#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors 2012-06-27

Meeting started by cwickert at 20:00:31 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Role Call (cwickert, 20:00:52)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol (cwickert, 20:03:39)

  2. Announcements (cwickert, 20:04:55)
    1. F18 board runoff elections between EvilBob and nb are over, nb made it. congrats to him and thanks to EvilBob for running (cwickert, 20:05:47)
    2. FAmSCo has a new meeting time. we now meet on Mondays at 17:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-2. join us if you like (cwickert, 20:06:59)
    3. AGREED: try to find a better timing for our meetings but only change them if we find something that is definitely better (cwickert, 20:12:19)
    4. ACTION: cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time (cwickert, 20:12:34)
    5. deadline for FAD EMEA 2012 is due. If you want to join us in Rheinfelden, please get in touch with geroldka ASAP. For more info, check out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2012 (cwickert, 20:14:11)

  3. Ambassadors Schedule (cwickert, 20:14:38)
  4. Swag (cwickert, 20:18:48)
    1. ACTION: zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send zoltanh7211 his address (cwickert, 20:26:01)
    2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fedora_Cheat_Cube_Users.svg (cwickert, 20:29:32)
    3. ACTION: gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes (cwickert, 20:30:18)
    4. ACTION: cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the old vendor and try to get a shirt from another one (cwickert, 20:34:20)
    5. if you need an ambassadors polo, please file a request as described at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt#EMEA (cwickert, 20:34:58)
    6. ACTION: zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary (cwickert, 20:39:10)
    7. ACTION: cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production (cwickert, 20:40:17)
    8. when we do shirts, do some for our friends in Brno, too. (cwickert, 20:43:44)

  5. Evnets (cwickert, 20:54:17)
  6. Events (cwickert, 20:54:25)
    1. the current list of events is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#EMEA-FY13Q2 (cwickert, 20:55:05)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_Fedora_event (cwickert, 20:58:18)
    3. ACTION: dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to add their cities (cwickert, 21:05:52)
    4. we need more people for FrOSCon on August 25+26th. please help us and add your name at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrOSCon_2012 (cwickert, 21:08:59)
    5. ACTION: gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about FrOSCon (cwickert, 21:10:24)

  7. Release events (cwickert, 21:12:01)
    1. if you held an release event, please make sure to write an event report, to blog about it and post pictures etc (cwickert, 21:13:07)
    2. ACTION: cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event reports (cwickert, 21:13:27)

  8. Open Floor (cwickert, 21:17:42)

Meeting ended at 21:27:38 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time
  2. zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send zoltanh7211 his address
  3. gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
  4. cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the old vendor and try to get a shirt from another one
  5. zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
  6. cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production
  7. dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to add their cities
  8. gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about FrOSCon
  9. cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event reports

Action items, by person

  1. cwickert
    1. cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time
    2. cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the old vendor and try to get a shirt from another one
    3. cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production
    4. cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event reports
  2. dmaphy
    1. dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to add their cities
  3. gnokii
    1. gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
    2. zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
    3. gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about FrOSCon
  4. jreznik
    1. zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send zoltanh7211 his address
  5. thunderbirdtr
    1. zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
  6. zoltanh7211
    1. zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send zoltanh7211 his address
    2. gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
    3. zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary

People present (lines said)

  1. cwickert (246)
  2. ibancioiu (53)
  3. thunderbirdtr (37)
  4. zoltanh7211 (32)
  5. dmaphy (16)
  6. gnokii (16)
  7. jreznik (14)
  8. zodbot (10)
  9. egyde|mob (4)
  10. egydev|mob (3)
  11. ib54003 (3)
  12. MarkDude (1)
  13. mharris (1)

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