tasks that we will need to do
- dmarlin
- dmarlin to post some bits and a wiki page on fp.o about making images with lorax/livemedia-creator
- jonmasters
- jonmasters to ping tools team in RH about helping on llvm
- jonmasters et al. to co-ordinate response on current status of 10 promotion requirements as pertains to ARM
- jonmasters to followup on getting upstream ARM kernel folks to test with more Fedora-like configs
- pbrobinson
- pbrobinson to send email with a list of problem children packages
People present (lines said)
- jonmasters (157)
- pbrobinson (55)
- dgilmore (29)
- djdelorie (18)
- dmarlin (7)
- maxam (6)
- jsmith (5)
- zodbot (3)
- nirik (1)
- nb (1)
- rbergeron (1)
- linville (1)
- pwhalen (1)
- ctyler (0)
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